blob: 93937147c3459989713d30b1522f9fa08336b12a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/cloud_content_scanning/binary_upload_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/cloud_content_scanning/deep_scanning_utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_modal_confirm_dialog.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_modal_confirm_dialog_delegate.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/proto/webprotect.pb.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_view_delegate.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class Profile;
namespace safe_browsing {
class DeepScanningDialogViews;
extern const base::Feature kDeepScanningOfUploadsUI;
// A tab modal dialog delegate that informs the user of a background deep
// scan happening in the given tab with an option to cancel the operation.
// If the UI is not enabled, then the dialog is not shown and the delegate
// proceeds as if all data (strings and files) have successfully passed the
// deep checks. However the checks are still performed in the background and
// verdicts reported, implementing an audit-only mode. The UI will be turned
// on once finalized.
// Users of this class normally call IsEnabled() first to determine if deep
// scanning is required for the given web page. If so, the caller fills in
// the appropriate data members of |Data| and then call ShowForWebContents()
// to start the scan.
// Example:
// contents::WebContent* contents = ...
// Profile* profile = ...
// safe_browsing::DeepScanningDialogDelegate::Data data;
// if (safe_browsing::DeepScanningDialogDelegate::IsEnabled(
// profile, contents->GetLastCommittedURL(), &data)) {
// data.text.push_back(...); // As needed.
// data.paths.push_back(...); // As needed.
// safe_browsing::DeepScanningDialogDelegate::ShowForWebContents(
// contents, std::move(data), base::BindOnce(...));
// }
class DeepScanningDialogDelegate {
// Used as an input to ShowForWebContents() to describe what data needs
// deeper scanning. Any members can be empty.
struct Data {
Data(Data&& other);
// Members than indicate what type of scans to perform. If |do_dlp_scan|
// is true then the text and files specified by the members below will be
// scanned for content compliance. If |do_malware_scan| is true then the
// files specified by the members below will be scanned for malware. Text
// strings are not scanned for malware.
bool do_dlp_scan = false;
bool do_malware_scan = false;
// Text data to scan, such as plain text, URLs, HTML content, etc.
std::vector<base::string16> text;
// List of files to scan.
std::vector<base::FilePath> paths;
// Result of deep scanning. Each Result contains the verdicts of deep scans
// specified by one Data.
struct Result {
Result(Result&& other);
// String data result. Each element in this array is the result for the
// corresponding Data::text element. A value of true means the text
// complies with all checks and is safe to be used. A false means the
// text does not comply with all checks and the caller should not use it.
std::vector<bool> text_results;
// File data result. Each element in this array is the result for the
// corresponding Data::paths element. A value of true means the file
// complies with all checks and is safe to be used. A false means the
// file does not comply with all checks and the caller should not use it.
std::vector<bool> paths_results;
// File information used as an input to event report functions.
struct FileInfo {
FileInfo(FileInfo&& other);
// SHA256 hash for the given file.
std::string sha256;
// File size in bytes. -1 represents an unknown size.
uint64_t size;
// Callback used with ShowForWebContents() that informs caller of verdict
// of deep scans.
using CompletionCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const Data& data, const Result& result)>;
// A factory function used in tests to create fake DeepScanningDialogDelegate
// instances.
using Factory =
DeepScanningDialogDelegate(const DeepScanningDialogDelegate&) = delete;
DeepScanningDialogDelegate& operator=(const DeepScanningDialogDelegate&) =
virtual ~DeepScanningDialogDelegate();
// Called when the user decides to cancel the file upload. This will stop the
// upload to Chrome since the scan wasn't allowed to complete.
void Cancel();
// Returns true if the deep scanning feature is enabled in the upload
// direction via enterprise policies. If the appropriate enterprise policies
// are not set this feature is not enabled.
