blob: ba90b44625e982b343f00b41f6c53aee442d4220 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/browser/content_script_tracker.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_routing_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_handle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h"
#include "extensions/browser/url_loader_factory_manager.h"
#include "extensions/common/content_script_injection_url_getter.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/content_scripts_handler.h"
#include "extensions/common/user_script.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace {
// Helper for lazily attaching ExtensionIdSet to a RenderProcessHost. Used to
// track the set of extensions which have injected a JS content script into a
// RenderProcessHost.
// We track content script injection per-RenderProcessHost:
// 1. This matches the real security boundary that Site Isolation uses (the
// boundary of OS processes) and follows the precedent of
// content::ChildProcessSecurityPolicy.
// 2. This robustly handles initial empty documents (see the *InitialEmptyDoc*
// tests in // and isn't impacted
// by ReadyToCommit races associated with RenderDocumentHostUserData.
// For more information see:
class ContentScriptsSet : public base::SupportsUserData::Data {
static const ExtensionIdSet* Get(const content::RenderProcessHost& process) {
auto* self =
return self ? &self->content_scripts_ : nullptr;
static ExtensionIdSet& GetOrCreate(content::RenderProcessHost& process) {
auto* self =
if (!self) {
// Create a new ContentScriptsSet if needed. The ownership is passed to
// the `process` (i.e. the new ContentScriptsSet will be destroyed at the
// same time as the `process` - this is why we don't need to purge or
// destroy the set from within ContentScriptTracker).
auto owned_self = base::WrapUnique(new ContentScriptsSet);
self = owned_self.get();
process.SetUserData(kUserDataKey, std::move(owned_self));
return self->content_scripts_;
// base::SupportsUserData::Data override:
~ContentScriptsSet() override = default;
ContentScriptsSet() = default;
static const char* kUserDataKey;
ExtensionIdSet content_scripts_;
const char* ContentScriptsSet::kUserDataKey = "ContentScriptTracker's data";
class RenderFrameHostAdapter
: public ContentScriptInjectionUrlGetter::FrameAdapter {
explicit RenderFrameHostAdapter(content::RenderFrameHost* frame)
: frame_(frame) {}
~RenderFrameHostAdapter() override = default;
std::unique_ptr<FrameAdapter> Clone() const override {
return std::make_unique<RenderFrameHostAdapter>(frame_);
std::unique_ptr<FrameAdapter> GetLocalParentOrOpener() const override {
content::RenderFrameHost* parent_or_opener = frame_->GetParent();
if (!parent_or_opener) {
parent_or_opener =
if (!parent_or_opener)
return nullptr;
// Renderer-side WebLocalFrameAdapter only considers local frames.
// Comparing processes is robust way to replicate such renderer-side checks,
// because out caller (DoesContentScriptMatch) accepts false positives.
// This comparison might be less accurate (e.g. give more false positives)
// than SiteInstance comparison, but comparing processes should be robust
// and stable as SiteInstanceGroup refactoring proceeds.
if (parent_or_opener->GetProcess() != frame_->GetProcess())
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<RenderFrameHostAdapter>(parent_or_opener);
GURL GetUrl() const override { return frame_->GetLastCommittedURL(); }
url::Origin GetOrigin() const override {
return frame_->GetLastCommittedOrigin();
bool CanAccess(const url::Origin& target) const override {
// CanAccess should not be called - see the comment for
// kAllowInaccessibleParents in GetEffectiveDocumentURL below.
return true;
bool CanAccess(const FrameAdapter& target) const override {
// CanAccess should not be called - see the comment for
// kAllowInaccessibleParents in GetEffectiveDocumentURL below.
return true;
uintptr_t GetId() const override { return frame_->GetRoutingID(); }
content::RenderFrameHost* const frame_;
// This function approximates ScriptContext::GetEffectiveDocumentURLForInjection
// from the renderer side.
GURL GetEffectiveDocumentURL(
content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
const GURL& document_url,
MatchOriginAsFallbackBehavior match_origin_as_fallback) {
// This is a simplification to avoid calling
// `RenderFrameHostAdapter::CanAccess` which is unable to replicate all of
// WebSecurityOrigin::CanAccess checks (e.g. universal access or file
// exceptions tracked on the renderer side). This is okay, because our only
// caller (DoesContentScriptMatch()) expects false positives.
constexpr bool kAllowInaccessibleParents = true;
return ContentScriptInjectionUrlGetter::Get(
RenderFrameHostAdapter(frame), document_url, match_origin_as_fallback,
// If `user_script` will inject JavaScript content script into the target of
// `navigation`, then DoesContentScriptMatch returns true. Otherwise it may
// return either true or false. Note that this function ignores CSS content
// scripts.
// This function approximates a subset of checks from
// UserScriptSet::GetInjectionForScript (which runs in the renderer process).
