blob: bc38a9a585d7d85ee63546b49741f920cb665813 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "base/containers/unique_ptr_adapters.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "content/browser/coop_coep_cross_origin_isolated_info.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/back_forward_cache_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/should_swap_browsing_instance.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_request_id.h"
#include "content/public/common/referrer.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/content_security_policy.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_owner_properties.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/user_activation_update_types.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/security_context/insecure_request_policy.mojom-forward.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace content {
class FrameTree;
class FrameTreeNode;
class NavigationControllerImpl;
class NavigationEntry;
class NavigationRequest;
class NavigatorTest;
class RenderFrameHostManagerTest;
class RenderFrameProxyHost;
class RenderViewHost;
class RenderViewHostImpl;
class RenderWidgetHostView;
class TestWebContents;
using PageBroadcastMethodCallback =
using RemoteFramesBroadcastMethodCallback =
// Manages RenderFrameHosts for a FrameTreeNode. It maintains a
// current_frame_host() which is the content currently visible to the user. When
// a frame is told to navigate to a different web site (as determined by
// SiteInstance), it will replace its current RenderFrameHost with a new
// RenderFrameHost dedicated to the new SiteInstance, possibly in a new process.
// Cross-process navigation works like this:
// - RFHM::Navigate determines whether the destination is cross-site, and if so,
// it creates a pending_render_frame_host_.
// - The pending RFH is created in the "navigations suspended" state, meaning no
// navigation messages are sent to its renderer until the beforeunload handler
// has a chance to run in the current RFH.
// - The current RFH runs its beforeunload handler. If it returns false, we
// cancel all the pending logic. Otherwise we allow the pending RFH to send
// the navigation request to its renderer.
// - ResourceDispatcherHost receives a ResourceRequest on the IO thread for the
// main resource load from the pending RFH. It creates a
// CrossSiteResourceHandler to check whether a process transfer is needed when
// the request is ready to commit.
// - When RDH receives a response, the MimeTypeResourceHandler determines
// whether it is a navigation type that doesn't commit (e.g. download, 204 or
// error page). If so, it sends a message to the new renderer causing it to
// cancel the request, and the request (e.g. the download) proceeds. In this
// case, the pending RFH will never become the current RFH, but it remains
// until the next DidNavigate event for this WebContentsImpl.
// - After RDH receives a response and determines that it is safe and not a
// download, the CrossSiteResourceHandler checks whether a transfer for a
// redirect is needed. If so, it pauses the network response and starts an
// identical navigation in a new pending RFH. When the identical request is
// later received by RDH, the response is transferred and unpaused.
// - Otherwise, the network response commits in the pending RFH's renderer,
// which sends a DidCommitProvisionalLoad message back to the browser process.
// - RFHM::CommitPending makes visible the new RFH, and initiates the unload
// handler in the old RFH. The unload handler will complete in the background.
// - RenderFrameHostManager may keep the previous RFH alive as a
// RenderFrameProxyHost, to be used (for example) if the user goes back. The
// process only stays live if another tab is using it, but if so, the existing
// frame relationships will be maintained.
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderFrameHostManager
: public SiteInstanceImpl::Observer {
using RenderFrameProxyHostMap =
std::unordered_map<int32_t /* SiteInstance id */,
// Functions implemented by our owner that we need.
// TODO(brettw) Clean this up! These are all the functions in WebContentsImpl
// that are required to run this class. The design should probably be better
// such that these are more clear.
// There is additional complexity that some of the functions we need in
// WebContentsImpl are inherited and non-virtual. These are named with
// "RenderManager" so that the duplicate implementation of them will be clear.
class CONTENT_EXPORT Delegate {
// Initializes the given renderer if necessary and creates the view ID
// corresponding to this view host. If this method is not called and the
// process is not shared, then the WebContentsImpl will act as though the
// renderer is not running (i.e., it will render "sad tab"). This method is
// automatically called from LoadURL.
virtual bool CreateRenderViewForRenderManager(
RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
const base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken>& opener_frame_token,
int proxy_routing_id) = 0;
virtual void CreateRenderWidgetHostViewForRenderManager(
RenderViewHost* render_view_host) = 0;
virtual void BeforeUnloadFiredFromRenderManager(
bool proceed,
const base::TimeTicks& proceed_time,
bool* proceed_to_fire_unload) = 0;
virtual void RenderProcessGoneFromRenderManager(
RenderViewHost* render_view_host) = 0;
virtual void CancelModalDialogsForRenderManager() = 0;
virtual void NotifySwappedFromRenderManager(RenderFrameHost* old_frame,
RenderFrameHost* new_frame,
bool is_main_frame) = 0;
// TODO(nasko): This should be removed once extensions no longer use
// NotificationService. See
virtual void NotifyMainFrameSwappedFromRenderManager(
RenderFrameHost* old_frame,
RenderFrameHost* new_frame) = 0;
virtual NavigationControllerImpl& GetControllerForRenderManager() = 0;
// Returns true if the location bar should be focused by default rather than
// the page contents. The view calls this function when the tab is focused
// to see what it should do.
