Factor out remote changes from ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor.

Move OnIncrementalUpdate to separate class ClientTagBasedUpdateHandler.
There is no behavioral changes, mostly mechanical move incremental
update logic. This is only first step, in the next steps dependencies
from ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor internal fields will be replaced.

Bug: 947044
Change-Id: Id25d856166ac51035cca731e9ab142c94c583258
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/1978685
Commit-Queue: Rushan Suleymanov <rushans@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Mikel Astiz <mastiz@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#728866}
diff --git a/components/sync/BUILD.gn b/components/sync/BUILD.gn
index 93f5b6ea..340fedf 100644
--- a/components/sync/BUILD.gn
+++ b/components/sync/BUILD.gn
@@ -288,6 +288,8 @@
+    "model_impl/client_tag_based_remote_update_handler.cc",
+    "model_impl/client_tag_based_remote_update_handler.h",
diff --git a/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor.cc b/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor.cc
index ad699ff..49f8284c 100644
--- a/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor.cc
+++ b/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor.cc
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "components/sync/engine/commit_queue.h"
 #include "components/sync/engine/data_type_activation_response.h"
 #include "components/sync/engine/model_type_processor_proxy.h"
+#include "components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_remote_update_handler.h"
 #include "components/sync/model_impl/processor_entity.h"
 #include "components/sync/protocol/proto_memory_estimations.h"
 #include "components/sync/protocol/proto_value_conversions.h"
@@ -39,25 +40,6 @@
   return count;
-void LogNonReflectionUpdateFreshnessToUma(ModelType type,
-                                          base::Time remote_modification_time) {
-  const base::TimeDelta latency = base::Time::Now() - remote_modification_time;
-  UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Sync.NonReflectionUpdateFreshnessPossiblySkewed2",
-                             latency,
-                             /*min=*/base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100),
-                             /*max=*/base::TimeDelta::FromDays(7),
-                             /*bucket_count=*/50);
-  base::UmaHistogramCustomTimes(
-      std::string("Sync.NonReflectionUpdateFreshnessPossiblySkewed2.") +
-          ModelTypeToHistogramSuffix(type),
-      latency,
-      /*min=*/base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100),
-      /*max=*/base::TimeDelta::FromDays(7),
-      /*bucket_count=*/50);
 }  // namespace
@@ -719,208 +701,6 @@
-ProcessorEntity* ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor::ProcessUpdate(
-    std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData> update,
-    EntityChangeList* entity_changes,
-    std::string* storage_key_to_clear) {
-  const EntityData& data = *update->entity;
-  const ClientTagHash& client_tag_hash = data.client_tag_hash;
-  // Filter out updates without a client tag hash (including permanent nodes,
-  // which have server tags instead).
-  if (client_tag_hash.value().empty()) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  // Filter out unexpected client tag hashes.
-  if (!data.is_deleted() && bridge_->SupportsGetClientTag() &&
-      client_tag_hash !=
-          ClientTagHash::FromUnhashed(type_, bridge_->GetClientTag(data))) {
-    DLOG(WARNING) << "Received unexpected client tag hash: " << client_tag_hash
-                  << " for " << ModelTypeToString(type_);
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  ProcessorEntity* entity = GetEntityForTagHash(client_tag_hash);
-  // Handle corner cases first.
-  if (entity == nullptr && data.is_deleted()) {
-    // Local entity doesn't exist and update is tombstone.
-    DLOG(WARNING) << "Received remote delete for a non-existing item."
-                  << " client_tag_hash: " << client_tag_hash << " for "
-                  << ModelTypeToString(type_);
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  if (entity) {
-    entity->RecordEntityUpdateLatency(update->response_version, type_);
-  }
-  if (entity && entity->UpdateIsReflection(update->response_version)) {
-    // Seen this update before; just ignore it.
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  // Cache update encryption key name in case |update| will be moved away into
-  // ResolveConflict().
-  const std::string update_encryption_key_name = update->encryption_key_name;
-  ConflictResolution resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kTypeSize;
-  if (entity && entity->IsUnsynced()) {
-    // Handle conflict resolution.
-    resolution_type = ResolveConflict(std::move(update), entity, entity_changes,
-                                      storage_key_to_clear);
-    UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.ResolveConflict", resolution_type,
-                              ConflictResolution::kTypeSize);
-  } else {
-    // Handle simple create/delete/update.
