blob: fd93563dc753df31a5d4af487bb27a43600a1cba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "chrome/common/extensions/api/tabs.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/api/windows.h"
class Browser; // TODO(stevenjb) eliminate this dependency.
class Profile;
namespace ui {
class BaseWindow;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
// This API needs to be implemented by any window that might be accessed
// through various extension APIs for modifying or finding the window.
// Subclasses must add/remove themselves from the WindowControllerList
// upon construction/destruction.
class WindowController {
enum Reason {
// A bitmaks used as filter on window types.
using TypeFilter = uint32_t;
// Represents the lack of any window filter, implying
// IsVisibleToExtension will be used as non-filtered behavior.
static const TypeFilter kNoWindowFilter = 0;
// Returns a filter allowing all window types to be manipulated
// through the APIs.
static TypeFilter GetAllWindowFilter();
// Builds a filter out of a vector of window types.
static TypeFilter GetFilterFromWindowTypes(
const std::vector<api::windows::WindowType>& types);
static TypeFilter GetFilterFromWindowTypesValues(
const base::ListValue* types);
WindowController(ui::BaseWindow* window, Profile* profile);
WindowController(const WindowController&) = delete;
WindowController& operator=(const WindowController&) = delete;
virtual ~WindowController();
ui::BaseWindow* window() const { return window_; }
Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
// Return an id uniquely identifying the window.
virtual int GetWindowId() const = 0;
// Return the type name for the window.
// TODO(devlin): Remove this in favor of the method on ExtensionTabUtil.
virtual std::string GetWindowTypeText() const = 0;
// Returns false if the window is in a state where closing the window is not
// permitted and sets |reason| if not NULL.
virtual bool CanClose(Reason* reason) const = 0;
// Returns a Browser if available. Defaults to returning NULL.
// TODO(stevenjb): Temporary workaround. Eliminate this.
virtual Browser* GetBrowser() const;
// Returns true if the window is visible to the tabs API, when used by the
// given |extension|.
// |allow_dev_tools_windows| indicates whether dev tools windows should be
// treated as visible.
// TODO(devlin): Remove include_dev_tools_windows.
virtual bool IsVisibleToTabsAPIForExtension(
const Extension* extension,
bool include_dev_tools_windows) const = 0;
// Returns true if the window type of the controller matches the |filter|.
bool MatchesFilter(TypeFilter filter) const;
// Notifies that a window's bounds are changed.
void NotifyWindowBoundsChanged();
ui::BaseWindow* window_;
Profile* profile_;
} // namespace extensions