virtual bool FocusLocationBarByDefault() = 0;
// Returns true if views created for this delegate should be created in a
// hidden state.
virtual bool IsHidden() = 0;
// If the delegate is an inner WebContents, this method returns the
// FrameTreeNode ID of the frame in the outer WebContents which hosts
// the inner WebContents. Returns FrameTreeNode::kFrameTreeNodeInvalidId
// if the delegate does not have an outer WebContents.
virtual int GetOuterDelegateFrameTreeNodeId() = 0;
// If the delegate is an inner WebContents, reattach it to the outer
// WebContents.
virtual void ReattachOuterDelegateIfNeeded() = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// The delegate pointer must be non-null and is not owned by this class. It
// must outlive this class.
// You must call one of the Init*() methods before using this class.
RenderFrameHostManager(FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node, Delegate* delegate);
// Initialize this frame as the root of a new FrameTree.
void InitRoot(SiteInstance* site_instance, bool renderer_initiated_creation);
// Initialize this frame as the child of another frame.
void InitChild(SiteInstance* site_instance,
int32_t frame_routing_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token);
// Returns the currently active RenderFrameHost.
// This will be non-null between Init() and Shutdown(). You may want to null
// check it in many cases, however. Windows can send us messages during the
// destruction process after it has been shut down.
RenderFrameHostImpl* current_frame_host() const {
return render_frame_host_.get();
// TODO(creis): Remove this when we no longer use RVH for navigation.
RenderViewHostImpl* current_host() const;
// Returns the view associated with the current RenderViewHost, or null if
// there is no current one.
RenderWidgetHostView* GetRenderWidgetHostView() const;
// Returns whether this manager is a main frame and belongs to a FrameTreeNode
// that belongs to an inner WebContents.
bool IsMainFrameForInnerDelegate();
// If this is a RenderFrameHostManager for a main frame, this method returns
// the FrameTreeNode for the frame in the outer WebContents (if any) that
// contains the inner WebContents.
FrameTreeNode* GetOuterDelegateNode();
// Return a proxy for this frame in the parent frame's SiteInstance. Returns
// nullptr if this is a main frame or if such a proxy does not exist (for
// example, if this frame is same-site with its parent OR if this frame will
// be deleted soon and we are just waiting for the frame's unload handler).
RenderFrameProxyHost* GetProxyToParent();
// If this is a RenderFrameHostManager for a main frame, returns the proxy to
// inner WebContents in the outer WebContents's SiteInstance. Returns nullptr
// if this WebContents isn't part of inner/outer relationship.
RenderFrameProxyHost* GetProxyToOuterDelegate();
// If this is a RenderFrameHostManager for a main frame, removes the
// FrameTreeNode in the outer WebContents that represents this FrameTreeNode.
// TODO(lazyboy): This does not belong to RenderFrameHostManager, move it to
// somewhere else.
void RemoveOuterDelegateFrame();
// Returns the speculative RenderFrameHost, or null if there is no speculative
// one.
RenderFrameHostImpl* speculative_frame_host() const {
return speculative_render_frame_host_.get();
// Instructs the various live views to stop. Called when the user directed the
// page to stop loading.
void Stop();
// Notifies the regular and pending RenderViewHosts that a load is or is not
// happening. Even though the message is only for one of them, we don't know
// which one so we tell both.
void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading);
// Confirms whether we should close the page. |proceed| indicates whether the
// user chose to proceed. |proceed_time| is the time when the request was
// allowed to proceed. This is called in one of the two *distinct* scenarios
// below:
// 1- The tab/window is closed after allowing the appropriate renderer to
// show the beforeunload prompt.