-    base::Optional<EntityChange::ChangeType> change_type;
-    if (entity == nullptr) {
-      entity = CreateEntity(data);
-      change_type = EntityChange::ACTION_ADD;
-    } else if (data.is_deleted()) {
-      DCHECK(!entity->metadata().is_deleted());
-      change_type = EntityChange::ACTION_DELETE;
-    } else if (!entity->MatchesData(data)) {
-      change_type = EntityChange::ACTION_UPDATE;
-    }
-    entity->RecordAcceptedUpdate(*update);
-    // Inform the bridge about the changes if needed.
-    if (change_type) {
-      switch (change_type.value()) {
-        case EntityChange::ACTION_ADD:
-          entity_changes->push_back(EntityChange::CreateAdd(
-              entity->storage_key(), std::move(update->entity)));
-          break;
-        case EntityChange::ACTION_DELETE:
-          // The entity was deleted; inform the bridge. Note that the local data
-          // can never be deleted at this point because it would have either
-          // been acked (the add case) or pending (the conflict case).
-          entity_changes->push_back(
-              EntityChange::CreateDelete(entity->storage_key()));
-          break;
-        case EntityChange::ACTION_UPDATE:
-          // Specifics have changed, so update the bridge.
-          entity_changes->push_back(EntityChange::CreateUpdate(
-              entity->storage_key(), std::move(update->entity)));
-          break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // If the received entity has out of date encryption, we schedule another
-  // commit to fix it.
-  if (model_type_state_.encryption_key_name() != update_encryption_key_name) {
-    DVLOG(2) << ModelTypeToString(type_) << ": Requesting re-encrypt commit "
-             << update_encryption_key_name << " -> "
-             << model_type_state_.encryption_key_name();
-    entity->IncrementSequenceNumber(base::Time::Now());
-  }
-  return entity;
-ConflictResolution ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor::ResolveConflict(
-    std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData> update,
-    ProcessorEntity* entity,
-    EntityChangeList* changes,
-    std::string* storage_key_to_clear) {
-  const EntityData& remote_data = *update->entity;
-  ConflictResolution resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kTypeSize;
-  // Determine the type of resolution.
-  if (entity->MatchesData(remote_data)) {
-    // The changes are identical so there isn't a real conflict.
-    resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kChangesMatch;
-  } else if (entity->metadata().is_deleted()) {
-    // Local tombstone vs remote update (non-deletion). Should be undeleted.
-    resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kUseRemote;
-  } else if (entity->MatchesOwnBaseData()) {
-    // If there is no real local change, then the entity must be unsynced due to
-    // a pending local re-encryption request. In this case, the remote data
-    // should win.
-    resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kIgnoreLocalEncryption;
-  } else if (entity->MatchesBaseData(remote_data)) {
-    // The remote data isn't actually changing from the last remote data that
-    // was seen, so it must have been a re-encryption and can be ignored.
-    resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kIgnoreRemoteEncryption;
-  } else {
-    // There's a real data conflict here; let the bridge resolve it.
-    resolution_type =
-        bridge_->ResolveConflict(entity->storage_key(), remote_data);
-  }
-  // Apply the resolution.
-  switch (resolution_type) {
-    case ConflictResolution::kChangesMatch:
-      // Record the update and squash the pending commit.
-      entity->RecordForcedUpdate(*update);
-      break;
-    case ConflictResolution::kUseLocal:
-    case ConflictResolution::kIgnoreRemoteEncryption:
-      // Record that we received the update from the server but leave the
-      // pending commit intact.
-      entity->RecordIgnoredUpdate(*update);
-      break;
-    case ConflictResolution::kUseRemote:
-    case ConflictResolution::kIgnoreLocalEncryption:
-      // Update client data to match server.
-      if (update->entity->is_deleted()) {
-        DCHECK(!entity->metadata().is_deleted());
-        // Squash the pending commit.
-        entity->RecordForcedUpdate(*update);
-        changes->push_back(EntityChange::CreateDelete(entity->storage_key()));
-      } else if (!entity->metadata().is_deleted()) {
-        // Squash the pending commit.
-        entity->RecordForcedUpdate(*update);
-        changes->push_back(EntityChange::CreateUpdate(
-            entity->storage_key(), std::move(update->entity)));
-      } else {
-        // Remote undeletion. This could imply a new storage key for some
-        // bridges, so we may need to wait until UpdateStorageKey() is called.
