blob: 38e302ad6ca3057d3f88367d2674731f0b08f85e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <jni.h>
#include <link.h>
namespace chromium_android_linker {
class String;
// Used to find out whether RELRO sharing is often rejected due to mismatch of
// the contents.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Must be kept in sync with the enum
// in enums.xml. A java @IntDef is generated from this.
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.base.library_loader
enum class RelroSharingStatus {
COUNT = 3,
struct SharedMemoryFunctions;
// Holds address ranges of the loaded native library, its RELRO region, along
// with the RELRO FD identifying the shared memory region. Carries the same
// members as the Java-side LibInfo (without mLibFilePath), allowing to
// internally import/export the member values from/to the Java-side counterpart.
// Does *not* own the RELRO FD as soon as the latter gets exported to Java
// (as a result of 'spawning' the RELRO region as shared memory.
// *Not* threadsafe.
class NativeLibInfo {
// Constructs an empty instance. The |java_object| indicates the handle to
// import and export member fields.
// Having |env| as |nullptr| disables export to java for the lifetime of the
// instance. This is useful as a scratch info that is gradually populated for
// comparison with another NativeLibInfo, and then discarded.
NativeLibInfo(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_object);
// Copies the java-side object state to this native instance. Returns false
// iff an imported value is invalid.
bool CopyFromJavaObject();
void set_load_address(uintptr_t a) { load_address_ = a; }
// Whether to use memfd_create(2) when creating shared memory regions.
void set_use_memfd(bool use_memfd) {
use_memfd_initialized_ = true;
use_memfd_ = use_memfd;
uintptr_t load_address() const { return load_address_; }
// Loads the native library using android_dlopen_ext and invokes JNI_OnLoad().
// On a successful load exports the address range of the library to the
// Java-side LibInfo.
// Iff |spawn_relro_region| is true, also finds the RELRO region in the
// library (PT_GNU_RELRO), converts it to be backed by a shared memory region
// (here referred as "RELRO FD") and exports the RELRO information to Java
// (the address range and the RELRO FD).
// When spawned, the shared memory region is exported only after sealing as
// read-only and without writable memory mappings. This allows any process to
// provide RELRO FD before it starts processing arbitrary input. For example,
// an App Zygote can create a RELRO FD in a sufficiently trustworthy way to
// make the Browser/Privileged processes share the region with it.
bool LoadLibrary(const String& library_path, bool spawn_relro_region);
// Finds the RELRO region in the native library identified by
// |this->load_address()| and replaces it with the shared memory region
// identified by |other_lib_info|.
// The external NativeLibInfo can arrive from a different process.
// Note on security: The RELRO region is treated as *trusted*, no untrusted
// user/website/network input can be processed in an isolated process before
// it sends the RELRO FD. This is because there is no way to check whether the
// process has a writable mapping of the region remaining.
bool CompareRelroAndReplaceItBy(const NativeLibInfo& other_lib_info);
void set_relro_info_for_testing(uintptr_t start, size_t size) {
relro_start_ = start;
relro_size_ = size;
// Creates a shared RELRO region as it normally would during LoadLibrary()
// with |spawn_relro_region=true|. Exposed here because it is difficult to
// unittest LoadLibrary() directly.
bool CreateSharedRelroFdForTesting();
int get_relro_fd_for_testing() { return relro_fd_; }
static bool SharedMemoryFunctionsSupportedForTesting();
NativeLibInfo() = delete;
// Not copyable or movable.
NativeLibInfo(const NativeLibInfo&) = delete;
NativeLibInfo& operator=(const NativeLibInfo&) = delete;
// Exports the address range of the library described by |this| to the
// Java-side LibInfo.
void ExportLoadInfoToJava() const;
// Exports the address range of the RELRO region and RELRO FD described by
// |this| to the Java-side LibInfo.
void ExportRelroInfoToJava() const;
void CloseRelroFd();
// Callback for dl_iterate_phdr(). From program headers (phdr(s)) of a loaded
// library determines its load address, and in case it is equal to
// |lib_info.load_address()|, extracts the RELRO and size information from
// corresponding phdr(s).
static int VisitLibraryPhdrs(dl_phdr_info* info, size_t size, void* lib_info);
// Invokes dl_iterate_phdr() for the current load address, with
// VisitLibraryPhdrs() as a callback.
bool FindRelroAndLibraryRangesInElf();
// Loads and initializes the load address ranges: |load_address_|,
// |load_size_|. Assumes that the memory range is reserved (in
bool LoadWithDlopenExt(const String& path, void** handle);
// Initializes |relro_fd_| with a newly created read-only shared memory region
// sized as the library's RELRO and with identical data.
bool CreateSharedRelroFd(const SharedMemoryFunctions& functions);
// Assuming that RELRO-related information is populated, memory-maps the RELRO
// FD on top of the library's RELRO.
bool ReplaceRelroWithSharedOne(const SharedMemoryFunctions& functions) const;
// Returns true iff the RELRO address and size, along with the contents are
// equal among the two.
bool RelroIsIdentical(const NativeLibInfo& external_lib_info,
const SharedMemoryFunctions& functions) const;
static constexpr int kInvalidFd = -1;
uintptr_t load_address_ = 0;
size_t load_size_ = 0;
uintptr_t relro_start_ = 0;
size_t relro_size_ = 0;
int relro_fd_ = kInvalidFd;
JNIEnv* const env_;
const jobject java_object_;
bool use_memfd_initialized_ = false;
bool use_memfd_;
// JNI_OnLoad() initialization hook for the modern linker.
// Sets up JNI and other initializations for native linker code.
// |vm| is the Java VM handle passed to JNI_OnLoad().
// |env| is the current JNI environment handle.
// On success, returns true.
extern bool ModernLinkerJNIInit(JavaVM* vm, JNIEnv* env);
} // namespace chromium_android_linker