blob: da3dc54d88644d61c55400d63d4aebcda8b894d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner_helpers.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_function_histogram_value.h"
#include "extensions/browser/quota_service.h"
#include "extensions/common/constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/features/feature.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/console_message.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/service_worker/service_worker_database.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/service_worker/service_worker_object.mojom-forward.h"
namespace base {
class ListValue;
class Value;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class RenderFrameHost;
class WebContents;
namespace extensions {
class ExtensionFunctionDispatcher;
#ifdef NDEBUG
do { \
if (!(test)) { \
this->SetBadMessage(); \
return ValidationFailure(this); \
} \
} while (0)
#else // NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
#ifdef NDEBUG
do { \
if (!(test)) { \
this->SetBadMessage(); \
return false; \
} \
} while (0)
#else // NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
// Declares a callable extension function with the given |name|. You must also
// supply a unique |histogramvalue| used for histograms of extension function
// invocation (add new ones at the end of the enum in
// extension_function_histogram_value.h).
// TODO(devlin): This would be nicer if instead we defined the constructor
// for the ExtensionFunction since the histogram value and name should never
// change. Then, we could get rid of the set_ methods for those values on
// ExtensionFunction, and there'd be no possibility of having them be
// "wrong" for a given function. Unfortunately, that would require updating
// each ExtensionFunction and construction site, which, while possible, is
// quite costly.
#define DECLARE_EXTENSION_FUNCTION(name, histogramvalue) \
public: \
static constexpr const char* static_function_name() { return name; } \
public: \
static constexpr extensions::functions::HistogramValue \
static_histogram_value() { \
return extensions::functions::histogramvalue; \
// Abstract base class for extension functions the ExtensionFunctionDispatcher
// knows how to dispatch to.
class ExtensionFunction : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<
content::BrowserThread::DeleteOnUIThread> {
enum ResponseType {
// The function has succeeded.
// The function has failed.
// The input message is malformed.
// TODO( Convert the type of |results| to a base::Value.
using ResponseCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(ResponseType type,
const base::Value& results,
const std::string& error)>;
static void EnsureShutdownNotifierFactoryBuilt();
// Returns true if the function has permission to run.
// This checks the Extension's permissions against the features declared in
// the *_features.json files. Note that some functions may perform additional
// checks in Run(), such as for specific host permissions or user gestures.
bool HasPermission() const;
// Sends |error| as an error response.
void RespondWithError(std::string error);
// The result of a function call.
// Use NoArguments(), OneArgument(), ArgumentList(), or Error()
// rather than this class directly.
class ResponseValueObject {
virtual ~ResponseValueObject() {}
// Returns true for success, false for failure.
virtual bool Apply() = 0;
void SetFunctionResults(ExtensionFunction* function, base::Value results);
void SetFunctionError(ExtensionFunction* function, std::string error);
typedef std::unique_ptr<ResponseValueObject> ResponseValue;
// The action to use when returning from RunAsync.
// Use RespondNow() or RespondLater() or AlreadyResponded() rather than this
// class directly.
class ResponseActionObject {
virtual ~ResponseActionObject() {}
virtual void Execute() = 0;
typedef std::unique_ptr<ResponseActionObject> ResponseAction;
// Helper class for tests to force all ExtensionFunction::user_gesture()
// calls to return true as long as at least one instance of this class
// exists.
class ScopedUserGestureForTests {
// A string used in the case of an unknown error being detected.
// DON'T USE THIS. It's only here during conversion to flag cases where errors
// aren't already set.
// TODO(devlin): Remove this if/when all functions are updated to return real
// errors.
static const char kUnknownErrorDoNotUse[];
// Called before Run() in order to perform a common verification check so that
// APIs subclassing this don't have to roll their own RunSafe() variants.
// If this returns false, then Run() is never called, and the function
// responds immediately with an error (note that error must be non-empty in
// this case). If this returns true, execution continues on to Run().
virtual bool PreRunValidation(std::string* error);
// Runs the extension function if PreRunValidation() succeeds. This should be
// called at most once over the lifetime of an ExtensionFunction.
ResponseAction RunWithValidation();
// Runs the function and returns the action to take when the caller is ready
// to respond. Callers can expect this is called at most once for the lifetime
// of an ExtensionFunction.