// Unlike the renderer version, the code below doesn't consider ability to
// create an injection host or the results of ScriptInjector::CanExecuteOnFrame.
// Additionally the `effective_url` calculations are also only an approximation.
// This is okay, because the top-level doc comment for ContentScriptTracker
// documents that false positives are expected and why they are okay.
bool DoesContentScriptMatch(const UserScript& user_script,
content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
const GURL& url) {
// ContentScriptTracker only needs to track Javascript content scripts (e.g.
// doesn't track CSS-only injections).
if (user_script.js_scripts().empty())
return false;
GURL effective_url = GetEffectiveDocumentURL(
frame, url, user_script.match_origin_as_fallback());
bool is_subframe = frame->GetParent();
return user_script.MatchesDocument(effective_url, is_subframe);
void HandleProgrammaticContentScriptInjection(
base::PassKey<ContentScriptTracker> pass_key,
content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
const Extension& extension) {
// Store `` in `content_scripts_for_process`.
// ContentScriptTracker never removes entries from this set - once a renderer
// process gains an ability to talk on behalf of a content script, it retains
// this ability forever. Note that the set will be destroyed together with
// the RenderProcessHost (see also a comment inside
// ContentScriptsSet::GetOrCreate).
ExtensionIdSet& content_scripts_for_process =
pass_key, frame, extension);
// If `extension`'s manifest declares that it may inject JavaScript content
// script into the `frame` / `url`, then DoContentScriptsMatch returns true.
// Otherwise it may return either true or false.
// Note that the `url` might be either 1) the last committed URL of `frame` or
// 2) the target of a ReadyToCommit navigation in `frame`.
// Note that this method ignores CSS content scripts.
bool DoContentScriptsMatch(const Extension& extension,
content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
const GURL& url) {
const UserScriptList& list =
return std::any_of(list.begin(), list.end(),
[frame, &url](const std::unique_ptr<UserScript>& script) {
return DoesContentScriptMatch(*script, frame, url);
std::vector<const Extension*> GetExtensionsInjectingContentScripts(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation) {
content::RenderFrameHost* frame = navigation->GetRenderFrameHost();
const GURL& url = navigation->GetURL();
std::vector<const Extension*> extensions_injecting_content_scripts;
const ExtensionRegistry* registry =
DCHECK(registry); // This method shouldn't be called during shutdown.
for (const auto& it : registry->enabled_extensions()) {
const Extension& extension = *it;
if (!DoContentScriptsMatch(extension, frame, url))
return extensions_injecting_content_scripts;
} // namespace
// static
bool ContentScriptTracker::DidProcessRunContentScriptFromExtension(
const content::RenderProcessHost& process,
const ExtensionId& extension_id) {
// Check if we've been notified about the content script injection via
// ReadyToCommitNavigation or WillExecuteCode methods.
const ExtensionIdSet* extension_id_set = ContentScriptsSet::Get(process);
if (!extension_id_set)
return false;
return base::Contains(*extension_id_set, extension_id);
// static
void ContentScriptTracker::ReadyToCommitNavigation(
base::PassKey<ExtensionWebContentsObserver> pass_key,
content::NavigationHandle* navigation) {
// Store `extensions_injecting_content_scripts` in
// `content_scripts_for_process`. ContentScriptTracker never removes entries
// from this set - once a renderer process gains an ability to talk on behalf
// of a content script, it retains this ability forever. Note that the set
// will be destroyed together with the RenderProcessHost (see also a comment
// inside ContentScriptsSet::GetOrCreate).
std::vector<const Extension*> extensions_injecting_content_scripts =
ExtensionIdSet& content_scripts_for_process = ContentScriptsSet::GetOrCreate(
for (const Extension* extension : extensions_injecting_content_scripts)
base::PassKey<ContentScriptTracker>(), navigation,
// static
void ContentScriptTracker::WillExecuteCode(
base::PassKey<ScriptExecutor> pass_key,
content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
const mojom::HostID& host_id) {
switch (host_id.type) {
case mojom::HostID::HostType::kWebUi:
// This class only tracks extensions.
case mojom::HostID::HostType::kExtensions:
const ExtensionRegistry* registry =
DCHECK(registry); // WillExecuteCode shouldn't happen during shutdown.
const Extension* extension =
DCHECK(extension); // Guaranteed by the caller - see the doc comment.
HandleProgrammaticContentScriptInjection(PassKey(), frame, *extension);
// static
void ContentScriptTracker::WillExecuteCode(
base::PassKey<RequestContentScript> pass_key,
content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
const Extension& extension) {
HandleProgrammaticContentScriptInjection(PassKey(), frame, extension);
// static
bool ContentScriptTracker::DoContentScriptsMatchForTesting(
const Extension& extension,
content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
const GURL& url) {
return DoContentScriptsMatch(extension, frame, url);
} // namespace extensions