blob: b049c0c2eea945104a9c18ab9b5ed146039d4b56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gpu/ipc/service/gpu_watchdog_thread.h"
namespace gpu {
class GPU_IPC_SERVICE_EXPORT GpuWatchdogThreadImplV2
: public GpuWatchdogThread,
public base::MessageLoopCurrent::TaskObserver {
static std::unique_ptr<GpuWatchdogThreadImplV2> Create(
bool start_backgrounded);
static std::unique_ptr<GpuWatchdogThreadImplV2>
Create(bool start_backgrounded, base::TimeDelta timeout, bool test_mode);
~GpuWatchdogThreadImplV2() override;
// Implements GpuWatchdogThread.
void AddPowerObserver() override;
void OnBackgrounded() override;
void OnForegrounded() override;
void OnInitComplete() override;
void GpuWatchdogHistogram(GpuWatchdogThreadEvent thread_event) override;
bool IsGpuHangDetected() override;
// Implements base::Thread.
void Init() override;
void CleanUp() override;
// Implements gl::ProgressReporter.
void ReportProgress() override;
// Implements MessageLoopCurrent::TaskObserver.
void WillProcessTask(const base::PendingTask& pending_task) override;
void DidProcessTask(const base::PendingTask& pending_task) override;
// Implements base::PowerObserver.
void OnSuspend() override;
void OnResume() override;
GpuWatchdogThreadImplV2(base::TimeDelta timeout, bool test_mode);
void OnAddPowerObserver();
void OnWatchdogBackgrounded();
void OnWatchdogForegrounded();
void RestartWatchdogTimeoutTask();
void Arm();
void Disarm();
void InProgress();
void OnWatchdogTimeout();
// Do not change the function name. It is used for [GPU HANG] carsh reports.
void DeliberatelyTerminateToRecoverFromHang();
// This counter is only written on the gpu thread, and read on the watchdog
// thread.
base::subtle::Atomic32 arm_disarm_counter_ = 0;
// The counter number read in the last OnWatchdogTimeout() on the watchdog
// thread.
int32_t last_arm_disarm_counter_ = 0;
// Timeout on the watchdog thread to check if gpu hangs
base::TimeDelta watchdog_timeout_;
// The time the gpu watchdog was created
base::TimeTicks watchdog_start_time_;
// The time the last OnSuspend and OnResume was called.
base::TimeTicks suspend_time_;
base::TimeTicks resume_time_;
// The time the last OnBackgrounded and OnForegrounded was called.
base::TimeTicks backgrounded_time_;
base::TimeTicks foregrounded_time_;
// The system has entered the power suspension mode.
bool in_power_suspension_ = false;
// Chrome is running on the background on Android. Gpu is probably very slow
// or stalled.
bool is_backgrounded_ = false;
// For gpu testing only.
const bool is_test_mode_;
// Set by the watchdog thread and Read by the test thread.
base::AtomicFlag test_result_timeout_and_gpu_hang_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> watched_task_runner_;
base::WeakPtr<GpuWatchdogThreadImplV2> weak_ptr_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<GpuWatchdogThreadImplV2> weak_factory_;
} // namespace gpu