blob: 6de518744518cf55f0b3a075ffed990140a9c00e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/float_point_3d.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/compositing_reasons.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/compositor_element_id.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/geometry_mapper_transform_cache.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/scroll_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/transforms/transformation_matrix.h"
namespace blink {
// A transform (e.g., created by css "transform" or "perspective", or for
// internal positioning such as paint offset or scrolling) along with a
// reference to the parent TransformPaintPropertyNode. The scroll tree is
// referenced by transform nodes and a transform node with an associated scroll
// node will be a 2d transform for scroll offset.
// The transform tree is rooted at a node with no parent. This root node should
// not be modified.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT TransformPaintPropertyNode
: public PaintPropertyNode<TransformPaintPropertyNode> {
enum class BackfaceVisibility : unsigned char {
// backface-visibility is not inherited per the css spec. However, for an
// element that don't create a new plane, for now we let the element
// inherit the parent backface-visibility.
// backface-visibility: hidden for the new plane.
// backface-visibility: visible for the new plane.
// To make it less verbose and more readable to construct and update a node,
// a struct with default values is used to represent the state.
struct State {
TransformationMatrix matrix;
FloatPoint3D origin;
bool flattens_inherited_transform = false;
BackfaceVisibility backface_visibility = BackfaceVisibility::kInherited;
unsigned rendering_context_id = 0;
CompositingReasons direct_compositing_reasons = CompositingReason::kNone;
CompositorElementId compositor_element_id;
scoped_refptr<const ScrollPaintPropertyNode> scroll;
bool operator==(const State& o) const {
return matrix == o.matrix && origin == o.origin &&
flattens_inherited_transform == o.flattens_inherited_transform &&
backface_visibility == o.backface_visibility &&
rendering_context_id == o.rendering_context_id &&
direct_compositing_reasons == o.direct_compositing_reasons &&
compositor_element_id == o.compositor_element_id &&
scroll == o.scroll;
// This node is really a sentinel, and does not represent a real transform
// space.
static const TransformPaintPropertyNode& Root();
static scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> Create(
const TransformPaintPropertyNode& parent,
State&& state) {
return base::AdoptRef(
new TransformPaintPropertyNode(&parent, std::move(state)));
bool Update(const TransformPaintPropertyNode& parent, State&& state) {
bool parent_changed = SetParent(&parent);
if (state == state_)
return parent_changed;
state_ = std::move(state);
return true;
// If |relative_to_node| is an ancestor of |this|, returns true if any node is
// marked changed along the path from |this| to |relative_to_node| (not
// included). Otherwise returns the combined changed status of the paths
// from |this| and |relative_to_node| to the root.
bool Changed(const TransformPaintPropertyNode& relative_to_node) const;
const TransformationMatrix& Matrix() const { return state_.matrix; }
const FloatPoint3D& Origin() const { return state_.origin; }
// The associated scroll node, or nullptr otherwise.
const ScrollPaintPropertyNode* ScrollNode() const {
return state_.scroll.get();
// If this is a scroll offset translation (i.e., has an associated scroll
// node), returns this. Otherwise, returns the transform node that this node
// scrolls with respect to. This can require a full ancestor traversal.
const TransformPaintPropertyNode& NearestScrollTranslationNode() const;
// If true, content with this transform node (or its descendant) appears in
// the plane of its parent. This is implemented by flattening the total
// accumulated transform from its ancestors.
bool FlattensInheritedTransform() const {
return state_.flattens_inherited_transform;
BackfaceVisibility GetBackfaceVisibility() const {
return state_.backface_visibility;
bool HasDirectCompositingReasons() const {
return state_.direct_compositing_reasons != CompositingReason::kNone;
bool RequiresCompositingForAnimation() const {
return state_.direct_compositing_reasons &
const CompositorElementId& GetCompositorElementId() const {
return state_.compositor_element_id;
// Content whose transform nodes have a common rendering context ID are 3D
// sorted. If this is 0, content will not be 3D sorted.
unsigned RenderingContextId() const { return state_.rendering_context_id; }
bool HasRenderingContext() const { return state_.rendering_context_id; }
// The clone function is used by FindPropertiesNeedingUpdate.h for recording
// a transform node before it has been updated, to later detect changes.
scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> Clone() const {
return base::AdoptRef(
new TransformPaintPropertyNode(Parent(), State(state_)));
// The equality operator is used by FindPropertiesNeedingUpdate.h for checking
// if a transform node has changed.
bool operator==(const TransformPaintPropertyNode& o) const {
return Parent() == o.Parent() && state_ == o.state_;
std::unique_ptr<JSONObject> ToJSON() const;
// Returns memory usage of the transform cache of this node plus ancestors.
size_t CacheMemoryUsageInBytes() const;
TransformPaintPropertyNode(const TransformPaintPropertyNode* parent,
State&& state)
: PaintPropertyNode(parent), state_(std::move(state)) {
void Validate() const {
if (state_.scroll) {
// If there is an associated scroll node, this can only be a 2d
// translation for scroll offset.
// The scroll compositor element id should be stored on the scroll node.
// For access to getTransformCache() and setCachedTransform.
friend class GeometryMapper;
friend class GeometryMapperTest;
friend class GeometryMapperTransformCache;
const GeometryMapperTransformCache& GetTransformCache() const {
if (!transform_cache_)
transform_cache_.reset(new GeometryMapperTransformCache);
return *transform_cache_;
State state_;
mutable std::unique_ptr<GeometryMapperTransformCache> transform_cache_;
} // namespace blink