blob: f9867fc94e64a5694f8d3b98a8ca85cc8abafe87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "content/public/common/stop_find_action.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/find_in_page.mojom.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
namespace content {
class FindInPageClient;
class RenderFrameHost;
class RenderFrameHostImpl;
class WebContentsImpl;
// FindRequestManager manages all of the find-in-page requests/replies
// initiated/received through a WebContents. It coordinates searching across
// multiple (potentially out-of-process) frames, handles the aggregation of find
// results from each frame, and facilitates active match traversal. It is
// instantiated once per top-level WebContents, and is owned by that
// WebContents.
class FindRequestManager {
explicit FindRequestManager(WebContentsImpl* web_contents);
FindRequestManager(const FindRequestManager&) = delete;
FindRequestManager& operator=(const FindRequestManager&) = delete;
// Initiates a find operation for |search_text| with the options specified in
// |options|. |request_id| uniquely identifies the find request.
void Find(int request_id,
const std::u16string& search_text,
blink::mojom::FindOptionsPtr options);
// Stops the active find session and clears the general highlighting of the
// matches. |action| determines whether the last active match (if any) will be
// activated, cleared, or remain highlighted.
void StopFinding(StopFindAction action);
// Handles the final update from |rfh| for the find request with id
// |request_id|.
void HandleFinalUpdateForFrame(RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh, int request_id);
// The number of matches on |rfh| has changed from |old_count| to |new_count|.
// This method updates the total number of matches and also updates
// |active_match_ordinal_| accordingly.
void UpdatedFrameNumberOfMatches(RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
unsigned int old_count,
unsigned int new_count);
bool ShouldIgnoreReply(RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh, int request_id);
void SetActiveMatchRect(const gfx::Rect& active_match_rect);
void SetActiveMatchOrdinal(RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
int request_id,
int active_match_ordinal);
// Sends the find results (as they currently are) to the WebContents.
// |final_update| is true if we have received all of the updates from
// every frame for this request.
void NotifyFindReply(int request_id, bool final_update);
// Removes a frame from the set of frames being searched. This should be
// called whenever a frame is discovered to no longer exist.
void RemoveFrame(RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Tells active frame to clear the active match highlighting.
void ClearActiveFindMatch();
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Selects and zooms to the find result nearest to the point (x, y), defined
// in find-in-page coordinates.
void ActivateNearestFindResult(float x, float y);
// Called when a reply is received from a frame in response to the
// GetNearestFindResult mojo call.
void OnGetNearestFindResultReply(RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
int request_id,
float distance);
// Requests the rects of the current find matches from the renderer process.
void RequestFindMatchRects(int current_version);
// Called when a reply is received from a frame in response to a request for
// find match rects.
void OnFindMatchRectsReply(RenderFrameHost* rfh,
int version,
const std::vector<gfx::RectF>& rects,
const gfx::RectF& active_rect);
const std::unordered_set<RenderFrameHost*>
render_frame_hosts_pending_initial_reply_for_testing() const {
return pending_initial_replies_;
gfx::Rect GetSelectionRectForTesting() { return selection_rect_; }
using CreateFindInPageClientFunction = std::unique_ptr<FindInPageClient> (*)(
FindRequestManager* find_request_manager,
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh);
void SetCreateFindInPageClientFunctionForTesting(
CreateFindInPageClientFunction create_func) {
create_find_in_page_client_for_testing_ = create_func;
friend class FindRequestManagerFencedFrameTest;
// An invalid ID. This value is invalid for any render process ID, render
// frame ID, find request ID, or find match rects version number.
static const int kInvalidId;
class FrameObserver;
// The request data for a single find request.
struct FindRequest {
// The find request ID that uniquely identifies this find request.
int id = kInvalidId;
// The text that is being searched for in this find request.
std::u16string search_text;
// The set of find options in effect for this find request.
blink::mojom::FindOptionsPtr options;
FindRequest(int id,
const std::u16string& search_text,
blink::mojom::FindOptionsPtr options);
FindRequest(const FindRequest& request);
FindRequest& operator=(const FindRequest& request);
// Resets all of the per-session state for a new find-in-page session.
void Reset(const FindRequest& initial_request);
// Called internally as find requests come up in the queue.
void FindInternal(const FindRequest& request);
// Called when an informative response (a response with enough information to
// be able to route subsequent find requests) comes in for the find request
// with ID |request_id|. Advances the |find_request_queue_| if appropriate.
void AdvanceQueue(int request_id);
// Sends find request |request| through mojo to the RenderFrame associated
// with |rfh|.
void SendFindRequest(const FindRequest& request, RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Returns the initial frame in search order. This will be either the first
// frame, if searching forward, or the last frame, if searching backward.
RenderFrameHost* GetInitialFrame(bool forward) const;
// Traverses the frame tree to find and return the next RenderFrameHost after
// |from_rfh| in search order. |forward| indicates whether the frame tree
// should be traversed forward (if true) or backward (if false). If
// |matches_only| is set, then the frame tree will be traversed until the
// first frame is found for which matches have been found. If |wrap| is set,
// then the traversal can wrap around past the last frame to the first one (or
// vice-versa, if |forward| == false). If no frame can be found under these
// conditions, nullptr is returned.
RenderFrameHost* Traverse(RenderFrameHost* from_rfh,
bool forward,
bool matches_only,
bool wrap) const;
// Adds a frame to the set of frames that are being searched. The new frame
// will automatically be searched when added, using the same options (stored
// in |current_request_.options|). |force| should be set to true when a
// dynamic content change is suspected, which will treat the frame as a newly
// added frame even if it has already been searched. This will force a
// re-search of the frame.
void AddFrame(RenderFrameHost* rfh, bool force);
// Returns whether |rfh| is in the set of frames being searched in the current
// find session.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool CheckFrame(RenderFrameHost* rfh) const;
// Computes and updates |active_match_ordinal_| based on |active_frame_| and
// |relative_active_match_ordinal_|.
void UpdateActiveMatchOrdinal();
// Called when all pending find replies have been received for the find
// request with ID |request_id|. The final update was received from |rfh|.