// 2- The FrameTreeNode is being prepared for attaching an inner Delegate,
// in which case beforeunload is triggered in the current frame. This
// only happens for child frames.
void BeforeUnloadCompleted(bool proceed, const base::TimeTicks& proceed_time);
// Called when a renderer's frame navigates.
void DidNavigateFrame(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
bool was_caused_by_user_gesture,
bool is_same_document_navigation,
bool clear_proxies_on_commit,
const blink::FramePolicy& frame_policy);
// Called when this frame's opener is changed to the frame specified by
// |opener_frame_token| in |source_site_instance|'s process. This change
// could come from either the current RenderFrameHost or one of the
// proxies (e.g., that targets a RemoteFrame by name). The
// updated opener will be forwarded to any other RenderFrameProxies and
// RenderFrames for this FrameTreeNode.
void DidChangeOpener(
const base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken>& opener_frame_token,
SiteInstance* source_site_instance);
// Creates and initializes a RenderFrameHost. If |for_early_commit| is true
// then this RenderFrameHost and its RenderFrame will be prepared knowing that
// it will be committed immediately. If false the it will be committed later,
// following the usual navigation path.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> CreateSpeculativeRenderFrame(
SiteInstance* instance,
bool for_early_commit);
// Helper method to create and initialize a RenderFrameProxyHost.
void CreateRenderFrameProxy(SiteInstance* instance);
// Creates proxies for a new child frame at FrameTreeNode |child| in all
// SiteInstances for which the current frame has proxies. This method is
// called on the parent of a new child frame before the child leaves the
// SiteInstance.
void CreateProxiesForChildFrame(FrameTreeNode* child);
// Returns the RenderFrameProxyHost for the given SiteInstance, if any.
RenderFrameProxyHost* GetRenderFrameProxyHost(SiteInstance* instance) const;
// If |render_frame_host| is on the pending deletion list, this deletes it.
// Returns whether it was deleted.
bool DeleteFromPendingList(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host);
// BackForwardCache:
// During a history navigation, unfreezes and swaps in a document from the
// BackForwardCache, making it active.
void RestoreFromBackForwardCache(
// Deletes any proxy hosts associated with this node. Used during destruction
// of WebContentsImpl.
void ResetProxyHosts();
void ClearRFHsPendingShutdown();
void ClearWebUIInstances();
// Returns the routing id for a RenderFrameHost or RenderFrameProxyHost
// that has the given SiteInstance and is associated with this
// RenderFrameHostManager. Returns MSG_ROUTING_NONE if none is found.
int GetRoutingIdForSiteInstance(SiteInstance* site_instance);
// Returns the frame token for a RenderFrameHost or RenderFrameProxyHost
// that has the given SiteInstance and is associated with this
// RenderFrameHostManager. Returns base::nullopt if none is found.
base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken> GetFrameTokenForSiteInstance(
SiteInstance* site_instance);
// Notifies the RenderFrameHostManager that a new NavigationRequest has been
// created and set in the FrameTreeNode so that it can speculatively create a
// new RenderFrameHost (and potentially a new process) if needed.
void DidCreateNavigationRequest(NavigationRequest* request);
// Called (possibly several times) during a navigation to select or create an
// appropriate RenderFrameHost for the provided URL. The returned pointer will
// be for the current or the speculative RenderFrameHost and the instance is
// owned by this manager.
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetFrameHostForNavigation(NavigationRequest* request);
// Clean up any state for any ongoing navigation.
void CleanUpNavigation();
// Clears the speculative members, returning the RenderFrameHost to the caller
// for disposal.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> UnsetSpeculativeRenderFrameHost();
// Notification methods to tell this RenderFrameHostManager that the frame it
// is responsible for has started or stopped loading a document.
void OnDidStartLoading();
void OnDidStopLoading();
// OnDidUpdateName gets called when a frame changes its name - it gets the new
// |name| and the recalculated |unique_name| and replicates them into all
// frame proxies.
void OnDidUpdateName(const std::string& name, const std::string& unique_name);
// Sends the newly added Content Security Policy headers to all the proxies.
void OnDidAddContentSecurityPolicies(
std::vector<network::mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyHeaderPtr> headers);
// Resets Content Security Policy in all the proxies.
void OnDidResetContentSecurityPolicy();
// Sends updated enforcement of insecure request policy to all frame proxies
// when the frame changes its setting.
void OnEnforceInsecureRequestPolicy(
blink::mojom::InsecureRequestPolicy policy);
// Sends updated enforcement of upgrade insecure navigations set to all frame
// proxies when the frame changes its setting.
void OnEnforceInsecureNavigationsSet(
const std::vector<uint32_t>& insecure_navigations_set);
// Called when the client changes whether the frame's owner element in the
// embedder document should be collapsed, that is, remove from the layout as
// if it did not exist. Never called for main frames. Only has an effect for
// <iframe> owner elements.
void OnDidChangeCollapsedState(bool collapsed);
// Called on a frame to notify it that its out-of-process parent frame
// changed a property (such as allowFullscreen) on its <iframe> element.