-        if (!bridge_->SupportsGetStorageKey()) {
-          *storage_key_to_clear = entity->storage_key();
-          entity->ClearStorageKey();
-        }
-        // Squash the pending commit.
-        entity->RecordForcedUpdate(*update);
-        changes->push_back(EntityChange::CreateAdd(entity->storage_key(),
-                                                   std::move(update->entity)));
-      }
-      break;
-    case ConflictResolution::kUseNewDEPRECATED:
-    case ConflictResolution::kTypeSize:
-      NOTREACHED();
-      break;
-  }
-  return resolution_type;
-void ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor::RecommitAllForEncryption(
-    const std::unordered_set<std::string>& already_updated,
-    MetadataChangeList* metadata_changes) {
-  ModelTypeSyncBridge::StorageKeyList entities_needing_data;
-  for (const auto& kv : entities_) {
-    ProcessorEntity* entity = kv.second.get();
-    if (entity->storage_key().empty() ||
-        (already_updated.find(entity->storage_key()) !=
-         already_updated.end())) {
-      // Entities with empty storage key were already processed. ProcessUpdate()
-      // incremented their sequence numbers and cached commit data. Their
-      // metadata will be persisted in UpdateStorageKey().
-      continue;
-    }
-    entity->IncrementSequenceNumber(base::Time::Now());
-    if (entity->RequiresCommitData()) {
-      entities_needing_data.push_back(entity->storage_key());
-    }
-    metadata_changes->UpdateMetadata(entity->storage_key(), entity->metadata());
-  }
 bool ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor::ValidateUpdate(
     const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& model_type_state,
     const UpdateResponseDataList& updates) {
@@ -1037,81 +817,11 @@
-  std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> metadata_changes =
-      bridge_->CreateMetadataChangeList();
-  EntityChangeList entity_changes;
-  metadata_changes->UpdateModelTypeState(model_type_state);
-  bool got_new_encryption_requirements =
-      model_type_state_.encryption_key_name() !=
-      model_type_state.encryption_key_name();
-  model_type_state_ = model_type_state;
-  // If new encryption requirements come from the server, the entities that are
-  // in |updates| will be recorded here so they can be ignored during the
-  // re-encryption phase at the end.
-  std::unordered_set<std::string> already_updated;
-  for (std::unique_ptr<syncer::UpdateResponseData>& update : updates) {
-    DCHECK(update);
-    std::string storage_key_to_clear;
-    ProcessorEntity* entity = ProcessUpdate(std::move(update), &entity_changes,
-                                            &storage_key_to_clear);
-    if (!entity) {
-      // The update is either of the following:
-      // 1. Tombstone of entity that didn't exist locally.
-      // 2. Reflection, thus should be ignored.
-      // 3. Update without a client tag hash (including permanent nodes, which
-      // have server tags instead).
-      continue;
-    }
-    LogNonReflectionUpdateFreshnessToUma(
-        type_,
-        /*remote_modification_time=*/
-        ProtoTimeToTime(entity->metadata().modification_time()));
-    if (entity->storage_key().empty()) {
-      // Storage key of this entity is not known yet. Don't update metadata, it
-      // will be done from UpdateStorageKey.
-      // If this is the result of a conflict resolution (where a remote
-      // undeletion was preferred), then need to clear a metadata entry from
-      // the database.
-      if (!storage_key_to_clear.empty()) {
-        metadata_changes->ClearMetadata(storage_key_to_clear);
-        storage_key_to_tag_hash_.erase(storage_key_to_clear);
-      }
-      continue;
-    }
-    DCHECK(storage_key_to_clear.empty());
-    if (entity->CanClearMetadata()) {
-      metadata_changes->ClearMetadata(entity->storage_key());
-      storage_key_to_tag_hash_.erase(entity->storage_key());
-      entities_.erase(
-          ClientTagHash::FromHashed(entity->metadata().client_tag_hash()));
-    } else {
-      metadata_changes->UpdateMetadata(entity->storage_key(),
-                                       entity->metadata());
-    }
-    if (got_new_encryption_requirements) {
-      already_updated.insert(entity->storage_key());
-    }
-  }
-  if (got_new_encryption_requirements) {
-    // TODO(pavely): Currently we recommit all entities. We should instead
-    // recommit only the ones whose encryption key doesn't match the one in
-    // DataTypeState. Work is tracked in http://crbug.com/727874.
