blob: af971600d0a784bdabbd7ef309a8953529bcb992 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/task/task_executor.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/browser/scheduler/browser_io_thread_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/scheduler/browser_ui_thread_scheduler.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_task_traits.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
// The BrowserTaskExecutor's job is to map base::TaskTraits to actual task
// queues for the browser process.
// We actually have three TaskExecutors:
// * BrowserTaskExecutor registered for BrowserTaskTraitsExtension.
// * BrowserTaskExecutor::UIThreadExecutor registered with UI thread TLS.
// * BrowserTaskExecutor::IOThreadExecutor registered with IO thread TLS.
// This lets us efficiently implement base::CurrentThread on UI and IO threads.
namespace content {
class BrowserTaskExecutorTest;
class BrowserProcessSubThread;
class CONTENT_EXPORT BaseBrowserTaskExecutor : public base::TaskExecutor {
~BaseBrowserTaskExecutor() override;
// base::TaskExecutor implementation.
bool PostDelayedTask(const base::Location& from_here,
const base::TaskTraits& traits,
base::OnceClosure task,
base::TimeDelta delay) override;
scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> CreateTaskRunner(
const base::TaskTraits& traits) override;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> CreateSequencedTaskRunner(
const base::TaskTraits& traits) override;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> CreateSingleThreadTaskRunner(
const base::TaskTraits& traits,
base::SingleThreadTaskRunnerThreadMode thread_mode) override;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> CreateCOMSTATaskRunner(
const base::TaskTraits& traits,
base::SingleThreadTaskRunnerThreadMode thread_mode) override;
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
struct ThreadIdAndQueueType {
BrowserThread::ID thread_id;
BrowserTaskQueues::QueueType queue_type;
ThreadIdAndQueueType GetThreadIdAndQueueType(
const base::TaskTraits& traits) const;
virtual BrowserThread::ID GetCurrentThreadID() const = 0;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetTaskRunner(
const base::TaskTraits& traits) const;
scoped_refptr<BrowserUIThreadScheduler::Handle> browser_ui_thread_handle_;
scoped_refptr<BrowserIOThreadDelegate::Handle> browser_io_thread_handle_;
class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserTaskExecutor : public BaseBrowserTaskExecutor {
// Creates and registers a BrowserTaskExecutor on the current thread which
// owns a BrowserUIThreadScheduler. This facilitates posting tasks to a
// BrowserThread via //base/task/post_task.h.
// All BrowserThread::UI task queues except best effort ones are also enabled.
// TODO(carlscab): These queues should be enabled in
// BrowserMainLoop::InitializeMainThread() but some Android tests fail if we
// do so.
static void Create();
// Creates the IO thread using the scheduling infrastructure set up in the
// Create() method. That means that clients have access to TaskRunners
// associated with the IO thread before that thread is even created. In order
// to do so this class will own the Thread::Delegate for the IO thread
// (BrowserIOThreadDelegate) until the thread is created, at which point
// ownership will be transferred and the |BrowserTaskExecutor| will only
// communicate with it via TaskRunner instances.
// Browser task queues will initially be disabled, that is tasks posted to
// them will not run. But the default task runner of the thread (the one you
// get via ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()) will be active. This is the same
// task runner you get by calling BrowserProcessSubThread::task_runner(). The
// queues can be initialized by calling InitializeIOThread which is done
// during Chromium starup in BrowserMainLoop::CreateThreads.
// Early on during Chromium startup we initialize the ServiceManager and it
// needs to run tasks immediately. The ServiceManager itself does not know
// about the IO thread (it does not use the browser task traits), it only uses
// the task runner provided to it during initialization and possibly
// ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get() from tasks it posts. But we currently run it
// on the IO thread so we need the default task runner to be active for its
// tasks to run. Note that since tasks posted via the browser task traits will
// not run they won't be able to access the default task runner either, so for
// those tasks the default task queue is also "disabled".
// Attention: This method can only be called once (as there must be only one
// IO thread).
// Attention: Must be called after Create()
// Attention: Can not be called after Shutdown() or ResetForTesting()
static std::unique_ptr<BrowserProcessSubThread> CreateIOThread();
// Enables non best effort queues on the IO thread. Usually called from
// BrowserMainLoop::CreateThreads.
static void InitializeIOThread();
// Enables all queues on all threads.