// Sends updated FrameOwnerProperties to the RenderFrame and to all proxies,
// skipping the parent process.
void OnDidUpdateFrameOwnerProperties(
const blink::mojom::FrameOwnerProperties& properties);
// Notify the proxies that the active sandbox flags or feature policy header
// on the frame have been changed during page load. Sandbox flags can change
// when set by a CSP header.
void OnDidSetFramePolicyHeaders();
// Send updated origin to all frame proxies when the frame navigates to a new
// origin.
void OnDidUpdateOrigin(const url::Origin& origin,
bool is_potentially_trustworthy_unique_origin);
// Send updated ad frame type to all frame proxies at ready-to-commit time
// when the ad status gets updated.
void OnDidSetAdFrameType(blink::mojom::AdFrameType ad_frame_type);
void EnsureRenderViewInitialized(RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host,
SiteInstance* instance);
// Creates RenderFrameProxies and inactive RenderViewHosts for this frame's
// FrameTree and for its opener chain in the given SiteInstance. This allows
// other tabs to send cross-process JavaScript calls to their opener(s) and
// to any other frames in the opener's FrameTree (e.g., supporting calls like
// window.opener.opener.frames[x][y]). Does not create proxies for the
// subtree rooted at |skip_this_node| (e.g., if a node is being navigated, it
// can be passed here to prevent proxies from being created for it, in
// case it is in the same FrameTree as another node on its opener chain).
void CreateOpenerProxies(SiteInstance* instance,
FrameTreeNode* skip_this_node);
// Ensure that this frame has proxies in all SiteInstances that can discover
// this frame by name (e.g., via"", "frame_name")). See
void CreateProxiesForNewNamedFrame();
// Returns a base::UnguessableToken for the current FrameTreeNode's opener
// node in the given SiteInstance. May return a frame token of either a
// RenderFrameHost (if opener's current or pending RFH has SiteInstance
// |instance|) or a RenderFrameProxyHost. Returns base::nullopt if there is
// no opener, or if the opener node doesn't have a proxy for |instance|.
base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken> GetOpenerFrameToken(
SiteInstance* instance);
// Called on the RFHM of the inner WebContents to create a
// RenderFrameProxyHost in its outer WebContents's SiteInstance,
// |outer_contents_site_instance|. The frame in outer WebContents that is
// hosting the inner WebContents is |render_frame_host|, and the frame will
// be swapped with the proxy. Note that this method must only be called for an
// OOPIF-based inner WebContents.
RenderFrameProxyHost* CreateOuterDelegateProxy(
SiteInstance* outer_contents_site_instance);
// Called on an inner WebContents that's being detached from its outer
// WebContents. This will delete the proxy in the
// |outer_contents_site_instance|.
void DeleteOuterDelegateProxy(SiteInstance* outer_contents_site_instance);
// Tells the |render_frame_host|'s renderer that its RenderFrame is being
// swapped for a frame in another process, and that it should create a
// RenderFrameProxy to replace it using the |proxy| RenderFrameProxyHost.
void SwapOuterDelegateFrame(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy);
// Sets the child RenderWidgetHostView for this frame, which must be part of
// an inner WebContents.
void SetRWHViewForInnerContents(RenderWidgetHostView* child_rwhv);
// Returns the number of RenderFrameProxyHosts for this frame.
size_t GetProxyCount();
// Sends an IPC message to every process in the FrameTree. This should only be
// called in the top-level RenderFrameHostManager. |instance_to_skip|, if
// not null, specifies the SiteInstance to which the message should not be
// sent.
void SendPageMessage(IPC::Message* msg, SiteInstance* instance_to_skip);
// Executes a PageBroadcast Mojo method to every RenderView in the FrameTree.
// This should only be called in the top-level RenderFrameHostManager.
// The |callback| is called synchronously and the |instance_to_skip| won't
// be referenced after this method returns.
void ExecutePageBroadcastMethod(PageBroadcastMethodCallback callback,
SiteInstance* instance_to_skip = nullptr);
// Executes a RemoteMainFrame Mojo method to every instance in |proxy_hosts|.
// This should only be called in the top-level RenderFrameHostManager.
// The |callback| is called synchronously and the |instance_to_skip| won't
// be referenced after this method returns.
void ExecuteRemoteFramesBroadcastMethod(
RemoteFramesBroadcastMethodCallback callback,
SiteInstance* instance_to_skip = nullptr);
// Returns a const reference to the map of proxy hosts. The keys are
// SiteInstance IDs, the values are RenderFrameProxyHosts.
const RenderFrameProxyHostMap& GetAllProxyHostsForTesting() const {
return proxy_hosts_;
// SiteInstanceImpl::Observer
void ActiveFrameCountIsZero(SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance) override;
void RenderProcessGone(SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
const ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) override;
// Cancels and destroys the pending or speculative RenderFrameHost if they
// match the provided |render_frame_host|.
void CancelPendingIfNecessary(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host);
// Updates the user activation state in all proxies of this frame. For
// more details, see the comment on FrameTreeNode::user_activation_state_.
