blob: e9341a346da434513ccb6a752073091fc35b33a2 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of File histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ChangeDirectory.RootType"
enum="FileManagerRootType" expires_after="M89">
Chrome OS File Browser: Counts the number of directory-changed events,
bucketed by the RootType of the directory newly displayed.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ComputersCount" units="Computers"
Chrome OS File Browser: number of Computers a user has available in the
Files app. Computed every time the File Browser is opened (including file
picker dialogs). NOTE: This data is biased towards users that use the Files
App more often.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Create" enum="FileDialogType" expires_after="M89">
<summary>Chrome OS File Browser opening mode.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.DirectoryScan" units="ms" expires_after="M89">
Chrome OS File Browser: time to scan a directory. Measured on every File
Browser directory change.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.DownloadDestination.IsGoogleDrive.Changed"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="M89">
Tracks whether download destination is set to a Google Drive folder when the
download destination is changed by the user in the settings page.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.DownloadDestination.IsGoogleDrive.Started"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="M89">
Tracks whether download destination is set to a Google Drive folder on
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Downloads.DirectoryPercentageOfDiskUsage"
units="%" expires_after="M89">
The size of the space consumed by a users files in &quot;My Files&quot;
folder and it's children, calculated as a percentage of the total disk
space. Caluclated on user login.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Downloads.DirectorySizeMiB" units="MiB"
The total size of all of the users files stored in the &quot;My Files&quot;
folder and it's children. Caluclated on user login.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.DownloadsCount" units="units" expires_after="M89">
Chrome OS File Browser: number of files and directories in the Downloads
directory (not including the contents of nested directories). Computed every
time the File Browser current directory changes to Downloads.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.DriveDuplicateFinder.LongComputeHash" units="ms"
The time taken to calculate the hash of a file, only recorded if the time
exceeds a local threshold that is currenty 5 seconds.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.DriveDuplicateFinder.LongSearchByHash" units="ms"
The time taken to search for a file using it's hash value, only recorded if
the time exceeds a local threshold that is currently 1 second.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.DriveHostedFilePinSuccess" enum="BooleanSuccess"
<summary>Tracks success rate of pinning hosted files in Drive.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.DrivePinSuccess" enum="BooleanSuccess"
<summary>Tracks success rate of pinning files in Drive.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.FileSystemProviderMounted"
enum="FileSystemProviderMountType" expires_after="M89">
The type of file system provider that has been mounted. This metric is
emmitted on mounting of the filesystem.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.FolderShortcut.Add" units="units"
Chrome OS File Browser: this is recorded when the user adds a folder
<histogram name="FileBrowser.FolderShortcut.Count" units="units"
Chrome OS File Browser: number of saved folder shorcuts. This is recorded
when the Files app is launched.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.FolderShortcut.Navigate" units="units"
Chrome OS File Browser: this is recorded when the user clicks or selects a
folder shortcut and is navigated to the target folder.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.FolderShortcut.Remove" units="units"
Chrome OS File Browser: this is recorded when the user removes a folder
<histogram name="FileBrowser.FormatFileSystemType"
enum="FileManagerFormatFileSystemType" expires_after="2021-05-02">
Chrome OS File Browser: this records the filesystem selected when formatting
an external drive.
units="ms" expires_after="2022-01-05">
Chrome OS Files App: Records the time from when the holding space welcome
banner was first shown to when the user first pinned an item to holding
space from the Files app. If the holding space welcome banner was not shown
prior to the first pin, zero is recorded.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ImportController.DeviceYanked" enum="Boolean"
Chrome OS Files App: Whether an external media device was removed during the
upload process.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ImportController.ImportCancelled"
enum="BooleanCanceled" expires_after="M92">
Chrome OS Files App: Whether the media import process was cancelled.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.LauncherSearch.Drive" units="ms"
The time taken to execute launcher search for drive files. Recorded when the
complete result set is returned from drive.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.LauncherSearch.Local" units="ms"
The time taken to execute launcher search for local files. Recorded when the
complete result set has been calculated for files on the local disk.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Load{FileBrowserLoad}" units="ms"
Chrome OS File Browser is an built-in extension without a background page.
