blob: 984ffa924faef7017fcccc9fb22eda3b2637b05d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Uses android_dlopen_ext() to share relocations.
// This source code *cannot* depend on anything from base/ or the C++
// STL, to keep the final library small, and avoid ugly dependency issues.
#include "base/android/linker/modern_linker_jni.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <link.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <android/dlext.h>
#include "base/android/linker/linker_jni.h"
// Not defined on all platforms. As this linker is only supported on ARM32/64,
// x86/x86_64 and MIPS, page size is always 4k.
#if !defined(PAGE_SIZE)
#define PAGE_SIZE (1 << 12)
#define PAGE_MASK (~(PAGE_SIZE - 1))
#define PAGE_START(x) ((x)&PAGE_MASK)
#define PAGE_END(x) PAGE_START((x) + (PAGE_SIZE - 1))
// Copied from //base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h to avoid depending on //base.
#define HANDLE_EINTR(x) \
({ \
decltype(x) eintr_wrapper_result; \
do { \
eintr_wrapper_result = (x); \
} while (eintr_wrapper_result == -1 && errno == EINTR); \
eintr_wrapper_result; \
extern "C" {
// <android/dlext.h> does not declare android_dlopen_ext() if __ANDROID_API__
// is smaller than 21, so declare it here as a weak function. This will allow
// detecting its availability at runtime. For API level 21 or higher, the
// attribute is ignored due to the previous declaration.
void* android_dlopen_ext(const char*, int, const android_dlextinfo*)
// This function is exported by the dynamic linker but never declared in any
// official header for some architecture/version combinations.
int dl_iterate_phdr(int (*cb)(dl_phdr_info* info, size_t size, void* data),
void* data) __attribute__((weak_import));
} // extern "C"
namespace chromium_android_linker {
namespace {
// Record of the Java VM passed to JNI_OnLoad().
static JavaVM* s_java_vm = nullptr;
// Guarded by |sLock| in
RelroSharingStatus s_relro_sharing_status = RelroSharingStatus::NOT_ATTEMPTED;
bool MapReadOnlyWithFlags(int fd, size_t size, int flags, void** out_address) {
void* address = mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_READ, flags, fd, 0);
if (address == MAP_FAILED) {
return false;
*out_address = address;
return true;
bool MapReadOnlyAshmem(int fd, size_t size, void** out_address) {
return MapReadOnlyWithFlags(fd, size, MAP_SHARED, out_address);
bool MapReadOnlyMemfd(int fd, size_t size, void** out_address) {
return MapReadOnlyWithFlags(fd, size, MAP_PRIVATE, out_address);
bool MapReadOnlyFixedWithFlags(int fd, void* address, size_t size, int flags) {
void* new_addr = mmap(address, size, PROT_READ, MAP_FIXED | flags, fd, 0);
if (new_addr == MAP_FAILED) {
PLOG_ERROR("mmap(MAP_FIXED, ...)");
return false;
return true;
bool MapReadOnlyFixedAshmem(int fd, void* address, size_t size) {
return MapReadOnlyFixedWithFlags(fd, address, size, MAP_SHARED);
bool MapReadOnlyFixedMemfd(int fd, void* address, size_t size) {
return MapReadOnlyFixedWithFlags(fd, address, size, MAP_PRIVATE);
// Creates a named memfd region of a given size. Returns the FD of this region.
// On error returns -1. The interface is modeled after ASharedMemory_create().
int CreateMemfd(const char* name, size_t size) {
int fd = syscall(__NR_memfd_create, name, 0x0002U /* MFD_ALLOW_SEALING */);
if (fd == -1) {
return -1;
if (HANDLE_EINTR(ftruncate(fd, size)) == -1) {
PLOG_ERROR("memfd ftruncate");
return -1;
return fd;
// Sets protection flags on a memfd region denoted by |fd|. The |prot| can be
// either PROT_READ or (PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE). Access rights can only be
// removed, but not added back. The region must be unmapped for changes to take
// effect. Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. The interface is modeled after
// ASharedMemory_setProt().
