blob: 5fd3557880490b96bddb9e998897633f5e08db65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/reputation/reputation_service.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "chrome/browser/lookalikes/lookalike_url_interstitial_page.h"
#include "chrome/browser/lookalikes/lookalike_url_navigation_throttle.h"
#include "chrome/browser/lookalikes/lookalike_url_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/incognito_helpers.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/reputation/local_heuristics.h"
#include "chrome/browser/reputation/safety_tip_ui_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/reputation/safety_tips_config.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/content/browser_context_dependency_manager.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/content/browser_context_keyed_service_factory.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/db/v4_protocol_manager_util.h"
#include "components/security_state/core/security_state.h"
#include "components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/top_domains/top500_domains.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
namespace {
using chrome_browser_safety_tips::FlaggedPage;
using chrome_browser_safety_tips::UrlPattern;
using safe_browsing::V4ProtocolManagerUtil;
using security_state::SafetyTipStatus;
// This factory helps construct and find the singleton ReputationService linked
// to a Profile.
class ReputationServiceFactory : public BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory {
static ReputationService* GetForProfile(Profile* profile) {
return static_cast<ReputationService*>(
static ReputationServiceFactory* GetInstance() {
return base::Singleton<ReputationServiceFactory>::get();
friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<ReputationServiceFactory>;
: BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory(
BrowserContextDependencyManager::GetInstance()) {}
~ReputationServiceFactory() override = default;
// BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory:
KeyedService* BuildServiceInstanceFor(
content::BrowserContext* profile) const override {
return new ReputationService(static_cast<Profile*>(profile));
content::BrowserContext* GetBrowserContextToUse(
content::BrowserContext* context) const override {
return chrome::GetBrowserContextOwnInstanceInIncognito(context);
// Given a URL, generates all possible variant URLs to check the blocklist for.
// This is conceptually almost identical to safe_browsing::UrlToFullHashes, but
// without the hashing step.
// Note: Blocking "a.b/c/" does NOT block http://a.b/c without the trailing /.
void UrlToPatterns(const GURL& url, std::vector<std::string>* patterns) {
std::string canon_host;
std::string canon_path;
std::string canon_query;
V4ProtocolManagerUtil::CanonicalizeUrl(url, &canon_host, &canon_path,
std::vector<std::string> hosts;
if (url.HostIsIPAddress()) {
} else {
V4ProtocolManagerUtil::GenerateHostVariantsToCheck(canon_host, &hosts);
std::vector<std::string> paths;
V4ProtocolManagerUtil::GeneratePathVariantsToCheck(canon_path, canon_query,
for (const std::string& host : hosts) {
for (const std::string& path : paths) {
DCHECK(path.length() == 0 || path[0] == '/');
patterns->push_back(host + path);
security_state::SafetyTipStatus FlagTypeToSafetyTipStatus(
FlaggedPage::FlagType type) {
switch (type) {
case FlaggedPage::FlagType::FlaggedPage_FlagType_UNKNOWN:
case FlaggedPage::FlagType::FlaggedPage_FlagType_YOUNG_DOMAIN:
// Reached if component includes these flags, which might happen to
// support newer Chrome releases.
return security_state::SafetyTipStatus::kNone;
case FlaggedPage::FlagType::FlaggedPage_FlagType_BAD_REP:
return security_state::SafetyTipStatus::kBadReputation;
return security_state::SafetyTipStatus::kNone;
// Returns whether or not the Safety Tip should be suppressed for the given URL.
// Checks SafeBrowsing-style permutations of |url| against the component updater
// allowlist and returns whether the URL is explicitly allowed. Fails closed, so
// that warnings are suppressed if the component is unavailable.
bool ShouldSuppressWarning(const GURL& url) {
std::vector<std::string> patterns;
UrlToPatterns(url, &patterns);
auto* proto = GetSafetyTipsRemoteConfigProto();
if (!proto) {
// This happens when the component hasn't downloaded yet. This should only
// happen for a short time after initial upgrade to M79.
// Disable all Safety Tips during that time. Otherwise, we would continue to
// flag on any known false positives until the client received the update.
return true;
auto allowed_pages = proto->allowed_pattern();
for (const auto& pattern : patterns) {
UrlPattern search_target;
auto lower = std::lower_bound(
allowed_pages.begin(), allowed_pages.end(), search_target,
[](const UrlPattern& a, const UrlPattern& b) -> bool {
return a.pattern() < b.pattern();
if (lower != allowed_pages.end() && pattern == lower->pattern()) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
ReputationService::ReputationService(Profile* profile)
: profile_(profile),
num_sensitive_keywords_(base::size(top500_domains::kTop500Keywords)) {}
ReputationService::~ReputationService() = default;
// static
ReputationService* ReputationService::Get(Profile* profile) {
return ReputationServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
void ReputationService::GetReputationStatus(const GURL& url,
ReputationCheckCallback callback) {
LookalikeUrlService* service = LookalikeUrlService::Get(profile_);
if (service->EngagedSitesNeedUpdating()) {
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), url, std::move(callback)));
// If the engaged sites need updating, there's nothing to do until callback.