// Typical return values might be:
// * RespondNow(NoArguments())
// * RespondNow(OneArgument(42))
// * RespondNow(ArgumentList(my_result.ToValue()))
// * RespondNow(Error("Warp core breach"))
// * RespondNow(Error("Warp core breach on *", GetURL()))
// * RespondLater(), then later,
// * Respond(NoArguments())
// * ... etc.
// Callers must call Execute() on the return ResponseAction at some point,
// exactly once.
// ExtensionFunction implementations are encouraged to just implement Run.
virtual ResponseAction Run() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
// Gets whether quota should be applied to this individual function
// invocation. This is different to GetQuotaLimitHeuristics which is only
// invoked once and then cached.
// Returns false by default.
virtual bool ShouldSkipQuotaLimiting() const;
// Optionally adds one or multiple QuotaLimitHeuristic instances suitable for
// this function to |heuristics|. The ownership of the new QuotaLimitHeuristic
// instances is passed to the owner of |heuristics|.
// No quota limiting by default.
// Only called once per lifetime of the QuotaService.
virtual void GetQuotaLimitHeuristics(
extensions::QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics) const {}
// Called when the quota limit has been exceeded. The default implementation
// returns an error.
virtual void OnQuotaExceeded(std::string violation_error);
// Specifies the raw arguments to the function, as a JSON value. Expects a
// base::Value of type LIST.
void SetArgs(base::Value args);
// Retrieves the results of the function as a ListValue.
const base::ListValue* GetResultList() const;
// Retrieves any error string from the function.
virtual const std::string& GetError() const;
virtual void SetBadMessage();
// Specifies the name of the function. A long-lived string (such as a string
// literal) must be provided.
virtual void SetName(const char* name);
const char* name() const { return name_; }
void set_profile_id(void* profile_id) { profile_id_ = profile_id; }
void* profile_id() const { return profile_id_; }
void set_extension(
const scoped_refptr<const extensions::Extension>& extension) {
extension_ = extension;
const extensions::Extension* extension() const { return extension_.get(); }
const std::string& extension_id() const {
<< "extension_id() called without an Extension. If " << name()
<< " is allowed to be called without any Extension then you should "
<< "check extension() first. If not, there is a bug in the Extension "
<< "platform, so page somebody in extensions/OWNERS";
return extension_->id();
void set_request_id(int request_id) { request_id_ = request_id; }
int request_id() { return request_id_; }
void set_source_url(const GURL& source_url) { source_url_ = source_url; }
const GURL& source_url() const { return source_url_; }
void set_has_callback(bool has_callback) { has_callback_ = has_callback; }
bool has_callback() const { return has_callback_; }
void set_include_incognito_information(bool include) {
include_incognito_information_ = include;
bool include_incognito_information() const {
return include_incognito_information_;
// Note: consider using ScopedUserGestureForTests instead of calling
// set_user_gesture directly.
void set_user_gesture(bool user_gesture) { user_gesture_ = user_gesture; }
bool user_gesture() const;
void set_histogram_value(
extensions::functions::HistogramValue histogram_value) {
histogram_value_ = histogram_value; }
extensions::functions::HistogramValue histogram_value() const {
return histogram_value_; }
void set_response_callback(ResponseCallback callback) {
response_callback_ = std::move(callback);
void set_source_context_type(extensions::Feature::Context type) {
source_context_type_ = type;
extensions::Feature::Context source_context_type() const {
return source_context_type_;
void set_source_process_id(int source_process_id) {
source_process_id_ = source_process_id;
int source_process_id() const {
return source_process_id_;
void set_service_worker_version_id(int64_t service_worker_version_id) {
service_worker_version_id_ = service_worker_version_id;
int64_t service_worker_version_id() const {
return service_worker_version_id_;
bool is_from_service_worker() const {
return service_worker_version_id_ !=
ResponseType* response_type() const { return response_type_.get(); }
bool did_respond() const { return did_respond_; }
// Called when a message was received.
// Should return true if it processed the message.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message);
// Set the browser context which contains the extension that has originated
// this function call. Only meant for testing; if unset, uses the
// BrowserContext from dispatcher().
void SetBrowserContextForTesting(content::BrowserContext* context);
content::BrowserContext* browser_context() const;
void SetRenderFrameHost(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host);
content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host() const {
return render_frame_host_;
void SetDispatcher(
const base::WeakPtr<extensions::ExtensionFunctionDispatcher>& dispatcher);
extensions::ExtensionFunctionDispatcher* dispatcher() const {
return dispatcher_.get();
void set_worker_thread_id(int worker_thread_id) {
worker_thread_id_ = worker_thread_id;
int worker_thread_id() const { return worker_thread_id_; }
// Returns the web contents associated with the sending |render_frame_host_|.