int SetProtectionMemfd(int fd, int prot) {
if (prot & ~(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE))
int flags = F_SEAL_GROW | F_SEAL_SHRINK;
if ((prot & PROT_WRITE) == 0) {
flags |= F_SEAL_WRITE;
if (fcntl(fd, F_ADD_SEALS, flags) == -1) {
PLOG_ERROR("apply RELRO seals");
return -1;
return 0;
} // namespace
// Starting with API level 26 (Android O) the following functions from
// should be used to create shared memory regions to ensure
// compatibility with the future versions:
// * ASharedMemory_create()
// * ASharedMemory_setProt()
// Starting from API level 30 (Android 11) Chrome would instead prefer to use
// `memfd_create(2)` because these FDs survive forking from the App Zygote. The
// system library on this version is still using ashmem. One important
// difference that `memfd_create` makes is that the sealed mappings should be
// made with the MAP_PRIVATE flag for `mmap(2)` (otherwise returns an error),
// while it should remain MAP_SHARED for ashmem (otherwise the region is
// zero-filled).
// Because of this difference mapping as read-only is added as two more
// functions:
// map_read_only_fixed for MAP_FIXED mappings (only allowed to replace a part
// of a previously reserved address range)
// map_read_only() for reserving a new address range
// This is inspired by //third_party/ashmem/ashmem-dev.c, which cannot be
// referenced from the linker library to avoid increasing binary size. Also
// there is no need to support API level <26 for ModernLinker.
// *Not* threadsafe.
struct SharedMemoryFunctions {
SharedMemoryFunctions(bool use_memfd) {
if (!use_memfd) {
library_handle = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW);
create = reinterpret_cast<CreateFunction>(
dlsym(library_handle, "ASharedMemory_create"));
set_protection = reinterpret_cast<SetProtectionFunction>(
dlsym(library_handle, "ASharedMemory_setProt"));
map_read_only = MapReadOnlyAshmem;
map_read_only_fixed = MapReadOnlyFixedAshmem;
} else {
create = CreateMemfd;
set_protection = SetProtectionMemfd;
map_read_only = MapReadOnlyMemfd;
map_read_only_fixed = MapReadOnlyFixedMemfd;
bool IsWorking() const {
if (create == CreateMemfd)
return true;
if (!create || !set_protection) {
LOG_ERROR("Cannot get the shared memory functions from libandroid");
return false;
return true;
~SharedMemoryFunctions() {
if (library_handle)
typedef int (*CreateFunction)(const char*, size_t);
typedef int (*SetProtectionFunction)(int fd, int prot);
typedef bool (*MapReadOnlyFunction)(int fd, size_t size, void** out_address);
typedef bool (*MapReadOnlyFixedFunction)(int fd, void* address, size_t size);
CreateFunction create;
SetProtectionFunction set_protection;
MapReadOnlyFunction map_read_only;
MapReadOnlyFixedFunction map_read_only_fixed;
void* library_handle = nullptr;
namespace {
// Invokes android_dlopen_ext() to load the library into a given address range.
// Assumes that the address range is already reserved with mmap(2). On success,
// the |handle| of the loaded library is returned.
// Returns true iff this operation succeeds.
bool AndroidDlopenExt(void* mapping_start,
size_t mapping_size,
const char* filename,
void** handle) {
if (!android_dlopen_ext) {
LOG_ERROR("android_dlopen_ext is not found");
return false;
android_dlextinfo dlextinfo{};
dlextinfo.reserved_addr = mapping_start;
dlextinfo.reserved_size = mapping_size;
" flags=0x%" PRIx64 ", reserved_addr=%p, reserved_size=%zu",
dlextinfo.flags, dlextinfo.reserved_addr, dlextinfo.reserved_size);
void* rv = android_dlopen_ext(filename, RTLD_NOW, &dlextinfo);
if (rv == nullptr) {
LOG_ERROR("android_dlopen_ext: %s", dlerror());
return false;
*handle = rv;
return true;
// With munmap(2) unmaps the tail of the given contiguous range of virtual
// memory. Ignores errors.
void TrimMapping(uintptr_t address, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) {
if (old_size <= new_size) {
LOG_ERROR("WARNING: library reservation was too small");
} else {
// Unmap the part of the reserved address space that is beyond the end of
// the loaded library data.
const uintptr_t unmap = address + new_size;
const size_t length = old_size - new_size;
munmap(reinterpret_cast<void*>(unmap), length);
// Calls JNI_OnLoad() in the library referenced by |handle|.
