blob: b5d258c450e33dc4dd0ebc98a48729043cbc3e62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ios_chrome_flag_descriptions.h"
// This file declares strings used in chrome://flags. These messages are not
// translated, because instead of end-users they target Chromium developers and
// testers. See and for more
// details.
namespace flag_descriptions {
const char kAutofillCacheQueryResponsesName[] =
"Cache Autofill Query Responses";
const char kAutofillCacheQueryResponsesDescription[] =
"When enabled, autofill will cache the responses it receives from the "
"crowd-sourced field type prediction server.";
const char kAutofillEnableCompanyNameName[] =
"Enable Autofill Company Name field";
const char kAutofillEnableCompanyNameDescription[] =
"When enabled, Company Name fields will be auto filled";
const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadName[] =
"Offers uploading Autofilled credit cards";
const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadDescription[] =
"Offers uploading Autofilled credit cards to Google Payments after form "
const char kAutofillDownstreamUseGooglePayBrandingOniOSName[] =
"Enable Google Pay branding when offering credit card downstream";
const char kAutofillDownstreamUseGooglePayBrandingOniOSDescription[] =
"When enabled, shows the Google Pay logo animation when showing payments"
"credit card suggestions in downstream keyboard accessory";
extern const char kBreakpadNoDelayInitialUploadName[] =
"Remove delay on initial crash upload";
extern const char kBreakpadNoDelayInitialUploadDescription[] =
"When enabled, the initial crash uploading will not be delayed. When "
"disabled, initial upload is delayed until deferred initialization. This "
"does not affect recovery mode.";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardUploadUpdatePromptExplanationName[] =
"Enable updated prompt explanation when offering credit card upload";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardUploadUpdatePromptExplanationDescription[] =
"If enabled, changes the server save card prompt's explanation to mention "
"the saving of the billing address.";
const char kEnableAutofillSaveCreditCardUsesStrikeSystemName[] =
"Enable limit on offering to save the same credit card repeatedly";
const char kEnableAutofillSaveCreditCardUsesStrikeSystemDescription[] =
"If enabled, prevents popping up the credit card offer-to-save prompt if "
"it has repeatedly been ignored, declined, or failed.";
const char kSyncSandboxName[] = "Use Chrome Sync sandbox";
const char kSyncSandboxDescription[] =
"Connects to the testing server for Chrome Sync.";
const char kSyncStandaloneTransportName[] = "Allow Sync standalone transport";
const char kSyncStandaloneTransportDescription[] =
"If enabled, allows Chrome Sync to start in standalone transport mode. In "
"this mode, the Sync machinery can start without user opt-in, but only a "
"subset of data types are supported.";
const char kSyncSupportSecondaryAccountName[] =
"Support secondary accounts for Sync standalone transport";
const char kSyncSupportSecondaryAccountDescription[] =
"If enabled, allows Chrome Sync to start in standalone transport mode for "
"a signed-in account that has not been chosen as Chrome's primary account. "
"This only has an effect if sync-standalone-transport is also enabled.";
const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxName[] = "Use Google Payments sandbox";
const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxDescription[] =
"Uses the sandbox service for Google Payments API calls.";
const char kAppLauncherRefreshName[] = "Enable the new AppLauncher logic";
const char kAppLauncherRefreshDescription[] =
"AppLauncher will always prompt if there is no direct link navigation, "
"also Apps will launch asynchronously and there will be no logic that"
"depends on the success or the failure of launching an app.";
const char kAutofillDynamicFormsName[] = "Autofill dynamic forms";
const char kAutofillDynamicFormsDescription[] =
"Refills forms that dynamically change after an initial fill";
const char kAutofillPrefilledFieldsName[] = "Autofill prefilled forms";
const char kAutofillPrefilledFieldsDescription[] =
"Fills forms that contain a programmatically filled value.";
const char kAutofillEnforceMinRequiredFieldsForHeuristicsName[] =
"Autofill Enforce Min Required Fields For Heuristics";
const char kAutofillEnforceMinRequiredFieldsForHeuristicsDescription[] =
"When enabled, autofill will generally require a form to have at least 3 "
"fields before allowing heuristic field-type prediction to occur.";
const char kAutofillEnforceMinRequiredFieldsForQueryName[] =
"Autofill Enforce Min Required Fields For Query";
const char kAutofillEnforceMinRequiredFieldsForQueryDescription[] =
"When enabled, autofill will generally require a form to have at least 3 "
"fields before querying the autofill server for field-type predictions.";
const char kAutofillEnforceMinRequiredFieldsForUploadName[] =
"Autofill Enforce Min Required Fields For Upload";
const char kAutofillEnforceMinRequiredFieldsForUploadDescription[] =
