blob: a7252e520c61cb1efe3212a5d156dbb098b62218 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_client.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_profile.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/credit_card.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/payments/card_unmask_challenge_option.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/payments/card_unmask_delegate.h"
#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/access_token_fetcher.h"
#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/access_token_info.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace signin {
class IdentityManager;
} // namespace signin
namespace network {
struct ResourceRequest;
class SimpleURLLoader;
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
} // namespace network
namespace autofill {
class AccountInfoGetter;
class MigratableCreditCard;
namespace payments {
// Callback type for MigrateCards callback. |result| is the Payments Rpc result.
// |save_result| is an unordered_map parsed from the response whose key is the
// unique id (guid) for each card and value is the server save result string.
// |display_text| is the returned tip from Payments to show on the UI.
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result,
std::unique_ptr<std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>> save_result,
const std::string& display_text)>
// Billable service number is defined in Payments server to distinguish
// different requests.
const int kUnmaskCardBillableServiceNumber = 70154;
const int kUploadCardBillableServiceNumber = 70073;
const int kMigrateCardsBillableServiceNumber = 70264;
class PaymentsRequest;
// PaymentsClient issues Payments RPCs and manages responses and failure
// conditions. Only one request may be active at a time. Initiating a new
// request will cancel a pending request.
// Tests are located in
// src/components/autofill/content/browser/payments/
class PaymentsClient {
// The names of the fields used to send non-location elements as part of an
// address. Used in the implementation and in tests which verify that these
// values are set or not at appropriate times.
static const char kRecipientName[];
static const char kPhoneNumber[];
// Details for card unmasking, such as the suggested method of authentication,
// along with any information required to facilitate the authentication.
struct UnmaskDetails {
UnmaskDetails& operator=(const UnmaskDetails& other);
// The type of authentication method suggested for card unmask.
AutofillClient::UnmaskAuthMethod unmask_auth_method =
// Set to true if the user should be offered opt-in for FIDO Authentication.
bool offer_fido_opt_in = false;
// Public Key Credential Request Options required for authentication.
absl::optional<base::Value> fido_request_options;
// Set of credit cards ids that are eligible for FIDO Authentication.
std::set<std::string> fido_eligible_card_ids;
// A collection of the information required to make a credit card unmask
// request.
struct UnmaskRequestDetails {
UnmaskRequestDetails(const UnmaskRequestDetails& other);
UnmaskRequestDetails& operator=(const UnmaskRequestDetails& other);
int64_t billing_customer_number = 0;
CreditCard card;
std::string risk_data;
CardUnmaskDelegate::UserProvidedUnmaskDetails user_response;
absl::optional<base::Value> fido_assertion_info;
std::u16string otp;
// An opaque token used to chain consecutive payments requests together.
std::string context_token;
// The url origin of the website where the unmasking happened. Should be
// populated when the unmasking is for a virtual card.
absl::optional<GURL> last_committed_url_origin;
// Information retrieved from an UnmaskRequest.
struct UnmaskResponseDetails {
UnmaskResponseDetails(const UnmaskResponseDetails& other);
UnmaskResponseDetails& operator=(const UnmaskResponseDetails& other);
UnmaskResponseDetails& with_real_pan(std::string r) {
real_pan = r;
return *this;
UnmaskResponseDetails& with_dcvv(std::string d) {
dcvv = d;
return *this;
std::string real_pan;
std::string dcvv;
// The expiration month of the card. It falls in between 1 - 12. Should be
// populated when the card is a virtual card which does not necessarily have
// the same expiration date as its related actual card.
std::string expiration_month;
// The four-digit expiration year of the card. Should be populated when the
// card is a virtual card which does not necessarily have the same
// expiration date as its related actual card.
std::string expiration_year;
// Challenge required for enrolling user into FIDO authentication for future
// card unmasking.
absl::optional<base::Value> fido_creation_options;
// Challenge required for authorizing user for FIDO authentication for
// future card unmasking.
absl::optional<base::Value> fido_request_options;
// An opaque token used to logically chain consecutive UnmaskCard and
// OptChange calls together.
std::string card_authorization_token;
// Available card unmask challenge options.
std::vector<CardUnmaskChallengeOption> card_unmask_challenge_options;
// An opaque token used to chain consecutive payments requests together.
// Client should not update or modify this token.
std::string context_token;
// An intermediate status in cases other than immediate success or failure.
std::string flow_status;
// The type of the returned credit card.
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcCardType card_type =
// Information required to either opt-in or opt-out a user for FIDO
// Authentication.
struct OptChangeRequestDetails {
OptChangeRequestDetails(const OptChangeRequestDetails& other);
std::string app_locale;
// The reason for making the request.
enum Reason {
// Unknown default.