Its main.html file is loaded every time the user opens a File Browser tab or
a file chooser dialog. The file is fairly large and the initialization is
pretty expensive. {FileBrowserLoad}
<token key="FileBrowserLoad">
<variant name=""/>
<variant name=".BackgroundLaunch"
summary="Time from onLaunched event is called to the window is
<variant name=".BackgroundRestart"
summary="Time to create a window on restart."/>
<variant name=".BackgroundScript"
summary="Time to initialize backend script to wait for events."/>
<variant name=".Construct"
summary="Time spent constructing the main Javascript object.">
Deprecated as of 12/2016.
<variant name=".DOM" summary="Time to initialize DOM.">
Deprecated as of 12/2016.
<variant name=".FileSystem"
summary="Time to get access to the local file system.">
Deprecated as of 9/2013.
<variant name=".ImportElements"
summary="Time to initialize the polymer elements."/>
<variant name=".InitBackgroundPage"
summary="Time to initialize the background page."/>
<variant name=".InitDocuments"
summary="Time to initialize the background page and the elements."/>
<variant name=".InitSettings" summary="Time to restore user settings."/>
<variant name=".InitUI"
summary="Time to initialize all UI after all elements are
<variant name=".Parse"
summary="Time to parse Javascript and CSS (Deprecated).">
Deprecated as of 12/2016.
<variant name=".ProcessInitialSearchQuery"
summary="Time to process LaunchParam.searchQuery (time to find a
query-matched directory)."/>
<variant name=".Roots" summary="Time to enumerate file system roots.">
Deprecated as of 12/2016.
<variant name=".Script" summary="Time to parse Javascript and CSS."/>
<variant name=".Total"
summary="Total load time from the moment the Javascript started
parsing till the moment the empty file list is displayed."/>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Location.OnEntryExpandedOrCollapsed.NonTopLevel"
enum="FileManagerRootType" expires_after="M89">
Chrome OS Files App: The locations (root types) of non-top-level entries
when they are expanded or collapsed (expand icon clicked) in the directory
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Location.OnEntryExpandedOrCollapsed.TopLevel"
enum="FileManagerRootType" expires_after="M89">
Chrome OS Files App: The locations (root types) of top-level entries (root
entries) when they are expanded or collapsed (expand icon clicked) in the
directory tree.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Location.OnEntrySelected.NonTopLevel"
enum="FileManagerRootType" expires_after="M79">
Chrome OS Files App: The locations (root types) of non-top-level entries
when they are clicked in the directory tree.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Location.OnEntrySelected.TopLevel"
enum="FileManagerRootType" expires_after="M79">
Chrome OS Files App: The locations (root types) of top-level entries (root
entries) when they are clicked in the directory tree.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.MediaImport.Cancelled" enum="BooleanCanceled"
Chrome OS Files App: Whether the media import (Photos/Video) from external
media was cancelled.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.MediaImport.Duplicates" units="count"
Chrome OS Files App: Count of duplicate media (Photos/Videos) files that
were skipped during a single upload session.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.MediaImport.ErrorCount" units="count"
Chrome OS Files App: Number of errors that occured during an upload session.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.MediaImport.ImportCount" units="count"
Chrome OS Files App: Count of individual media (Photos/Videos) uploaded from
a single upload session.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.MediaImport.ImportMB" units="MBytes"
Chrome OS Files App: Size of the media (Photos/Videos) uploaded from a
single upload session.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.MediaImport.Started" enum="BooleanAttempted"
Chrome OS Files App: Whether the media import (Photos/Video) from external
media was started.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.MenuItemSelected" enum="FileManagerMenuCommands"
Chrome OS Files App: The commands selected in the menu by the files app.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Notification.Show"
enum="FileManagerNotificationType" expires_after="M92">
Chrome OS File Browser: Notification types what were shown to the user.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Notification.UserAction"
enum="FileManagerNotificationUserAction" expires_after="M92">
Chrome OS File Browser: User actions responding to a notification.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.OpenFiles.RootType" enum="FileManagerRootType"
Chrome OS File Browser: The locations (root types) of files which are opened
by the file picker.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.DisplayTime" units="ms"
Chrome OS Photo Editor: time to display an image. Measured from the moment
the user selected the image till the moment it is displayed (not counting
the low resolution preview).