// Returns true for success.
bool CallJniOnLoad(void* handle) {
// Locate and if found then call the loaded library's JNI_OnLoad() function.
using JNI_OnLoadFunctionPtr = int (*)(void* vm, void* reserved);
auto jni_onload =
reinterpret_cast<JNI_OnLoadFunctionPtr>(dlsym(handle, "JNI_OnLoad"));
if (jni_onload != nullptr) {
// Check that JNI_OnLoad returns a usable JNI version.
int jni_version = (*jni_onload)(s_java_vm, nullptr);
if (jni_version < JNI_VERSION_1_4) {
LOG_ERROR("JNI version is invalid: %d", jni_version);
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
void NativeLibInfo::ExportLoadInfoToJava() const {
if (!env_)
s_lib_info_fields.SetLoadInfo(env_, java_object_, load_address_, load_size_);
void NativeLibInfo::ExportRelroInfoToJava() const {
if (!env_)
s_lib_info_fields.SetRelroInfo(env_, java_object_, relro_start_, relro_size_,
void NativeLibInfo::CloseRelroFd() {
if (relro_fd_ == kInvalidFd)
relro_fd_ = kInvalidFd;
// static
int NativeLibInfo::VisitLibraryPhdrs(dl_phdr_info* info,
size_t size UNUSED,
void* lib_info) {
auto* out_lib_info = reinterpret_cast<NativeLibInfo*>(lib_info);
ElfW(Addr) lookup_address =
// Use max and min vaddr to compute the library's load size.
auto min_vaddr = std::numeric_limits<ElfW(Addr)>::max();
ElfW(Addr) max_vaddr = 0;
ElfW(Addr) min_relro_vaddr = ~0;
ElfW(Addr) max_relro_vaddr = 0;
bool is_matching = false;
for (int i = 0; i < info->dlpi_phnum; ++i) {
const ElfW(Phdr)* phdr = &info->dlpi_phdr[i];
switch (phdr->p_type) {
case PT_LOAD:
// See if this segment's load address matches the value passed to
// android_dlopen_ext as |extinfo.reserved_addr|.
// Here and below, the virtual address in memory is computed by
// address == info->dlpi_addr + program_header->p_vaddr
// that is, the p_vaddr fields is relative to the object base address.
// See dl_iterate_phdr(3) for details.
if (lookup_address == info->dlpi_addr + phdr->p_vaddr)
is_matching = true;
if (phdr->p_vaddr < min_vaddr)
min_vaddr = phdr->p_vaddr;
if (phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz > max_vaddr)
max_vaddr = phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz;
min_relro_vaddr = PAGE_START(phdr->p_vaddr);
max_relro_vaddr = phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz;
// As of 2020-11 in RELRO is covered by a LOAD segment.
// It is not clear whether this property is going to be guaranteed in
// the future. Include the RELRO segment as part of the 'load size'.
// This way a potential future change change in layout of LOAD segments
// would not open address space for racy mmap(MAP_FIXED).
if (min_relro_vaddr < min_vaddr)
min_vaddr = min_relro_vaddr;
if (max_vaddr < max_relro_vaddr)
max_vaddr = max_relro_vaddr;
// Fill out size and relro information if there was a match.
if (is_matching) {
int page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
if (page_size != PAGE_SIZE)
out_lib_info->load_size_ = PAGE_END(max_vaddr) - PAGE_START(min_vaddr);
out_lib_info->relro_size_ =
PAGE_END(max_relro_vaddr) - PAGE_START(min_relro_vaddr);
out_lib_info->relro_start_ = info->dlpi_addr + PAGE_START(min_relro_vaddr);
return true;
return false;
bool NativeLibInfo::FindRelroAndLibraryRangesInElf() {
LOG_INFO("Called for 0x%" PRIxPTR, load_address_);
if (!dl_iterate_phdr) {
LOG_ERROR("No dl_iterate_phdr() found");
return false;
int status = dl_iterate_phdr(&VisitLibraryPhdrs, this);
if (!status) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to find library at address 0x%" PRIxPTR, load_address_);
return false;
return true;
bool NativeLibInfo::LoadWithDlopenExt(const String& path, void** handle) {
// The address range must be reserved during initialization in
if (!load_address_) {
// TODO(pasko): measure how often this happens.
return false;
// Remember the memory reservation size. Starting from this point load_size_
// changes the meaning to reflect the size of the loaded library.
size_t reservation_size = load_size_;
auto* address = reinterpret_cast<void*>(load_address_);
// Invoke android_dlopen_ext.
void* local_handle = nullptr;
if (!AndroidDlopenExt(address, reservation_size, path.c_str(),
&local_handle)) {
LOG_ERROR("android_dlopen_ext() error");
munmap(address, load_size_);
return false;
// Find RELRO and trim the unused parts of the memory mapping.
if (!FindRelroAndLibraryRangesInElf()) {
// Fail early if PT_GNU_RELRO is not found. It likely indicates a
// build misconfiguration.
