blob: 7db2947efcc95675cab52b87f96fb2eb24efa9c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import inspect
import os
from telemetry import user_story as user_story_module
from telemetry.util import cloud_storage
from telemetry.wpr import archive_info
class UserStorySet(object):
"""A collection of user story.
A typical usage of UserStorySet would be to subclass it and then calling
AddUserStory for each UserStory.
def __init__(self, archive_data_file='', cloud_storage_bucket=None,
base_dir=None, serving_dirs=None):
"""Creates a new UserStorySet.
archive_data_file: The path to Web Page Replay's archive data, relative
to self.base_dir.
cloud_storage_bucket: The cloud storage bucket used to download
Web Page Replay's archive data. Valid values are: None,
in telemetry.util.cloud_storage).
self.user_stories = []
self._archive_data_file = archive_data_file
self._wpr_archive_info = None
self._cloud_storage_bucket = cloud_storage_bucket
if base_dir:
if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
raise ValueError('Must provide valid directory path for base_dir.')
self._base_dir = base_dir
self._base_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
# Convert any relative serving_dirs to absolute paths.
self._serving_dirs = set(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.base_dir, d))
for d in serving_dirs or [])
def allow_mixed_story_states(self):
"""True iff UserStories are allowed to have different StoryState classes.
There are no checks in place for determining if SharedUserStoryStates are
being assigned correctly to all UserStorys in a given UserStorySet. The
majority of test cases should not need the ability to have multiple
ShareduserStoryStates, and usually implies you should be writing multiple
benchmarks instead. We provide errors to avoid accidentally assigning
or defaulting to the wrong SharedUserStoryState.
Override at your own risk. Here be dragons.
return False
def file_path(self):
return inspect.getfile(self.__class__).replace('.pyc', '.py')
def base_dir(self):
"""The base directory to resolve archive_data_file.
This defaults to the directory containing the UserStorySet instance's class.
return self._base_dir
def serving_dirs(self):
return self._serving_dirs
def archive_data_file(self):
return self._archive_data_file
def bucket(self):
return self._cloud_storage_bucket
def wpr_archive_info(self):
"""Lazily constructs wpr_archive_info if it's not set and returns it."""
if self.archive_data_file and not self._wpr_archive_info:
self._wpr_archive_info = archive_info.WprArchiveInfo.FromFile(
os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.archive_data_file), self.bucket)
return self._wpr_archive_info
def AddUserStory(self, user_story):
assert isinstance(user_story, user_story_module.UserStory)
def RemoveUserStory(self, user_story):
"""Removes a UserStory.
Allows the user stories to be filtered.
def Name(cls):
"""Returns the string name of this UserStorySet.
Note that this should be a classmethod so benchmark_runner script can match
user story class with its name specified in the run command:
'Run <User story test name> <User story class name>'
return cls.__module__.split('.')[-1]
def Description(cls):
"""Return a string explaining in human-understandable terms what this
user story represents.
Note that this should be a classmethod so benchmark_runner script can
display user stories' names along their descriptions in the list command.
if cls.__doc__:
return cls.__doc__.splitlines()[0]
return ''
def WprFilePathForUserStory(self, story):
"""Convenient function to retrieve WPR archive file path.
user_story: The UserStory to lookup.
The WPR archive file path for the given UserStory, if found.
Otherwise, return None.
if not self.wpr_archive_info:
return None
return self.wpr_archive_info.WprFilePathForUserStory(story)
def __iter__(self):
return self.user_stories.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.user_stories)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.user_stories[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.user_stories[key] = value