GetReputationStatusWithEngagedSites(url, std::move(callback),
void ReputationService::SetUserIgnore(content::WebContents* web_contents,
const GURL& url,
SafetyTipInteraction interaction) {
// Record that the user dismissed the safety tip. kDismiss is the base case,
// which makes it easier to track overall dismissal metrics without having
// to re-constitute from separate histograms that record specifically how the
// user dismissed the safety tip. The way the user dismissed the dialog is
// also recorded to this interaction histogram, but with a more specific value
// (e.g. kDismissWithEsc) that is passed into this method.
// Record a histogram indicating how the user dismissed the safety tip
// (i.e. esc key, close button, or ignore button).
RecordSafetyTipInteractionHistogram(web_contents, interaction);
void ReputationService::SetSensitiveKeywordsForTesting(
const char* const* new_keywords,
size_t num_new_keywords) {
sensitive_keywords_ = new_keywords;
num_sensitive_keywords_ = num_new_keywords;
bool ReputationService::IsIgnored(const GURL& url) const {
return warning_dismissed_origins_.count(url::Origin::Create(url)) > 0;
void ReputationService::GetReputationStatusWithEngagedSites(
const GURL& url,
ReputationCheckCallback callback,
const std::vector<DomainInfo>& engaged_sites) {
const DomainInfo navigated_domain = GetDomainInfo(url);
ReputationCheckResult result;
// We evaluate every heuristic for metrics, but only display the first result
// for the UI. We use |done_checking_reputation_status| to track when we've
// settled on the safety tip to show in the UI, so as to not overwrite this
// decision with other heuristics that may trigger later.
bool done_checking_reputation_status = false;
// 0. Server-side warning suppression.
// If the URL is on the allowlist list, do nothing else. This is only used to
// mitigate false positives, so no further processing should be done.
if (ShouldSuppressWarning(url)) {
done_checking_reputation_status = true;
// 1. Engagement check
// Ensure that this URL is not already engaged. We can't use the synchronous
// SiteEngagementService::IsEngagementAtLeast as it has side effects. This
// check intentionally ignores the scheme.
const auto already_engaged =
std::find_if(engaged_sites.begin(), engaged_sites.end(),
[navigated_domain](const DomainInfo& engaged_domain) {
return (navigated_domain.domain_and_registry ==
if (already_engaged != engaged_sites.end()) {
done_checking_reputation_status = true;
// 2. Server-side blocklist check.
security_state::SafetyTipStatus status = GetSafetyTipUrlBlockType(url);
if (status != security_state::SafetyTipStatus::kNone) {
if (!done_checking_reputation_status) {
result.safety_tip_status = status;
result.triggered_heuristics.blocklist_heuristic_triggered = true;
done_checking_reputation_status = true;
// 3. Protect against bad false positives by allowing top domains.
// Empty domain_and_registry happens on private domains.
if (navigated_domain.domain_and_registry.empty() ||
IsTopDomain(navigated_domain)) {
done_checking_reputation_status = true;
// 4. Lookalike heuristics.
GURL safe_url;
if (already_engaged == engaged_sites.end() &&
ShouldTriggerSafetyTipFromLookalike(url, navigated_domain, engaged_sites,
&safe_url)) {
if (!done_checking_reputation_status) {
result.suggested_url = safe_url;
result.safety_tip_status = security_state::SafetyTipStatus::kLookalike;
result.triggered_heuristics.lookalike_heuristic_triggered = true;
done_checking_reputation_status = true;
// 5. Keyword heuristics.
if (ShouldTriggerSafetyTipFromKeywordInURL(url, navigated_domain,
num_sensitive_keywords_)) {
if (!done_checking_reputation_status) {
result.safety_tip_status = security_state::SafetyTipStatus::kBadKeyword;
result.triggered_heuristics.keywords_heuristic_triggered = true;
done_checking_reputation_status = true;
if (IsIgnored(url)) {
if (result.safety_tip_status == SafetyTipStatus::kBadReputation) {
result.safety_tip_status = SafetyTipStatus::kBadReputationIgnored;
} else if (result.safety_tip_status == SafetyTipStatus::kLookalike) {
result.safety_tip_status = SafetyTipStatus::kLookalikeIgnored;
} else {
// Only reputation or lookalikes should show bubbles.
result.url = url;
DCHECK(done_checking_reputation_status ||
security_state::SafetyTipStatus GetSafetyTipUrlBlockType(const GURL& url) {
std::vector<std::string> patterns;
UrlToPatterns(url, &patterns);
auto* proto = GetSafetyTipsRemoteConfigProto();
if (!proto) {
return security_state::SafetyTipStatus::kNone;
auto flagged_pages = proto->flagged_page();
for (const auto& pattern : patterns) {
FlaggedPage search_target;
auto lower = std::lower_bound(
flagged_pages.begin(), flagged_pages.end(), search_target,
[](const FlaggedPage& a, const FlaggedPage& b) -> bool {
return a.pattern() < b.pattern();
while (lower != flagged_pages.end() && pattern == lower->pattern()) {
// Skip over sites with unexpected flag types and keep looking for other
// matches. This allows components to include flag types not handled by
// this release.
auto type = FlagTypeToSafetyTipStatus(lower->type());
if (type != security_state::SafetyTipStatus::kNone) {
return type;
return security_state::SafetyTipStatus::kNone;