LOG_ERROR("Could not find RELRO in the loaded library: %s", path.c_str());
return false;
// Release the unused parts of the memory reservation.
TrimMapping(load_address_, reservation_size, load_size_);
*handle = local_handle;
return true;
bool NativeLibInfo::CreateSharedRelroFd(
const SharedMemoryFunctions& functions) {
if (!use_memfd_initialized_)
if (!relro_start_ || !relro_size_) {
LOG_ERROR("RELRO region is not populated");
return false;
// Create a writable shared memory region.
int shared_mem_fd = functions.create("cr_relro", relro_size_);
if (shared_mem_fd == -1) {
LOG_ERROR("Cannot create the shared memory file");
return false;
int rw_flags = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
functions.set_protection(shared_mem_fd, rw_flags);
// Map the region as writable.
void* relro_copy_addr =
mmap(nullptr, relro_size_, rw_flags, MAP_SHARED, shared_mem_fd, 0);
if (relro_copy_addr == MAP_FAILED) {
PLOG_ERROR("failed to allocate space for copying RELRO");
return false;
// Populate the shared memory region with the contents of RELRO.
void* relro_addr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(relro_start_);
memcpy(relro_copy_addr, relro_addr, relro_size_);
// Protect the underlying physical pages from further modifications from all
// processes including the forked ones.
// Setting protection flags on the region to read-only guarantees that the
// memory can no longer get mapped as writable, for any FD pointing to the
// region, for any process. It is necessary to also munmap(2) the existing
// writable memory mappings, since they are not directly affected by the
// change of region's protection flags.
munmap(relro_copy_addr, relro_size_);
if (functions.set_protection(shared_mem_fd, PROT_READ) == -1) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to set the RELRO FD as read-only.");
return false;
relro_fd_ = shared_mem_fd;
return true;
bool NativeLibInfo::ReplaceRelroWithSharedOne(
const SharedMemoryFunctions& functions) const {
if (!use_memfd_initialized_)
if (relro_fd_ == -1 || !relro_start_ || !relro_size_) {
LOG_ERROR("Replacement RELRO not ready");
return false;
// Map as read-only to *atomically* replace the RELRO region provided by the
// dynamic linker. To avoid memory corruption it is important that the
// contents of both memory regions is identical.
if (!functions.map_read_only_fixed(
relro_fd_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(relro_start_), relro_size_)) {
return false;
LOG_INFO("Replaced RELRO at 0x%" PRIxPTR, relro_start_);
return true;
NativeLibInfo::NativeLibInfo(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_object)
: env_(env), java_object_(java_object) {}
bool NativeLibInfo::CopyFromJavaObject() {
if (!env_)
return false;
if (!s_lib_info_fields.GetLoadInfo(env_, java_object_, &load_address_,
&load_size_)) {
return false;
s_lib_info_fields.GetRelroInfo(env_, java_object_, &relro_start_,
&relro_size_, &relro_fd_);
return true;
bool NativeLibInfo::LoadLibrary(const String& library_path,
bool spawn_relro_region) {
// Load the library.
void* handle = nullptr;
if (!LoadWithDlopenExt(library_path, &handle)) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to load native library: %s", library_path.c_str());
return false;
if (!CallJniOnLoad(handle))
return false;
// Publish the library size and load address back to LibInfo in Java.
if (!spawn_relro_region)
return true;
// Spawn RELRO to a shared memory region by copying and remapping on top of
// itself.
