blob: 22db5f7f533aaaadfd6702f74db3b09553fcf642 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/app_list/app_list_export.h"
#include "ash/app_list/app_list_metrics.h"
#include "ash/app_list/app_list_view_delegate.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_types.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/presentation_time_recorder.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace display {
class Display;
namespace ui {
class AnimationMetricsReporter;
class ImplicitAnimationObserver;
} // namespace ui
namespace ash {
class PaginationModel;
} // namespace ash
namespace app_list {
class AppsContainerView;
class ApplicationDragAndDropHost;
class AppListBackgroundShieldView;
class AppListMainView;
class AppListModel;
class AppsGridView;
class BoundsAnimationObserver;
class SearchBoxView;
class SearchModel;
namespace {
// The fraction of app list height that the app list must be released at in
// order to transition to the next state.
constexpr int kAppListThresholdDenominator = 3;
} // namespace
// AppListView is the top-level view and controller of app list UI. It creates
// and hosts a AppsGridView and passes AppListModel to it for display.
// TODO(newcomer|weidongg): Organize the cc file to match the order of
// definitions in this header.
class APP_LIST_EXPORT AppListView : public views::WidgetDelegateView,
public aura::WindowObserver {
class TestApi {
explicit TestApi(AppListView* view);
AppsGridView* GetRootAppsGridView();
AppListView* const view_;
// Number of the size of shelf. Used to determine the opacity of items in the
// app list during dragging.
static constexpr float kNumOfShelfSize = 2.0;
// The opacity of the app list background.
static constexpr float kAppListOpacity = 0.95;
// The opacity of the app list background with blur.
static constexpr float kAppListOpacityWithBlur = 0.74;
// The preferred blend alpha with wallpaper color for background.
static constexpr int kAppListColorDarkenAlpha = 178;
// The defualt color of the app list background.
static constexpr SkColor kDefaultBackgroundColor = gfx::kGoogleGrey900;
// The duration the AppListView ignores scroll events which could transition
// its state.
static constexpr int kScrollIgnoreTimeMs = 500;
// The snapping threshold for dragging app list from shelf in tablet mode,
// measured in DIPs.
static constexpr int kDragSnapToFullscreenThreshold = 320;
// The snapping thresholds for dragging app list from shelf in laptop mode,
// measured in DIPs.
static constexpr int kDragSnapToClosedThreshold = 144;
static constexpr int kDragSnapToPeekingThreshold = 561;
// The velocity the app list must be dragged in order to transition to the
// next state, measured in DIPs/event.
static constexpr int kDragVelocityThreshold = 6;
// Does not take ownership of |delegate|.
explicit AppListView(AppListViewDelegate* delegate);
~AppListView() override;
// Prevents handling input events for the |window| in context of handling in
// app list.
static void ExcludeWindowFromEventHandling(aura::Window* window);
static void SetShortAnimationForTesting(bool enabled);
static bool ShortAnimationsForTesting();
// Initializes the view, only done once per session.
void InitView(bool is_tablet_mode, gfx::NativeView parent);
// Initializes the contents of the view.
void InitContents(bool is_tablet_mode);
// Initializes this view's widget.
void InitWidget(gfx::NativeView parent);
// Initializes the SearchBox's widget.
void InitChildWidget();
// Sets the state of all child views to be re-shown, then shows the view.
void Show(bool is_side_shelf, bool is_tablet_mode);
// If |drag_and_drop_host| is not NULL it will be called upon drag and drop
// operations outside the application list. This has to be called after
// Initialize was called since the app list object needs to exist so that
// it can set the host.
void SetDragAndDropHostOfCurrentAppList(
ApplicationDragAndDropHost* drag_and_drop_host);
// Dismisses the UI, cleans up and sets the state to CLOSED.
void Dismiss();
// Resets the child views before showing the AppListView.
void ResetForShow();
// Closes opened folder or search result page if they are opened.
void CloseOpenedPage();
// If a folder is open, close it. Returns whether an opened folder was closed.
bool HandleCloseOpenFolder();
// If a search box is open, close it. Returns whether an open search box was
// closed.