// The |notification_type| parameter is used for histograms, only for the case
// |update_state == kNotifyActivation|.
void UpdateUserActivationState(
blink::mojom::UserActivationUpdateType update_type,
blink::mojom::UserActivationNotificationType notification_type);
void OnSetHadStickyUserActivationBeforeNavigation(bool value);
// Sets up the necessary state for a new RenderViewHost. If |proxy| is not
// null, it creates a RenderFrameProxy in the target renderer process which is
// used to route IPC messages. Returns early if the RenderViewHost has
// already been initialized for another RenderFrameHost.
bool InitRenderView(RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host,
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy);
// Returns the SiteInstance that should be used to host the navigation handled
// by |navigation_request|.
// Note: the SiteInstance returned by this function may not have an
// initialized RenderProcessHost. It will only be initialized when
// GetProcess() is called on the SiteInstance. In particular, calling this
// function will never lead to a process being created for the navigation.
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> GetSiteInstanceForNavigationRequest(
NavigationRequest* navigation_request);
// Helper to initialize the main RenderFrame if it's not initialized.
// TODO( Remove this. For now debug URLs and
// WebView JS execution are an exception to replacing all crashed frames for
// RenderDocument. This is a no-op if the frame is already initialized.
bool InitializeMainRenderFrameForImmediateUse();
// Prepares the FrameTreeNode for attaching an inner WebContents. This step
// may involve replacing |current_frame_host()| with a new RenderFrameHost
// in the same SiteInstance as the parent frame. Calling this method will
// dispatch beforeunload event if necessary.
void PrepareForInnerDelegateAttach(
RenderFrameHost::PrepareForInnerWebContentsAttachCallback callback);
// When true the FrameTreeNode is preparing a RenderFrameHost for attaching an
// inner Delegate. During this phase new navigation requests are ignored.
bool is_attaching_inner_delegate() const {
return attach_to_inner_delegate_state_ != AttachToInnerDelegateState::NONE;
// Called by the delegate at the end of the attaching process.
void set_attach_complete() {
attach_to_inner_delegate_state_ = AttachToInnerDelegateState::ATTACHED;
// Computes the COOP/COEP information based on the |navigation_request|
// and current |frame_tree_node_| & |render_frame_host_| info.
CoopCoepCrossOriginIsolatedInfo GetCoopCoepCrossOriginIsolationInfo(
NavigationRequest* navigation_request);
friend class NavigatorTest;
friend class RenderFrameHostManagerTest;
friend class RenderFrameHostTester;
friend class TestWebContents;
enum class SiteInstanceRelation {
// A SiteInstance in a different browsing instance from the current.
// A SiteInstance in the same browsing instance as the current.
// A pre-existing SiteInstance that might or might not be in the same
// browsing instance as the current. Only used when |existing_site_instance|
// is specified.
enum class AttachToInnerDelegateState {
// There is no inner delegate attached through FrameTreeNode and no
// attaching is in progress.
// A frame is being prepared for attaching.
// An inner delegate attached to the delegate of this manager.
// Stores information regarding a SiteInstance targeted at a specific UrlInfo
// to allow for comparisons without having to actually create new instances.
// It can point to an existing one or store the details needed to create a new
// one.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT SiteInstanceDescriptor {
explicit SiteInstanceDescriptor(content::SiteInstance* site_instance)
: existing_site_instance(site_instance),
CoopCoepCrossOriginIsolatedInfo::CreateNonIsolated()) {}
UrlInfo dest_url_info,
SiteInstanceRelation relation_to_current,
const CoopCoepCrossOriginIsolatedInfo& cross_origin_isolated_info);
// Set with an existing SiteInstance to be reused.
content::SiteInstance* existing_site_instance;
// In case |existing_site_instance| is null, specify a destination URL.
UrlInfo dest_url_info;
// Specifies how the new site is related to the current BrowsingInstance.
// This is PREEXISTING iff |existing_site_instance| is defined.
SiteInstanceRelation relation;
// A cross-origin isolated page has its top level frame
// cross-origin-opener-policy set to "same-origin" and
// cross-origin-embedder-policy set to "require-corp".
// This allows the use of more powerful features such as SharedArrayBuffer.
// A cross-origin isolated SiteInstance hosts such pages and should only
// live in cross-origin isolated BrowsingInstances.
CoopCoepCrossOriginIsolatedInfo cross_origin_isolated_info;
// Create a RenderFrameProxyHost owned by this object.
