blob: 93d92001ad6e7045913fd9371a2c956d277c050c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <bitset>
#include <set>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/should_swap_browsing_instance.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace content {
class BackForwardCacheCanStoreDocumentResult;
class NavigationEntryImpl;
class NavigationRequest;
class RenderFrameHostImpl;
struct LoadCommittedDetails;
// Helper class for recording metrics around history navigations.
// Associated with a main frame document and shared between all
// NavigationEntries with the same document_sequence_number for the main
// document.
// TODO(altimin, Remove this class after we are done
// with implementing back-forward cache.
class BackForwardCacheMetrics
: public base::RefCounted<BackForwardCacheMetrics> {
// Please keep in sync with BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason in
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. These values should not be renumbered.
enum class NotRestoredReason : uint8_t {
kNotMainFrame = 0,
// BackForwardCache is disabled due to low memory device, base::Feature or
// command line. Note that the more specific NotRestoredReasons
// kBackForwardCacheDisabledByLowMemory and
// kBackForwardCacheDisabledByCommandLine will also be set as other reasons
// along with this when appropriate.
kBackForwardCacheDisabled = 1,
kRelatedActiveContentsExist = 2,
kHTTPStatusNotOK = 3,
kSchemeNotHTTPOrHTTPS = 4,
kLoading = 5,
kWasGrantedMediaAccess = 6,
kBlocklistedFeatures = 7,
kDisableForRenderFrameHostCalled = 8,
kDomainNotAllowed = 9,
kHTTPMethodNotGET = 10,
kSubframeIsNavigating = 11,
kTimeout = 12,
kCacheLimit = 13,
kJavaScriptExecution = 14,
kRendererProcessKilled = 15,
kRendererProcessCrashed = 16,
// 17: Dialogs are no longer a reason to exclude from BackForwardCache
kGrantedMediaStreamAccess = 18,
kSchedulerTrackedFeatureUsed = 19,
kConflictingBrowsingInstance = 20,
kCacheFlushed = 21,
kServiceWorkerVersionActivation = 22,
kSessionRestored = 23,
kUnknown = 24,
kServiceWorkerPostMessage = 25,
kEnteredBackForwardCacheBeforeServiceWorkerHostAdded = 26,
kRenderFrameHostReused_SameSite = 27,
kRenderFrameHostReused_CrossSite = 28,
kNotMostRecentNavigationEntry = 29,
kServiceWorkerClaim = 30,
kIgnoreEventAndEvict = 31,
kHaveInnerContents = 32,
kTimeoutPuttingInCache = 33,
// BackForwardCache is disabled due to low memory device.
kBackForwardCacheDisabledByLowMemory = 34,
// BackForwardCache is disabled due to command-line switch (may include
// cases where the embedder disabled it due to, e.g., enterprise policy).
kBackForwardCacheDisabledByCommandLine = 35,
kMaxValue = kBackForwardCacheDisabledByCommandLine,
using NotRestoredReasons =
std::bitset<static_cast<size_t>(NotRestoredReason::kMaxValue) + 1ul>;
// Please keep in sync with BackForwardCacheHistoryNavigationOutcome in
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. These values should not be renumbered.
enum class HistoryNavigationOutcome {
kRestored = 0,
kNotRestored = 1,
kMaxValue = kNotRestored,
// Please keep in sync with BackForwardCacheEvictedAfterDocumentRestoredReason
// in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. These values should not be
// renumbered.
enum class EvictedAfterDocumentRestoredReason {
kRestored = 0,
kByJavaScript = 1,
kMaxValue = kByJavaScript,
// Please keep in sync with BackForwardCacheReloadsAndHistoryNavigations
// in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. These values should not be
// renumbered.
enum class ReloadsAndHistoryNavigations {
kHistoryNavigation = 0,
kReloadAfterHistoryNavigation = 1,
kMaxValue = kReloadAfterHistoryNavigation,
// Please keep in sync with BackForwardCacheReloadsAfterHistoryNavigation
// in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. These values should not be
// renumbered.
enum class ReloadsAfterHistoryNavigation {
kNotServedFromBackForwardCache = 0,
kServedFromBackForwardCache = 1,
kMaxValue = kServedFromBackForwardCache,
// Creates a potential new metrics object for the navigation.
// Note that this object will not be used if the entry we are navigating to
// already has the BackForwardCacheMetrics object (which happens for history
// navigations).
