blob: ebe605656ac707967890a5b420f641c384d54047 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "extensions/browser/lazy_context_id.h"
#include "extensions/browser/lazy_context_task_queue.h"
#include "extensions/browser/service_worker/worker_id.h"
#include "extensions/common/activation_sequence.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/service_worker/service_worker_status_code.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
// A service worker based background specific LazyContextTaskQueue.
// This class queues up and runs tasks added through AddPendingTask, after
// registering and starting extension's background Service Worker script if
// necessary.
// There are two sets of concepts/events that are important to this class:
// C1) Registering and starting a background worker:
// Upon extension activation, this class registers the extension's
// background worker if necessary. After that, if it has queued up tasks
// in |pending_tasks_|, then it moves on to starting the worker. Registration
// and start are initiated from this class. Once started, the worker is
// considered browser process ready. These workers are stored in
// |worker_state_map_| with |browser_ready| = false until we run tasks.
// C2) Listening for worker's state update from the renderer:
// - Init (DidInitializeServiceWorkerContext) when the worker is initialized,
// JavaScript starts running after this.
// - Start (DidStartServiceWorkerContext) when the worker has reached
// loadstop. The worker is considered ready to run tasks from this task
// queue. The worker's entry in |worker_state_map_| will carry
// |renderer_ready| = true.
// - Stop (DidStopServiceWorkerContext) when the worker is destroyed, we clear
// its |renderer_ready| status from |worker_state_map_|.
// Once a worker reaches readiness in both browser process
// (DidStartWorkerForScope) and worker process (DidStartServiceWorkerContext),
// we consider the worker to be ready to run tasks from |pending_tasks_|.
// Note that events from #C1 and #C2 are somewhat independent, e.g. it is
// possible to see an Init state update from #C2 before #C1 has seen a start
// worker completion.
// Sequences of extension activation:
// This class also assigns a unique sequence id to an extension activation so
// that it can differentiate between two activations of a particular extension
// (e.g. reloading an extension can cause two activations). |pending_tasks_|,
// worker registration and start (#C1) have sequence ids attached to them.
// The sequence is expired upon extension deactivation, and tasks are dropped
// from |pending_tasks_|.
// TODO(lazyboy): Clean up queue when extension is unloaded/uninstalled.
class ServiceWorkerTaskQueue : public KeyedService,
public LazyContextTaskQueue {
explicit ServiceWorkerTaskQueue(content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
~ServiceWorkerTaskQueue() override;
// Convenience method to return the ServiceWorkerTaskQueue for a given
// |context|.
static ServiceWorkerTaskQueue* Get(content::BrowserContext* context);
bool ShouldEnqueueTask(content::BrowserContext* context,
const Extension* extension) override;
void AddPendingTask(const LazyContextId& context_id,
PendingTask task) override;
// Performs Service Worker related tasks upon |extension| activation,
// e.g. registering |extension|'s worker, executing any pending tasks.
void ActivateExtension(const Extension* extension);
// Performs Service Worker related tasks upon |extension| deactivation,
// e.g. unregistering |extension|'s worker.
void DeactivateExtension(const Extension* extension);
// Called once an extension Service Worker context was initialized but not
// necessarily started executing its JavaScript.
void DidInitializeServiceWorkerContext(int render_process_id,
const ExtensionId& extension_id,
int64_t service_worker_version_id,
int thread_id);
// Called once an extension Service Worker started running.
// This can be thought as "loadstop", i.e. the global JS script of the worker
// has completed executing.
void DidStartServiceWorkerContext(int render_process_id,
const ExtensionId& extension_id,
ActivationSequence activation_sequence,
const GURL& service_worker_scope,
int64_t service_worker_version_id,
int thread_id);
// Called once an extension Service Worker was destroyed.
void DidStopServiceWorkerContext(int render_process_id,
const ExtensionId& extension_id,
ActivationSequence activation_sequence,
const GURL& service_worker_scope,
int64_t service_worker_version_id,
int thread_id);
// Returns the current ActivationSequence for an extension, if the extension
// is currently activated. Returns absl::nullopt if the extension isn't
// activated.
absl::optional<ActivationSequence> GetCurrentSequence(
const ExtensionId& extension_id) const;
class TestObserver {
virtual ~TestObserver();
// Called when an extension with id |extension_id| is going to be activated.
// |will_register_service_worker| is true if a Service Worker will be
// registered.
virtual void OnActivateExtension(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
bool will_register_service_worker) {}
virtual void DidStartWorkerFail(
const ExtensionId& extension_id,
size_t num_pending_tasks,
blink::ServiceWorkerStatusCode status_code) {}
static void SetObserverForTest(TestObserver* observer);
size_t GetNumPendingTasksForTest(const LazyContextId& lazy_context_id);
using SequencedContextId = std::pair<LazyContextId, ActivationSequence>;
class WorkerState;
void RunTasksAfterStartWorker(const SequencedContextId& context_id);
void DidRegisterServiceWorker(const SequencedContextId& context_id,
base::Time start_time,
blink::ServiceWorkerStatusCode status);
void DidUnregisterServiceWorker(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
ActivationSequence sequence,
bool success);
void DidStartWorkerForScope(const SequencedContextId& context_id,
base::Time start_time,
int64_t version_id,
int process_id,
int thread_id);
void DidStartWorkerFail(const SequencedContextId& context_id,
blink::ServiceWorkerStatusCode status_code);
// The following three methods retrieve, store, and remove information
// about Service Worker registration of SW based background pages:
// Retrieves the last version of the extension, returns invalid version if
// there isn't any such extension.
base::Version RetrieveRegisteredServiceWorkerVersion(
const ExtensionId& extension_id);
// Records that the extension with |extension_id| and |version| successfully
// registered a Service Worker.
void SetRegisteredServiceWorkerInfo(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
const base::Version& version);
// Clears any record of registered Service Worker for the given extension with
// |extension_id|.
void RemoveRegisteredServiceWorkerInfo(const ExtensionId& extension_id);
// If the worker with |context_id| has seen worker start
// (DidStartWorkerForScope) and load (DidStartServiceWorkerContext) then runs
// all pending tasks for that worker.
void RunPendingTasksIfWorkerReady(const SequencedContextId& context_id);
// Returns true if |sequence| is the current activation sequence for
// |extension_id|.
bool IsCurrentSequence(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
ActivationSequence sequence) const;
WorkerState* GetWorkerState(const SequencedContextId& context_id);
int next_activation_sequence_ = 0;
// The state of worker of each activated extension.
std::map<SequencedContextId, WorkerState> worker_state_map_;
content::BrowserContext* const browser_context_ = nullptr;
// A map of Service Worker registrations if this instance is for an
// off-the-record BrowserContext. These are stored in the ExtensionPrefs
// for a regular profile.
// TODO( Make this better by passing in something that
// will manage storing and retrieving this data.
std::unordered_map<ExtensionId, base::Version> off_the_record_registrations_;
// Current ActivationSequence for each activated extensions.
std::map<ExtensionId, ActivationSequence> activation_sequences_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ServiceWorkerTaskQueue> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace extensions