RenderFrameProxyHost* CreateRenderFrameProxyHost(
SiteInstance* site_instance,
scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl> rvh);
// Delete a RenderFrameProxyHost owned by this object.
void DeleteRenderFrameProxyHost(SiteInstance* site_instance);
// Returns true if for the navigation from |current_effective_url| to
// |destination_url_info|, a new SiteInstance and BrowsingInstance should be
// created (even if we are in a process model that doesn't usually swap).
// This forces a process swap and severs script connections with existing
// tabs. Cases where this can happen include transitions between WebUI and
// regular web pages.
// |source_instance| is the SiteInstance of the frame that initiated the
// navigation. |current_instance| is the SiteInstance of the frame that is
// currently navigating. |destination_instance| is a predetermined
// SiteInstance that will be used for |destination_url| if not
// null - we will swap BrowsingInstances if it's in a different
// BrowsingInstance than the current one.
// If there is no current NavigationEntry, then |current_is_view_source_mode|
// should be the same as |dest_is_view_source_mode|.
// UrlInfo uses the effective URL here, since that's what is used in the
// SiteInstance's site and when we later call IsSameSite. If there is no
// current NavigationEntry, check the current SiteInstance's site, which might
// already be committed to a Web UI URL (such as the NTP). Note that we don't
// pass the effective URL for destination URL here and instead calculate the
// destination's effective URL within the function because some methods called
// in the function like IsNavigationSameSite expects a non-effective URL.
ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
const GURL& current_effective_url,
bool current_is_view_source_mode,
SiteInstanceImpl* source_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance,
SiteInstance* destination_instance,
const UrlInfo& destination_url_info,
const CoopCoepCrossOriginIsolatedInfo& cross_origin_isolated_info,
bool destination_is_view_source_mode,
ui::PageTransition transition,
bool is_failure,
bool is_reload,
bool is_same_document,
bool cross_origin_opener_policy_mismatch,
bool was_server_redirect,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
bool is_speculative);
ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance ShouldProactivelySwapBrowsingInstance(
const UrlInfo& destination_url_info,
const CoopCoepCrossOriginIsolatedInfo& cross_origin_isolated_info,
bool is_reload,
bool should_replace_current_entry);
// Returns the SiteInstance to use for the navigation.
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> GetSiteInstanceForNavigation(
const UrlInfo& dest_url_info,
const CoopCoepCrossOriginIsolatedInfo& cross_origin_isolated_info,
SiteInstanceImpl* source_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* dest_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* candidate_instance,
ui::PageTransition transition,
bool is_failure,
bool is_reload,
bool is_same_document,
bool dest_is_restore,
bool dest_is_view_source_mode,
bool was_server_redirect,
bool cross_origin_opener_policy_mismatch,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
bool is_speculative,
bool* did_same_site_proactive_browsing_instance_swap);
// Returns a descriptor of the appropriate SiteInstance object for the given
// |dest_url_info|, possibly reusing the current, source or destination
// SiteInstance. The actual SiteInstance can then be obtained calling
// ConvertToSiteInstance with the descriptor.
// |cross_origin_isolated_info| reflects the cross-origin isolation
// information we got from the response for |dest_url|, more specifically the
// COOP and COEP headers.
// |source_instance| is the SiteInstance of the frame that initiated the
// navigation. |current_instance| is the SiteInstance of the frame that is
// currently navigating. |dest_instance| is a predetermined SiteInstance that
// will be used if not null.
// For example, if you have a parent frame A, which has a child frame B, and
// A is trying to change the src attribute of B, this will cause a navigation
// where the source SiteInstance is A and B is the current SiteInstance.
// |is_speculative| indicates that the SiteInstance is being computed for a
// speculative RenderFrameHost, which may change once response is received and
// a final RenderFrameHost/SiteInstance is computed. It is true at request
// start time, but false for redirects and at OnResponseStarted time.
// This is a helper function for GetSiteInstanceForNavigation.
SiteInstanceDescriptor DetermineSiteInstanceForURL(
const UrlInfo& dest_url_info,
const CoopCoepCrossOriginIsolatedInfo& cross_origin_isolated_info,
SiteInstance* source_instance,
SiteInstance* current_instance,
SiteInstance* dest_instance,
ui::PageTransition transition,
bool is_failure,
bool dest_is_restore,
bool dest_is_view_source_mode,
bool force_browsing_instance_swap,
bool was_server_redirect,
bool is_speculative);
// Returns true if a navigation to |dest_url| that uses the specified
// PageTransition in the current frame is allowed to swap BrowsingInstances.
// DetermineSiteInstanceForURL() uses this helper to determine when it is
// allowed to swap BrowsingInstances to avoid unneeded process sharing. See
// Note that this is different from
// ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(), which identifies cases in
// which a BrowsingInstance swap is *required* (e.g., for security). This
// function only identifies cases where a BrowsingInstance swap *may* be
// performed to optimize process placement. In particular, this is true for
// certain browser-initiated transitions for main frame navigations.