// |document_sequence_number| is the sequence number of the document
// associated with the document associated with the navigating frame and it is
// ignored if the navigating frame is not a main one.
static scoped_refptr<BackForwardCacheMetrics>
NavigationEntryImpl* currently_committed_entry,
bool is_main_frame_navigation,
int64_t document_sequence_number);
// Records when the page is evicted after the document is restored e.g. when
// the race condition by JavaScript happens.
static void RecordEvictedAfterDocumentRestored(
EvictedAfterDocumentRestoredReason reason);
// Notifies that the main frame has started a navigation to an entry
// associated with |this|.
// This is the point in time that a back-forward cache hit could be shown to
// the user.
// Note that in some cases (synchronous renderer-initiated navigations
// which create navigation entry only when committed) this call might
// be missing, but they should not matter for bfcache.
void MainFrameDidStartNavigationToDocument();
// Notifies that an associated entry has committed a navigation.
// |back_forward_cache_allowed| indicates whether back-forward cache is
// allowed for the URL of |navigation_request|.
void DidCommitNavigation(NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
bool back_forward_cache_allowed);
// Records when another navigation commits away from the most recent entry
// associated with |this|. This is the point in time that the previous
// document could enter the back-forward cache.
// |new_main_document| points to the newly committed RFH, which might or might
// not be the same as the RFH for the old document.
void MainFrameDidNavigateAwayFromDocument(
RenderFrameHostImpl* new_main_document,
LoadCommittedDetails* details,
NavigationRequest* navigation);
// Snapshots the state of the features active on the page before closing it.
// It should be called at the same time when the document might have been
// placed in the back-forward cache.
void RecordFeatureUsage(RenderFrameHostImpl* main_frame);
// Marks when the page is not cached, or evicted. This information is useful
// e.g., to prioritize the tasks to improve cache-hit rate.
void MarkNotRestoredWithReason(
const BackForwardCacheCanStoreDocumentResult& can_store);
// Injects a clock for mocking time.
// Should be called only from the UI thread.
CONTENT_EXPORT static void OverrideTimeForTesting(base::TickClock* clock);
friend class base::RefCounted<BackForwardCacheMetrics>;
explicit BackForwardCacheMetrics(int64_t document_sequence_number);
// Recursively collects the feature usage information from the subtree
// of a given frame.
void CollectFeatureUsageFromSubtree(RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
const url::Origin& main_frame_origin);
// Dumps the current recorded information.
// |back_forward_cache_allowed| indicates whether back-forward cache is
// allowed for the URL of |navigation_request|.
void RecordMetricsForHistoryNavigationCommit(
NavigationRequest* navigation,
bool back_forward_cache_allowed) const;
// Record metrics for the number of reloads after history navigation. In
// particular we are interested in number of reloads after a restore from
// the back-forward cache as a proxy for detecting whether the page was
// broken or not.
void RecordHistogramForReloadsAndHistoryNavigations(
bool is_reload,
bool back_forward_cache_allowed) const;
// Record additional reason why navigation was not served from bfcache which
// are known only at the commit time.
void UpdateNotRestoredReasonsForNavigation(NavigationRequest* navigation);
bool ShouldRecordBrowsingInstanceNotSwappedReason() const;
void RecordHistoryNavigationUkm(NavigationRequest* navigation);
// Main frame document sequence number that identifies all NavigationEntries
// this metrics object is associated with.
const int64_t document_sequence_number_;
// NavigationHandle's ID for the last main frame navigation. This is updated
// for a main frame, not-same-document navigation.
// Should not be confused with NavigationEntryId.
int64_t last_committed_cross_document_main_frame_navigation_id_ = -1;
int64_t last_committed_navigation_entry_id_ = -1;
uint64_t main_frame_features_ = 0;
// We record metrics for same-origin frames and cross-origin frames
// differently as we might want to apply different policies for them,
// especially for the things around web platform compatibility (e.g. ignore
// unload handlers in cross-origin iframes but not in same-origin). The
// details are still subject to metrics, however. NOTE: This is not related to
// which process these frames are hosted in.
uint64_t same_origin_frames_features_ = 0;
uint64_t cross_origin_frames_features_ = 0;
base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> started_navigation_timestamp_;
base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> navigated_away_from_main_document_timestamp_;
NotRestoredReasons not_restored_reasons_;
uint64_t blocklisted_features_ = 0;
// The reasons given at BackForwardCache::DisableForRenderFrameHost. These are
// a further breakdown of NotRestoredReason::kDisableForRenderFrameHostCalled.
std::set<std::string> disabled_reasons_;
// This value is updated only for navigations which are not same-document and
// main-frame navigations.
bool previous_navigation_is_history_ = false;
bool previous_navigation_is_served_from_bfcache_ = false;
base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> renderer_killed_timestamp_;
} // namespace content