blob: e138ef879262d43e5fac7e8c93e65782fc873dec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/common/scoped_drm_types.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/drm_device.h"
namespace ui {
// Helper function that finds the property with the specified name.
bool GetDrmPropertyForName(DrmDevice* drm,
drmModeObjectProperties* properties,
const std::string& name,
DrmDevice::Property* property);
// Transforms the gamma ramp entries into the drm_color_lut format.
ScopedDrmColorLutPtr CreateLutBlob(
const std::vector<display::GammaRampRGBEntry>& source);
// Converts |color_matrix| to a drm_color_ctm in U31.32 format where the most
// significant bit is the sign.
// |color_matrix| represents a 3x3 matrix in vector form.
ScopedDrmColorCtmPtr CreateCTMBlob(const std::vector<float>& color_matrix);
// Creates a new look-up table of the desired size to fit the expectations of
// the DRM driver.
std::vector<display::GammaRampRGBEntry> ResampleLut(
const std::vector<display::GammaRampRGBEntry>& lut_in,
size_t desired_size);
} // namespace ui