blob: ec51512df657336bf5c4212bc82d8fecc34b7fb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/omnibox/common/omnibox_features.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace omnibox {
// Feature used to hide the scheme from steady state URLs displayed in the
// toolbar. It is restored during editing.
const base::Feature kHideFileUrlScheme {
// Android and iOS don't have the File security chip, and therefore still
// need to show the file scheme.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS)
// Feature used to hide the scheme from steady state URLs displayed in the
// toolbar. It is restored during editing.
const base::Feature kHideSteadyStateUrlScheme{
// Feature used to hide trivial subdomains from steady state URLs displayed in
// the toolbar. It is restored during editing.
const base::Feature kHideSteadyStateUrlTrivialSubdomains{
// Feature used to hide the path, query and ref from steady state URLs
// displayed in the toolbar. It is restored during editing.
const base::Feature kHideSteadyStateUrlPathQueryAndRef {
#if defined(OS_IOS)
// Feature used to undo all omnibox elisions on a single click or focus action.
const base::Feature kOneClickUnelide{"OmniboxOneClickUnelide",
// This feature simplifies the security indiciator UI for https:// pages.
// The default behavior is to show no verbose text for EV pages. When disabled,
// the verbose EV indicator text will be displayed.
// This feature is used for EV UI removal experiment (
const base::Feature kSimplifyHttpsIndicator{"SimplifyHttpsIndicator",
// This feature is used to have final suggestions within the Omnibox grouped
// by major type. i.e. search types are first, followed by all others,
// except for the default match which is unchanged in position.
const base::Feature kOmniboxGroupSuggestionsBySearchVsUrl{
"OmniboxGroupSuggestionsBySearchVsUrl", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Feature used to enable local entity suggestions. Similar to rich entities but
// but location specific. E.g., typing 'starbucks near' could display the local
// entity suggestion 'starbucks near disneyland \n starbucks * Anaheim, CA'.
const base::Feature kOmniboxLocalEntitySuggestions{
"OmniboxLocalEntitySuggestions", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Feature used to cap the number of URL-type matches shown within the
// Omnibox. If enabled, the number of URL-type matches is limited (unless
// there are no more non-URL matches available.) If enabled, there is a
// companion parameter - OmniboxMaxURLMatches - which specifies the maximum
// desired number of URL-type matches.
const base::Feature kOmniboxMaxURLMatches {
#if defined(OS_IOS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Feature used to enable entity suggestion images and enhanced presentation
// showing more context and descriptive text about the entity.
const base::Feature kOmniboxRichEntitySuggestions{
#if defined(OS_IOS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Feature used to enable swapping the rows on answers.
const base::Feature kOmniboxReverseAnswers{"OmniboxReverseAnswers",
// Feature used to enable matching short words to bookmarks for suggestions.
const base::Feature kOmniboxShortBookmarkSuggestions{
"OmniboxShortBookmarkSuggestions", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Feature used to force on the experiment of transmission of tail suggestions
// from GWS to this client, currently testing for desktop.
const base::Feature kOmniboxTailSuggestions{
"OmniboxTailSuggestions", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Feature that enables the tab-switch suggestions corresponding to an open
// tab, for a button or dedicated suggestion. Enabled by default on Desktop
// and iOS.
const base::Feature kOmniboxTabSwitchSuggestions{
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Feature that enables tab-switch suggestions in their own row.
const base::Feature kOmniboxTabSwitchSuggestionsDedicatedRow{
// Feature used to enable various experiments on keyword mode, UI and
// suggestions.
const base::Feature kExperimentalKeywordMode{"OmniboxExperimentalKeywordMode",
// Feature used to enable Pedal suggestions.
const base::Feature kOmniboxPedalSuggestions{"OmniboxPedalSuggestions",
// Feature used for UI that improves transparency of and control over omnibox
// suggestions. This includes "Why this Suggestion?" and user controls to delete
// personalized suggestions. This will be eventually enabled by default.
const base::Feature kOmniboxSuggestionTransparencyOptions{
"OmniboxSuggestionTransparencyOptions", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Feature to enable clipboard provider to suggest copied text.
const base::Feature kEnableClipboardProviderTextSuggestions{
#if defined(OS_IOS)
// Feature to enable clipboard provider to suggest searching for copied images.
const base::Feature kEnableClipboardProviderImageSuggestions{
#if defined(OS_IOS)
// Feature to enable the search provider to send a request to the suggest
// server on focus. This allows the suggest server to warm up, by, for
// example, loading per-user models into memory. Having a per-user model
// in memory allows the suggest server to respond more quickly with
// personalized suggestions as the user types.
const base::Feature kSearchProviderWarmUpOnFocus{
#if defined(OS_IOS)
// Feature used to display the title of the current URL match.
const base::Feature kDisplayTitleForCurrentUrl{
#if !defined(OS_IOS)
// Feature used for the max autocomplete matches UI experiment.
const base::Feature kUIExperimentMaxAutocompleteMatches{
// Feature used to display the search terms instead of the URL in the Omnibox
// when the user is on the search results page of the default search provider.
const base::Feature kQueryInOmnibox{"QueryInOmnibox",
// Feature used for showing the URL suggestion favicons as a UI experiment.
