blob: 900eaf1e1d3817819a8a3cbdd534c6bb681a59d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/aligned_memory.h"
#include "cc/base/math_util.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_canvas.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_export.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_flags.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPicture.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTextBlob.h"
// PaintOpBuffer is a reimplementation of SkLiteDL.
// See: third_party/skia/src/core/SkLiteDL.h.
namespace cc {
class DisplayItemList;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT ThreadsafeMatrix : public SkMatrix {
explicit ThreadsafeMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) : SkMatrix(matrix) {
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT ThreadsafePath : public SkPath {
explicit ThreadsafePath(const SkPath& path) : SkPath(path) {
enum class PaintOpType : uint8_t {
LastPaintOpType = Translate,
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintOp {
uint32_t type : 8;
uint32_t skip : 24;
PaintOpType GetType() const { return static_cast<PaintOpType>(type); }
// Subclasses should provide a static Raster() method which is called from
// here. The Raster method should take a const PaintOp* parameter. It is
// static with a pointer to the base type so that we can use it as a function
// pointer.
void Raster(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkMatrix& original_ctm) const;
bool IsDrawOp() const;
// Only valid for draw ops.
void RasterWithAlpha(SkCanvas* canvas, uint8_t alpha) const;
int CountSlowPaths() const { return 0; }
int CountSlowPathsFromFlags() const { return 0; }
bool HasDiscardableImages() const { return false; }
bool HasDiscardableImagesFromFlags() const { return false; }
// Returns the number of bytes used by this op in referenced sub records
// and display lists. This doesn't count other objects like paths or blobs.
size_t AdditionalBytesUsed() const { return 0; }
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = false;
static constexpr bool kHasPaintFlags = false;
static SkRect kUnsetRect;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintOpWithFlags : PaintOp {
static constexpr bool kHasPaintFlags = true;
explicit PaintOpWithFlags(const PaintFlags& flags) : flags(flags) {}
int CountSlowPathsFromFlags() const { return flags.getPathEffect() ? 1 : 0; }
bool HasDiscardableImagesFromFlags() const {
if (!IsDrawOp())
return false;
SkShader* shader = flags.getShader();
SkImage* image = shader ? shader->isAImage(nullptr, nullptr) : nullptr;
return image && image->isLazyGenerated();
// Subclasses should provide a static RasterWithFlags() method which is called
// from the Raster() method. The RasterWithFlags() should use the PaintFlags
// passed to it, instead of the |flags| member directly, as some callers may
// provide a modified PaintFlags. The RasterWithFlags() method is static with
// a const PaintOpWithFlags* parameter so that it can be used as a function
// pointer.
PaintFlags flags;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintOpWithData : PaintOpWithFlags {
// Having data is just a helper for ops that have a varying amount of data and
// want a way to store that inline. This is for ops that pass in a
// void* and a length. The void* data is assumed to not have any alignment
// requirements.
PaintOpWithData(const PaintFlags& flags, size_t bytes)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags), bytes(bytes) {}
// Get data out by calling paint_op_data. This can't be part of the class
// because it needs to know the size of the derived type.
size_t bytes;
// For some derived object T, return the internally stored data.
// This needs the fully derived type to know how much to offset
// from the start of the top to the data.
template <typename T>
const void* GetDataForThis(const T* op) const {
static_assert(std::is_convertible<T, PaintOpWithData>::value,
"T is not a PaintOpWithData");
// Arbitrary data for a PaintOp is stored after the PaintOp itself
// in the PaintOpBuffer. Therefore, to access this data, it's
// pointer math to increment past the size of T. Accessing the
// next op in the buffer is ((char*)op) + op->skip, with the data
// fitting between.
return op + 1;
template <typename T>
void* GetDataForThis(T* op) {
return const_cast<void*>(
const_cast<const PaintOpWithData*>(this)->GetDataForThis(
const_cast<const T*>(op)));
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintOpWithArrayBase : PaintOpWithFlags {
explicit PaintOpWithArrayBase(const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags) {}
template <typename M>
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintOpWithArray : PaintOpWithArrayBase {
// Paint op that has a M[count] and a char[bytes].