// Note that this is the final update for this particular find request, but
// not necessarily for all issued requests. If there are still pending replies
// expected for a previous find request, then the outgoing find reply issued
// from this function will not be marked final.
void FinalUpdateReceived(int request_id, RenderFrameHost* rfh);
std::unique_ptr<FindInPageClient> CreateFindInPageClient(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh);
using FrameIterationCallback =
// Traverses all RenderFrameHosts added for find-in-page and invokes the
// callback if the each RenderFrameHost is alive and active.
void ForEachAddedFindInPageRenderFrameHost(FrameIterationCallback callback);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Called when a nearest find result reply is no longer pending for a frame.
void RemoveNearestFindResultPendingReply(RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Called when a find match rects reply is no longer pending for a frame.
void RemoveFindMatchRectsPendingReply(RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// State related to ActivateNearestFindResult requests.
struct ActivateNearestFindResultState {
// An ID to uniquely identify the current nearest find result request and
// its replies.
int current_request_id = kInvalidId;
// The value of the requested point, in find-in-page coordinates.
gfx::PointF point = gfx::PointF(0.0f, 0.0f);
float nearest_distance = FLT_MAX;
// The frame containing the nearest result found so far.
raw_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> nearest_frame = nullptr;
// Nearest find result replies are still pending for these frames.
std::unordered_set<RenderFrameHost*> pending_replies;
ActivateNearestFindResultState(float x, float y);
static int GetNextID() {
static int next_id = 0;
return next_id++;
} activate_;
// Data for find match rects in a single frame.
struct FrameRects {
// The rects contained in a single frame.
std::vector<gfx::RectF> rects;
// The version number for these rects, as reported by their containing
// frame. This version is incremented independently in each frame.
int version = kInvalidId;
FrameRects(const std::vector<gfx::RectF>& rects, int version);
// State related to FindMatchRects requests.
struct FindMatchRectsState {
// The latest find match rects version known by the requester. This will be
// compared to |known_version_| after polling frames for updates to their
// match rects, in order to determine if the requester already has the
// latest version of rects or not.
int request_version = kInvalidId;
// The current overall find match rects version known by
// FindRequestManager. This version should be incremented whenever
// |frame_rects| is updated.
int known_version = 0;
// A map from each frame to its find match rects.
std::unordered_map<RenderFrameHost*, FrameRects> frame_rects;
// The active find match rect.
gfx::RectF active_rect;
// Find match rects replies are still pending for these frames.
std::unordered_set<RenderFrameHost*> pending_replies;
} match_rects_;
// The WebContents that owns this FindRequestManager. This also defines the
// scope of all find sessions. Only frames in |contents_| and any inner
// WebContentses within it will be searched.
const raw_ptr<WebContentsImpl> contents_;
// The request ID of the initial find request in the current find-in-page
// session, which uniquely identifies this session. Request IDs are included
// in all find-related IPCs, which allows reply IPCs containing results from
// previous sessions (with |request_id| < |current_session_id_|) to be easily
// identified and ignored.
int current_session_id_ = kInvalidId;
// The current find request.
FindRequest current_request_;
// The set of frames that are still expected to reply to a pending initial
// find request. Frames are removed from |pending_initial_replies_| when their
// reply to the initial find request is received with |final_update| set to
// true.
std::unordered_set<RenderFrameHost*> pending_initial_replies_;
// The frame (if any) that is still expected to reply to the last pending
// "find next" request.
raw_ptr<RenderFrameHost> pending_find_next_reply_ = nullptr;
// Indicates whether an update to the active match ordinal is expected. Once
// set, |pending_active_match_ordinal_| will not reset until an update to the
// active match ordinal is received in response to the find request with ID
// || (the latest request).
bool pending_active_match_ordinal_ = false;
// The FindInPageClient associated with each frame. There will necessarily be
// entries in this map for every frame that is being (or has been) searched in
// the current find session, and no other frames.
std::unordered_map<RenderFrameHost*, std::unique_ptr<FindInPageClient>>
// The total number of matches found in the current find-in-page session. This
// should always be equal to the sum of all the entries in
// |matches_per_frame_|.
int number_of_matches_ = 0;
// The frame containing the active match, if one exists, or nullptr otherwise.
raw_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> active_frame_ = nullptr;
// The active match ordinal relative to the matches found in its own frame.
int relative_active_match_ordinal_ = 0;
// The overall active match ordinal for the current find-in-page session.
int active_match_ordinal_ = 0;
// The rectangle around the active match, in screen coordinates.
gfx::Rect selection_rect_;
// Find requests are queued here when previous requests need to be handled
// before these ones can be properly routed.
base::queue<FindRequest> find_request_queue_;
// Keeps track of the find request ID of the last find reply reported via
// NotifyFindReply().
int last_reported_id_ = kInvalidId;
// WebContentsObservers to observe frame changes in |contents_| and its inner
// WebContentses.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameObserver>> frame_observers_;
// last_time_typed_ and last_searched_text_ are used to measure how long the
// user takes between keystrokes.
// TODO( Remove these when we decide how long the
// find-in-page delay should be.
base::TimeTicks last_time_typed_;
std::u16string last_searched_text_;
CreateFindInPageClientFunction create_find_in_page_client_for_testing_ =
} // namespace content