bool HandleCloseOpenSearchBox();
// Performs the 'back' action for the active page.
bool Back();
// views::View:
void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override;
const char* GetClassName() const override;
bool AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) override;
void Layout() override;
// WidgetDelegate:
ax::mojom::Role GetAccessibleWindowRole() override;
// ui::EventHandler:
void OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event) override;
void OnScrollEvent(ui::ScrollEvent* event) override;
void OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) override;
void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) override;
// Called when tablet mode starts and ends.
void OnTabletModeChanged(bool started);
// Called when the wallpaper colors change.
void OnWallpaperColorsChanged();
// Handles scroll events from various sources.
bool HandleScroll(const gfx::Vector2d& offset, ui::EventType type);
// Changes the app list state.
void SetState(ash::AppListViewState new_state);
// Changes the app list state depending on the current |app_list_state_| and
// whether the search box is empty.
void SetStateFromSearchBoxView(bool search_box_is_empty,
bool triggered_by_contents_change);
// Updates y position and opacity of app list during dragging.
void UpdateYPositionAndOpacity(int y_position_in_screen,
float background_opacity);
// Offsets the y position of the app list (above the screen)
void OffsetYPositionOfAppList(int offset);
// Update Y position and opacity of this view's child views during dragging.
void UpdateChildViewsYPositionAndOpacity();
// The search box cannot actively listen to all key events. To control and
// input into the search box when it does not have focus, we need to redirect
// necessary key events to the search box.
void RedirectKeyEventToSearchBox(ui::KeyEvent* event);
// Called when on-screen keyboard's visibility is changed.
void OnScreenKeyboardShown(bool shown);
// Called when parent window's bounds is changed.
void OnParentWindowBoundsChanged();
// If the on-screen keyboard is shown, hide it. Return whether keyboard was
// hidden
bool CloseKeyboardIfVisible();
// Sets |is_in_drag_| and updates the visibility of app list items.
void SetIsInDrag(bool is_in_drag);
// Home launcher can become the focused window without being reset when all
// open windows are closed in tablet mode. Reset the view in this case.
void OnHomeLauncherGainingFocusWithoutAnimation();
// Gets the PaginationModel owned by this view's apps grid.
ash::PaginationModel* GetAppsPaginationModel();
// Gets the content bounds of the app info dialog of the app list in the
// screen coordinates.
gfx::Rect GetAppInfoDialogBounds() const;
// Gets current screen bottom.
int GetScreenBottom() const;
// Returns current app list height above display bottom.
int GetCurrentAppListHeight() const;
// The progress of app list height transitioning from closed to fullscreen
// state. [0.0, 1.0] means the progress between closed and peeking state,
// while [1.0, 2.0] means the progress between peeking and fullscreen state.
float GetAppListTransitionProgress() const;
// Returns the height of app list in fullscreen state.
int GetFullscreenStateHeight() const;
// Calculates and returns the app list view state after dragging from shelf
// ends.
ash::AppListViewState CalculateStateAfterShelfDrag(
const ui::LocatedEvent& event_in_screen,
float launcher_above_shelf_bottom_amount) const;
// Returns a animation metrics reportre for state transition.
ui::AnimationMetricsReporter* GetStateTransitionMetricsReporter();
// Called when drag in tablet mode starts/proceeds/ends.
void OnHomeLauncherDragStart();
void OnHomeLauncherDragInProgress();
void OnHomeLauncherDragEnd();
// Resets the animation metrics reporter for state transition.
void ResetTransitionMetricsReporter();
// WindowObserver overrides:
void OnWindowDestroying(aura::Window* window) override;
void OnWindowBoundsChanged(aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds,
ui::PropertyChangeReason reason) override;
// Called when state transition animation is completed.
void OnStateTransitionAnimationCompleted();
void OnTabletModeAnimationTransitionNotified(
TabletModeAnimationTransition animation_transition);
// Called at the end of dragging AppList from Shelf.
void EndDragFromShelf(ash::AppListViewState app_list_state);
// Moves the AppListView off screen and calls a layout if needed.