<histogram name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.FileType" enum="PhotoEditorFileType"
<summary>Chrome OS Photo Editor: the type of the file opened.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.LoadMode" enum="PhotoEditorLoadMode"
<summary>Chrome OS Photo Editor: the way the image has been loaded.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.LoadTime" units="ms"
<summary>Chrome OS Photo Editor: time to load an image from a file.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.SaveResult"
enum="PhotoEditorSaveResult" expires_after="M89">
Chrome OS Photo Editor: the result of a file save operation.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.SaveTime" units="ms"
<summary>Chrome OS Photo Editor: time to save an image to a file.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.Size.MB" units="MBytes"
Chrome OS Photo Editor: size of an image file in megabytes. Measured on
every image load.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.Size.MPix" units="MPixels"
Chrome OS Photo Editor: size of an image in megapixels. Measured on every
image load.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.Tool" enum="PhotoEditorToolType"
<summary>Chrome OS Photo Editor: the button which the user clicked.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.QuickView.DialogType" enum="FileDialogType"
File dialog type (e.g. Full page, Save as file) when quick view is launched.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.QuickView.FileType" enum="ViewFileType"
<summary>File types that were tried to be opened with quick view.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.QuickView.FileTypeOnLaunch" enum="ViewFileType"
<summary>File types that were selected when quick view is launched.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.QuickView.VolumeType" enum="FileManagerVolumeType"
<summary>The volume type where quick view is opened.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.QuickView.WayToOpen"
enum="FileManagerQuickViewWayToOpen" expires_after="M89">
<summary>How quick view was opened.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Recent.LoadArcMedia" units="ms"
Time to load a recently modified file list from Media Views. It is triggered
when the user opens or reloads Recent view in the Files app.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Recent.LoadCrostini" units="ms"
Time to load a recently modified file list from Crostini. It is triggered
when the user opens or reloads Recent view in the Files app.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Recent.LoadDownloads" units="ms"
Time to load a recently modified file list from Downloads. It is triggered
when the user opens or reloads Recent view in the Files app.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Recent.LoadDrive" units="ms" expires_after="M92">
Time to load a recently modified file list from Drive. It is triggered when
the user opens or reloads Recent view in the Files app.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Recent.LoadTotal" units="ms" expires_after="M92">
Time to load a recently modified file list from all sources. It is triggered
when the user opens or reloads Recent view in the Files app.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Share.ActionSource" enum="SharingActionSource"
<summary>Chrome OS File Browser: the source of file sharing action.</summary>
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Share.FileCount" units="files"
Chrome OS File Browser: The number of files shared via a single Share
<histogram name="FileBrowser.Share.FileType" enum="ViewFileType"
Chrome OS File Browser: The type of the file shared via Share action.
