blob: 103b2b140df02b2aaab61add2cfe1e712a4b27f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
namespace blink {
namespace scheduler {
const base::Feature kDedicatedWorkerThrottling{
"BlinkSchedulerWorkerThrottling", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
const base::Feature kBestEffortPriorityForFindInPage{
// If enabled, the compositor will always be set to kVeryHighPriority if it
// is not already set to kHighestPriority.
const base::Feature kVeryHighPriorityForCompositingAlways{
// If enabled, compositor priority will be set to kVeryHighPriority if it will
// be fast and is not already set to kHighestPriority.
const base::Feature kVeryHighPriorityForCompositingWhenFast{
// If enabled, compositor priority will be set to kVeryHighPriority if the last
// task completed was not a compositor task, and kNormalPriority if the last
// task completed was a compositor task.
const base::Feature kVeryHighPriorityForCompositingAlternating{
// If enabled, compositor priority will be set to kVeryHighPriority if no
// compositor task has run for some time determined by the finch parameter
// kCompositingDelayLength. Once a compositor task runs, it will be reset
// to kNormalPriority.
const base::Feature kVeryHighPriorityForCompositingAfterDelay{
// Param for kVeryHighPriorityForCompositingAfterDelay experiment. How long
// in ms the compositor will wait to be prioritized if no compositor tasks run.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<int> kCompositingDelayLength{
&kVeryHighPriorityForCompositingAfterDelay, "CompositingDelayLength", 100};
// If enabled, compositor priority will be set to kVeryHighPriority until
// a budget has been exhausted. Once the budget runs out, the priority will
// be set to kNormalPriority until there is enough budget to reprioritize.
const base::Feature kVeryHighPriorityForCompositingBudget{
// Param for kVeryHighPriorityForCompositingBudget experiment. This param
// controls how much CPU time the compositor will be prioritized for, its
// budget. Measured in ms.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<int> kInitialCompositorBudgetInMilliseconds{
"InitialCompositorBudgetInMilliseconds", 250};
// Param for kVeryHighPriorityForCompositingBudget experiment. This param
// controls the rate at which the budget is recovered.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<double> kCompositorBudgetRecoveryRate{
&kVeryHighPriorityForCompositingBudget, "CompositorBudgetRecoveryRate",
// This feature functions as an experiment parameter for the
// VeryHighPriorityForCompositing alternating, delay, and budget experiments.
// When enabled, it does nothing unless one of these experiments is also
// enabled. If one of these experiments is enabled it will change the behavior
// of that experiment such that the stop signal for prioritzation of the
// compositor is a BeginMainFrame task instead of any compositor task.
const base::Feature kPrioritizeCompositingUntilBeginMainFrame{
// Enables setting the priority of background (with no audio) pages'
// task queues to low priority.
const base::Feature kLowPriorityForBackgroundPages{
// Enables setting the priority of background (with no audio) pages'
// task queues to best effort.
const base::Feature kBestEffortPriorityForBackgroundPages{
// Enables setting the priority of sub-frame task queues to low
// priority.
const base::Feature kLowPriorityForSubFrame{
"BlinkSchedulerLowPriorityForSubFrame", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables setting the priority of throttleable task queues to
// low priority.
const base::Feature kLowPriorityForThrottleableTask{
// Enables setting the priority of sub-frame throttleable
// task queues to low priority.
const base::Feature kLowPriorityForSubFrameThrottleableTask{
// Enables setting the priority of hidden frame task queues to
// low priority.
const base::Feature kLowPriorityForHiddenFrame{
// Used along with |kLowPriorityForHiddenFrame|,
// |kLowPriorityForSubFrameThrottleableTask|, |kLowPriorityForThrottleableTask|,
// |kLowPriorityForSubFrame| to enable one of these experiments only during the
// load use case.
const base::Feature kFrameExperimentOnlyWhenLoading{
// Enables setting the priority of an ad frame to low priority.
const base::Feature kLowPriorityForAdFrame{
"BlinkSchedulerLowPriorityForAdFrame", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables setting the priority of an ad frame to best effort priority.
const base::Feature kBestEffortPriorityForAdFrame{
// Used along with |kLowPriorityForAdFrame| or |kBestEffortPriorityForAdFrame|
// to enable one of these experiments only during the load use case.
const base::Feature kAdFrameExperimentOnlyWhenLoading{
// Enables using a resource's fetch priority to determine the priority of the
// resource's loading tasks posted to blink's scheduler.
const base::Feature kUseResourceFetchPriority{
"BlinkSchedulerResourceFetchPriority", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables using a resource's fetch priority to determine the priority of the
// resource's loading tasks posted to blink's scheduler only for resources
// requested during the loading phase.
const base::Feature kUseResourceFetchPriorityOnlyWhenLoading{
// Enables setting the priority of cross-origin task queues to
// low priority.
const base::Feature kLowPriorityForCrossOrigin{
// Enables setting the priority of cross-origin task queues to
// low priority during loading only.
const base::Feature kLowPriorityForCrossOriginOnlyWhenLoading{
// Prioritizes loading and compositing tasks while loading.
const base::Feature kPrioritizeCompositingAndLoadingDuringEarlyLoading{
// Prioritizes one BeginMainFrame after input.
const base::Feature kPrioritizeCompositingAfterInput{
"PrioritizeCompositingAfterInput", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enable setting high priority database task type from field trial parameters.
const base::Feature kHighPriorityDatabaseTaskType{
"HighPriorityDatabaseTaskType", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// When features::kIntensiveWakeUpThrottling is enabled, wake ups from timers
// with a high nesting level are limited to 1 per
// GetIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingDurationBetweenWakeUp() in a page that has been
// backgrounded for GetIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingGracePeriod(). If
// CanIntensivelyThrottleLowNestingLevel() is true, this policy is also applied
// to timers with a non-zero delay and a low nesting level.