void OnBoundsAnimationCompleted();
gfx::NativeView parent_window() const { return parent_window_; }
ash::AppListViewState app_list_state() const { return app_list_state_; }
SearchBoxView* search_box_view() const { return search_box_view_; }
AppListMainView* app_list_main_view() const { return app_list_main_view_; }
views::View* announcement_view() const { return announcement_view_; }
bool is_fullscreen() const {
return app_list_state_ == ash::AppListViewState::kFullscreenAllApps ||
app_list_state_ == ash::AppListViewState::kFullscreenSearch;
bool is_tablet_mode() const { return is_tablet_mode_; }
bool is_side_shelf() const { return is_side_shelf_; }
void set_shelf_has_rounded_corners(bool shelf_has_rounded_corners) {
shelf_has_rounded_corners_ = shelf_has_rounded_corners;
bool shelf_has_rounded_corners() const { return shelf_has_rounded_corners_; }
bool is_in_drag() const { return is_in_drag_; }
void set_onscreen_keyboard_shown(bool onscreen_keyboard_shown) {
onscreen_keyboard_shown_ = onscreen_keyboard_shown;
views::View* GetAppListBackgroundShieldForTest();
SkColor GetAppListBackgroundShieldColorForTest();
class StateAnimationMetricsReporter;
// Updates the widget to be shown.
void UpdateWidget();
// Closes the AppListView when a click or tap event propogates to the
// AppListView.
void HandleClickOrTap(ui::LocatedEvent* event);
// Initializes |initial_drag_point_|.
void StartDrag(const gfx::Point& location);
// Updates the bounds of the widget while maintaining the relative position
// of the top of the widget and the gesture.
void UpdateDrag(const gfx::Point& location);
// Handles app list state transfers. If the drag was fast enough, ignore the
// release position and snap to the next state.
void EndDrag(const gfx::Point& location);
// Set child views for |target_state|.
void SetChildViewsForStateTransition(ash::AppListViewState target_state);
// Converts |state| to the fullscreen equivalent.
void ConvertAppListStateToFullscreenEquivalent(ash::AppListViewState* state);
// Kicks off the proper animation for the state change. If an animation is
// in progress it will be interrupted.
void StartAnimationForState(ash::AppListViewState new_state);
void MaybeIncreaseAssistantPrivacyInfoRowShownCount(
ash::AppListViewState new_state);
// Applies a bounds animation on this views layer.
void ApplyBoundsAnimation(ash::AppListViewState target_state,
base::TimeDelta duration_ms);
// Records the state transition for UMA.
void RecordStateTransitionForUma(ash::AppListViewState new_state);
// Creates an Accessibility Event if the state transition warrants one.
void MaybeCreateAccessibilityEvent(ash::AppListViewState new_state);
// Returns the remaining vertical distance for the bounds movement
// animation.
int GetRemainingBoundsAnimationDistance() const;
// Gets the display nearest to the parent window.
display::Display GetDisplayNearestView() const;
// Gets the apps container view owned by this view.
AppsContainerView* GetAppsContainerView();
// Gets the root apps grid view owned by this view.
AppsGridView* GetRootAppsGridView();
// Gets the apps grid view within the folder view owned by this view.
AppsGridView* GetFolderAppsGridView();
// Gets the AppListStateTransitionSource for |app_list_state_| to
// |target_state|. If we are not interested in recording a state transition
// (ie. PEEKING->PEEKING) then return kMaxAppListStateTransition. If this is
// modified, histograms will be affected.