// Array data is stored first so that it can be aligned with T's alignment
// with the arbitrary unaligned char data after it.
// Memory layout here is: | op | M[count] | char[bytes] | padding | next op |
// Next op is located at (char*)(op) + op->skip.
PaintOpWithArray(const PaintFlags& flags, size_t bytes, size_t count)
: PaintOpWithArrayBase(flags), bytes(bytes), count(count) {}
size_t bytes;
size_t count;
template <typename T>
const void* GetDataForThis(const T* op) const {
static_assert(std::is_convertible<T, PaintOpWithArrayBase>::value,
"T is not a PaintOpWithData");
const char* start_array =
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(GetArrayForThis(op));
return start_array + sizeof(M) * count;
template <typename T>
void* GetDataForThis(T* op) {
return const_cast<void*>(
const_cast<const PaintOpWithArray*>(this)->GetDataForThis(
template <typename T>
const M* GetArrayForThis(const T* op) const {
static_assert(std::is_convertible<T, PaintOpWithArrayBase>::value,
"T is not a PaintOpWithData");
// As an optimization to not have to store an additional offset,
// assert that T has the same or more alignment requirements than M. Thus,
// if T is aligned, and M's alignment needs are a multiple of T's size, then
// M will also be aligned when placed immediately after T.
sizeof(T) % ALIGNOF(M) == 0,
"T must be padded such that an array of M is aligned after it");
"T must have not have less alignment requirements than the array data");
return reinterpret_cast<const M*>(op + 1);
template <typename T>
M* GetArrayForThis(T* op) {
return const_cast<M*>(
const_cast<const PaintOpWithArray*>(this)->GetArrayForThis(
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT AnnotateOp final : PaintOp {
enum class AnnotationType {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::Annotate;
AnnotateOp(PaintCanvas::AnnotationType annotation_type,
const SkRect& rect,
sk_sp<SkData> data);
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
PaintCanvas::AnnotationType annotation_type;
SkRect rect;
sk_sp<SkData> data;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT ClipPathOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::ClipPath;
ClipPathOp(SkPath path, SkClipOp op, bool antialias)
: path(path), op(op), antialias(antialias) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
int CountSlowPaths() const;
ThreadsafePath path;
SkClipOp op;
bool antialias;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT ClipRectOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::ClipRect;
ClipRectOp(const SkRect& rect, SkClipOp op, bool antialias)
: rect(rect), op(op), antialias(antialias) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkRect rect;
SkClipOp op;
bool antialias;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT ClipRRectOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::ClipRRect;
ClipRRectOp(const SkRRect& rrect, SkClipOp op, bool antialias)
: rrect(rrect), op(op), antialias(antialias) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkRRect rrect;
SkClipOp op;
bool antialias;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT ConcatOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::Concat;
explicit ConcatOp(const SkMatrix& matrix) : matrix(matrix) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
ThreadsafeMatrix matrix;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawArcOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawArc;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawArcOp(const SkRect& oval,
SkScalar start_angle,
SkScalar sweep_angle,
bool use_center,
const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags),
use_center(use_center) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkRect oval;
SkScalar start_angle;
SkScalar sweep_angle;
bool use_center;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawCircleOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawCircle;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawCircleOp(SkScalar cx,
SkScalar cy,
SkScalar radius,
const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags), cx(cx), cy(cy), radius(radius) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkScalar cx;
SkScalar cy;
SkScalar radius;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawColorOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawColor;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawColorOp(SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode) : color(color), mode(mode) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkColor color;
SkBlendMode mode;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawDisplayItemListOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawDisplayItemList;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
explicit DrawDisplayItemListOp(scoped_refptr<DisplayItemList> list);
// Windows wants to generate these when types are exported, so
// provide them here explicitly so that DisplayItemList doesn't have
// to be defined in this header.