// Intensive wake up throttling is enforced in addition to other throttling
// mechanisms:
// - 1 wake up per second in a background page or hidden cross-origin frame
// - 1% CPU time in a page that has been backgrounded for 10 seconds
// Feature tracking bug:
// Note that features::kIntensiveWakeUpThrottling should not be read from;
// rather the provided accessors should be used, which also take into account
// the managed policy override of the feature.
// Parameter name and default values, exposed for testing.
constexpr int kIntensiveWakeUpThrottling_DurationBetweenWakeUpsSeconds_Default =
constexpr const char*
kIntensiveWakeUpThrottling_DurationBetweenWakeUpsSeconds_Name =
constexpr int kIntensiveWakeUpThrottling_GracePeriodSeconds_Default = 5 * 60;
constexpr const char*
kIntensiveWakeUpThrottling_CanIntensivelyThrottleLowNestingLevel_Name =
constexpr const bool
kIntensiveWakeUpThrottling_CanIntensivelyThrottleLowNestingLevel_Default =
// Exposed so that multiple tests can tinker with the policy override.
// Determines if the feature is enabled, taking into account base::Feature
// settings and policy overrides.
PLATFORM_EXPORT bool IsIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled();
// Duration between wake ups for the kIntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature.
// Grace period after hiding a page during which there is no intensive wake up
// throttling for the kIntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature.
PLATFORM_EXPORT base::TimeDelta GetIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingGracePeriod();
// The duration for which intensive throttling should be inhibited for
// same-origin frames when the page title or favicon is updated. 0 seconds means
// that updating the title or favicon has no effect on intensive throttling.
// Whether timers with a non-zero delay and a low nesting level can be
// intensively throttled.
PLATFORM_EXPORT bool CanIntensivelyThrottleLowNestingLevel();
// Per-agent scheduling experiments.
constexpr base::Feature kPerAgentSchedulingExperiments{
// Queues the per-agent scheduling experiment should affect.
enum class PerAgentAffectedQueues {
// Strategy only applies to non-main agent timer queues. These can be safely
// disabled/deprioritized without causing any known issues.
// Strategy applies to all non-main agent queues. This may cause some task
// ordering issues.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<PerAgentAffectedQueues>::Option
kPerAgentQueuesOptions[] = {
{PerAgentAffectedQueues::kTimerQueues, "timer-queues"},
{PerAgentAffectedQueues::kAllQueues, "all-queues"}};
constexpr base::FeatureParam<PerAgentAffectedQueues> kPerAgentQueues{
&kPerAgentSchedulingExperiments, "queues",
PerAgentAffectedQueues::kTimerQueues, &kPerAgentQueuesOptions};
// Effect the per-agent scheduling strategy should have.
enum class PerAgentSlowDownMethod {
// Affected queues will be disabled.
// Affected queues will have their priority reduced to |kBestEffortPriority|.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<PerAgentSlowDownMethod>::Option
kPerAgentMethodOptions[] = {
{PerAgentSlowDownMethod::kDisable, "disable"},
{PerAgentSlowDownMethod::kBestEffort, "best-effort"}};
constexpr base::FeatureParam<PerAgentSlowDownMethod> kPerAgentMethod{
&kPerAgentSchedulingExperiments, "method", PerAgentSlowDownMethod::kDisable,
// Delay to wait after the signal is reached, before "stopping" the strategy.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<int> kPerAgentDelayMs{
&kPerAgentSchedulingExperiments, "delay_ms", 0};
// Signal the per-agent scheduling strategy should wait for.
enum class PerAgentSignal {
// Strategy will be active until all main frames reach First Meaningful Paint
// (+delay, if set).
// Strategy will be active until all main frames finish loading (+delay, if
// set).
// Strategy will be active until the delay has passed since all main frames
// were created (or navigated).
constexpr base::FeatureParam<PerAgentSignal>::Option kPerAgentSignalOptions[] =
{{PerAgentSignal::kFirstMeaningfulPaint, "fmp"},
{PerAgentSignal::kOnLoad, "onload"},
{PerAgentSignal::kDelayOnly, "delay"}};
constexpr base::FeatureParam<PerAgentSignal> kPerAgentSignal{
&kPerAgentSchedulingExperiments, "signal",
PerAgentSignal::kFirstMeaningfulPaint, &kPerAgentSignalOptions};
const base::Feature kThrottleVisibleNotFocusedTimers{
"ThrottleVisibleNotFocusedTimers", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
} // namespace scheduler
} // namespace blink