blob: 3e7a6a01eebffe4c839321ac80b4909fc194abf6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shaping_line_breaker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_break_iterator.h"
namespace blink {
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResult> result,
const LazyLineBreakIterator* break_iterator,
const Hyphenation* hyphenation,
ShapeCallback shape_callback,
void* shape_callback_context)
: shape_callback_(shape_callback),
is_soft_hyphen_enabled_(true) {
// Line breaking performance relies on high-performance x-position to
// character offset lookup. Ensure that the desired cache has been computed.
namespace {
// ShapingLineBreaker computes using visual positions. This function flips
// logical advance to visual, or vice versa.
inline LayoutUnit FlipRtl(LayoutUnit value, TextDirection direction) {
return IsLtr(direction) ? value : -value;
inline float FlipRtl(float value, TextDirection direction) {
return IsLtr(direction) ? value : -value;
inline bool IsBreakableSpace(UChar ch) {
return LazyLineBreakIterator::IsBreakableSpace(ch) ||
bool IsAllSpaces(const String& text, unsigned start, unsigned end) {
return StringView(text, start, end - start)
bool ShouldHyphenate(const String& text,
unsigned word_start,
unsigned word_end,
unsigned line_start) {
// If this is the first word in this line, allow to hyphenate. Otherwise the
// word will overflow.
if (word_start <= line_start)
return true;
// Do not hyphenate the last word in a paragraph, except when it's a single
// word paragraph.
if (IsAllSpaces(text, word_end, text.length()))
return IsAllSpaces(text, 0, word_start);
return true;
inline void CheckBreakOffset(unsigned offset, unsigned start, unsigned end) {
// It is critical to move the offset forward, or NGLineBreaker may keep adding
// NGInlineItemResult until all the memory is consumed.
CHECK_GT(offset, start);
// The offset must be within the given range, or NGLineBreaker will fail to
// sync item with offset.
CHECK_LE(offset, end);
unsigned FindNonHangableEnd(const String& text, unsigned candidate) {
DCHECK_LT(candidate, text.length());
// Looking for the non-hangable run end
unsigned non_hangable_end = candidate;
while (non_hangable_end > 0) {
if (!IsBreakableSpace(text[--non_hangable_end]))
return non_hangable_end + 1;
return non_hangable_end;
} // namespace
inline const String& ShapingLineBreaker::GetText() const {
return break_iterator_->GetString();
unsigned ShapingLineBreaker::Hyphenate(unsigned offset,
unsigned word_start,
unsigned word_end,
bool backwards) const {
DCHECK_GT(word_end, word_start);
DCHECK_GE(offset, word_start);
DCHECK_LE(offset, word_end);
unsigned word_len = word_end - word_start;
if (word_len <= Hyphenation::kMinimumSuffixLength)
return 0;
const String& text = GetText();
const StringView word(text, word_start, word_len);
const unsigned word_offset = offset - word_start;
if (backwards) {
if (word_offset < Hyphenation::kMinimumPrefixLength)
return 0;
unsigned prefix_length =
hyphenation_->LastHyphenLocation(word, word_offset + 1);
DCHECK(!prefix_length || prefix_length <= word_offset);
return prefix_length;
} else {
if (word_len - word_offset < Hyphenation::kMinimumSuffixLength)
return 0;
unsigned prefix_length = hyphenation_->FirstHyphenLocation(
word, word_offset ? word_offset - 1 : 0);
DCHECK(!prefix_length || prefix_length >= word_offset);
return prefix_length;
ShapingLineBreaker::BreakOpportunity ShapingLineBreaker::Hyphenate(
unsigned offset,
unsigned start,
bool backwards) const {
const String& text = GetText();
unsigned word_end = break_iterator_->NextBreakOpportunity(offset);
if (word_end != offset && IsBreakableSpace(text[word_end - 1]))
word_end = std::max(start + 1, FindNonHangableEnd(text, word_end - 1));
if (word_end == offset) {
DCHECK(IsBreakableSpace(text[offset]) ||
offset == break_iterator_->PreviousBreakOpportunity(offset, start));
return {word_end, false};
unsigned previous_break_opportunity =
break_iterator_->PreviousBreakOpportunity(offset, start);
unsigned word_start = previous_break_opportunity;
// Skip the leading spaces of this word because the break iterator breaks
// before spaces.
