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<title>The constraint validation API Test: element.validity.patternMismatch</title>
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var testElements = [
tag: "input",
types: ["text", "search", "tel", "url", "email", "password"],
testData: [
{conditions: {pattern: null, value: "abc"}, expected: false, name: "[target] The pattern attribute is not set"},
{conditions: {pattern: "[A-Z]+", value: ""}, expected: false, name: "[target] The value attibute is empty string"},
{conditions: {pattern: "[A-Z]{1}", value: "A"}, expected: false, name: "[target] The value attribute matches the pattern attribute"},
{conditions: {pattern: "[A-Z]+", value: "\u0041\u0042\u0043"}, expected: false, name: "[target] The value(ABC) in unicode attribute matches the pattern attribute"},
{conditions: {pattern: "[a-z]{3,}", value: "ABCD"}, expected: true, name: "[target] The value attribute mismatches the pattern attribute"},
{conditions: {pattern: "[A-Z]+", value: "ABC123"}, expected: true, name: "[target] The value attribute mismatches the pattern attribute even when a subset matches"}
validator.run_test (testElements, "patternMismatch");