-    RecommitAllForEncryption(already_updated, metadata_changes.get());
-  }
-  // Inform the bridge of the new or updated data.
-  return bridge_->ApplySyncChanges(std::move(metadata_changes),
-                                   std::move(entity_changes));
+  ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler updates_handler(
+      type_, bridge_, &model_type_state_, &storage_key_to_tag_hash_,
+      &entities_);
+  return updates_handler.ProcessIncrementalUpdate(model_type_state,
+                                                  std::move(updates));
 void ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor::OnPendingDataLoaded(
diff --git a/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor.h b/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor.h
index 88ebbc3..6918380 100644
--- a/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor.h
+++ b/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor.h
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 #include "components/sync/engine/cycle/status_counters.h"
 #include "components/sync/engine/model_type_processor.h"
 #include "components/sync/engine/non_blocking_sync_common.h"
-#include "components/sync/model/conflict_resolution.h"
 #include "components/sync/model/data_batch.h"
 #include "components/sync/model/data_type_activation_request.h"
 #include "components/sync/model/metadata_batch.h"
@@ -127,27 +126,6 @@
   // If preconditions are met, inform sync that we are ready to connect.
   void ConnectIfReady();
-  // Helper function to process the update for a single entity. If a local data
-  // change is required, it will be added to |entity_changes|. The return value
-  // is the tracked entity, or nullptr if the update should be ignored.
-  // |storage_key_to_clear| must not be null and allows the implementation to
-  // indicate that a certain storage key is now obsolete and should be cleared,
-  // which is leveraged in certain conflict resolution scenarios.
-  ProcessorEntity* ProcessUpdate(std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData> update,
-                                 EntityChangeList* entity_changes,
-                                 std::string* storage_key_to_clear);
-  // Resolve a conflict between |update| and the pending commit in |entity|.
-  ConflictResolution ResolveConflict(std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData> update,
-                                     ProcessorEntity* entity,
-                                     EntityChangeList* changes,
-                                     std::string* storage_key_to_clear);
-  // Recommit all entities for encryption except those in |already_updated|.
-  void RecommitAllForEncryption(
-      const std::unordered_set<std::string>& already_updated,
-      MetadataChangeList* metadata_changes);
   // Validates the update specified by the input parameters and returns whether
   // it should get further processed. If the update is incorrect, this function
   // also reports an error.
diff --git a/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor_unittest.cc b/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor_unittest.cc
index ca61878b..5c276c7 100644
--- a/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor_unittest.cc
+++ b/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_model_type_processor_unittest.cc
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "components/sync/base/sync_mode.h"
 #include "components/sync/base/time.h"
 #include "components/sync/engine/data_type_activation_response.h"
+#include "components/sync/model/conflict_resolution.h"
 #include "components/sync/model/data_type_activation_request.h"
 #include "components/sync/model/fake_model_type_sync_bridge.h"
 #include "components/sync/test/engine/mock_model_type_worker.h"
diff --git a/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_remote_update_handler.cc b/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_remote_update_handler.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19c9830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_remote_update_handler.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_remote_update_handler.h"
+#include <utility>
+#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
+#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
+#include "components/sync/base/time.h"
+#include "components/sync/model/metadata_change_list.h"
+#include "components/sync/model/model_type_sync_bridge.h"
+#include "components/sync/model_impl/processor_entity.h"
+namespace syncer {
+namespace {
+void LogNonReflectionUpdateFreshnessToUma(ModelType type,
+                                          base::Time remote_modification_time) {
+  const base::TimeDelta latency = base::Time::Now() - remote_modification_time;
+  UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Sync.NonReflectionUpdateFreshnessPossiblySkewed2",
+                             latency,
+                             /*min=*/base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100),
+                             /*max=*/base::TimeDelta::FromDays(7),
+                             /*bucket_count=*/50);
+  base::UmaHistogramCustomTimes(
+      std::string("Sync.NonReflectionUpdateFreshnessPossiblySkewed2.") +
+          ModelTypeToHistogramSuffix(type),
+      latency,
+      /*min=*/base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100),
+      /*max=*/base::TimeDelta::FromDays(7),
+      /*bucket_count=*/50);
+}  // namespace
+    ModelType type,
+    ModelTypeSyncBridge* bridge,
+    sync_pb::ModelTypeState* model_type_state,
+    std::map<std::string, ClientTagHash>* storage_key_to_tag_hash,
+    std::map<ClientTagHash, std::unique_ptr<ProcessorEntity>>* entities)
+    : type_(type),
+      bridge_(bridge),
+      model_type_state_(model_type_state),
+      storage_key_to_tag_hash_(storage_key_to_tag_hash),
+      entities_(entities) {
+  DCHECK(bridge_);
+  DCHECK(model_type_state_);
+  DCHECK(storage_key_to_tag_hash_);
+  DCHECK(entities_);
+    const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& model_type_state,
+    UpdateResponseDataList updates) {
+  std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> metadata_changes =
+      bridge_->CreateMetadataChangeList();
+  EntityChangeList entity_changes;
+  metadata_changes->UpdateModelTypeState(model_type_state);
+  const bool got_new_encryption_requirements =
+      model_type_state_->encryption_key_name() !=
+      model_type_state.encryption_key_name();
+  *model_type_state_ = model_type_state;
+  // If new encryption requirements come from the server, the entities that are
+  // in |updates| will be recorded here so they can be ignored during the
+  // re-encryption phase at the end.