// TODO (jfernandez): This is no longer true, so we should remove this code.
while (word_start < text.length() &&
if (offset >= word_start &&
ShouldHyphenate(text, previous_break_opportunity, word_end, start)) {
unsigned prefix_length = Hyphenate(offset, word_start, word_end, backwards);
if (prefix_length)
return {word_start + prefix_length, true};
return {backwards ? previous_break_opportunity : word_end, false};
ShapingLineBreaker::PreviousBreakOpportunity(unsigned offset,
unsigned start) const {
const String& text = GetText();
if (UNLIKELY(!IsSoftHyphenEnabled())) {
for (;; offset--) {
offset = break_iterator_->PreviousBreakOpportunity(offset, start);
if (offset <= start || offset >= text.length() ||
text[offset - 1] != kSoftHyphenCharacter) {
if (IsBreakableSpace(text[offset - 1]))
return {offset, FindNonHangableEnd(text, offset - 1), false};
return {offset, false};
if (UNLIKELY(hyphenation_))
return Hyphenate(offset, start, true);
// If the break opportunity is preceded by trailing spaces, find the
// end of non-hangable character (i.e., start of the space run).
unsigned break_offset =
break_iterator_->PreviousBreakOpportunity(offset, start);
if (IsBreakableSpace(text[break_offset - 1]))
return {break_offset, FindNonHangableEnd(text, break_offset - 1), false};
return {break_offset, false};
ShapingLineBreaker::BreakOpportunity ShapingLineBreaker::NextBreakOpportunity(
unsigned offset,
unsigned start,
unsigned len) const {
const String& text = GetText();
if (UNLIKELY(!IsSoftHyphenEnabled())) {
for (;; offset++) {
offset = break_iterator_->NextBreakOpportunity(offset);
if (offset >= text.length() || text[offset - 1] != kSoftHyphenCharacter) {
if (IsBreakableSpace(text[offset - 1]))
return {offset, FindNonHangableEnd(text, offset - 1), false};
return {offset, false};
if (UNLIKELY(hyphenation_))
return Hyphenate(offset, start, false);
// We should also find the beginning of the space run to find the
// end of non-hangable character (i.e., start of the space run),
// which may be useful to avoid reshaping.
unsigned break_offset = break_iterator_->NextBreakOpportunity(offset, len);
if (IsBreakableSpace(text[break_offset - 1]))
return {break_offset, FindNonHangableEnd(text, break_offset - 1), false};
return {break_offset, false};
inline void ShapingLineBreaker::SetBreakOffset(unsigned break_offset,
const String& text,
Result* result) {
result->break_offset = break_offset;
result->is_hyphenated =
text[result->break_offset - 1] == kSoftHyphenCharacter;
inline void ShapingLineBreaker::SetBreakOffset(
const BreakOpportunity& break_opportunity,
const String& text,
Result* result) {
result->break_offset = break_opportunity.offset;
result->is_hyphenated =
break_opportunity.is_hyphenated ||
text[result->break_offset - 1] == kSoftHyphenCharacter;
result->non_hangable_run_end = break_opportunity.non_hangable_run_end;
// Shapes a line of text by finding a valid and appropriate break opportunity
// based on the shaping results for the entire paragraph. Re-shapes the start
// and end of the line as needed.
// Definitions:
// Candidate break opportunity: Ideal point to break, disregarding line
// breaking rules. May be in the middle of a word
// or inside a ligature.
// Valid break opportunity: A point where a break is allowed according to
// the relevant breaking rules.
// Safe-to-break: A point where a break may occur without
// affecting the rendering or metrics of the
// text. Breaking at safe-to-break point does not
// require reshaping.
// For example:
// Given the string "Line breaking example", an available space of 100px and a
// mono-space font where each glyph is 10px wide.
// Line breaking example
// | |
// 0 100px
// The candidate (or ideal) break opportunity would be at an offset of 10 as
// the break would happen at exactly 100px in that case.
// The previous valid break opportunity though is at an offset of 5.
// If we further assume that the font kerns with space then even though it's a
// valid break opportunity reshaping is required as the combined width of the
// two segments "Line " and "breaking" may be different from "Line breaking".
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> ShapingLineBreaker::ShapeLine(
unsigned start,
LayoutUnit available_space,
unsigned options,
ShapingLineBreaker::Result* result_out) {
DCHECK_GE(available_space, LayoutUnit(0));
unsigned range_start = result_->StartIndex();
unsigned range_end = result_->EndIndex();
DCHECK_GE(start, range_start);
DCHECK_LT(start, range_end);
result_out->is_overflow = false;
result_out->is_hyphenated = false;
result_out->has_trailing_spaces = false;
const String& text = GetText();
const bool is_break_after_any_space =
break_iterator_->BreakSpace() == BreakSpaceType::kAfterEverySpace;
// The start position in the original shape results.
float start_position = result_->CachedPositionForOffset(start - range_start);
// Find a candidate break opportunity by identifying the last offset before
// exceeding the available space and the determine the closest valid break
// preceding the candidate.
