blob: 10da4f49f9b552a0a58743cac0c15d5fc4ab2c46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/hardware_display_plane_manager.h"
#include <drm_fourcc.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/drm_device.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/drm_gpu_util.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/hardware_display_plane.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/scanout_buffer.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
constexpr float kFixedPointScaleValue = 1 << 16;
} // namespace
HardwareDisplayPlaneList::HardwareDisplayPlaneList() {
HardwareDisplayPlaneList::~HardwareDisplayPlaneList() {
HardwareDisplayPlaneList::PageFlipInfo::PageFlipInfo(uint32_t crtc_id,
uint32_t framebuffer,
CrtcController* crtc)
: crtc_id(crtc_id), framebuffer(framebuffer), crtc(crtc) {
const PageFlipInfo& other) = default;
HardwareDisplayPlaneList::PageFlipInfo::~PageFlipInfo() {
HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::HardwareDisplayPlaneManager() : drm_(nullptr) {
HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::~HardwareDisplayPlaneManager() {
bool HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::Initialize(DrmDevice* drm) {
drm_ = drm;
// Try to get all of the planes if possible, so we don't have to try to
// discover hidden primary planes.
has_universal_planes_ =
if (!InitializeCrtcProperties(drm))
return false;
if (!InitializePlanes(drm))
return false;
std::sort(planes_.begin(), planes_.end(),
[](const std::unique_ptr<HardwareDisplayPlane>& l,
const std::unique_ptr<HardwareDisplayPlane>& r) {
return l->id() < r->id();
return true;
std::unique_ptr<HardwareDisplayPlane> HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::CreatePlane(
uint32_t id) {
return std::make_unique<HardwareDisplayPlane>(id);
HardwareDisplayPlane* HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::FindNextUnusedPlane(
size_t* index,
uint32_t crtc_index,
const DrmOverlayPlane& overlay) const {
for (size_t i = *index; i < planes_.size(); ++i) {
auto* plane = planes_[i].get();
if (!plane->in_use() && IsCompatible(plane, overlay, crtc_index)) {
*index = i + 1;
return plane;
return nullptr;
int HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::LookupCrtcIndex(uint32_t crtc_id) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < crtc_properties_.size(); ++i)
if (crtc_properties_[i].id == crtc_id)
return i;
return -1;
bool HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::IsCompatible(HardwareDisplayPlane* plane,
const DrmOverlayPlane& overlay,
uint32_t crtc_index) const {
if (plane->type() == HardwareDisplayPlane::kCursor ||
return false;
const uint32_t format = overlay.enable_blend ?
overlay.buffer->GetFramebufferPixelFormat() :
if (!plane->IsSupportedFormat(format))
return false;
// TODO(kalyank): We should check for z-order and any needed transformation
// support. Driver doesn't expose any property to check for z-order, can we
// rely on the sorting we do based on plane ids ?
return true;
void HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::PopulateSupportedFormats() {
std::set<uint32_t> supported_formats;
for (const auto& plane : planes_) {
const std::vector<uint32_t>& formats = plane->supported_formats();
supported_formats.insert(formats.begin(), formats.end());
supported_formats_.assign(supported_formats.begin(), supported_formats.end());
void HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::ResetCurrentPlaneList(
HardwareDisplayPlaneList* plane_list) const {
for (auto* hardware_plane : plane_list->plane_list) {
void HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::BeginFrame(
HardwareDisplayPlaneList* plane_list) {
for (auto* plane : plane_list->old_plane_list) {
bool HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::AssignOverlayPlanes(
HardwareDisplayPlaneList* plane_list,
const DrmOverlayPlaneList& overlay_list,
uint32_t crtc_id,
CrtcController* crtc) {
int crtc_index = LookupCrtcIndex(crtc_id);
if (crtc_index < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot find crtc " << crtc_id;
return false;
size_t plane_idx = 0;
for (const auto& plane : overlay_list) {
HardwareDisplayPlane* hw_plane =
FindNextUnusedPlane(&plane_idx, crtc_index, plane);
if (!hw_plane) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find a free plane for crtc " << crtc_id;
return false;
gfx::Rect fixed_point_rect;
if (hw_plane->type() != HardwareDisplayPlane::kDummy) {
const gfx::Size& size = plane.buffer->GetSize();
gfx::RectF crop_rect = plane.crop_rect;
crop_rect.Scale(size.width(), size.height());
// This returns a number in 16.16 fixed point, required by the DRM overlay
// APIs.
auto to_fixed_point =
[](double v) -> uint32_t { return v * kFixedPointScaleValue; };
fixed_point_rect = gfx::Rect(to_fixed_point(crop_rect.x()),
if (!SetPlaneData(plane_list, hw_plane, plane, crtc_id, fixed_point_rect,
crtc)) {
return false;
return true;
const std::vector<uint32_t>& HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::GetSupportedFormats()
const {
return supported_formats_;
std::vector<uint64_t> HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::GetFormatModifiers(
uint32_t crtc_id,
uint32_t format) {
int crtc_index = LookupCrtcIndex(crtc_id);
for (const auto& plane : planes_) {
if (plane->CanUseForCrtc(crtc_index) &&
plane->type() == HardwareDisplayPlane::kPrimary) {
return plane->ModifiersForFormat(format);
return std::vector<uint64_t>();
bool HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::SetColorMatrix(
uint32_t crtc_id,
const std::vector<float>& color_matrix) {
if (color_matrix.empty()) {
// TODO: Consider allowing an empty matrix to disable the color transform
// matrix.
