blob: 4cf0974f2912014a79dde81defbaba1d08b0e2c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/app_list/model/app_list_folder_item.h"
#include "ash/app_list/views/horizontal_page.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace ash {
class AppsGridView;
class ApplicationDragAndDropHost;
class AppListFolderItem;
class AppListFolderView;
class AppListModel;
class ContentsView;
class FolderBackgroundView;
class PageSwitcher;
class SuggestionChipContainerView;
// AppsContainerView contains a root level AppsGridView to render the root level
// app items, and a AppListFolderView to render the app items inside the
// active folder.
class APP_LIST_EXPORT AppsContainerView : public HorizontalPage {
// Returns the minimum horizontal margins that apps grid has to respect.
static int GetMinimumGridHorizontalMargin();
AppsContainerView(ContentsView* contents_view, AppListModel* model);
~AppsContainerView() override;
// Shows the active folder content specified by |folder_item|.
void ShowActiveFolder(AppListFolderItem* folder_item);
// Shows the root level apps list. This is called when UI navigate back from
// a folder view with |folder_item|. If |folder_item| is nullptr skips
// animation.
void ShowApps(AppListFolderItem* folder_item);
// Resets the app list to a state where it shows the main grid view. This is
// called when the user opens the launcher for the first time or when the user
// hides and then shows it. This is necessary because we only hide and show
// the launcher on Windows and Linux so we need to reset to a fresh state.
void ResetForShowApps();
// Sets |drag_and_drop_host_| for the current app list in both
// app_list_folder_view_ and root level apps_grid_view_.
void SetDragAndDropHostOfCurrentAppList(
ApplicationDragAndDropHost* drag_and_drop_host);
// Transits the UI from folder view to root level apps grid view when
// re-parenting a child item of |folder_item|.
void ReparentFolderItemTransit(AppListFolderItem* folder_item);
// Returns true if it is currently showing an active folder page.
bool IsInFolderView() const;
// Called to notify the AppsContainerView that a reparent drag has completed.
void ReparentDragEnded();
// Updates the visibility of the items in this view according to
// |app_list_state| and |is_in_drag|.
void UpdateControlVisibility(ash::AppListViewState app_list_state,
bool is_in_drag);
// Updates y position and opacity of the items in this view during dragging.
void UpdateYPositionAndOpacity(float progress, bool restore_opacity);
// Called when tablet mode starts and ends.
void OnTabletModeChanged(bool started);
// Calculates the apps container or apps grid margin depending on the
// available content bounds, and search box size (the later is not used
// if |for_full_container_bounds| is false).
// |available_bounds| - The bounds available to lay out either full apps
// container or apps grid (depending on |for_full_contaier_bounds|).
// |search_box_size| - The expected search box size. Used to determine the
// the amount of space in apps container available to the apps grid
// (if calaulating margins for apps grid, |available_bounds| should
// not contain the search box, so this value will not be used in that
// case).
// |for_full_container_bounds| - Whether the bounds are being calculated
// for the whole apps container, or just the apps grid. It should be true
// iff app_list_features::IsScalableAppListEnabled().
// NOTE: This should not call into ContentsView::GetSearchBoxBounds*()
// methods, as CalculateMarginsForAvailableBounds is used to calculate the
// search box bounds.
const gfx::Insets& CalculateMarginsForAvailableBounds(
const gfx::Rect& available_bounds,
const gfx::Size& search_box_size,
bool for_full_container_bounds);
// views::View overrides:
void Layout() override;
bool OnKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent& event) override;
const char* GetClassName() const override;
void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) override;
// HorizontalPage overrides:
void OnWillBeHidden() override;
views::View* GetFirstFocusableView() override;
gfx::Rect GetPageBoundsForState(ash::AppListState state) const override;
SuggestionChipContainerView* suggestion_chip_container_view_for_test() {
return suggestion_chip_container_view_;
AppsGridView* apps_grid_view() { return apps_grid_view_; }
FolderBackgroundView* folder_background_view() {
return folder_background_view_;
AppListFolderView* app_list_folder_view() { return app_list_folder_view_; }
PageSwitcher* page_switcher() { return page_switcher_; }
// Updates suggestion chips from app list model.
void UpdateSuggestionChips();
enum ShowState {
SHOW_NONE, // initial state
// Returns the AppListConfig for the app list view this AppsContainerView
// belongs to.
const AppListConfig& GetAppListConfig() const;
void SetShowState(ShowState show_state, bool show_apps_with_animation);
// Suggestion chips and apps grid view become unfocusable if |disabled| is
// true. This is used to trap focus within the folder when it is opened.
void DisableFocusForShowingActiveFolder(bool disabled);
// Gets the suggestion chips container top margin for the app list transition
// progress.
int GetSuggestionChipContainerTopMargin(float progress) const;
// Returns expected suggestion chip container's y position based on the app
// list transition progress.
int GetExpectedSuggestionChipY(float progress);
struct GridLayout {
int columns;
int rows;
// Returns the number of columns and rows |apps_grid_view_| should display,
// depending on the current display work area size.
GridLayout CalculateGridLayout() const;
ContentsView* contents_view_; // Not owned.
// The views below are owned by views hierarchy.
SuggestionChipContainerView* suggestion_chip_container_view_ = nullptr;
AppsGridView* apps_grid_view_ = nullptr;
AppListFolderView* app_list_folder_view_ = nullptr;
PageSwitcher* page_switcher_ = nullptr;
FolderBackgroundView* folder_background_view_ = nullptr;
ShowState show_state_ = SHOW_NONE;
// The distance between y position of suggestion chip container and apps grid
// view. This is used in dragging to avoid duplicate calculation of apps grid
// view's y position.
int chip_grid_y_distance_ = 0;
struct CachedContainerMargins {
gfx::Size bounds_size;
gfx::Size search_box_size;
gfx::Insets margins;
// The last result returned by CalculateMarginsForAvailableBounds() -
// subsequent calls to that method will return the result cached in
// |cached_container_margins_|, provided the method arguments match the cached
// arguments (otherwise the margins will be recalculated).
CachedContainerMargins cached_container_margins_;
} // namespace ash