TextDirection direction = result_->Direction();
float end_position = start_position + FlipRtl(available_space, direction);
DCHECK_GE(FlipRtl(LayoutUnit::FromFloatCeil(end_position - start_position),
unsigned candidate_break =
result_->CachedOffsetForPosition(end_position) + range_start;
unsigned first_safe = (options & kDontReshapeStart)
? start
: result_->CachedNextSafeToBreakOffset(start);
DCHECK_GE(first_safe, start);
if (candidate_break >= range_end) {
// The |result_| does not have glyphs to fill the available space,
// and thus unable to compute. Return the result up to range_end.
DCHECK_EQ(candidate_break, range_end);
SetBreakOffset(range_end, text, result_out);
return ShapeToEnd(start, first_safe, range_start, range_end);
// candidate_break should be >= start, but rounding errors can chime in when
// comparing floats. See ShapeLineZeroAvailableWidth on Linux/Mac.
candidate_break = std::max(candidate_break, start);
// If we are in the middle of a trailing space sequence, which are
// defined by the UAX#14 spec as Break After (A) class, we should
// look for breaking opportunityes after the end of the sequence.
// TODO(jfernandez): if break-spaces, do special handling.
BreakOpportunity break_opportunity =
!IsBreakableSpace(text[candidate_break]) || is_break_after_any_space
? PreviousBreakOpportunity(candidate_break, start)
: NextBreakOpportunity(std::max(candidate_break, start + 1), start,
// There are no break opportunity before candidate_break, overflow.
// Find the next break opportunity after the candidate_break.
// TODO: (jfernandez): Maybe also non_hangable_run_end <= start ?
result_out->is_overflow = break_opportunity.offset <= start;
if (result_out->is_overflow) {
DCHECK(is_break_after_any_space ||
if (options & kNoResultIfOverflow)
return nullptr;
// No need to scan past range_end for a break opportunity.
break_opportunity = NextBreakOpportunity(
std::max(candidate_break, start + 1), start, range_end);
// We don't care whether this result contains only spaces if we
// are breaking after any space. We shouldn't early return either
// in that case.
if (!is_break_after_any_space && break_opportunity.non_hangable_run_end &&
break_opportunity.non_hangable_run_end <= start) {
// TODO (jfenandez): There may be cases where candidate_break is
// not a breakable space but we also want to early return for
// triggering the trailing spaces handling
if (IsBreakableSpace(text[candidate_break])) {
result_out->has_trailing_spaces = true;
result_out->break_offset = std::min(range_end, break_opportunity.offset);
result_out->non_hangable_run_end = break_opportunity.non_hangable_run_end;
DCHECK(IsAllSpaces(text, start, result_out->break_offset));
result_out->is_hyphenated = false;
return ShapeResultView::Create(result_.get(), start,
// |range_end| may not be a break opportunity, but this function cannot
// measure beyond it.
if (break_opportunity.offset >= range_end) {
SetBreakOffset(range_end, text, result_out);
if (result_out->is_overflow)
return ShapeToEnd(start, first_safe, range_start, range_end);
break_opportunity.offset = range_end;
CheckBreakOffset(break_opportunity.offset, start, range_end);
// If the start offset is not at a safe-to-break boundary the content between
// the start and the next safe-to-break boundary needs to be reshaped and the
// available space adjusted to take the reshaping into account.
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResult> line_start_result;
if (first_safe != start) {
if (first_safe >= break_opportunity.offset) {
// There is no safe-to-break, reshape the whole range.
SetBreakOffset(break_opportunity, text, result_out);
CheckBreakOffset(result_out->break_offset, start, range_end);
return ShapeResultView::Create(
Shape(start, break_opportunity.offset).get());
float first_safe_position =
result_->CachedPositionForOffset(first_safe - range_start);
LayoutUnit original_width = LayoutUnit::FromFloatCeil(
FlipRtl(first_safe_position - start_position, direction));
line_start_result = Shape(start, first_safe);
available_space += line_start_result->SnappedWidth() - original_width;
DCHECK_GE(first_safe, start);
DCHECK_LE(first_safe, break_opportunity.offset);
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResult> line_end_result;
bool reshape_line_end = true;
if (options & kDontReshapeEndIfAtSpace) {
if (IsBreakableSpace(text[break_opportunity.offset - 1]))
reshape_line_end = false;
// Avoid re-shape if at the end of the range.
// TODO (jfernandez): Is this even possible ? Shouldn't we just
// early return if offset >= range_end ?
if (break_opportunity.offset == range_end)
reshape_line_end = false;
if (!is_break_after_any_space && break_opportunity.non_hangable_run_end) {
break_opportunity.offset =
std::max(start + 1, *break_opportunity.non_hangable_run_end);
unsigned last_safe = break_opportunity.offset;
if (reshape_line_end) {
// If the previous valid break opportunity is not at a safe-to-break
// boundary reshape between the safe-to-break offset and the valid break
// offset. If the resulting width exceeds the available space the
// preceding boundary is tried until the available space is sufficient.
while (true) {
DCHECK_LE(start, break_opportunity.offset);
if (!is_break_after_any_space && break_opportunity.non_hangable_run_end) {
break_opportunity.offset =
std::max(start + 1, *break_opportunity.non_hangable_run_end);
last_safe =
// No need to reshape the line end because this opportunity is safe.
if (last_safe == break_opportunity.offset)
if (UNLIKELY(last_safe > break_opportunity.offset)) {
// TODO( This should not happen, but we see crashes.