// Returning true here doesn't imply that DetermineSiteInstanceForURL() will
// swap BrowsingInstances. For example, this swap will not be done for
// same-site navigations, for history navigations, or when starting from an
// uninitialized SiteInstance.
bool IsBrowsingInstanceSwapAllowedForPageTransition(
ui::PageTransition transition,
const GURL& dest_url);
// Returns true if we can use |source_instance| for |dest_url|.
bool CanUseSourceSiteInstance(
const GURL& dest_url,
SiteInstance* source_instance,
bool was_server_redirect,
bool is_failure,
const CoopCoepCrossOriginIsolatedInfo& cross_origin_isolated_info,
bool is_speculative);
// Converts a SiteInstanceDescriptor to the actual SiteInstance it describes.
// If a |candidate_instance| is provided (is not nullptr) and it matches the
// description, it is returned as is.
// |is_speculative| indicates whether we are computing a SiteInstance for a
// speculative RenderFrameHost or if have already received a response.
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> ConvertToSiteInstance(
const SiteInstanceDescriptor& descriptor,
SiteInstanceImpl* candidate_instance,
bool is_speculative);
// Returns true if |candidate| is currently on the same web site as
// |dest_url_info|. This method is a special case for handling hosted apps in
// this object. Most code should call IsNavigationSameSite() on
// |candidate| instead of this method.
bool IsCandidateSameSite(
RenderFrameHostImpl* candidate,
const UrlInfo& dest_url_info,
const CoopCoepCrossOriginIsolatedInfo& cross_origin_isolated_info);
// Ensure that we have created all needed proxies for a new RFH with
// SiteInstance |new_instance|: (1) create swapped-out RVHs and proxies for
// the new RFH's opener chain if we are staying in the same BrowsingInstance;
// (2) Create proxies for the new RFH's SiteInstance in its own frame tree.
// |recovering_without_early_commit| is true if we are reviving a crashed
// render frame by creating a proxy and committing later rather than doing an
// immediate commit.
void CreateProxiesForNewRenderFrameHost(SiteInstance* old_instance,
SiteInstance* new_instance,
bool recovering_without_early_commit);
// Traverse the opener chain and populate |opener_frame_trees| with
// all FrameTrees accessible by following frame openers of nodes in the
// given node's FrameTree. |opener_frame_trees| is ordered so that openers
// of smaller-indexed entries point to larger-indexed entries (i.e., this
// node's FrameTree is at index 0, its opener's FrameTree is at index 1,
// etc). If the traversal encounters a node with an opener pointing to a
// FrameTree that has already been traversed (such as when there's a cycle),
// the node is added to |nodes_with_back_links|.
void CollectOpenerFrameTrees(
std::vector<FrameTree*>* opener_frame_trees,
std::unordered_set<FrameTreeNode*>* nodes_with_back_links);
// Create RenderFrameProxies and inactive RenderViewHosts in the given
// SiteInstance for the current node's FrameTree. Used as a helper function
// in CreateOpenerProxies for creating proxies in each FrameTree on the
// opener chain. Don't create proxies for the subtree rooted at
// |skip_this_node|.
void CreateOpenerProxiesForFrameTree(SiteInstance* instance,
FrameTreeNode* skip_this_node);
// The different types of RenderFrameHost creation that can occur.
// See CreateRenderFrameHost for how these influence creation.
enum class CreateFrameCase {
// Adding a child to an existing frame in the tree.
// Creating the first frame in a frame tree.
// Preparing to navigate to another frame.
// Creates a RenderFrameHost. This uses an existing a RenderViewHost in the
// same SiteInstance if it exists or creates a new one (a new one will only be
// created if this is a root or child local root).
// TODO( Eliminate or rename
// renderer_initiated_creation.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> CreateRenderFrameHost(
CreateFrameCase create_frame_case,
SiteInstance* site_instance,
int32_t frame_routing_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token,
bool renderer_initiated_creation);
// Create and initialize a speculative RenderFrameHost for an ongoing
// navigation. It might be destroyed and re-created later if the navigation is
// redirected to a different SiteInstance. |recovering_without_early_commit|
// is true if we are reviving a crashed render frame by creating a proxy and
// committing later rather than doing an immediate commit.
bool CreateSpeculativeRenderFrameHost(SiteInstance* old_instance,
SiteInstance* new_instance,
bool recovering_without_early_commit);
// Initialization for RenderFrameHost uses the same sequence as InitRenderView
// above.
