blob: d7ab21179ca5b6f66a07417b52707163d248b9a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_public_export.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
namespace ash {
namespace features {
// Enables the UI to support Ambient EQ if the device supports it.
// See for more details.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAllowAmbientEQ;
// Enables the Auto Night Light feature which sets the default schedule type to
// sunset-to-sunrise until the user changes it to something else. This feature
// is not exposed to the end user, and is enabled only via cros_config for
// certain devices.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAutoNightLight;
// Enables the Bento feature which encapsulate multiple sub-features which
// improve virtual desks.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kBento;
// Enables the Capture Mode feature which is an enhanced screenshot and screen
// capture user experience.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCaptureMode;
// Enables contextual nudges for gesture education.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kContextualNudges;
// Enables dark/light mode feature.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDarkLightMode;
// Enables indicators to hint where displays are connected.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDisplayAlignAssist;
// Enables identification overlays on each display.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDisplayIdentification;
// Enables the docked (a.k.a. picture-in-picture) magnifier.
// TODO(afakhry): Remove this after the feature is fully launched.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDockedMagnifier;
// Enables chaining of keyboard and touchpad swipe induced desk animations.
// Enables continuous touchpad swiping to switch desks.
// TODO( Remove this when the feature is fully launched.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kEnhancedDeskAnimations;
// Enables the full restore feature. If this is enabled, we will restore apps
// and app windows after a crash or reboot.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kFullRestore;
// Limits the windows listed in Alt-Tab to the ones in the currently active
// desk.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kLimitAltTabToActiveDesk;
// Enables notifications on the lock screen.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kLockScreenNotifications;
// Enables inline reply on notifications on the lock screen.
// This option is effective when |kLockScreenNotification| is enabled.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kLockScreenInlineReply;
// Supports the feature to hide sensitive content in notifications on the lock
// screen. This option is effective when |kLockScreenNotification| is enabled.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
// Enables lock screen media controls UI and use of media keys on the lock
// screen.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kLockScreenMediaControls;
// Enables hiding of ARC media notifications. If this is enabled, all ARC
// notifications that are of the media type will not be shown. This
// is because they will be replaced by native media session notifications.
// TODO(beccahughes): Remove after launch. (
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kHideArcMediaNotifications;
// Enables more ways to interact with the window cycle list, i.e. mouse, touch,
// gestures, and alternate keys.
// TODO(chinsenj): Remove this when the feature is fully launched.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kInteractiveWindowCycleList;
// Enables using arrow keys for display arrangement in display settings page.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
// Enables the redesigned managed device info UI in the system tray.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kManagedDeviceUIRedesign;
// Enables the media session notification. If this is enabled, we will show
// a notification that shows the currently playing media with controls.
// TODO(beccahughes): Remove after launch. (
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaSessionNotification;
// Removes media notifications from the notification counter in the status area.
// TODO( Remove when OS media controls launched.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaNotificationsCounter;
// Enables resizing/moving the selection region for partial screenshot.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMovablePartialScreenshot;
// Enables the Night Light feature.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kNightLight;
// Enabled notification expansion animation.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kNotificationExpansionAnimation;
// Shorten notification timeouts to 6 seconds.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
// Enables notification scroll bar in UnifiedSystemTray.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kNotificationScrollBar;
// Limits the items on the shelf to the ones associated with windows the
// currently active desk.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPerDeskShelf;
// Enables rounded corners for the Picture-in-picture window.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPipRoundedCorners;
// Enables suppression of Displays notifications other than resolution change.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kReduceDisplayNotifications;
// Enables displaying separate network icons for different networks types.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSeparateNetworkIcons;
// Enables trilinear filtering.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTrilinearFiltering;
// Enables using the BluetoothSystem Mojo interface for Bluetooth operations.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseBluetoothSystemInAsh;
// Enables side volume button control based on screen orientation feature.
// TODO( Remove this after the feature is fully
// launched.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
// Enables background blur for the app list, shelf, unified system tray,
// autoclick menu, etc. Also enables the AppsGridView mask layer, slower devices
// may have choppier app list animations while in this mode.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kEnableBackgroundBlur;
// When enabled, shelf navigation controls and the overview tray item will be
// removed from the shelf in tablet mode (unless otherwise specified by user
// preferences, or policy).
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kHideShelfControlsInTabletMode;
// When enabled, the overivew and desk reverse scrolling behaviors are changed
// and if the user performs the old gestures, a notification or toast will show
// up.
// TODO( Remove this after the feature is launched.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kReverseScrollGestures;
// When enabled, there will be an alert bubble showing up when the device
// returns from low brightness (e.g., sleep, closed cover) without a lock screen
// and the active window is in fullscreen.
// TODO( Remove this after the feature is launched.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kFullscreenAlertBubble;
// Enables battery indicator for styluses in the palette tray
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kStylusBatteryStatus;
// Enables sliders for setting mic gain levels in the more audio settings
// section in the system tray.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSystemTrayMicGainSetting;
// Enables special handling of Chrome tab drags from a WebUI tab strip.
// These will be treated similarly to a window drag, showing split view
// indicators in tablet mode, etc. The functionality is behind a flag
// right now since it is under development.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kWebUITabStripTabDragIntegration;
// Enables notifications to be shown within context menus.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kNotificationsInContextMenu;
// Enables the experimental productivity feature that aims to reduce context
// switching by enabling users to collect content and transfer or access it
// later.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTemporaryHoldingSpace;
// Enables previews in the shelf for the `kTemporaryHoldingSpace` feature. Note
// that this has no effect if the `kTemporaryHoldingSpace` feature is disabled.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTemporaryHoldingSpacePreviews;
// Enables dragging an unpinned open app to pinned app side to pin.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDragUnpinnedAppToPin;
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsAllowAmbientEQEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsAltTabLimitedToActiveDesk();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsPerDeskShelfEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsAutoNightLightEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsBentoEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsCaptureModeEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsDarkLightModeEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsEnhancedDeskAnimations();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsFullRestoreEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsHideArcMediaNotificationsEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsKeyboardBasedDisplayArrangementInSettingsEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsKeyboardShortcutViewerAppEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsLockScreenNotificationsEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsInteractiveWindowCycleListEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsManagedDeviceUIRedesignEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsLockScreenInlineReplyEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsLockScreenHideSensitiveNotificationsSupported();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsNotificationExpansionAnimationEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsNotificationExperimentalShortTimeoutsEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsNotificationScrollBarEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsPipRoundedCornersEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsSeparateNetworkIconsEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsTrilinearFilteringEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsSwapSideVolumeButtonsForOrientationEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsBackgroundBlurEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsReduceDisplayNotificationsEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsHideShelfControlsInTabletModeEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsReverseScrollGesturesEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsFullscreenAlertBubbleEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool AreContextualNudgesEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsSystemTrayMicGainSettingEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsStylusBatteryStatusEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsDisplayIdentificationEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsWebUITabStripTabDragIntegrationEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsDisplayAlignmentAssistanceEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsMovablePartialScreenshotEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsNotificationsInContextMenuEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsTemporaryHoldingSpaceEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsTemporaryHoldingSpacePreviewsEnabled();
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsDragUnpinnedAppToPinEnabled();
// These two functions are supposed to be temporary functions to set or get
// whether "WebUITabStrip" feature is enabled from Chrome.
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT void SetWebUITabStripEnabled(bool enabled);
ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT bool IsWebUITabStripEnabled();
} // namespace features
} // namespace ash