blob: 7bc0da4e7101cbcb6fb7d4bc7558e4b90052c32c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module cros.mojom;
import "media/capture/mojom/image_capture.mojom";
import "media/capture/video/chromeos/mojom/camera_common.mojom";
import "media/capture/video/chromeos/mojom/camera_metadata.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/range/mojom/range.mojom";
// Effect that recognized by Chrome OS.
enum Effect {
// Stream types that can be observed by camera app device.
// This is a mirror of the StreamType in camera_device_delegate.h
enum StreamType {
// Status code for getting camera app device.
enum GetCameraAppDeviceStatus {
// The purpose of this capture is to help the camera device decide optimal
// configurations.
enum CaptureIntent {
// Interface to let Chrome Camera App (Remote) get specific CameraAppDevice from
// Chrome (Receiver).
interface CameraAppDeviceProvider {
// Gets the interface to communicate with specific camera device given by
// |source_id|. If the |status| is not success, the |device| would be null.
GetCameraAppDevice(string source_id)
=> (GetCameraAppDeviceStatus status,
pending_remote<CameraAppDevice>? device);
// Checks if the device supports direct communication between camera devices
// and camera app. Currently only devices running camera HAL v3 support this
// feature.
IsSupported() => (bool is_supported);
// Inner interface that used to communicate between browser process (Remote) and
// the Video Capture service (Receiver).
interface CameraAppDeviceBridge {
// Gets the interface to communicate with specific camera device given by
// |device_id|. If the |status| is not success, the |device| would be null.
GetCameraAppDevice(string device_id)
=> (GetCameraAppDeviceStatus status,
pending_remote<CameraAppDevice>? device);
// Checks if the device supports direct communication between camera devices
// and camera app. Currently only devices running camera HAL v3 support this
// feature.
IsSupported() => (bool is_supported);
// Interface for communication between Chrome Camera App (Remote) and camera
// device (Receiver).
interface CameraAppDevice {
// Gets camera information |camera_info| which includes camera facing,
// characteristics, orientation, etc.
GetCameraInfo() => (CameraInfo camera_info);
// Sets reprocess option to bind with the coming take photo request. When this
// method is called, the reprocess option will be queued. All reprocess
// options in the queue will be consumed when ImageCapture::TakePhoto() is
// triggered and all the queued reprocess options will be bound
// to that take photo request.
SetReprocessOption(Effect effect)
=> (int32 status, media.mojom.Blob? blob);
// Sets the fps range for upcoming configured camera stream.
// The caller sets the |fps_range|.
// If the given fps range is valid and set successfully, |is_success| returns
// true. If the given fps range is invalid, the fps range which is cached
// previously will be cleared and |is_success| will return false.
SetFpsRange(gfx.mojom.Range fps_range) => (bool is_success);
// Sets the |resolution| for still capture stream which should be
// configured later so that we can configure the most suitable properties.
SetStillCaptureResolution(gfx.mojom.Size resolution) => ();
// Sets the intent for the upcoming capture session. The underlying video
// capture device should configure the streams accordingly. Returns an empty
// response after the intent is set, which could be used to sequence the
// other calls such as getUserMedia().
SetCaptureIntent(CaptureIntent intent) => ();
// Adds the remote of a ResultMetadataObserver to CameraAppDevice.
// The |observer| will have a remote call from camera device.
AddResultMetadataObserver(pending_remote<ResultMetadataObserver> observer,
StreamType stream_type)
=> (uint32 id);
// Remove a ResultMetadataObserver by supplying its id returned by
// AddResultMetadataObserver.
// If the ResultMetadataObserver is found, |is_success| returns true.
RemoveResultMetadataObserver(uint32 id) => (bool is_success);
// Adds an observer for camera events and returns the observer |id|. The
// |observer| is the remote of the observer to be added.
AddCameraEventObserver(pending_remote<CameraEventObserver> observer)
=> (uint32 id);
// Removes the camera events observer according to given observer |id|. Sets
// |is_success| to true if remove successfully, false otherwise.
RemoveCameraEventObserver(uint32 id) => (bool is_success);
// Interface for camera device to send camera metadata to Chrome Camera App.
interface ResultMetadataObserver {
// Remotely invoked by camera device whenever a |camera_metadata| of a frame
// is produced.
OnMetadataAvailable(CameraMetadata camera_metadata);
// Interface for observing camera events such as shutter done.
interface CameraEventObserver {
// Triggered when the shutter is done for a still capture image.