Recorded for each file being shared by a share action
<histogram name="FileBrowser.SuggestApps.CloseDialog"
enum="SuggestAppsDialogCloseReason" expires_after="M89">
Chrome OS File Browser: the reason why the suggest apps dialog was closed.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.SuggestApps.Install"
enum="SuggestAppsDialogInstall" expires_after="M89">
Chrome OS File Browser: whether the Webstore item user selected was
successfully installed or not.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.SuggestApps.Load" enum="SuggestAppsDialogLoad"
Chrome OS File Browser: whether the initialization of the dialog succeeded
or not.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.SuggestApps.LoadTime" units="ms"
Chrome OS File Browser: time to load the suggest apps dialog. Measured
between the moment window appears and the moment all the contents in the
dialog including the Chrome Webstore widget are ready.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.TeamDrivesCount" units="Team Drives"
Chrome OS File Browser: number of Team Drives a user has available in the
Files app. Computed every time the File Browser is opened (including file
picker dialogs). NOTE: This data is biased towards users that use the Files
App more often.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ToggleFileListType" enum="FileManagerListType"
Chrome OS Files App: Recorded when the Grid View/List View toggle menu icon
is selected.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ViewingFileType" enum="ViewFileType"
File types that were tried to be viewed through browser. This is recorded
when the user tries to view a file from the Files app.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ViewingFileType.Offline" enum="ViewFileType"
File types that were tried to be viewed through browser while the user is
offline. This is recorded when the user tries to view a file from the Files
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ViewingFileType.Online" enum="ViewFileType"
File types that were tried to be viewed through browser while the user is
online. This is recorded when the user tries to view a file from the Files
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ViewingRootType" enum="FileManagerRootType"
Chrome OS File Browser: The locations (root types) of files which are opened
in stand-alone mode. This does not include files opened in file picker mode.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ViewingRootType.Offline"
enum="FileManagerRootType" expires_after="M92">
Chrome OS File Browser: The locations (root types) of files which are opened
in stand-alone mode while the user is offline. This does not include files
opened in file picker mode.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ViewingRootType.Online" enum="FileManagerRootType"
Chrome OS File Browser: The locations (root types) of files which are opened
in stand-alone mode while the user is online. This does not include files
opened in file picker mode.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ViewingTaskType" enum="FileManagerTaskType"
Chrome OS File Browser: The type of the handler to be used to open files.
This is recorded when the user tries to view a file from the Files app.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ViewingTaskType.Offline"
enum="FileManagerTaskType" expires_after="M92">
Chrome OS File Browser: The type of the handler to be used to open files
when the user is offline. This is recorded when the user tries to view a
file from the Files app.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ViewingTaskType.Online" enum="FileManagerTaskType"
Chrome OS File Browser: The type of the handler to be used to open files
when the user is online. This is recorded when the user tries to view a file
from the Files app.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.VolumeType" enum="FileManagerVolumeType"
Chrome OS File Browser: counts the number of times volumes are mounted for
each volume type.
<histogram name="FileBrowser.ZipFileTask" enum="FileManagerZipHandlerType"
Chrome OS File Browser: counts the number of times ZIP file was opened or
created, categorized by component extensions and its operation types.
<histogram name="FileReaderSync.WorkerType" enum="FileReaderSyncWorkerType"
For each FileReaderSync instance records the type of the web worker that
created the instance.
<histogram name="FileSystem.DirectoryDatabaseInit"
enum="FileSystemDatabaseInitResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: core storage metric; consumed in separate dashboard (go/chrome-storage-dashboard) -->
<summary>The result of FileSystemDirectoryDatabase initialization.</summary>
<histogram name="FileSystem.DirectoryDatabaseRepair"
enum="DirectoryDatabaseRepairResult" expires_after="M77">
<summary>The result of FileSystemDirectoryDatabase repair.</summary>
<histogram name="FileSystem.OpenFileSystem" enum="OpenFileSystemResult"
The success or the cause of failure for each call to OpenFileSystem().
<histogram name="FileSystem.OpenFileSystemDetail" enum="FileSystemErrors"
<summary>The result of opening a filesystem.</summary>
<histogram name="FileSystem.OpenFileSystemDetailNonthrottled"
enum="FileSystemErrors" expires_after="M77">
<summary>The result of opening a non-throttled filesystem.</summary>
<histogram name="FileSystem.OriginDatabaseInit"
enum="FileSystemDatabaseInitResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: core storage metric; consumed in separate dashboard (go/chrome-storage-dashboard) -->
<summary>The result of FileSystemOriginDatabase initialization.</summary>
<histogram name="FileSystem.PersistentOriginsCount" units="units"
Number of origins that have persistent filesystem. Measured when the Quota
system queries the filesystem subsystem about its entire usage, which
usually happens when one of the storage subsystem methods is called for the
first time.
<histogram name="FileSystem.TemporaryOriginsCount" units="units"
Number of origins that have temporary filesystem. Measured when the Quota
system queries the filesystem subsystem about its entire usage, which
usually happens when one of the storage subsystem methods is called for the
first time.