DrawDisplayItemListOp(const DrawDisplayItemListOp& op);
DrawDisplayItemListOp& operator=(const DrawDisplayItemListOp& op);
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
size_t AdditionalBytesUsed() const;
bool HasDiscardableImages() const;
// TODO(enne): DisplayItemList should know number of slow paths.
scoped_refptr<DisplayItemList> list;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawDRRectOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawDRRect;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawDRRectOp(const SkRRect& outer,
const SkRRect& inner,
const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags), outer(outer), inner(inner) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkRRect outer;
SkRRect inner;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawImageOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawImage;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawImageOp(const PaintImage& image,
SkScalar left,
SkScalar top,
const PaintFlags* flags);
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
bool HasDiscardableImages() const;
PaintImage image;
SkScalar left;
SkScalar top;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawImageRectOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawImageRect;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawImageRectOp(const PaintImage& image,
const SkRect& src,
const SkRect& dst,
const PaintFlags* flags,
PaintCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint);
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
bool HasDiscardableImages() const;
PaintImage image;
SkRect src;
SkRect dst;
PaintCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawIRectOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawIRect;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawIRectOp(const SkIRect& rect, const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags), rect(rect) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkIRect rect;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawLineOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawLine;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawLineOp(SkScalar x0,
SkScalar y0,
SkScalar x1,
SkScalar y1,
const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags), x0(x0), y0(y0), x1(x1), y1(y1) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
int CountSlowPaths() const;
SkScalar x0;
SkScalar y0;
SkScalar x1;
SkScalar y1;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawOvalOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawOval;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawOvalOp(const SkRect& oval, const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags), oval(oval) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkRect oval;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawPathOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawPath;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawPathOp(const SkPath& path, const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags), path(path) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
int CountSlowPaths() const;
ThreadsafePath path;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawPosTextOp final : PaintOpWithArray<SkPoint> {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawPosText;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawPosTextOp(size_t bytes, size_t count, const PaintFlags& flags);
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
const void* GetData() const { return GetDataForThis(this); }
void* GetData() { return GetDataForThis(this); }
const SkPoint* GetArray() const { return GetArrayForThis(this); }
SkPoint* GetArray() { return GetArrayForThis(this); }
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawRecordOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawRecord;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
explicit DrawRecordOp(sk_sp<const PaintRecord> record);
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
size_t AdditionalBytesUsed() const;
bool HasDiscardableImages() const;
int CountSlowPaths() const;
sk_sp<const PaintRecord> record;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawRectOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawRect;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawRectOp(const SkRect& rect, const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags), rect(rect) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkRect rect;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawRRectOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawRRect;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawRRectOp(const SkRRect& rrect, const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags), rrect(rrect) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkRRect rrect;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawTextOp final : PaintOpWithData {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawText;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawTextOp(size_t bytes, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const PaintFlags& flags)
: PaintOpWithData(flags, bytes), x(x), y(y) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
void* GetData() { return GetDataForThis(this); }
const void* GetData() const { return GetDataForThis(this); }
SkScalar x;
SkScalar y;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT DrawTextBlobOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::DrawTextBlob;
static constexpr bool kIsDrawOp = true;
DrawTextBlobOp(sk_sp<SkTextBlob> blob,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y,
const PaintFlags& flags);
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
sk_sp<SkTextBlob> blob;
SkScalar x;
SkScalar y;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT NoopOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::Noop;
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {}
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT RestoreOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::Restore;
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT RotateOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::Rotate;
explicit RotateOp(SkScalar degrees) : degrees(degrees) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkScalar degrees;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT SaveOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::Save;
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT SaveLayerOp final : PaintOpWithFlags {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::SaveLayer;
SaveLayerOp(const SkRect* bounds, const PaintFlags* flags)
: PaintOpWithFlags(flags ? *flags : PaintFlags()),
bounds(bounds ? *bounds : kUnsetRect) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm) {
auto* flags_op = static_cast<const PaintOpWithFlags*>(op);
RasterWithFlags(flags_op, &flags_op->flags, canvas, original_ctm);
static void RasterWithFlags(const PaintOpWithFlags* op,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkRect bounds;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT SaveLayerAlphaOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::SaveLayerAlpha;
SaveLayerAlphaOp(const SkRect* bounds, uint8_t alpha)
: bounds(bounds ? *bounds : kUnsetRect), alpha(alpha) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkRect bounds;
uint8_t alpha;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT ScaleOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::Scale;
ScaleOp(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) : sx(sx), sy(sy) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkScalar sx;
SkScalar sy;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT SetMatrixOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::SetMatrix;
explicit SetMatrixOp(const SkMatrix& matrix) : matrix(matrix) {}
// This is the only op that needs the original ctm of the SkCanvas
// used for raster (since SetMatrix is relative to the recording origin and
// shouldn't clobber the SkCanvas raster origin).
