blob: 0825045b4784f13dd66c4bdc639b542ec38701af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/common/input/actions_parser.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/begin_frame_args.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType ToSyntheticPointerActionType(
std::string action_type) {
if (action_type == "pointerDown")
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::PRESS;
if (action_type == "pointerMove")
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::MOVE;
if (action_type == "pointerUp")
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::RELEASE;
if (action_type == "pointerLeave")
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::LEAVE;
if (action_type == "pause")
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::IDLE;
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::NOT_INITIALIZED;
SyntheticGestureParams::GestureSourceType ToSyntheticGestureSourceType(
std::string pointer_type) {
if (pointer_type == "touch")
return SyntheticGestureParams::TOUCH_INPUT;
else if (pointer_type == "mouse")
return SyntheticGestureParams::MOUSE_INPUT;
else if (pointer_type == "pen")
return SyntheticGestureParams::PEN_INPUT;
return SyntheticGestureParams::DEFAULT_INPUT;
SyntheticPointerActionParams::Button ToSyntheticMouseButton(int button) {
if (button == 0)
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::Button::LEFT;
if (button == 1)
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::Button::MIDDLE;
if (button == 2)
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::Button::RIGHT;
if (button == 3)
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::Button::BACK;
if (button == 4)
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::Button::FORWARD;
NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected button";
return SyntheticPointerActionParams::Button();
int ToKeyModifiers(std::string key) {
if (key == "Alt")
return blink::WebInputEvent::kAltKey;
if (key == "Control")
return blink::WebInputEvent::kControlKey;
if (key == "Meta")
return blink::WebInputEvent::kMetaKey;
if (key == "Shift")
return blink::WebInputEvent::kShiftKey;
if (key == "CapsLock")
return blink::WebInputEvent::kCapsLockOn;
if (key == "NumLock")
return blink::WebInputEvent::kNumLockOn;
if (key == "AltGraph")
return blink::WebInputEvent::kAltGrKey;
return 0;
} // namespace
ActionsParser::ActionsParser(base::Value pointer_actions_value)
: longest_action_sequence_(0),
action_index_(0) {}
ActionsParser::~ActionsParser() {}
bool ActionsParser::ParsePointerActionSequence() {
if (!pointer_actions_value_.is_list()) {
error_message_ = std::string("provided value is not a list");
return false;
for (const auto& pointer_actions : pointer_actions_value_.GetList()) {
if (!pointer_actions.is_dict()) {
error_message_ =
std::string("pointer actions is missing or not a dictionary");
return false;
} else if (!ParsePointerActions(pointer_actions)) {
return false;
gesture_params_.gesture_source_type =
// Group a list of actions from all pointers into a
// SyntheticPointerActionListParams object, which is a list of actions, which
// will be dispatched together.
for (size_t action_index = 0; action_index < longest_action_sequence_;
++action_index) {
SyntheticPointerActionListParams::ParamList param_list;
size_t longest_pause_frame = 0;
for (const auto pointer_action_list : pointer_actions_list_) {
if (action_index < pointer_action_list.size()) {
if (pointer_action_list[action_index].pointer_action_type() ==
SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::IDLE) {
size_t num_pause_frame = static_cast<size_t>(std::ceil(
pointer_action_list[action_index].duration().InMilliseconds() /
longest_pause_frame = std::max(longest_pause_frame, num_pause_frame);
for (size_t pause_index = 1; pause_index < longest_pause_frame;
++pause_index) {
SyntheticPointerActionListParams::ParamList pause_param_list;
SyntheticPointerActionParams pause_action_param(
for (size_t i = 0; i < param_list.size(); ++i) {
return true;
bool ActionsParser::ParsePointerActions(const base::Value& pointer) {
int pointer_id = -1;
// If the json format of each pointer has "type" element, it is from the new
// Action API, otherwise it is from gpuBenchmarking.pointerActionSequence
// API. We have to keep both formats for now, but later on once we switch to
// the new Action API in all tests, we will remove the old format.