LOG(ERROR) << "CTM is empty. Expected a 3x3 matrix.";
return false;
const int crtc_index = LookupCrtcIndex(crtc_id);
DCHECK_GE(crtc_index, 0);
CrtcProperties* crtc_props = &crtc_properties_[crtc_index];
ScopedDrmColorCtmPtr ctm_blob_data = CreateCTMBlob(color_matrix);
if (!crtc_props->
return SetColorCorrectionOnAllCrtcPlanes(crtc_id, std::move(ctm_blob_data));
ScopedDrmPropertyBlob ctm_prop =
drm_->CreatePropertyBlob(ctm_blob_data.get(), sizeof(drm_color_ctm));
crtc_props->ctm.value = ctm_prop->id();
return CommitColorMatrix(*crtc_props);
bool HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::SetGammaCorrection(
uint32_t crtc_id,
const std::vector<display::GammaRampRGBEntry>& degamma_lut,
const std::vector<display::GammaRampRGBEntry>& gamma_lut) {
const int crtc_index = LookupCrtcIndex(crtc_id);
if (crtc_index < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown CRTC ID=" << crtc_id;
return false;
CrtcProperties* crtc_props = &crtc_properties_[crtc_index];
if (!degamma_lut.empty() &&
(!crtc_props-> || !crtc_props->
return false;
if (!gamma_lut.empty() &&
(!crtc_props-> || !crtc_props-> {
// If we can't find the degamma & gamma lut, it means the properties
// aren't available. We should then try to use the legacy gamma ramp ioctl.
if (degamma_lut.empty())
return drm_->SetGammaRamp(crtc_id, gamma_lut);
// We're missing either degamma or gamma lut properties. We shouldn't try to
// set just one of them.
return false;
ScopedDrmColorLutPtr degamma_blob_data = CreateLutBlob(
ResampleLut(degamma_lut, crtc_props->degamma_lut_size.value));
ScopedDrmColorLutPtr gamma_blob_data =
CreateLutBlob(ResampleLut(gamma_lut, crtc_props->gamma_lut_size.value));
ScopedDrmPropertyBlob degamma_prop, gamma_prop;
if (degamma_blob_data) {
degamma_prop = drm_->CreatePropertyBlob(
sizeof(drm_color_lut) * crtc_props->degamma_lut_size.value);
crtc_props->degamma_lut.value = degamma_prop->id();
} else {
crtc_props->degamma_lut.value = 0;
if (gamma_blob_data) {
gamma_prop = drm_->CreatePropertyBlob(
sizeof(drm_color_lut) * crtc_props->gamma_lut_size.value);
crtc_props->gamma_lut.value = gamma_prop->id();
} else {
crtc_props->gamma_lut.value = 0;
return CommitGammaCorrection(*crtc_props);
bool HardwareDisplayPlaneManager::InitializeCrtcProperties(DrmDevice* drm) {
ScopedDrmResourcesPtr resources(drm->GetResources());
if (!resources) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get resources.";
return false;
unsigned int num_crtcs_with_out_fence_ptr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < resources->count_crtcs; ++i) {
CrtcProperties p{}; = resources->crtcs[i];
ScopedDrmObjectPropertyPtr props(
drm->GetObjectProperties(resources->crtcs[i], DRM_MODE_OBJECT_CRTC));
if (!props) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get CRTC properties for crtc_id=" <<;
// These properties are optional. If they don't exist we can tell by the
// invalid ID.
GetDrmPropertyForName(drm, props.get(), "CTM", &p.ctm);
GetDrmPropertyForName(drm, props.get(), "GAMMA_LUT", &p.gamma_lut);
GetDrmPropertyForName(drm, props.get(), "GAMMA_LUT_SIZE",
GetDrmPropertyForName(drm, props.get(), "DEGAMMA_LUT", &p.degamma_lut);
GetDrmPropertyForName(drm, props.get(), "DEGAMMA_LUT_SIZE",
GetDrmPropertyForName(drm, props.get(), "OUT_FENCE_PTR", &p.out_fence_ptr);
num_crtcs_with_out_fence_ptr += ( != 0);
// Check that either all or none of the crtcs support the OUT_FENCE_PTR
// property. Otherwise we will get an incomplete, and thus not useful,
// out-fence set when we perform a commit involving the problematic
// crtcs.
if (num_crtcs_with_out_fence_ptr != 0 &&
num_crtcs_with_out_fence_ptr != crtc_properties_.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Only some of the crtcs support the OUT_FENCE_PTR property";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace ui