// Moved the opportunity back enough to require reshaping the whole line.
if (UNLIKELY(last_safe < first_safe)) {
DCHECK(last_safe == 0 || last_safe < start);
last_safe = start;
line_start_result = nullptr;
// If previously determined to let it overflow, reshape the line end.
DCHECK_LE(break_opportunity.offset, range_end);
if (UNLIKELY(result_out->is_overflow)) {
line_end_result = Shape(last_safe, break_opportunity.offset);
// Check if this opportunity can fit after reshaping the line end.
float safe_position =
result_->CachedPositionForOffset(last_safe - range_start);
line_end_result = Shape(last_safe, break_opportunity.offset);
if (line_end_result->Width() <=
FlipRtl(end_position - safe_position, direction))
// Doesn't fit after the reshape. Try the previous break opportunity.
line_end_result = nullptr;
break_opportunity =
PreviousBreakOpportunity(break_opportunity.offset - 1, start);
if (break_opportunity.offset > start)
// No suitable break opportunity, not exceeding the available space,
// found. Any break opportunities beyond candidate_break won't fit
// either because the ShapeResult has the full context.
// This line will overflow, but there are multiple choices to break,
// because none can fit. The one after candidate_break is better for
// ligatures, but the one before is better for kernings.
result_out->is_overflow = true;
// TODO (jfernandez): Would be possible to refactor this logic
// with the one performed prior tp the reshape
// (FindBreakingOpportuntty() + overflow handling)?
break_opportunity = PreviousBreakOpportunity(candidate_break, start);
if (break_opportunity.offset <= start) {
break_opportunity = NextBreakOpportunity(
std::max(candidate_break, start + 1), start, range_end);
if (break_opportunity.offset >= range_end) {
SetBreakOffset(range_end, text, result_out);
return ShapeToEnd(start, first_safe, range_start, range_end);
// Loop once more to compute last_safe for the new break opportunity.
// It is critical to move forward, or callers may end up in an infinite loop.
CheckBreakOffset(break_opportunity.offset, start, range_end);
DCHECK_GE(break_opportunity.offset, last_safe);
DCHECK_EQ(break_opportunity.offset - start,
(line_start_result ? line_start_result->NumCharacters() : 0) +
(last_safe > first_safe ? last_safe - first_safe : 0) +
(line_end_result ? line_end_result->NumCharacters() : 0));
// Create shape results for the line by copying from the re-shaped result (if
// reshaping was needed) and the original shape results.
ShapeResultView::Segment segments[3];
unsigned max_length = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
unsigned count = 0;
if (line_start_result)
segments[count++] = {line_start_result.get(), 0, max_length};
if (last_safe > first_safe)
segments[count++] = {result_.get(), first_safe, last_safe};
if (line_end_result)
segments[count++] = {line_end_result.get(), last_safe, max_length};
auto line_result = ShapeResultView::Create(&segments[0], count);
DCHECK_EQ(break_opportunity.offset - start, line_result->NumCharacters());
SetBreakOffset(break_opportunity, text, result_out);
return line_result;
// Shape from the specified offset to the end of the ShapeResult.
// If |start| is safe-to-break, this copies the subset of the result.
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> ShapingLineBreaker::ShapeToEnd(
unsigned start,
unsigned first_safe,
unsigned range_start,
unsigned range_end) {
DCHECK_EQ(range_start, result_->StartIndex());
DCHECK_EQ(range_end, result_->EndIndex());
DCHECK_GE(start, range_start);
DCHECK_LT(start, range_end);
DCHECK_GE(first_safe, start);
// If |start| is at the start of the range the entire result object may be
// reused, which avoids the sub-range logic and bounds computation.
if (start == range_start)
return ShapeResultView::Create(result_.get());
// If |start| is safe-to-break, no reshape is needed.
if (start == first_safe)
return ShapeResultView::Create(result_.get(), start, range_end);
// If no safe-to-break offset is found in range, reshape the entire range.
if (first_safe >= range_end) {
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> line_result = Shape(start, range_end);
return ShapeResultView::Create(line_result.get());
// Otherwise reshape to |first_safe|, then copy the rest.
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> line_start = Shape(start, first_safe);
ShapeResultView::Segment segments[2] = {
{line_start.get(), 0, std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()},
{result_.get(), first_safe, range_end}};
return ShapeResultView::Create(&segments[0], 2);
} // namespace blink