// This can be null.
content::WebContents* GetSenderWebContents();
// Sets did_respond_ to true so that the function won't DCHECK if it never
// sends a response. Typically, this shouldn't be used, even in testing. It's
// only for when you want to test functionality that doesn't exercise the
// Run() aspect of an extension function.
void ignore_did_respond_for_testing() { did_respond_ = true; }
// Same as above, but global. Yuck. Do not add any more uses of this.
static bool ignore_all_did_respond_for_testing_do_not_use;
// Called when the service worker in the renderer ACKS the function's
// response.
virtual void OnServiceWorkerAck();
// ResponseValues.
// Success, no arguments to pass to caller.
ResponseValue NoArguments();
// Success, a single argument |arg| to pass to caller.
ResponseValue OneArgument(base::Value arg);
// Success, two arguments |arg1| and |arg2| to pass to caller.
// Note that use of this function may imply you
// should be using the generated Result struct and ArgumentList.
ResponseValue TwoArguments(base::Value arg1, base::Value arg2);
// Success, a list of arguments |results| to pass to caller.
ResponseValue ArgumentList(std::vector<base::Value> results);
// TODO( Deprecate this when Create() returns a base::Value
// instead of a std::unique_ptr<>.
// Success, a list of arguments |results| to pass to caller.
// - a std::unique_ptr<> for convenience, since callers usually get this from
// the result of a Create(...) call on the generated Results struct. For
// example, alarms::Get::Results::Create(alarm).
ResponseValue ArgumentList(std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> results);
// Error. chrome.runtime.lastError.message will be set to |error|.
ResponseValue Error(std::string error);
// Error with formatting. Args are processed using
// ErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage, that is, each occurrence of * is replaced
// by the corresponding |s*|:
// Error("Error in *: *", "foo", "bar") <--> Error("Error in foo: bar").
ResponseValue Error(const std::string& format, const std::string& s1);
ResponseValue Error(const std::string& format,
const std::string& s1,
const std::string& s2);
ResponseValue Error(const std::string& format,
const std::string& s1,
const std::string& s2,
const std::string& s3);
// Error with a list of arguments |args| to pass to caller.
// Using this ResponseValue indicates something is wrong with the API.
// It shouldn't be possible to have both an error *and* some arguments.
// Some legacy APIs do rely on it though, like webstorePrivate.
ResponseValue ErrorWithArguments(std::vector<base::Value> args,
const std::string& error);
// TODO( Deprecate this in favor of the variant above.
ResponseValue ErrorWithArguments(std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> args,
const std::string& error);
// Bad message. A ResponseValue equivalent to EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(),
// so this will actually kill the renderer and not respond at all.
ResponseValue BadMessage();
// ResponseActions.
// These are exclusively used as return values from Run(). Call Respond(...)
// to respond at any other time - but as described below, only after Run()
// has already executed, and only if it returned RespondLater().
// Respond to the extension immediately with |result|.
ResponseAction RespondNow(ResponseValue result) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Don't respond now, but promise to call Respond(...) later.
ResponseAction RespondLater() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Respond() was already called before Run() finished executing.
// Assume Run() uses some helper system that accepts callback that Respond()s.
// If that helper system calls the synchronously in some cases, then use
// this return value in those cases.
// FooExtensionFunction::Run() {
// Helper::FetchResults(..., base::BindOnce(&Success));
// if (did_respond()) return AlreadyResponded();
// return RespondLater();
// }
// FooExtensionFunction::Success() {
// Respond(...);
// }
// Helper::FetchResults(..., base::OnceCallback callback) {
// if (...)
// std::move(callback).Run(..); // Synchronously call |callback|.
// else
// // Asynchronously call |callback|.
// }
ResponseAction AlreadyResponded() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// This is the return value of the EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE macro, which
// needs to work from Run(), RunAsync(), and RunSync(). The former of those
// has a different return type (ResponseAction) than the latter two (bool).
static ResponseAction ValidationFailure(ExtensionFunction* function)
// If RespondLater() was returned from Run(), functions must at some point
// call Respond() with |result| as their result.