// The user wants to enable FIDO authentication for card unmasking.
// The user wants to disable FIDO authentication for card unmasking.
// The user is authorizing a new card for future FIDO authentication
// unmasking.
// Reason for the request.
Reason reason;
// Signature required for enrolling user into FIDO authentication for future
// card unmasking.
absl::optional<base::Value> fido_authenticator_response;
// An opaque token used to logically chain consecutive UnmaskCard and
// OptChange calls together.
std::string card_authorization_token = std::string();
// Information retrieved from an OptChange request.
struct OptChangeResponseDetails {
OptChangeResponseDetails(const OptChangeResponseDetails& other);
// Unset if response failed. True if user is opted-in for FIDO
// authentication for card unmasking. False otherwise.
absl::optional<bool> user_is_opted_in;
// Challenge required for enrolling user into FIDO authentication for future
// card unmasking.
absl::optional<base::Value> fido_creation_options;
// Challenge required for authorizing user for FIDO authentication for
// future card unmasking.
absl::optional<base::Value> fido_request_options;
// A collection of the information required to make a credit card upload
// request.
struct UploadRequestDetails {
UploadRequestDetails(const UploadRequestDetails& other);
int64_t billing_customer_number = 0;
int detected_values;
CreditCard card;
std::u16string cvc;
std::vector<AutofillProfile> profiles;
std::u16string context_token;
std::string risk_data;
std::string app_locale;
std::vector<const char*> active_experiments;
// A collection of the information required to make local credit cards
// migration request.
struct MigrationRequestDetails {
MigrationRequestDetails(const MigrationRequestDetails& other);
int64_t billing_customer_number = 0;
std::u16string context_token;
std::string risk_data;
std::string app_locale;
// A collection of the information required to make select challenge option
// request.
struct SelectChallengeOptionRequestDetails {
const SelectChallengeOptionRequestDetails& other);
CardUnmaskChallengeOption selected_challenge_option;
// An opaque token used to chain consecutive payments requests together.
std::string context_token;
int64_t billing_customer_number = 0;
// An enum set in the GetUploadDetailsRequest indicating the source of the
// request when uploading a card to Google Payments. It should stay consistent
// with the same enum in Google Payments server code.
enum UploadCardSource {
// Source unknown.
// Single card is being uploaded from the normal credit card offer-to-save
// prompt during a checkout flow.
// Single card is being uploaded from chrome://settings/payments.
// Single card is being uploaded after being scanned by OCR.
// 1+ cards are being uploaded from a migration request that started during
// a checkout flow.
// 1+ cards are being uploaded from a migration request that was initiated
// from chrome://settings/payments.
// TODO( Remove the |server_id| field from
// UploadCardResponseDetails since it is never used.
// A collection of information received in the response for an
// UploadCardRequest.
struct UploadCardResponseDetails {
std::string server_id;
// TODO( Add |virtual_card_enrollment_state| and
// |card_art_url| data members when integrating all of the logic for the
// virtual card enrollment flow.
// TODO( Add GetDetailsForEnrollRequest.
// A collection of information received in the response for a
// GetDetailsForEnrollRequest.
struct GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails {
const GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails&) = delete;
GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails& operator=(
const GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails&) = delete;
// |vcn_context_token| is used in the sequential Enroll call, where it
// allows the server to get the instrument id for this |vcn_context_token|
// and link this specific GetDetailsForEnroll call with its corresponding
// enroll call.
std::string vcn_context_token;
// Google's legal message lines in the virtual card enroll flow for this
// specific card based on |vcn_context_token|.
LegalMessageLines google_legal_message;
// The issuer's legal message lines in the virtual card enroll flow for this
// specific card based on |vcn_context_token|.
LegalMessageLines issuer_legal_message;
// |url_loader_factory| is reference counted so it has no lifetime or
// ownership requirements. |identity_manager| and |account_info_getter| must
// all outlive |this|. Either delegate might be nullptr. |is_off_the_record|
// denotes incognito mode.