// Already launched on Desktop, and currently under development on Android.
// This flag is not used on iOS.
const base::Feature kUIExperimentShowSuggestionFavicons{
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Feature used to always swap the title and URL.
const base::Feature kUIExperimentSwapTitleAndUrl{
#if defined(OS_IOS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Feature used to enable speculatively starting a service worker associated
// with the destination of the default match when the user's input looks like a
// query.
const base::Feature kSpeculativeServiceWorkerStartOnQueryInput{
// Feature used to fetch document suggestions.
const base::Feature kDocumentProvider{"OmniboxDocumentProvider",
// Feature used to autocomplete bookmark, history, and document suggestions when
// the user input is a prefix of their titles, as opposed to their URLs.
const base::Feature kAutocompleteTitles{"OmniboxAutocompleteTitles",
// Feature to replace the standard ZeroSuggest with icons for most visited sites
// and collections (bookmarks, history, recent tabs, reading list). Only
// available on iOS.
const base::Feature kOmniboxPopupShortcutIconsInZeroState{
"OmniboxPopupShortcutIconsInZeroState", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Feature to use material design weather icons in the omnibox when displaying
// weather answers.
const base::Feature kOmniboxMaterialDesignWeatherIcons{
"OmniboxMaterialDesignWeatherIcons", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Returns whether IsInstantExtendedAPIEnabled should be ignored when deciding
// the number of Google-provided search suggestions.
const base::Feature kOmniboxDisableInstantExtendedLimit{
"OmniboxDisableInstantExtendedLimit", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Show the search engine logo in the omnibox on Android (desktop already does
// this).
const base::Feature kOmniboxSearchEngineLogo{"OmniboxSearchEngineLogo",
// Feature used to allow users to remove suggestions from clipboard.
const base::Feature kOmniboxRemoveSuggestionsFromClipboard{
"OmniboxRemoveSuggestionsFromClipboard", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Feature to provide non personalized head search suggestion from a compact
// on device model.
const base::Feature kOnDeviceHeadProvider{"OmniboxOnDeviceHeadProvider",
// Feature to debounce drive requests from the document provider.
const base::Feature kDebounceDocumentProvider{
"OmniboxDebounceDocumentProvider", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Exempts the default match from demotion-by-type.
const base::Feature kOmniboxPreserveDefaultMatchScore{
"OmniboxPreserveDefaultMatchScore", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Preserves the default match against change when providers return results
// asynchronously. This prevents the default match from changing after the user
// finishes typing. Without this feature, if the default match is updated right
// when the user presses Enter, the user may go to a surprising destination.
const base::Feature kOmniboxPreserveDefaultMatchAgainstAsyncUpdate{
// Demotes the relevance scores when comparing suggestions based on the
// suggestion's |AutocompleteMatchType| and the user's |PageClassification|.
// This feature's main job is to contain the DemoteByType parameter.
const base::Feature kOmniboxDemoteByType{"OmniboxDemoteByType",
// Feature to configure on-focus suggestions provided by ZeroSuggestProvider.
// This feature's main job is to contain some field trial parameters such as:
// - "ZeroSuggestVariant" configures the per-page-classification mode of
// ZeroSuggestProvider.
const base::Feature kOnFocusSuggestions{"OmniboxOnFocusSuggestions",
// Allow suggestions to be shown to the user on the New Tab Page upon focusing
// URL bar (the omnibox).
const base::Feature kZeroSuggestionsOnNTP{"OmniboxZeroSuggestionsOnNTP",
// Allow suggestions to be shown to the user on the New Tab Page upon focusing
// the real search box.
const base::Feature kZeroSuggestionsOnNTPRealbox{
"OmniboxZeroSuggestionsOnNTPRealbox", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Allow on-focus query refinements to be shown on the default SERP.
const base::Feature kZeroSuggestionsOnSERP{"OmniboxZeroSuggestionsOnSERP",
// If enabled, changes the way Google-provided search suggestions are scored by
// the backend. Note that this Feature is only used for triggering a server-
// side experiment config that will send experiment IDs to the backend. It is
// not referred to in any of the Chromium code.
const base::Feature kOmniboxExperimentalSuggestScoring{
"OmniboxExperimentalSuggestScoring", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// If enabled, shows a confirm dialog before removing search suggestions from
// the omnibox. See ConfirmNtpSuggestionRemovals for the NTP equivalent.
const base::Feature kConfirmOmniboxSuggestionRemovals{
"ConfirmOmniboxSuggestionRemovals", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Feature that enables not counting submatches towards the maximum
// suggestion limit.
const base::Feature kOmniboxLooseMaxLimitOnDedicatedRows{
"OmniboxLooseMaxLimitOnDedicatedRows", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
} // namespace omnibox