blob: 5ffa5c733956a48a53c45de49873721dec894db8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace subresource_redirect {
// Holds the robots rules for a singe origin, and enables checking whether an
// url path is allowed or disallowed. Also supports a timeout to receive the
// robots rules after which it will be treated as a full disallow. The check
// result is delivered via callback asynchronously.
class RobotsRulesParser {
// The final result of robots rule retrieval.
// This should be kept in sync with
// SubresourceRedirectRobotsRulesReceiveResult in enums.xml.
enum SubresourceRedirectRobotsRulesReceiveResult {
kSuccess, // Received and parsed successfully
kTimeout, // Timeout in waiting for rules
kParseError, // Parsing the received binary proto
kMaxValue = kParseError
enum CheckResult {
kAllowed, // The resource URL passed the robots rules check
kDisallowed, // The resource URL failed the robots rules check
kTimedout, // Timeout in retrieving the robots rules
kDisallowedAfterTimeout, // Timeout got triggered already, and the resource
// was disallowed
enum class RulesReceiveState {
// Rules are not received yet, and rules receive timer is still running.
// This is the default startup state, and is a non-terminal state.
// Rules are not received, and rules retrieval timeout happened.
// Rules were received but parsing failed.
// Rules were received and are parsed successfully.
// Callback to notify the check robot rules result.
using CheckResultCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(CheckResult)>;
RobotsRulesParser(const RobotsRulesParser&) = delete;
RobotsRulesParser& operator=(const RobotsRulesParser&) = delete;
// Update the robots rules. This causes any pending check requests to be
// processed immediately and called with the result.
void UpdateRobotsRules(const base::Optional<std::string>& rules);
// Check whether the URL is allowed or disallowed by robots rules. When the
// determination can be made immediately, the decision should be returned.
// Otherwise base::nullopt should be returned and the |callback| will be
// added to |pending_check_requests_| and called when a decision can be made
// like when rules are retrieved, or rule fetch timeout, etc.
// The robots rules check will make use of the |url| path and query
// parameters.The |url| origin, ref fragment, etc are immaterial.
base::Optional<CheckResult> CheckRobotsRules(const GURL& url,
CheckResultCallback callback);
friend class SubresourceRedirectRobotsRulesParserTest;
// Contains one robots.txt rule.
struct RobotsRule {
RobotsRule(bool is_allow_rule, const std::string& pattern)
: is_allow_rule_(is_allow_rule), pattern_(pattern) {}
bool Match(const std::string& path) const;
const bool is_allow_rule_;
const std::string pattern_;
// Returns the immediate result of whether the URL path is allowed or
// disallowed by robots rules. Should be called only when rules retrieval
// state is in a terminal state, i.e., rules receive timer is not running.
CheckResult CheckRobotsRulesImmediate(const std::string& url_path) const;
// Called on rules receive timeout. All pending checks for robots rules are
// notified that the timeout expired and the requests known to |this| are
// cleared.
void OnRulesReceiveTimeout();
// Current state of the rules retrieval.
RulesReceiveState rules_receive_state_;
// Ordered list of robots rules from longest to shortest.
std::vector<RobotsRule> robots_rules_;
// Contains the requests that are pending for robots rules to be received.
// Holds the URL path and the callback.
std::vector<std::pair<CheckResultCallback, std::string>>
// To trigger the timeout for the robots rules to be received.
base::OneShotTimer rules_receive_timeout_timer_;
} // namespace subresource_redirect