bool InitRenderFrame(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host);
// Find the routing ID of the frame or proxy that this frame will replace or
// |MSG_ROUTING_NONE| if there is none. When initializing a new RenderFrame
// for |render_frame_host|, it may be replacing a RenderFrameProxy or another
// RenderFrame in the renderer or recovering from a crash. |existing_proxy| is
// the proxy for |this| in the destination renderer, nullptr if there is no
// proxy. |render_frame_host| is used only for sanity checking.
int GetReplacementRoutingId(RenderFrameProxyHost* existing_proxy,
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) const;
// Helper to reinitialize the RenderFrame, RenderView, and the opener chain
// for the provided |render_frame_host|. Used when the |render_frame_host|
// needs to be reused for a new navigation, but it is not live.
bool ReinitializeRenderFrame(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host);
// Sets the |pending_rfh| to be the active one. Called when the pending
// RenderFrameHost commits.
// This function is also called when restoring an entry from BackForwardCache.
// In that case, |pending_rfh| is the RenderFrameHost to be restored, and
// |pending_bfcache_entry| provides additional state to be restored, such as
// proxies.
// |clear_proxies_on_commit| Indicates if the proxies and opener must be
// removed during the commit. This can happen following some BrowsingInstance
// swaps, such as those for COOP.
void CommitPending(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> pending_rfh,
std::unique_ptr<BackForwardCacheImpl::Entry> pending_bfcache_entry,
bool clear_proxies_on_commit);
// Helper to call CommitPending() in all necessary cases.
void CommitPendingIfNecessary(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
bool was_caused_by_user_gesture,
bool is_same_document_navigation,
bool clear_proxies_on_commit);
// Commits given frame policy when the renderer's frame navigates.
void CommitFramePolicy(const blink::FramePolicy& frame_policy);
// Runs the unload handler in the old RenderFrameHost, after the new
// RenderFrameHost has committed. |old_render_frame_host| will either be
// deleted or put on the pending delete list during this call.
void UnloadOldFrame(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> old_render_frame_host);
// Discards a RenderFrameHost that was never made active (for active ones
// UnloadOldFrame is used instead).
void DiscardUnusedFrame(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> render_frame_host);
// Helper method to set the active RenderFrameHost. Returns the old
// RenderFrameHost and updates counts.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> SetRenderFrameHost(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> render_frame_host);
// After a renderer process crash we'd have marked the host as invisible, so
// we need to set the visibility of the new View to the correct value here
// after reload.
void EnsureRenderFrameHostVisibilityConsistent();
// Similarly to visibility, we need to ensure RenderWidgetHost and
// RenderWidget know about page focus.
void EnsureRenderFrameHostPageFocusConsistent();
// When current RenderFrameHost is not in its parent SiteInstance, this method
// will destroy the frame and replace it with a new RenderFrameHost in the
// parent frame's SiteInstance. Either way, this will eventually invoke
// |attach_inner_delegate_callback_| with a pointer to |render_frame_host_|
// which is then safe for use with WebContents::AttachToOuterWebContentsFrame.
void CreateNewFrameForInnerDelegateAttachIfNecessary();
// Called when the result of preparing the FrameTreeNode for attaching an
// inner delegate is known. When successful, |render_frame_host_| can be used
// for attaching the inner Delegate.
void NotifyPrepareForInnerDelegateAttachComplete(bool success);
// For use in creating RenderFrameHosts.
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node_;
// Our delegate, not owned by us. Guaranteed non-null.
Delegate* delegate_;
// Our RenderFrameHost which is responsible for all communication with a child
// RenderFrame instance.
// For now, RenderFrameHost keeps a RenderViewHost in its SiteInstance alive.
// Eventually, RenderViewHost will be replaced with a page context.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> render_frame_host_;
// Proxy hosts, indexed by site instance ID.
RenderFrameProxyHostMap proxy_hosts_;
// A set of RenderFrameHosts waiting to shut down after swapping out.
using RFHPendingDeleteSet =
std::set<std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl>, base::UniquePtrComparator>;
RFHPendingDeleteSet pending_delete_hosts_;
// Stores a speculative RenderFrameHost which is created early in a navigation
// so a renderer process can be started in parallel, if needed.
// This is purely a performance optimization and is not required for correct
// behavior. The speculative RenderFrameHost might be discarded later on if
// the final URL's SiteInstance isn't compatible with the one used to create
// it.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> speculative_render_frame_host_;
// After being set in RestoreFromBackForwardCache(), the bfcache entry is
// immediately consumed in CommitPending().
std::unique_ptr<BackForwardCacheImpl::Entry> bfcache_entry_to_restore_;
// This callback is used when attaching an inner Delegate to |delegate_|
// through |frame_tree_node_|.
AttachToInnerDelegateState attach_to_inner_delegate_state_ =
base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderFrameHostManager> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content