// TODO(enne): Find some cleaner way to do this, possibly by making
// all SetMatrix calls Concat??
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
ThreadsafeMatrix matrix;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT TranslateOp final : PaintOp {
static constexpr PaintOpType kType = PaintOpType::Translate;
TranslateOp(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) : dx(dx), dy(dy) {}
static void Raster(const PaintOp* op,
SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm);
SkScalar dx;
SkScalar dy;
using LargestPaintOp = DrawDRRectOp;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintOpBuffer : public SkRefCnt {
enum { kInitialBufferSize = 4096 };
// It's not necessarily the case that the op with the maximum alignment
// requirements is also the biggest op, but for now that's true.
static constexpr size_t PaintOpAlign = ALIGNOF(DrawDRRectOp);
~PaintOpBuffer() override;
void Reset();
void playback(SkCanvas* canvas) const;
void playback(SkCanvas* canvas, SkPicture::AbortCallback* callback) const;
// Returns the size of the paint op buffer. That is, the number of ops
// contained in it.
size_t size() const { return op_count_; }
// Returns the number of bytes used by the paint op buffer.
size_t bytes_used() const {
return sizeof(*this) + reserved_ + subrecord_bytes_used_;
int numSlowPaths() const { return num_slow_paths_; }
bool HasDiscardableImages() const { return has_discardable_images_; }
// Resize the PaintOpBuffer to exactly fit the current amount of used space.
void ShrinkToFit();
PaintOp* GetFirstOp() const {
return const_cast<PaintOp*>(first_op_.data_as<PaintOp>());
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void push(Args&&... args) {
static_assert(std::is_convertible<T, PaintOp>::value, "T not a PaintOp.");
static_assert(!std::is_convertible<T, PaintOpWithData>::value,
"Type needs to use push_with_data");
push_internal<T>(0, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void push_with_data(const void* data, size_t bytes, Args&&... args) {
static_assert(std::is_convertible<T, PaintOpWithData>::value,
"T is not a PaintOpWithData");
static_assert(!std::is_convertible<T, PaintOpWithArrayBase>::value,
"Type needs to use push_with_array");
DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0u);
T* op = push_internal<T>(bytes, bytes, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
memcpy(op->GetData(), data, bytes);
// Double check the data fits between op and next op and doesn't clobber.