AppListStateTransitionSource GetAppListStateTransitionSource(
ash::AppListViewState target_state) const;
// Overridden from views::WidgetDelegateView:
views::View* GetInitiallyFocusedView() override;
// Gets app list background opacity during dragging.
float GetAppListBackgroundOpacityDuringDragging();
const std::vector<SkColor>& GetWallpaperProminentColors();
void SetBackgroundShieldColor();
// Records the number of folders, and the number of items in folders for UMA
// histograms.
void RecordFolderMetrics();
// Returns true if scroll events should be ignored.
bool ShouldIgnoreScrollEvents();
// Returns preferred y of fullscreen widget bounds in parent window for the
// specified state.
int GetPreferredWidgetYForState(ash::AppListViewState state) const;
// Returns preferred fullscreen widget bounds in parent window for the
// specified state. Note that this function should only be called after the
// widget is initialized.
gfx::Rect GetPreferredWidgetBoundsForState(ash::AppListViewState state);
// Updates y position of |app_list_background_shield_| based on the
// |app_list_state_| and |is_in_drag_|.
void UpdateAppListBackgroundYPosition();
// Returns whether it should update child views' position and opacity in each
// animation frame.
bool ShouldUpdateChildViewsDuringAnimation(
ash::AppListViewState target_state) const;
// Returns whether AppList's rounded corners should be hidden based on
// |bounds|.
bool ShouldHideRoundedCorners(const gfx::Rect& bounds) const;
AppListViewDelegate* delegate_; // Weak. Owned by AppListService.
AppListModel* const model_; // Not Owned.
SearchModel* const search_model_; // Not Owned.
AppListMainView* app_list_main_view_ = nullptr;
gfx::NativeView parent_window_ = nullptr;
views::Widget* search_box_widget_ =
nullptr; // Owned by the app list's widget.
SearchBoxView* search_box_view_ = nullptr; // Owned by |search_box_widget_|.
// Owned by the app list's widget. Used to show the darkened AppList
// background.
AppListBackgroundShieldView* app_list_background_shield_ = nullptr;
// The time the AppListView was requested to be shown. Used for metrics.
base::Optional<base::Time> time_shown_;
// Whether tablet mode is active.
bool is_tablet_mode_ = false;
// Whether the shelf is oriented on the side.
bool is_side_shelf_ = false;
// Whether the shelf has rounded corners.
bool shelf_has_rounded_corners_ = false;
// True if the user is in the process of gesture-dragging on opened app list,
// or dragging the app list from shelf.
bool is_in_drag_ = false;
// Whether the view is being built.
bool is_building_ = false;
// Y position of the app list in screen space coordinate during dragging.
int app_list_y_position_in_screen_ = 0;
// The opacity of app list background during dragging. This ensures a gradual
// opacity shift from the shelf opacity while dragging to show the AppListView
// from the shelf.
float background_opacity_in_drag_ = 0.f;
// The location of initial gesture event in screen coordinates.
gfx::Point initial_drag_point_;
// The rectangle of initial widget's window in screen coordinates.
gfx::Rect initial_window_bounds_;
// The location of the initial mouse event in view coordinates.
gfx::Point initial_mouse_drag_point_;
// The velocity of the gesture event.
float last_fling_velocity_ = 0;
// Whether the background blur is enabled.
const bool is_background_blur_enabled_;
// The state of the app list, controlled via SetState().
ash::AppListViewState app_list_state_ = ash::AppListViewState::kPeeking;
// An observer to notify AppListView of bounds animation completion.
std::unique_ptr<BoundsAnimationObserver> bounds_animation_observer_;
// For UMA and testing. If non-null, triggered when the app list is painted.
base::Closure next_paint_callback_;
// Metric reporter for state change animations.
const std::unique_ptr<StateAnimationMetricsReporter>
// Whether the on-screen keyboard is shown.
bool onscreen_keyboard_shown_ = false;
// View used to announce:
// 1. state transition for peeking and fullscreen
// 2. folder opening and closing.
// 3. app dragging in AppsGridView.
views::View* announcement_view_ = nullptr; // Owned by AppListView.
// Records the presentation time for app launcher dragging.
std::unique_ptr<ash::PresentationTimeRecorder> presentation_time_recorder_;
// Update child views' position and opacity in each animation frame when it is
// true. The padding between child views is affected by the height of
// AppListView. In the normal animation, child views' location is only updated
// at the end of animation. As a result, the dramatic change in padding leads
// to animation jank. However, updating child views in each animation frame is
// expensive. So it is only applied in the limited scenarios.
bool update_childview_each_frame_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AppListView> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace app_list