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
signin::IdentityManager* const identity_manager,
AccountInfoGetter* const account_info_getter,
bool is_off_the_record = false);
PaymentsClient(const PaymentsClient&) = delete;
PaymentsClient& operator=(const PaymentsClient&) = delete;
virtual ~PaymentsClient();
// Starts fetching the OAuth2 token in anticipation of future Payments
// requests. Called as an optimization, but not strictly necessary. Should
// *not* be called in advance of GetUploadDetails or UploadCard because
// identifying information should not be sent until the user has explicitly
// accepted an upload prompt.
void Prepare();
// The user has interacted with a credit card form and may attempt to unmask a
// card. This request returns what method of authentication is suggested,
// along with any information to facilitate the authentication.
virtual void GetUnmaskDetails(
UnmaskDetails&)> callback,
const std::string& app_locale);
// The user has attempted to unmask a card with the given cvc.
virtual void UnmaskCard(
const UnmaskRequestDetails& request_details,
UnmaskResponseDetails&)> callback);
// Opts-in or opts-out the user to use FIDO authentication for card unmasking
// on this device.
void OptChange(const OptChangeRequestDetails request_details,
OptChangeResponseDetails&)> callback);
// Determine if the user meets the Payments service's conditions for upload.
// The service uses |addresses| (from which names and phone numbers are
// removed) and |app_locale| to determine which legal message to display.
// |detected_values| is a bitmask of CreditCardSaveManager::DetectedValue
// values that relays what data is actually available for upload in order to
// make more informed upload decisions. |callback| is the callback function
// when get response from server. |billable_service_number| is used to set the
// billable service number in the GetUploadDetails request. If the conditions
// are met, the legal message will be returned via |callback|.
// |active_experiments| is used by Payments server to track requests that were
// triggered by enabled features. |upload_card_source| is used by Payments
// server metrics to track the source of the request.
virtual void GetUploadDetails(
const std::vector<AutofillProfile>& addresses,
const int detected_values,
const std::vector<const char*>& active_experiments,
const std::string& app_locale,
const std::u16string&,
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>)> callback,
const int billable_service_number,
UploadCardSource upload_card_source =
// The user has indicated that they would like to upload a card with the given
// cvc. This request will fail server-side if a successful call to
// GetUploadDetails has not already been made.
virtual void UploadCard(
const UploadRequestDetails& details,
const PaymentsClient::UploadCardResponseDetails&)>
// The user has indicated that they would like to migrate their local credit
// cards. This request will fail server-side if a successful call to
// GetUploadDetails has not already been made.
virtual void MigrateCards(
const MigrationRequestDetails& details,
const std::vector<MigratableCreditCard>& migratable_credit_cards,
MigrateCardsCallback callback);
// The user has chosen one of the available challenge options. Send the
// selected challenge option to server to continue the unmask flow.
virtual void SelectChallengeOption(
const SelectChallengeOptionRequestDetails& details,
const std::string&)> callback);
// Cancels and clears the current |request_|.
void CancelRequest();
// Exposed for testing.
void set_url_loader_factory_for_testing(
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory);
bool is_off_the_record() { return is_off_the_record_; }
friend class PaymentsClientTest;
// Initiates a Payments request using the state in |request|. If
// |authenticate| is true, ensures that an OAuth token is avialble first.
// Takes ownership of |request|.
void IssueRequest(std::unique_ptr<PaymentsRequest> request,
bool authenticate);
// Creates |resource_request_| to be used later in StartRequest().
void InitializeResourceRequest();
// Callback from |simple_url_loader_|.
void OnSimpleLoaderComplete(std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body);
void OnSimpleLoaderCompleteInternal(int response_code,
const std::string& data);
// Callback that handles a completed access token request.
void AccessTokenFetchFinished(GoogleServiceAuthError error,
signin::AccessTokenInfo access_token_info);
// Handles a completed access token request in the case of failure.
void AccessTokenError(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error);
// Initiates a new OAuth2 token request.
void StartTokenFetch(bool invalidate_old);
// Adds the token to |simple_url_loader_| and starts the request.
void SetOAuth2TokenAndStartRequest();
// Creates |simple_url_loader_| and calls it to start the request.
void StartRequest();
// The URL loader factory for the request.
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory_;
// Provided in constructor; not owned by PaymentsClient.
const raw_ptr<signin::IdentityManager> identity_manager_;
// Provided in constructor; not owned by PaymentsClient.
const raw_ptr<AccountInfoGetter> account_info_getter_;
// The current request.
std::unique_ptr<PaymentsRequest> request_;
// The resource request being used to issue the current request.
std::unique_ptr<network::ResourceRequest> resource_request_;
// The URL loader being used to issue the current request.
std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> simple_url_loader_;
// The OAuth2 token fetcher for any account.
std::unique_ptr<signin::AccessTokenFetcher> token_fetcher_;
// The OAuth2 token, or empty if not fetched.
std::string access_token_;
// Denotes incognito mode.
bool is_off_the_record_;
// True if |request_| has already retried due to a 401 response from the
// server.
bool has_retried_authorization_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PaymentsClient> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace payments
} // namespace autofill