char* op_start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(op);
char* op_end = op_start + sizeof(T);
char* next_op = op_start + op->skip;
char* data_start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(op->GetData());
char* data_end = data_start + bytes;
DCHECK_GE(data_start, op_end);
DCHECK_LT(data_start, next_op);
DCHECK_LE(data_end, next_op);
template <typename T, typename M, typename... Args>
void push_with_array(const void* data,
size_t bytes,
const M* array,
size_t count,
Args&&... args) {
static_assert(std::is_convertible<T, PaintOpWithArray<M>>::value,
"T is not a PaintOpWithArray");
DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0u);
DCHECK_GE(count, 0u);
size_t array_size = sizeof(M) * count;
size_t total_size = bytes + array_size;
T* op =
push_internal<T>(total_size, bytes, count, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
memcpy(op->GetData(), data, bytes);
memcpy(op->GetArray(), array, array_size);
// Double check data and array don't clobber op, next op, or each other
char* op_start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(op);
char* op_end = op_start + sizeof(T);
char* array_start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(op->GetArray());
char* array_end = array_start + array_size;
char* data_start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(op->GetData());
char* data_end = data_start + bytes;
char* next_op = op_start + op->skip;
DCHECK_GE(array_start, op_end);
DCHECK_LE(array_start, data_start);
DCHECK_GE(data_start, array_end);
DCHECK_LE(data_end, next_op);
class Iterator {
explicit Iterator(const PaintOpBuffer* buffer)
: buffer_(buffer), ptr_(buffer_->data_.get()) {}
PaintOp* operator->() const {
return op_idx_ ? reinterpret_cast<PaintOp*>(ptr_) : buffer_->GetFirstOp();
PaintOp* operator*() const { return operator->(); }
Iterator begin() { return Iterator(buffer_, buffer_->data_.get(), 0); }
Iterator end() {
return Iterator(buffer_, buffer_->data_.get() + buffer_->used_,
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) {
// Not valid to compare iterators on different buffers.
DCHECK_EQ(other.buffer_, buffer_);
return other.op_idx_ != op_idx_;
Iterator& operator++() {
if (!op_idx_++)
return *this;
PaintOp* op = **this;
uint32_t type = op->type;
CHECK_LE(type, static_cast<uint32_t>(PaintOpType::LastPaintOpType));
ptr_ += op->skip;
return *this;
operator bool() const { return op_idx_ < buffer_->size(); }
size_t op_idx() const { return op_idx_; }
Iterator(const PaintOpBuffer* buffer, char* ptr, size_t op_idx)
: buffer_(buffer), ptr_(ptr), op_idx_(op_idx) {}
const PaintOpBuffer* buffer_ = nullptr;
char* ptr_ = nullptr;
size_t op_idx_ = 0;
void ReallocBuffer(size_t new_size);
// Returns the allocated op and the number of bytes to skip in |data_| to get
// to the next op.
std::pair<void*, size_t> AllocatePaintOp(size_t sizeof_op, size_t bytes);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
T* push_internal(size_t bytes, Args&&... args) {
static_assert(ALIGNOF(T) <= PaintOpAlign, "");
auto pair = AllocatePaintOp(sizeof(T), bytes);
T* op = reinterpret_cast<T*>(pair.first);
size_t skip = pair.second;
new (op) T{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
op->type = static_cast<uint32_t>(T::kType);
op->skip = skip;
return op;
template <typename T>
void AnalyzeAddedOp(const T* op) {
num_slow_paths_ += op->CountSlowPathsFromFlags();
num_slow_paths_ += op->CountSlowPaths();
has_discardable_images_ |= op->HasDiscardableImages();
has_discardable_images_ |= op->HasDiscardableImagesFromFlags();
subrecord_bytes_used_ += op->AdditionalBytesUsed();
// As a performance optimization because n=1 is an extremely common case just
// store the first op in the PaintOpBuffer itself to avoid an extra alloc.
base::AlignedMemory<sizeof(LargestPaintOp), PaintOpAlign> first_op_;
std::unique_ptr<char, base::AlignedFreeDeleter> data_;
size_t used_ = 0;
size_t reserved_ = 0;
size_t op_count_ = 0;
// Record paths for veto-to-msaa for gpu raster.
int num_slow_paths_ = 0;
// Record additional bytes used by referenced sub-records and display lists.
size_t subrecord_bytes_used_ = 0;
bool has_discardable_images_ = false;
} // namespace cc