+  std::unordered_set<std::string> already_updated;
+  for (std::unique_ptr<syncer::UpdateResponseData>& update : updates) {
+    DCHECK(update);
+    std::string storage_key_to_clear;
+    ProcessorEntity* entity = ProcessUpdate(std::move(update), &entity_changes,
+                                            &storage_key_to_clear);
+    if (!entity) {
+      // The update is either of the following:
+      // 1. Tombstone of entity that didn't exist locally.
+      // 2. Reflection, thus should be ignored.
+      // 3. Update without a client tag hash (including permanent nodes, which
+      // have server tags instead).
+      continue;
+    }
+    LogNonReflectionUpdateFreshnessToUma(
+        type_,
+        /*remote_modification_time=*/
+        ProtoTimeToTime(entity->metadata().modification_time()));
+    if (entity->storage_key().empty()) {
+      // Storage key of this entity is not known yet. Don't update metadata, it
+      // will be done from UpdateStorageKey.
+      // If this is the result of a conflict resolution (where a remote
+      // undeletion was preferred), then need to clear a metadata entry from
+      // the database.
+      if (!storage_key_to_clear.empty()) {
+        metadata_changes->ClearMetadata(storage_key_to_clear);
+        storage_key_to_tag_hash_->erase(storage_key_to_clear);
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    DCHECK(storage_key_to_clear.empty());
+    if (entity->CanClearMetadata()) {
+      metadata_changes->ClearMetadata(entity->storage_key());
+      storage_key_to_tag_hash_->erase(entity->storage_key());
+      entities_->erase(
+          ClientTagHash::FromHashed(entity->metadata().client_tag_hash()));
+    } else {
+      metadata_changes->UpdateMetadata(entity->storage_key(),
+                                       entity->metadata());
+    }
+    if (got_new_encryption_requirements) {
+      already_updated.insert(entity->storage_key());
+    }
+  }
+  if (got_new_encryption_requirements) {
+    // TODO(pavely): Currently we recommit all entities. We should instead
+    // recommit only the ones whose encryption key doesn't match the one in
+    // DataTypeState. Work is tracked in http://crbug.com/727874.
+    RecommitAllForEncryption(already_updated, metadata_changes.get());
+  }
+  // Inform the bridge of the new or updated data.
+  return bridge_->ApplySyncChanges(std::move(metadata_changes),
+                                   std::move(entity_changes));
+ProcessorEntity* ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler::ProcessUpdate(
+    std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData> update,
+    EntityChangeList* entity_changes,
+    std::string* storage_key_to_clear) {
+  const EntityData& data = *update->entity;
+  const ClientTagHash& client_tag_hash = data.client_tag_hash;
+  // Filter out updates without a client tag hash (including permanent nodes,
+  // which have server tags instead).
+  if (client_tag_hash.value().empty()) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  // Filter out unexpected client tag hashes.
+  if (!data.is_deleted() && bridge_->SupportsGetClientTag() &&
+      client_tag_hash !=
+          ClientTagHash::FromUnhashed(type_, bridge_->GetClientTag(data))) {
+    DLOG(WARNING) << "Received unexpected client tag hash: " << client_tag_hash
+                  << " for " << ModelTypeToString(type_);
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  ProcessorEntity* entity = GetEntityForTagHash(client_tag_hash);
+  // Handle corner cases first.
