blob: c30c5a63ff93fd3adf2383e8ee2b9ef9526c32ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace csp_validator {
// Checks whether the given |policy| is legal for use in the extension system.
// This check just ensures that the policy doesn't contain any characters that
// will cause problems when we transmit the policy in an HTTP header.
bool ContentSecurityPolicyIsLegal(const std::string& policy);
// This specifies options for configuring which CSP directives are permitted in
// extensions.
enum Options {
// Allows 'unsafe-eval' to be specified as a source in a directive.
// Allow an object-src to be specified with any sources (i.e. it may contain
// wildcards or http sources).
// Helper to parse a serialized content security policy string.
// Exposed for testing.
class CSPParser {
// Represents a CSP directive.
// E.g. for the directive "script-src 'self'"
// |directive_string| is "script-src 'self'".
// |directive_name| is "script_src".
// |directive_values| is ["'self'", ""].
struct Directive {
Directive(base::StringPiece directive_string,
std::string directive_name,
std::vector<base::StringPiece> directive_values);
Directive& operator=(Directive&&);
base::StringPiece directive_string;
// Must be lower case.
std::string directive_name;
std::vector<base::StringPiece> directive_values;
using DirectiveList = std::vector<Directive>;
CSPParser(std::string policy);
// It's not safe to move CSPParser since |directives_| refers to memory owned
// by |policy_|. Once move constructed, |directives_| will end up being in an
// invalid state, as it will point to memory owned by a "moved" string
// instance.
CSPParser(CSPParser&&) = delete;
CSPParser& operator=(CSPParser&&) = delete;
// This can contain duplicate directives (directives having the same directive
// name).
const DirectiveList& directives() const { return directives_; }
void Parse();
const std::string policy_;
// This refers to memory owned by |policy_|.
DirectiveList directives_;
// Checks whether the given |policy| meets the minimum security requirements
// for use in the extension system.
// Ideally, we would like to say that an XSS vulnerability in the extension
// should not be able to execute script, even in the precense of an active
// network attacker.
// However, we found that it broke too many deployed extensions to limit
// 'unsafe-eval' in the script-src directive, so that is allowed as a special
// case for extensions. Platform apps disallow it.
// |options| is a bitmask of Options.
// If |warnings| is not NULL, any validation errors are appended to |warnings|.
// Returns the sanitized policy.
std::string SanitizeContentSecurityPolicy(
const std::string& policy,
std::string manifest_key,
int options,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings);
// Given the Content Security Policy of an app sandbox page, returns the
// effective CSP for that sandbox page.
// The effective policy restricts the page from loading external web content
// (frames and scripts) within the page. This is done through adding 'self'
// directive source to relevant CSP directive names.
// If |warnings| is not nullptr, any validation errors are appended to
// |warnings|.
std::string GetEffectiveSandoxedPageCSP(const std::string& policy,
std::string manifest_key,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings);
// Checks whether the given |policy| enforces a unique origin sandbox as
// defined by
// the-iframe-element.html#attr-iframe-sandbox. The policy must have the
// "sandbox" directive, and the sandbox tokens must not include
// "allow-same-origin". Additional restrictions may be imposed depending on
// |type|.
bool ContentSecurityPolicyIsSandboxed(
const std::string& policy, Manifest::Type type);
// Returns whether the given |content_security_policy| prevents remote scripts.
// If not, populates |error|.
bool DoesCSPDisallowRemoteCode(const std::string& content_security_policy,
base::StringPiece manifest_key,
std::u16string* error);
} // namespace csp_validator
} // namespace extensions