blob: eb9ba210af2b4bfac8dd3271ea278ab705ef49e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace base {
class ListValue;
} // namespace base
namespace safe_browsing {
// Features list
// Controls whether we send RIND reports when a popup originating from a Google
// Ad is blocked.
extern const base::Feature kAdPopupTriggerFeature;
// Controls whether we send RIND reports when a redirect caused by a Google Ad
// is blocked.
extern const base::Feature kAdRedirectTriggerFeature;
extern const base::Feature kAdSamplerTriggerFeature;
// Controls whether we sample inline JavaScript for ads in RIND
// reports.
extern const base::Feature kCaptureInlineJavascriptForGoogleAds;
// Controls whether we try to get the SafetyNet ID of the device for use when
// a SBER user downloads an APK file.
extern const base::Feature kCaptureSafetyNetId;
// Controls if safe browsing interstitials are implemented as committed
// navigations instead of overlays.
extern const base::Feature kCommittedSBInterstitials;
// Controls whether to do deep scanning for DLP. If both this feature and
// the enterprise policies are enabled, the downloaded and uploaded files are
// sent for scanning.
extern const base::Feature kContentComplianceEnabled;
// Controls whether to do deep scanning for malware. If both this feature and
// the enterprise policies are enabled, the downloaded and uploaded files are
// sent for scanning.
extern const base::Feature kMalwareScanEnabled;
// Controls whether the user has forcibly enabled AP download protection. This
// flag will enable AP downloads protections even for users not enrolled in
// APP.
extern const base::Feature kForceUseAPDownloadProtection;
// Enable password protection for non-Google accounts.
extern const base::Feature kPasswordProtectionForSavedPasswords;
// Enable whether or not to show a list of domains the saved password was used
// on the modal warning dialog during password protection. This is only checked
// if the |kPasswordProtectionForSavedPasswords| experiment is on.
extern const base::Feature kPasswordProtectionShowDomainsForSavedPasswords;
// Enable GAIA password protection for signed-in users.
extern const base::Feature kPasswordProtectionForSignedInUsers;
// Controls whether Chrome sends on focus ping.
extern const base::Feature kSendOnFocusPing;
// Controls whether Chrome sends password reuse ping.
extern const base::Feature kSendPasswordReusePing;
// Controls the daily quota for the suspicious site trigger.
extern const base::Feature kSuspiciousSiteTriggerQuotaFeature;
// Controls whether the real time URL lookup is enabled.
extern const base::Feature kRealTimeUrlLookupEnabled;
// Controls whether to send sample pings of allowlist domains on
// the allowlist to Safe Browsing.
extern const base::Feature kSendSampledPingsForAllowlistDomains;
// Specifies which non-resource HTML Elements to collect based on their tag and
// attributes. It's a single param containing a comma-separated list of pairs.
// For example: "tag1,id,tag1,height,tag2,foo" - this will collect elements with
// tag "tag1" that have attribute "id" or "height" set, and elements of tag
// "tag2" if they have attribute "foo" set. All tag names and attributes should
// be lower case.
extern const base::Feature kThreatDomDetailsTagAndAttributeFeature;
// Controls the daily quota for data collection triggers. It's a single param
// containing a comma-separated list of pairs. The format of the param is
// "T1,Q1,T2,Q2,...Tn,Qn", where Tx is a TriggerType and Qx is how many reports
// that trigger is allowed to send per day.
// TODO( This param should be deprecated after ad sampler
// launch in favour of having a unique quota feature and param per trigger.
// Having a single shared feature makes it impossible to run multiple trigger
// trials simultaneously.
extern const base::Feature kTriggerThrottlerDailyQuotaFeature;
// Controls whether Chrome on Android uses locally cached blacklists.
extern const base::Feature kUseLocalBlacklistsV2;
// Controls whether Chrome uses new download warning UX.
extern const base::Feature kUseNewDownloadWarnings;
base::ListValue GetFeatureStatusList();
// Returns whether or not to stop filling in the SyncAccountType and
// ReusedPasswordType enums. This is used in the
// |kPasswordProtectionForSignedInUsers| experiment.
bool GetShouldFillOldPhishGuardProto();
} // namespace safe_browsing