// More specifically: call this iff Run() has already executed, it returned
// RespondLater(), and Respond(...) hasn't already been called.
void Respond(ResponseValue result);
// Adds this instance to the set of targets waiting for an ACK from the
// renderer.
void AddWorkerResponseTarget();
virtual ~ExtensionFunction();
// Called after the response is sent, allowing the function to perform any
// additional work or cleanup.
virtual void OnResponded();
// Return true if the argument to this function at |index| was provided and
// is non-null.
bool HasOptionalArgument(size_t index);
// Emits a message to the extension's devtools console.
void WriteToConsole(blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel level,
const std::string& message);
// Sets the Blob UUIDs whose ownership is being transferred to the renderer.
void SetTransferredBlobUUIDs(const std::vector<std::string>& blob_uuids);
// The extension that called this function.
scoped_refptr<const extensions::Extension> extension_;
// The arguments to the API. Only non-null if argument were specified.
std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> args_;
friend struct content::BrowserThread::DeleteOnThread<
friend class base::DeleteHelper<ExtensionFunction>;
friend class ResponseValueObject;
class RenderFrameHostTracker;
// Called on BrowserContext shutdown.
void Shutdown();
// Call with true to indicate success, false to indicate failure. If this
// failed, |error_| should be set.
void SendResponseImpl(bool success);
// The callback for mojom::Renderer::TransferBlobs().
void OnTransferBlobsAck(int process_id,
const std::vector<std::string>& blob_uuids);
base::ElapsedTimer timer_;
// The results of the API. This should be populated through the Respond()/
// RespondNow() methods. In legacy implementations, this is set directly, and
// should be set before calling SendResponse().
std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> results_;
// Any detailed error from the API. This should be populated by the derived
// class before Run() returns.
std::string error_;
// The callback to run once the function has done execution.
ResponseCallback response_callback_;
// Id of this request, used to map the response back to the caller.
int request_id_ = -1;
// The id of the profile of this function's extension.
void* profile_id_ = nullptr;
// The name of this function.
const char* name_ = nullptr;
// The URL of the frame which is making this request
GURL source_url_;
// True if the js caller provides a callback function to receive the response
// of this call.
bool has_callback_ = false;
// True if this callback should include information from incognito contexts
// even if our profile_ is non-incognito. Note that in the case of a "split"
// mode extension, this will always be false, and we will limit access to
// data from within the same profile_ (either incognito or not).
bool include_incognito_information_ = false;
// True if the call was made in response of user gesture.
bool user_gesture_ = false;
// Any class that gets a malformed message should set this to true before
// returning. Usually we want to kill the message sending process.
bool bad_message_ = false;
// Set to true when RunWithValidation() is called, to look for callers using
// the method more than once on a single ExtensionFunction.
bool did_run_ = false;
// The sample value to record with the histogram API when the function
// is invoked.
extensions::functions::HistogramValue histogram_value_ =
// The type of the JavaScript context where this call originated.
extensions::Feature::Context source_context_type_ =
// The process ID of the page that triggered this function call, or -1
// if unknown.
int source_process_id_ = -1;
// If this ExtensionFunction was called by an extension Service Worker, then
// this contains the worker's version id.
int64_t service_worker_version_id_ =
// The response type of the function, if the response has been sent.
std::unique_ptr<ResponseType> response_type_;
// Whether this function has responded.
// TODO(devlin): Replace this with response_type_ != null.
bool did_respond_ = false;
// The dispatcher that will service this extension function call.
base::WeakPtr<extensions::ExtensionFunctionDispatcher> dispatcher_;
// Obtained via |dispatcher_| when it is set. It automatically resets to
// nullptr when the BrowserContext is shutdown (much like a WeakPtr).
content::BrowserContext* browser_context_ = nullptr;
content::BrowserContext* browser_context_for_testing_ = nullptr;
// Subscription for a callback that runs when the BrowserContext* is
// destroyed.
base::CallbackListSubscription shutdown_subscription_;
// The RenderFrameHost we will send responses to.
content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostTracker> tracker_;
// The blobs transferred to the renderer process.
std::vector<std::string> transferred_blob_uuids_;
int worker_thread_id_ = -1;