// The |do_dlp_scan| and |do_malware_scan| members of |data| are filled in
// as needed. If either is true, the function returns true, otherwise it
// returns false.
static bool IsEnabled(Profile* profile, GURL url, Data* data);
// Entry point for starting a deep scan, with the callback being called once
// all results are available. When the UI is enabled, a tab-modal dialog
// is shown while the scans proceed in the background. When the UI is
// disabled, the callback will immedaitely inform the callers that all data
// has successfully passed the checks, even though the checks will proceed
// in the background.
// Whether the UI is enabled or not, verdicts of the scan will be reported.
static void ShowForWebContents(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
Data data,
CompletionCallback callback,
base::Optional<DeepScanAccessPoint> access_point = base::nullopt);
// In tests, sets a factory function for creating fake
// DeepScanningDialogDelegates.
static void SetFactoryForTesting(Factory factory);
// Returns true if the given file type is supported for scanning.
static bool FileTypeSupported(const bool for_malware_scan,
const bool for_dlp_scan,
const base::FilePath& path);
content::WebContents* web_contents,
Data data,
CompletionCallback callback,
base::Optional<DeepScanAccessPoint> access_point = base::nullopt);
// Callbacks from uploading data. Protected so they can be called from
// testing derived classes.
void StringRequestCallback(BinaryUploadService::Result result,
DeepScanningClientResponse response);
void FileRequestCallback(base::FilePath path,
BinaryUploadService::Result result,
DeepScanningClientResponse response);
base::WeakPtr<DeepScanningDialogDelegate> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
class FileSourceRequest;
// Uploads data for deep scanning. Returns true if uploading is occurring in
// the background and false if there is nothing to do.
bool UploadData();
// Adds required fields to |request| before sending it to the binary upload
// service.
void PrepareRequest(DlpDeepScanningClientRequest::ContentSource trigger,
BinaryUploadService::Request* request);
// Fills the arrays in |result_| with the given boolean status.
void FillAllResultsWith(bool status);
// Upload the request for deep scanning using the binary upload service.
// These methods exist so they can be overridden in tests as needed.
virtual void UploadTextForDeepScanning(
std::unique_ptr<BinaryUploadService::Request> request);
virtual void UploadFileForDeepScanning(
const base::FilePath& path,
std::unique_ptr<BinaryUploadService::Request> request);
// Closes the tab modal dialog. Returns false if the UI was not enabled to
// indicate no action was taken. Otherwise returns true.
// Virtual to override in tests.
virtual bool CloseTabModalDialog();
// Calls the CompletionCallback |callback_| if all requests associated with
// scans of |data_| are finished. This function may delete |this| so no
// members should be accessed after this call.
void MaybeCompleteScanRequest();
// Runs |callback_| with the calculated results if it is non null.
// |callback_| is cleared after being run.
void RunCallback();
// Sets the FileInfo the given file.
void SetFileInfo(const base::FilePath& path,
std::string sha256,
int64_t size);
// Completion of |FileRequestCallback| once the mime type is obtained
// asynchronously.
void CompleteFileRequestCallback(size_t index,
base::FilePath path,
BinaryUploadService::Result result,
DeepScanningClientResponse response,
std::string mime_type);
// The web contents that is attempting to access the data.
content::WebContents* web_contents_ = nullptr;
// Description of the data being scanned and the results of the scan.
// The elements of the vector |file_info_| hold the FileInfo of the file at
// the same index in |data_.paths|.
const Data data_;
Result result_;
std::vector<FileInfo> file_info_;
// Set to true once the scan of text has completed. If the scan request has
// no text requiring deep scanning, this is set to true immediately.
bool text_request_complete_ = false;
// The number of files scans that have completed. If more than one file is
// requested for scanning in |data_|, each is scanned in parallel with
// separate requests.
size_t file_result_count_ = 0;
// Called once all text and files have completed deep scanning.
CompletionCallback callback_;
// Pointer to UI when enabled.
DeepScanningDialogViews* dialog_ = nullptr;
// Access point to use to record UMA metrics. base::nullopt implies no metrics
// are to be recorded.
base::Optional<DeepScanAccessPoint> access_point_;
base::TimeTicks upload_start_time_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DeepScanningDialogDelegate> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace safe_browsing