"When enabled, autofill will generally require a form to have at least 3 "
"fillable fields before uploading field-type votes for that form.";
const char kAutofillIOSDelayBetweenFieldsName[] = "Autofill delay";
const char kAutofillIOSDelayBetweenFieldsDescription[] =
"Delay between the different fields of a form being autofilled. In "
const char kAutofillManualFallbackName[] = "Enable Autofill Manual Fallback";
const char kAutofillManualFallbackDescription[] =
"When enabled, it shows the autofill UI with manual fallback when filling "
const char kAutofillManualFallbackPhaseTwoName[] = "Enable Addresses and Cards";
const char kAutofillManualFallbackPhaseTwoDescription[] =
"When enabled, it shows the credit cards and addresses buttons in manual "
const char kAutofillShowAllSuggestionsOnPrefilledFormsName[] =
"Enable showing all suggestions when focusing prefilled field";
const char kAutofillShowAllSuggestionsOnPrefilledFormsDescription[] =
"When enabled: show all suggestions when the focused field value has not "
"been entered by the user. When disabled: use the field value as a filter.";
const char kAutofillRestrictUnownedFieldsToFormlessCheckoutName[] =
"Restrict formless form extraction";
const char kAutofillRestrictUnownedFieldsToFormlessCheckoutDescription[] =
"Restrict extraction of formless forms to checkout flows";
const char kAutofillUpstreamUseGooglePayBrandingOnMobileName[] =
"Enable Google Pay branding when offering credit card upload";
const char kAutofillUpstreamUseGooglePayBrandingOnMobileDescription[] =
"If enabled, shows the Google Pay logo and a shorter header message when "
"credit card upload to Google Payments is offered.";
const char kBrowserContainerFullscreenName[] = "Browser Container Fullscreen";
const char kBrowserContainerFullscreenDescription[] =
"When enabled, the BrowserContainer is fullscreen. No UI change should be "
const char kBrowserContainerContainsNTPName[] = "Browser Container NTP";
const char kBrowserContainerContainsNTPDescription[] =
"When enabled, the BrowserContainer contains the NTP directly, rather than"
"via native content.";
const char kBrowserTaskScheduler[] = "Task Scheduler";
const char kBrowserTaskSchedulerDescription[] =
"Enables redirection of some task posting APIs to the task scheduler.";
const char kCaptivePortalMetricsName[] = "Captive Portal Metrics";
const char kCaptivePortalMetricsDescription[] =
"When enabled, some network issues will trigger a test to check if a "
"Captive Portal network is the cause of the issue.";
// TODO( : Remove this flag.
const char kClosingLastIncognitoTabName[] = "Closing Last Incognito Tab";
const char kClosingLastIncognitoTabDescription[] =
"Automatically switches to the regular tabs panel in the tab grid after "
"closing the last incognito tab";
const char kContextualSearch[] = "Contextual Search";
const char kContextualSearchDescription[] =
"Whether or not Contextual Search is enabled.";
const char kCopyImageName[] = "Copy Image";
const char kCopyImageDescription[] =
"Enable copying image to system pasteboard via context menu.";
const char kDragAndDropName[] = "Drag and Drop";
const char kDragAndDropDescription[] = "Enable support for drag and drop.";
const char kNewClearBrowsingDataUIName[] = "Clear Browsing Data UI";
const char kNewClearBrowsingDataUIDescription[] =
"Enable new Clear Browsing Data UI.";
const char kExternalSearchName[] = "External Search";
const char kExternalSearchDescription[] = "Enable support for External Search.";
const char kFCMInvalidationsName[] =
"Enable invalidations delivery via new FCM based protocol";
const char kFCMInvalidationsDescription[] =
"Use the new FCM-based protocol for deliveling invalidations";
const char kFullscreenViewportAdjustmentExperimentName[] =
"Fullscreen Viewport Adjustment Mode";
const char kFullscreenViewportAdjustmentExperimentDescription[] =
"The different ways in which the web view's viewport is updated for scroll "
"events. The default option updates the web view's frame.";
const char kHistoryBatchUpdatesFilterName[] = "History Single Batch Filtering";
const char kHistoryBatchUpdatesFilterDescription[] =
"When enabled History inserts and deletes history items in the same "
"BatchUpdates block.";
const char kInProductHelpDemoModeName[] = "In-Product Help Demo Mode";
const char kInProductHelpDemoModeDescription[] =
"When enabled, in-product help promotions occur exactly once per cold "
"start. Enabled causes all in-product help promotions to occur. Enabling "
"an individual promotion causes that promotion but no other promotions to "
const char kITunesUrlsStoreKitHandlingName[] =
"Store kit handling for ITunes links";
const char kITunesUrlsStoreKitHandlingDescription[] =
"When enabled, opening itunes product URLs will be handled using the store "
const char kMailtoHandlingWithGoogleUIName[] = "Mailto Handling with Google UI";
const char kMailtoHandlingWithGoogleUIDescription[] =
"When enabled, tapping mailto: links will open a contextual menu to allow "
"users to select how they would like to handle the current and future "
"mailto link interactions. This UI matches the same user experience as in "