SharedMemoryFunctions functions(use_memfd_);
if (!functions.IsWorking())
return false;
if (!CreateSharedRelroFd(functions)) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to create shared RELRO");
return false;
if (!ReplaceRelroWithSharedOne(functions)) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to convert RELRO to shared memory");
return false;
"Created and converted RELRO to shared memory: relro_fd=%d, "
"relro_start=0x%" PRIxPTR,
relro_fd_, relro_start_);
return true;
bool NativeLibInfo::RelroIsIdentical(
const NativeLibInfo& other_lib_info,
const SharedMemoryFunctions& functions) const {
if (!use_memfd_initialized_)
// Abandon sharing if contents of the incoming RELRO region does not match the
// current one. This can be useful for debugging, but should never happen in
// the field.
if (other_lib_info.relro_start_ != relro_start_ ||
other_lib_info.relro_size_ != relro_size_ ||
other_lib_info.load_size_ != load_size_) {
LOG_ERROR("Incoming RELRO size does not match RELRO of the loaded library");
return false;
void* shared_relro_address;
if (!functions.map_read_only(other_lib_info.relro_fd_,
&shared_relro_address)) {
return false;
void* current_relro_address = reinterpret_cast<void*>(relro_start_);
int not_equal =
memcmp(shared_relro_address, current_relro_address, relro_size_);
munmap(shared_relro_address, relro_size_);
if (not_equal) {
LOG_ERROR("Relocations are not identical, giving up.");
return false;
return true;
bool NativeLibInfo::CompareRelroAndReplaceItBy(
const NativeLibInfo& other_lib_info) {
if (other_lib_info.relro_fd_ == -1) {
LOG_ERROR("No shared region to use");
return false;
if (!FindRelroAndLibraryRangesInElf()) {
LOG_ERROR("Could not find RELRO from externally provided address: 0x%p",
return false;
SharedMemoryFunctions functions(use_memfd_);
if (!functions.IsWorking())
return false;
if (!RelroIsIdentical(other_lib_info, functions)) {
LOG_ERROR("RELRO is not identical");
s_relro_sharing_status = RelroSharingStatus::NOT_IDENTICAL;
return false;
// Make it shared.
// The alternative approach to invoke mprotect+mremap is probably faster than
// munmap+mmap here. The advantage of the latter is that it removes all
// formerly writable mappings, so:
// * It does not rely on disallowing mprotect(PROT_WRITE)
// * This way |ReplaceRelroWithSharedOne()| is reused across spawning RELRO
// and receiving it
if (!other_lib_info.ReplaceRelroWithSharedOne(functions)) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to use relro_fd");
// TODO(pasko): Introduce RelroSharingStatus::OTHER for rare RELRO sharing
// failures like this one.
return false;
s_relro_sharing_status = RelroSharingStatus::SHARED;
return true;
bool NativeLibInfo::CreateSharedRelroFdForTesting() {
if (!use_memfd_initialized_)
// The library providing these functions will be dlclose()-ed after returning
// from this context. The extra overhead of dlopen() is OK for testing.
SharedMemoryFunctions functions(use_memfd_);
if (!functions.IsWorking())
return CreateSharedRelroFd(functions);
// static
bool NativeLibInfo::SharedMemoryFunctionsSupportedForTesting() {
SharedMemoryFunctions functions(false);
return functions.IsWorking();
JNIEnv* env,
jclass clazz,
jstring jdlopen_ext_path,
jobject lib_info_obj,
jboolean spawn_relro_region,
jboolean use_memfd) {
// Copy the contents from the Java-side LibInfo object.
NativeLibInfo lib_info = {env, lib_info_obj};
if (!lib_info.CopyFromJavaObject())
return false;
String library_path(env, jdlopen_ext_path);
if (!lib_info.LoadLibrary(library_path, spawn_relro_region)) {
return false;
return true;
JNIEnv* env,
jclass clazz,
jobject lib_info_obj,
jboolean use_memfd) {
// Copy the contents from the Java-side LibInfo object.
NativeLibInfo incoming_lib_info = {env, lib_info_obj};
if (!incoming_lib_info.CopyFromJavaObject())
return false;
// Create an empty NativeLibInfo to extract the current information about the
// loaded library and later compare with the contents of the
// |incoming_lib_info|.
NativeLibInfo lib_info = {nullptr, nullptr};
if (!lib_info.CompareRelroAndReplaceItBy(incoming_lib_info)) {
return false;
return true;
JNIEnv* env,
jclass clazz) {
return static_cast<jint>(s_relro_sharing_status);
bool ModernLinkerJNIInit(JavaVM* vm, JNIEnv* env) {
s_java_vm = vm;
return true;
} // namespace chromium_android_linker