blob: cfc9a242330bc1109f3126987b46506b74383119 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_clang) {
visibility = [ "//third_party/WebKit/*" ]
# arguments --------------------------------------------------------------------
declare_args() {
# Set to true to enable the clang plugin that checks the usage of the Blink
# garbage-collection infrastructure during compilation.
blink_gc_plugin = true
# Set to true to have the clang Blink GC plugin emit class graph (in JSON)
# with typed pointer edges; for debugging or other (internal) uses.
blink_gc_plugin_option_do_dump_graph = false
# Set to true to have the clang Blink GC plugin additionally check if
# a class has an empty destructor which would be unnecessarily invoked
# when finalized.
blink_gc_plugin_option_warn_unneeded_finalizer = false
# features ---------------------------------------------------------------------
config("features") {
defines = feature_defines_list
# inside_blink -----------------------------------------------------------------
config("inside_blink") {
defines = [
# config -----------------------------------------------------------------------
config("config") {
include_dirs = [
cflags = []
defines = []
if (is_win) {
cflags += [
"/wd4305", # Truncation from 'type1' to 'type2'.
"/wd4324", # Struct padded due to declspec(align).
"/wd4714", # Function marked forceinline not inlined.
"/wd4800", # Value forced to bool.
"/wd4996", # Deprecated function call.
if (is_win) {
if (is_component_build) {
defines += [ "USING_V8_SHARED" ]
if (is_clang && blink_gc_plugin && clang_use_chrome_plugins) {
# On Windows, the plugin is built directly into clang, so there's
# no need to load it dynamically.
if (!is_win) {
_blink_gc_plugin_dll_extension = "so"
if (is_mac || is_ios) {
_blink_gc_plugin_dll_extension = "dylib"
cflags += [
cflags += [
# Add arguments for enabled GC plugin options:
if (blink_gc_plugin_option_do_dump_graph) {
cflags += [
if (blink_gc_plugin_option_warn_unneeded_finalizer) {
cflags += [
# The follow configs apply to all targets except for unit tests, which rely on
# static initializers.
config("non_test_config") {
cflags = []
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [ "-Wglobal-constructors" ]
if (is_mac) {
# This sets up precompiled headers for Mac.
config("mac_precompiled_headers") {
precompiled_header = rebase_path("build/mac/Prefix.h", root_build_dir)
precompiled_source = "//third_party/WebKit/Source/build/mac/Prefix.h"