+  if (entity == nullptr && data.is_deleted()) {
+    // Local entity doesn't exist and update is tombstone.
+    DLOG(WARNING) << "Received remote delete for a non-existing item."
+                  << " client_tag_hash: " << client_tag_hash << " for "
+                  << ModelTypeToString(type_);
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  if (entity) {
+    entity->RecordEntityUpdateLatency(update->response_version, type_);
+  }
+  if (entity && entity->UpdateIsReflection(update->response_version)) {
+    // Seen this update before; just ignore it.
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  // Cache update encryption key name in case |update| will be moved away into
+  // ResolveConflict().
+  const std::string update_encryption_key_name = update->encryption_key_name;
+  ConflictResolution resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kTypeSize;
+  if (entity && entity->IsUnsynced()) {
+    // Handle conflict resolution.
+    resolution_type = ResolveConflict(std::move(update), entity, entity_changes,
+                                      storage_key_to_clear);
+    UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.ResolveConflict", resolution_type,
+                              ConflictResolution::kTypeSize);
+  } else {
+    // Handle simple create/delete/update.
+    base::Optional<EntityChange::ChangeType> change_type;
+    if (entity == nullptr) {
+      entity = CreateEntity(data);
+      change_type = EntityChange::ACTION_ADD;
+    } else if (data.is_deleted()) {
+      DCHECK(!entity->metadata().is_deleted());
+      change_type = EntityChange::ACTION_DELETE;
+    } else if (!entity->MatchesData(data)) {
+      change_type = EntityChange::ACTION_UPDATE;
+    }
+    entity->RecordAcceptedUpdate(*update);
+    // Inform the bridge about the changes if needed.
+    if (change_type) {
+      switch (change_type.value()) {
+        case EntityChange::ACTION_ADD:
+          entity_changes->push_back(EntityChange::CreateAdd(
+              entity->storage_key(), std::move(update->entity)));
+          break;
+        case EntityChange::ACTION_DELETE:
+          // The entity was deleted; inform the bridge. Note that the local data
+          // can never be deleted at this point because it would have either
+          // been acked (the add case) or pending (the conflict case).
+          entity_changes->push_back(
+              EntityChange::CreateDelete(entity->storage_key()));
+          break;
+        case EntityChange::ACTION_UPDATE:
+          // Specifics have changed, so update the bridge.
+          entity_changes->push_back(EntityChange::CreateUpdate(
+              entity->storage_key(), std::move(update->entity)));
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // If the received entity has out of date encryption, we schedule another
+  // commit to fix it.
+  if (model_type_state_->encryption_key_name() != update_encryption_key_name) {
+    DVLOG(2) << ModelTypeToString(type_) << ": Requesting re-encrypt commit "
+             << update_encryption_key_name << " -> "
+             << model_type_state_->encryption_key_name();
+    entity->IncrementSequenceNumber(base::Time::Now());
+  }
+  return entity;
+void ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler::RecommitAllForEncryption(
+    const std::unordered_set<std::string>& already_updated,
+    MetadataChangeList* metadata_changes) {
+  ModelTypeSyncBridge::StorageKeyList entities_needing_data;
+  for (const auto& kv : *entities_) {
+    ProcessorEntity* entity = kv.second.get();
+    if (entity->storage_key().empty() ||
+        (already_updated.find(entity->storage_key()) !=
+         already_updated.end())) {
+      // Entities with empty storage key were already processed. ProcessUpdate()
+      // incremented their sequence numbers and cached commit data. Their
+      // metadata will be persisted in UpdateStorageKey().
+      continue;
+    }
+    entity->IncrementSequenceNumber(base::Time::Now());
+    if (entity->RequiresCommitData()) {
+      entities_needing_data.push_back(entity->storage_key());
+    }
+    metadata_changes->UpdateMetadata(entity->storage_key(), entity->metadata());
+  }
+ConflictResolution ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler::ResolveConflict(
+    std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData> update,
+    ProcessorEntity* entity,
+    EntityChangeList* changes,
+    std::string* storage_key_to_clear) {
+  const EntityData& remote_data = *update->entity;
+  ConflictResolution resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kTypeSize;
+  // Determine the type of resolution.
+  if (entity->MatchesData(remote_data)) {
+    // The changes are identical so there isn't a real conflict.
+    resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kChangesMatch;
+  } else if (entity->metadata().is_deleted()) {
+    // Local tombstone vs remote update (non-deletion). Should be undeleted.