// Can be called multiple times.
static void EnableAllQueues();
// As Create but with the user provided objects. Must call
// BindToUIThreadForTesting before tasks can be run on the UI thread.
static void CreateForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<BrowserUIThreadScheduler> browser_ui_thread_scheduler,
std::unique_ptr<BrowserIOThreadDelegate> browser_io_thread_delegate);
// Completes ui-thread set up. Must be called on the UI thread.
static void BindToUIThreadForTesting();
// This must be called after the FeatureList has been initialized in order
// for scheduling experiments to function.
static void PostFeatureListSetup();
// Winds down the BrowserTaskExecutor, after this no tasks can be executed
// and the base::TaskExecutor APIs are non-functional but won't crash if
// called. In unittests however we need to clean up, so
// BrowserTaskExecutor::ResetForTesting should be
// called (~BrowserTaskEnvironment() takes care of this).
static void Shutdown();
// Unregister and delete the TaskExecutor after a test.
static void ResetForTesting();
// Runs all pending tasks for the given thread. Tasks posted after this method
// is called (in particular any task posted from within any of the pending
// tasks) will be queued but not run. Conceptually this call will disable all
// queues, run any pending tasks, and re-enable all the queues.
// If any of the pending tasks posted a task, these could be run by calling
// this method again or running a regular RunLoop. But if that were the case
// you should probably rewrite you tests to wait for a specific event instead.
static void RunAllPendingTasksOnThreadForTesting(
BrowserThread::ID identifier);
// Adds a Validator for |traits|. It is assumed the lifetime of |validator| is
// is longer than that of the BrowserTaskExecutor unless RemoveValidator
// is called. Does nothing if the BrowserTaskExecutor is not registered.
static void AddValidator(const base::TaskTraits& traits,
BrowserTaskQueues::Validator* validator);
// Removes a Validator previously added by AddValidator. Does nothing if the
// BrowserTaskExecutor is not registered.
static void RemoveValidator(const base::TaskTraits& traits,
BrowserTaskQueues::Validator* validator);
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
// base::TaskExecutor implementation.
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& GetContinuationTaskRunner()
friend class BrowserIOThreadDelegate;
friend class BrowserTaskExecutorTest;
// Constructed on UI thread and registered with UI thread TLS. This backs the
// implementation of base::CurrentThread for the browser UI thread.
class UIThreadExecutor : public BaseBrowserTaskExecutor {
explicit UIThreadExecutor(
std::unique_ptr<BrowserUIThreadScheduler> browser_ui_thread_scheduler);
~UIThreadExecutor() override;
// base::TaskExecutor implementation.
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& GetContinuationTaskRunner()
scoped_refptr<BrowserUIThreadScheduler::Handle> GetUIThreadHandle();
void SetIOThreadHandle(
scoped_refptr<BrowserUIThreadScheduler::Handle> io_thread_handle);
void BindToCurrentThread();
BrowserThread::ID GetCurrentThreadID() const override;
std::unique_ptr<BrowserUIThreadScheduler> browser_ui_thread_scheduler_;
bool bound_to_thread_ = false;
// Constructed on UI thread and later registered with IO thread TLS. This
// backs the implementation of base::CurrentThread for the browser IO thread.
class IOThreadExecutor : public BaseBrowserTaskExecutor {
explicit IOThreadExecutor(
std::unique_ptr<BrowserIOThreadDelegate> browser_io_thread_delegate);
~IOThreadExecutor() override;
// base::TaskExecutor implementation.
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& GetContinuationTaskRunner()
scoped_refptr<BrowserUIThreadScheduler::Handle> GetIOThreadHandle();
void SetUIThreadHandle(
scoped_refptr<BrowserUIThreadScheduler::Handle> ui_thread_handle);
std::unique_ptr<BrowserIOThreadDelegate> TakeDelegate() {
return std::move(browser_io_thread_delegate_);
BrowserThread::ID GetCurrentThreadID() const override;
std::unique_ptr<BrowserIOThreadDelegate> browser_io_thread_delegate_;
static void CreateInternal(
std::unique_ptr<BrowserUIThreadScheduler> browser_ui_thread_scheduler,
std::unique_ptr<BrowserIOThreadDelegate> browser_io_thread_delegate);
// For GetProxyTaskRunnerForThread().
// For Get();
explicit BrowserTaskExecutor(
std::unique_ptr<BrowserUIThreadScheduler> browser_ui_thread_scheduler,
std::unique_ptr<BrowserIOThreadDelegate> browser_io_thread_delegate);
~BrowserTaskExecutor() override;
BrowserThread::ID GetCurrentThreadID() const override;
static BrowserTaskExecutor* Get();
std::unique_ptr<UIThreadExecutor> ui_thread_executor_;
std::unique_ptr<IOThreadExecutor> io_thread_executor_;
} // namespace content