"other Google iOS apps.";
const char kMarkHttpAsName[] = "Mark non-secure origins as non-secure";
const char kMarkHttpAsDescription[] = "Change the UI treatment for HTTP pages";
const char kMemexTabSwitcherName[] = "Enable the Memex prototype Tab Switcher.";
const char kMemexTabSwitcherDescription[] =
"When enabled, the TabSwitcher button will navigate to the chrome memex "
"prototype site instead of triggering the native Tab Switcher. The native "
"TabSwitcher is accessible by long pressing the button";
const char kNewPasswordFormParsingName[] = "New password form parsing";
const char kNewPasswordFormParsingDescription[] =
"Replaces existing form parsing in password manager with a new version, "
"currently under development. WARNING: when enabled Password Manager might "
"stop working";
const char kOmniboxPopupShortcutIconsInZeroStateName[] =
"Show zero-state omnibox shortcuts";
const char kOmniboxPopupShortcutIconsInZeroStateDescription[] =
"Instead of ZeroSuggest, show most visited sites and collection shortcuts "
"in the omnibox popup.";
const char kOmniboxTabSwitchSuggestionsName[] =
"Enable 'switch to this tab' option";
const char kOmniboxTabSwitchSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Enable the 'switch to this tab' options in the omnibox suggestions.";
const char kOmniboxUIElideSuggestionUrlAfterHostName[] =
"Hide the path, query, and ref of omnibox suggestions";
const char kOmniboxUIElideSuggestionUrlAfterHostDescription[] =
"Elides the path, query, and ref of suggested URLs in the omnibox "
const char kOutOfWebFullscreenName[] = "Fullscreen implementation out of web";
const char kOutOfWebFullscreenDescription[] =
"Use the fullscreen implementation living outside of web. Disable the one "
"in web.";
const char kPhysicalWeb[] = "Physical Web";
const char kPhysicalWebDescription[] =
"When enabled, the omnibox will include suggestions for web pages "
"broadcast by devices near you.";
const char kIgnoresViewportScaleLimitsName[] = "Ignore Viewport Scale Limits";
const char kIgnoresViewportScaleLimitsDescription[] =
"When enabled the page can always be scaled, regardless of author intent.";
const char kSearchIconToggleName[] = "Change the icon for the search button";
const char kSearchIconToggleDescription[] =
"Different icons for the search button.";
const char kSlimNavigationManagerName[] = "Use Slim Navigation Manager";
const char kSlimNavigationManagerDescription[] =
"When enabled, uses the experimental slim navigation manager that provides "
"better compatibility with HTML navigation spec.";
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsName[] = "Show Autofill predictions";
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsDescription[] =
"Annotates web forms with Autofill field type predictions as placeholder "
const char kSSOWithWKWebViewName[] = "SSO with WKWebView";
const char kSSOWithWKWebViewDescription[] =
"Using WKWebView instead of UIWebView in SSO";
const char kToolbarContainerName[] = "Use Toolbar Containers";
const char kToolbarContainerDescription[] =
"When enabled, the toolbars and their fullscreen animations will be "
"managed by the toolbar container coordinator rather than BVC.";
const char kUnifiedConsentName[] = "Unified Consent";
const char kUnifiedConsentDescription[] =
"Enables a unified management of user consent for privacy-related "
"features. This includes new confirmation screens and improved settings "
const char kUseMultiloginEndpointName[] = "Use Multilogin endpoint.";
const char kUseMultiloginEndpointDescription[] =
"Use Gaia OAuth multilogin for identity consistency.";
const char kForceUnifiedConsentBumpName[] = "Force Unified Consent Bump";
const char kForceUnifiedConsentBumpDescription[] =
"Force the unified consent bump UI to be shown on every start-up. This "
"flag is for debug purpose, to test the UI.";
const char kUseDdljsonApiName[] = "Use new ddljson API for Doodles";
const char kUseDdljsonApiDescription[] =
"Enables the new ddljson API to fetch Doodles for the NTP.";
const char kWebFrameMessagingName[] = "Web Frame Messaging";
const char kWebFrameMessagingDescription[] =
"When enabled, API will be injected into webpages to allow sending messages"
" directly to any frame of a webpage.";
const char kWebPageTextAccessibilityName[] =
"Enable text accessibility in web pages";
const char kWebPageTextAccessibilityDescription[] =
"When enabled, text in web pages will respect the user's Dynamic Type "
const char kWKHTTPSystemCookieStoreName[] = "Use WKHTTPSystemCookieStore.";
const char kWKHTTPSystemCookieStoreDescription[] =
"Use WKHTTPCookieStore backed store for main context URL requests.";
const char kWKWebViewSnapshotsName[] = "WKWebView Snapshots";
const char kWKWebViewSnapshotsDescription[] =
"When enabled, the WKWebView snapshotting API is used for iOS 11+.";
const char kCustomSearchEnginesName[] = "Custom Search Engines";
const char kCustomSearchEnginesDescription[] =
"When enabled, user can add custom search engines in settings.";
// Please insert your name/description above in alphabetical order.
} // namespace flag_descriptions