+    resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kUseRemote;
+  } else if (entity->MatchesOwnBaseData()) {
+    // If there is no real local change, then the entity must be unsynced due to
+    // a pending local re-encryption request. In this case, the remote data
+    // should win.
+    resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kIgnoreLocalEncryption;
+  } else if (entity->MatchesBaseData(remote_data)) {
+    // The remote data isn't actually changing from the last remote data that
+    // was seen, so it must have been a re-encryption and can be ignored.
+    resolution_type = ConflictResolution::kIgnoreRemoteEncryption;
+  } else {
+    // There's a real data conflict here; let the bridge resolve it.
+    resolution_type =
+        bridge_->ResolveConflict(entity->storage_key(), remote_data);
+  }
+  // Apply the resolution.
+  switch (resolution_type) {
+    case ConflictResolution::kChangesMatch:
+      // Record the update and squash the pending commit.
+      entity->RecordForcedUpdate(*update);
+      break;
+    case ConflictResolution::kUseLocal:
+    case ConflictResolution::kIgnoreRemoteEncryption:
+      // Record that we received the update from the server but leave the
+      // pending commit intact.
+      entity->RecordIgnoredUpdate(*update);
+      break;
+    case ConflictResolution::kUseRemote:
+    case ConflictResolution::kIgnoreLocalEncryption:
+      // Update client data to match server.
+      if (update->entity->is_deleted()) {
+        DCHECK(!entity->metadata().is_deleted());
+        // Squash the pending commit.
+        entity->RecordForcedUpdate(*update);
+        changes->push_back(EntityChange::CreateDelete(entity->storage_key()));
+      } else if (!entity->metadata().is_deleted()) {
+        // Squash the pending commit.
+        entity->RecordForcedUpdate(*update);
+        changes->push_back(EntityChange::CreateUpdate(
+            entity->storage_key(), std::move(update->entity)));
+      } else {
+        // Remote undeletion. This could imply a new storage key for some
+        // bridges, so we may need to wait until UpdateStorageKey() is called.
+        if (!bridge_->SupportsGetStorageKey()) {
+          *storage_key_to_clear = entity->storage_key();
+          entity->ClearStorageKey();
+        }
+        // Squash the pending commit.
+        entity->RecordForcedUpdate(*update);
+        changes->push_back(EntityChange::CreateAdd(entity->storage_key(),
+                                                   std::move(update->entity)));
+      }
+      break;
+    case ConflictResolution::kUseNewDEPRECATED:
+    case ConflictResolution::kTypeSize:
+      NOTREACHED();
+      break;
+  }
+  return resolution_type;
+ProcessorEntity* ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler::GetEntityForTagHash(
+    const ClientTagHash& tag_hash) {
+  const auto it = entities_->find(tag_hash);
+  return it != entities_->end() ? it->second.get() : nullptr;
+ProcessorEntity* ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler::CreateEntity(
+    const std::string& storage_key,
+    const EntityData& data) {
+  DCHECK(!data.client_tag_hash.value().empty());
+  DCHECK(entities_->find(data.client_tag_hash) == entities_->end());
+  DCHECK(!bridge_->SupportsGetStorageKey() || !storage_key.empty());
+  DCHECK(storage_key.empty() || storage_key_to_tag_hash_->find(storage_key) ==
+                                    storage_key_to_tag_hash_->end());
+  std::unique_ptr<ProcessorEntity> entity = ProcessorEntity::CreateNew(
+      storage_key, data.client_tag_hash, data.id, data.creation_time);
+  ProcessorEntity* entity_ptr = entity.get();
+  (*entities_)[data.client_tag_hash] = std::move(entity);
+  if (!storage_key.empty())
+    (*storage_key_to_tag_hash_)[storage_key] = data.client_tag_hash;
+  return entity_ptr;
+ProcessorEntity* ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler::CreateEntity(
+    const EntityData& data) {
+  if (bridge_->SupportsGetClientTag()) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(data.client_tag_hash,
+              ClientTagHash::FromUnhashed(type_, bridge_->GetClientTag(data)));
+  }
+  std::string storage_key;
+  if (bridge_->SupportsGetStorageKey())
+    storage_key = bridge_->GetStorageKey(data);
+  return CreateEntity(storage_key, data);
+}  // namespace syncer
diff --git a/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_remote_update_handler.h b/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_remote_update_handler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58bcf8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/sync/model_impl/client_tag_based_remote_update_handler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/optional.h"
+#include "components/sync/engine/non_blocking_sync_common.h"
+#include "components/sync/model/conflict_resolution.h"
+#include "components/sync/model/entity_change.h"
+#include "components/sync/model/model_error.h"
+namespace sync_pb {
+class ModelTypeState;
+}  // namespace sync_pb
+namespace syncer {
+class MetadataChangeList;
+class ModelTypeSyncBridge;
+class ProcessorEntity;
+// A sync component that performs updates from sync server.
