blob: 0a3224278d4891e1920fa4b3f309b0254862cebc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/db/database_manager.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace safe_browsing {
// This provides a simpler interface to
// SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager::CheckCsdWhitelistUrl() for callers that
// don't want to track their own clients.
class AllowlistCheckerClient : public SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager::Client {
using BoolCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool /* is_whitelisted */)>;
// Static method to lookup |url| on the CSD allowlist. |callback| will be
// called when the lookup result is known, or on time out, or if the
// |database_manager| gets shut down, whichever happens first.
// Must be called on IO thread.
static void StartCheckCsdWhitelist(
scoped_refptr<SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager> database_manager,
const GURL& url,
BoolCallback callback_for_result);
// Static method to lookup |url| on the high confidence allowlist. |callback|
// will be called when the lookup result is known, or on time out, or if the
// |database_manager| gets shut down, whichever happens first.
// Must be called on IO thread.
static void StartCheckHighConfidenceAllowlist(
scoped_refptr<SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager> database_manager,
const GURL& url,
BoolCallback callback_for_result);
// public constructor for use with std::make_unique
BoolCallback callback_for_result,
scoped_refptr<SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager> database_manager,
bool default_does_match_allowlist);
~AllowlistCheckerClient() override;
// SafeBrowsingDatabaseMananger::Client impl
void OnCheckWhitelistUrlResult(bool is_whitelisted) override;
void OnCheckUrlForHighConfidenceAllowlist(bool did_match_allowlist) override;
// Helper method to instantiate a AllowlistCheckerClient object.
static std::unique_ptr<AllowlistCheckerClient> GetAllowlistCheckerClient(
scoped_refptr<SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager> database_manager,
const GURL& url,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>* callback_for_result,
bool default_does_match_allowlist);
// Invokes |callback_for_result_| if the allowlist lookup completed
// synchronously i.e if |match| is |MATCH| or |NO_MATCH|. If, however, |match|
// is |ASYNC|, it releases the ownership of |client| so that it can be deleted
// in |OnCheckUrlResult| later.
static void InvokeCallbackOrRelease(
AsyncMatch match,
std::unique_ptr<AllowlistCheckerClient> client);
AllowlistCheckerClient() = delete;
// Calls the |callback_for_result_| with the result of the lookup or timeout.
void OnCheckUrlResult(bool did_match_allowlist);
// Called when the call to CheckCsdWhitelistUrl times out.
void OnTimeout();
// For setting up timeout behavior.
base::OneShotTimer timer_;
// The method to call when the match result is known.
BoolCallback callback_for_result_;
scoped_refptr<SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager> database_manager_;
// Whether to report allowlist match in any of the following cases:
// a) On timeout, or
// b) If the list is unavailable.
bool default_does_match_allowlist_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AllowlistCheckerClient> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace safe_browsing