blob: 87c0a12d085d4fd272ac4d7391b4f8dc6e365876 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This target builds the updater executable, its installer, and unittests.
group("win") {
deps = [
config("wrl_strict") {
# This definition is used in <wrl/module.h> to specify that only COM
# support is provided by WRL, and thus, avoid a dependency on WinRT, which
# is not available in Windows 7.
defines = [ "__WRL_CLASSIC_COM_STRICT__" ]
executable("updater") {
sources = [
configs += [ "//build/config/win:windowed" ]
deps = [
data_deps = [ ":uninstall.cmd" ]
process_version("uninstall.cmd") {
template_file = "setup/uninstall.cmd"
output = "$target_gen_dir/uninstall.cmd"
process_only = true
extra_args = [
process_version_rc_template("version_resources") {
sources = [ "updater.ver" ]
output = "$target_gen_dir/updater_exe.rc"
source_set("constants") {
sources = [
deps = [
source_set("lib") {
sources = [
configs -= [ "//build/config/win:winver" ]
configs += [ "//chrome/updater/app/server/win:winver" ]
defines = [ "SECURITY_WIN32" ]
libs = [
deps = [
source_set("install_progress_observer") {
sources = [
deps = [ "//base" ]
# This build target is defined to minimize the impact of -Wno-missing-braces
# compiler switch. In the future it might be possible to isolate the
# dependency of ATL in the UI so ATL headers are not visible in the
# compilation units outside the UI itself.
# TODO(sorin):
source_set("app_install_controller") {
if (is_win) {
visibility = [ "//chrome/updater/win/*" ]
allow_circular_includes_from = [ "//chrome/updater:lib" ]
cflags_cc = [ "-Wno-missing-braces" ]
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
source_set("tag_extractor") {
public = [ "tag_extractor.h" ]
sources = [
friend = [
# In the future, we want to rely on the base numerics headers and
# PeImageReader directly, but right now that isn't possible due to the
# visibility of the lib, so we depend on the entire base temporarily.
deps = [ "//base" ]
source_set("updater_tests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
data_deps = [
data = [
# Specific tests which must run in their own process due to COM, security, or
# test isolation requirements.
test("updater_unittests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
data = [ "//chrome/updater/test/data/updater.runtime_deps" ]
fuzzer_test("updater_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ ":tag_extractor" ]
seed_corpus = "../test/data/tag_extractor_corpus/"