+class ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler {
+ public:
+  // All parameters must not be nullptr and they must outlive this object.
+  // |model_type_state|, |storage_key_to_tag_hash| and |entities| are
+  // ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor internal fields. This will be changed in
+  // future.
+  ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler(
+      ModelType type,
+      ModelTypeSyncBridge* bridge,
+      sync_pb::ModelTypeState* model_type_state,
+      std::map<std::string, ClientTagHash>* storage_key_to_tag_hash,
+      std::map<ClientTagHash, std::unique_ptr<ProcessorEntity>>* entities);
+  // Processes incremental updates from the sync server.
+  base::Optional<ModelError> ProcessIncrementalUpdate(
+      const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& model_type_state,
+      UpdateResponseDataList updates);
+  ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler(const ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler&) =
+      delete;
+  ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler& operator=(
+      const ClientTagBasedRemoteUpdateHandler&) = delete;
+ private:
+  // Helper function to process the update for a single entity. If a local data
+  // change is required, it will be added to |entity_changes|. The return value
+  // is the tracked entity, or nullptr if the update should be ignored.
+  // |storage_key_to_clear| must not be null and allows the implementation to
+  // indicate that a certain storage key is now obsolete and should be cleared,
+  // which is leveraged in certain conflict resolution scenarios.
+  ProcessorEntity* ProcessUpdate(std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData> update,
+                                 EntityChangeList* entity_changes,
+                                 std::string* storage_key_to_clear);
+  // Recommit all entities for encryption except those in |already_updated|.
+  void RecommitAllForEncryption(
+      const std::unordered_set<std::string>& already_updated,
+      MetadataChangeList* metadata_changes);
+  // Resolve a conflict between |update| and the pending commit in |entity|.
+  ConflictResolution ResolveConflict(std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData> update,
+                                     ProcessorEntity* entity,
+                                     EntityChangeList* changes,
+                                     std::string* storage_key_to_clear);
+  // Gets the entity for the given tag hash, or null if there isn't one.
+  ProcessorEntity* GetEntityForTagHash(const ClientTagHash& tag_hash);
+  // Create an entity in the entity map for |storage_key|.
+  // |storage_key| must not exist in |storage_key_to_tag_hash_|.
+  ProcessorEntity* CreateEntity(const std::string& storage_key,
+                                const EntityData& data);
+  // Version of the above that generates a tag for |data|.
+  ProcessorEntity* CreateEntity(const EntityData& data);
+  // The model type this object syncs.
+  const ModelType type_;
+  // ModelTypeSyncBridge linked to associated processor.
+  ModelTypeSyncBridge* const bridge_;
+  // The model type metadata (progress marker, initial sync done, etc).
+  sync_pb::ModelTypeState* const model_type_state_;
+  // This mapping allows us to convert from storage key to client tag hash.
+  // Should be replaced with new interface.
+  std::map<std::string, ClientTagHash>* const storage_key_to_tag_hash_;
+  // A map of client tag hash to sync entities known to the processor.
+  // Should be replaced with new interface.
+  std::map<ClientTagHash, std::unique_ptr<ProcessorEntity>>* const entities_;
+}  // namespace syncer
diff --git a/components/sync/model_impl/syncable_service_based_bridge.cc b/components/sync/model_impl/syncable_service_based_bridge.cc
index 864c537..5f6e5903 100644
--- a/components/sync/model_impl/syncable_service_based_bridge.cc
+++ b/components/sync/model_impl/syncable_service_based_bridge.cc
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "base/location.h"
 #include "base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h"
 #include "components/sync/base/client_tag_hash.h"
+#include "components/sync/model/conflict_resolution.h"
 #include "components/sync/model/mutable_data_batch.h"
 #include "components/sync/model/sync_change.h"
 #include "components/sync/model/sync_error_factory.h"