const base::Value* type_key = pointer.FindKey("type");
if (type_key) {
if (!type_key->is_string()) {
error_message_ =
std::string("action sequence type is missing or not a string");
return false;
std::string source_type = type_key->GetString();
if (source_type == "") {
error_message_ = std::string("action sequence type cannot be empty");
return false;
} else if (source_type == "key") {
error_message_ =
std::string("we do not support action sequence type of key");
return false;
if (source_type == "pointer") {
if (source_type_.empty())
source_type_ = source_type;
const base::Value* parameters = pointer.FindKey("parameters");
if (source_type_ == "pointer" && !parameters) {
error_message_ = std::string(
"action sequence parameters is missing for pointer type");
return false;
if (!parameters->is_dict()) {
error_message_ =
std::string("action sequence parameters is not a dictionary");
return false;
const std::string* pointer_type =
if (!pointer_type) {
error_message_ = std::string(
"action sequence pointer type is missing or not a string");
return false;
} else if (*pointer_type != "touch" && *pointer_type != "mouse" &&
*pointer_type != "pen") {
error_message_ = std::string(
"action sequence pointer type is an unsupported input type");
return false;
if (pointer_type_.empty()) {
pointer_type_ = *pointer_type;
if (pointer_type_ != *pointer_type) {
error_message_ = std::string(
"currently multiple action sequence pointer type are not "
return false;
if (*pointer_type != "touch" && action_index_ > 0) {
error_message_ = std::string(
"for input type of mouse and pen, we only support one device");
return false;
const std::string* pointer_name = pointer.FindStringKey("id");
if (!pointer_name) {
error_message_ = std::string("pointer name is missing or not a string");
return false;
if (pointer_name_set_.find(*pointer_name) != pointer_name_set_.end()) {
error_message_ = std::string("pointer name already exists");
return false;
pointer_id = action_index_;
} else {
const std::string* pointer_type = pointer.FindStringKey("source");
if (!pointer_type) {
error_message_ = std::string("source type is missing or not a string");
return false;
} else if (*pointer_type != "touch" && *pointer_type != "mouse" &&
*pointer_type != "pen") {
error_message_ =
std::string("source type is an unsupported input source");
return false;
if (pointer_type_.empty()) {
pointer_type_ = *pointer_type;
if (pointer_type_ != *pointer_type) {
error_message_ =
std::string("currently multiple input sources are not not supported");
return false;
if (*pointer_type != "touch" && action_index_ > 0) {
error_message_ = std::string(
"for input source type of mouse and pen, we only support one device "
"in one sequence");
return false;
const base::Value* id_key = pointer.FindKey("id");
if (id_key) {
if (!id_key->is_int()) {
error_message_ = std::string("pointer id is not an integer");
return false;
pointer_id = id_key->GetInt();
if (pointer_id < 0) {
error_message_ = std::string("pointer id can not be negative");
return false;
if (pointer_id != -1) {
if (pointer_id_set_.find(pointer_id) != pointer_id_set_.end()) {
error_message_ = std::string("pointer id already exists");
return false;
if (action_index_ != static_cast<int>(pointer_id_set_.size())) {
error_message_ = std::string("some pointers do not have a pointer id");
return false;
} else {
if (pointer_id_set_.size() > 0) {
error_message_ = std::string("this pointer does not have a pointer id");
return false;
const base::Value* actions =
pointer.FindKeyOfType("actions", base::Value::Type::LIST);
if (!actions) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"pointer[%d].actions is missing or not a list", action_index_);
return false;
if (!ParseActions(*actions, pointer_id))
return false;
return true;
bool ActionsParser::ParseActions(const base::Value& actions, int pointer_id) {
SyntheticPointerActionListParams::ParamList param_list;
for (const auto& action : actions.GetList()) {
if (!action.is_dict()) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d].actions is missing or not a dictionary", action_index_);
return false;
} else if (!ParseAction(action, param_list, pointer_id)) {
return false;
if (param_list.size() > longest_action_sequence_)
longest_action_sequence_ = param_list.size();
return true;
bool ActionsParser::ParseAction(
const base::Value& action,
SyntheticPointerActionListParams::ParamList& param_list,
int pointer_id) {
SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType pointer_action_type =
std::string type;
const base::Value* type_key = action.FindKey("type");
if (type_key) {
if (!type_key->is_string()) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d] is missing or not a string", action_index_);
return false;
type = type_key->GetString();
} else {
const std::string* name_key = action.FindStringKey("name");
if (!name_key) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d] is missing or not a string", action_index_);
return false;
type = *name_key;
pointer_action_type = ToSyntheticPointerActionType(type);
if (pointer_action_type ==
SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::NOT_INITIALIZED) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d] is an unsupported action name",
return false;
double position_x = 0;
double position_y = 0;
const base::Value* position_x_key = action.FindKey("x");
const base::Value* position_y_key = action.FindKey("y");
if (position_x_key) {
if (!position_x_key->is_int() && !position_x_key->is_double()) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d].actions.x is not a number", action_index_);
return false;
position_x = position_x_key->GetDouble();
if (position_y_key) {
if (!position_y_key->is_int() && !position_y_key->is_double()) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d].actions.y is not a number", action_index_);
return false;
position_y = position_y_key->GetDouble();
int button_id = 0;
const base::Value* button_id_key = action.FindKey("button");
if (button_id_key) {
if (!button_id_key->is_int()) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d].actions.button is not a string", action_index_);
return false;
button_id = button_id_key->GetInt();
if (button_id < 0 || button_id > 4) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d].actions.button is an unsupported button", action_index_);
return false;
SyntheticPointerActionParams::Button button =
std::string keys;
const base::Value* keys_key = action.FindKey("keys");
if (keys_key) {
if (!keys_key->is_string()) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d].actions.key is not a string", action_index_);
return false;
keys = keys_key->GetString();
int key_modifiers = 0;
std::vector<std::string> key_list =
base::SplitString(keys, ",", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
for (std::string& key : key_list) {
int key_modifier = ToKeyModifiers(key);
if (key_modifier == 0) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d].actions.key is not a valid key", action_index_);
return false;
key_modifiers |= key_modifier;
int duration = viz::BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval().InMilliseconds();
if (pointer_action_type ==
SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::IDLE) {
const base::Value* duration_key = action.FindKey("duration");
if (duration_key) {
if (!duration_key->is_double() && !duration_key->is_int()) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d].actions.duration is not a number", action_index_);
return false;
duration = duration_key->GetDouble();
if (duration < 0) {
error_message_ = base::StringPrintf(
"actions[%d].actions.duration should not be negative", action_index_);
return false;
SyntheticPointerActionParams action_param(pointer_action_type);
if (pointer_id == -1)
switch (pointer_action_type) {
case SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::PRESS:
action_param.set_position(gfx::PointF(position_x, position_y));
case SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::MOVE:
action_param.set_position(gfx::PointF(position_x, position_y));
case SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::RELEASE:
case SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::IDLE:
case SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::CANCEL:
case SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::LEAVE:
case SyntheticPointerActionParams::PointerActionType::NOT_INITIALIZED:
return true;
} // namespace content