blob: 2078bc6471a19162e81281da7021cc2430f5b4c3 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Service histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.AbortPaymentEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching an AbortPaymentEvent to a Service Worker
and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes the
time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.ActivateEvent.Time" units="ms"
Execution time of ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onactivate. Includes the time for
waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.ActivateEventStatus"
enum="ServiceWorkerStatusCode" expires_after="2021-06-18">
The result of dispatching the activate event to the worker. This is recorded
to both ServiceWorker.ActivateEventStatus and whichever of
ServiceWorker.ActivateEventStatus_NotInShutdown is appropriate. (InShutdown
means the context was null or ServiceWorkerProcessManger::Shutdown was
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.BackgroundFetchAbortEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a BackgroundFetchAbortEvent to a Service
Worker and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes
the time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.BackgroundFetchClickEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a BackgroundFetchClickEvent to a Service
Worker and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes
the time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.BackgroundFetchFailEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a BackgroundFetchFailEvent to a Service
Worker and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes
the time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.BackgroundFetchSuccessEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a BackgroundFetchSuccessEvent to a
Service Worker and receiving a message that it finished handling the event.
Includes the time for the waitUntil() promise to settle. This event is sent
when the background fetch succeeds.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.BackgroundSyncEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a SyncEvent to a Service Worker and
receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes the time
for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.CacheStorageInstalledScript.CachedMetadataSize"
units="bytes" expires_after="2021-06-08">
The length of cached metadata of scripts which are stored to the
CacheStorage by the installing service worker.
units="bytes" expires_after="2021-06-08">
The total length of cached metadata of scripts which are stored to the
CacheStorage by the installing service worker.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.CacheStorageInstalledScript.Count" units="count"
The counts of scripts which are stored to the CacheStorage by the installing
service worker.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.CacheStorageInstalledScript.ScriptSize"
units="bytes" expires_after="2021-06-08">
The length of scripts which are stored to the CacheStorage by the installing
service worker.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.CacheStorageInstalledScript.ScriptTotalSize"
units="bytes" expires_after="2021-06-08">
The total length of scripts which are stored to the CacheStorage by the
installing service worker.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.CanMakePaymentEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching an CanMakePaymentEvent to a Service
Worker and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes
the time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.ContentDeleteEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a ContentDeleteEvent to a Service Worker
and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes the
time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.CookieChangeEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a CookieChangeEvent to a Service Worker
and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes the
time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.Database.DestroyDatabaseResult"
enum="ServiceWorkerDatabaseStatus" expires_after="2021-05-18">
Records result of destroy database operations in ServiceWorkerDatabase.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.Database.OpenResult"
enum="ServiceWorkerDatabaseStatus" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: core storage metric; consumed in separate dashboard (go/chrome-storage-dashboard) -->
Records result of opening a database for ServiceWorkerDatabase.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.Database.ReadResult"
enum="ServiceWorkerDatabaseStatus" expires_after="2021-05-18">
<summary>Records result of read operations in ServiceWorkerDatabase.</summary>
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.Database.WriteResult"
enum="ServiceWorkerDatabaseStatus" expires_after="2021-05-18">
Records result of write operations in ServiceWorkerDatabase.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.DiskCache.InitResult" units="units"
Records result of opening a disk cache for ServiceWorkerDiskCache.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.DiskCache.ReadResponseResult"
enum="ServiceWorkerReadResponseResult" expires_after="2021-05-18">
Records result of reading response from ServiceWorkerDiskCache.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.DiskCache.WriteResponseResult"
enum="ServiceWorkerWriteResponseResult" expires_after="2021-05-18">
Records result of writing response into ServiceWorkerDiskCache. This is not
recorded when response has no body. Note that this is recorded on every
write operation, and can there can be multiple write operations for the same
response if it is large enough.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.EmbeddedWorkerInstanceClient.StartWorker"
enum="ServiceWorkerRendererStartWorker" expires_after="M81">
Records when StartWorker is received on the renderer. This is used to
surface discrepancy between StartWorker being sent on the browser side and
not getting received by renderer.
EmbeddedWorkerInstance.Start.TimeToSendStartWorker should be used as a
baseline. TODO(panicker): This should be removed after investigation of
crbug/790903, potentially in M68.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.ExtendableMessageEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching an ExtendableMessageEvent to a Service
Worker and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes
the time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.ExternalRequest.Time" units="ms"
The duration an external request spent to keep a service worker alive.
Currently, extension service workers use external requests to keep the
worker alive during the time the worker requests an extension API.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.FetchEvent.Fallback.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a FetchEvent to a Service Worker and
receiving a fallback-to-network reply.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.FetchEvent.HasResponse.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a FetchEvent to a Service Worker and
receiving a response. Includes the time for the respondWith() promise to
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.FetchEvent.MainResource.Status"
enum="ServiceWorkerStatusCode" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The result of dispatching a fetch event to a Service Worker for a main
resource request (i.e., a request for a navigation or a shared worker).
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.FetchEvent.QueuingTime" units="ms"
The time that a fetch event was queued. The start time is when the event is
created on the service worker thread and added to the
ServiceWorkerEventQueue. The end time is when the event is dequeued and the
event handler starts to execute.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.FetchEvent.Subresource.Status"
enum="ServiceWorkerStatusCode" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The result of dispatching a fetch event to a Service Worker for a
subresource request (i.e., not a navigation or a shared worker request).
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.FetchEvent.WaitUntil.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a FetchEvent to a Service Worker and
finishing the FetchEvent. Includes the time for the waitUntil() promise to
settle. If there is no waitUntil promise, this will be almost the same with
HasResponse.Time or Fallback.Time.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.GetAllOriginsInfoTime" units="ms"
Execution time of ServiceWorkerContextWrapper::GetAllOriginsInfo().
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.InstallEvent.All.FetchCount" units="fetches"
The number of network fetches performed by the install event handler.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.InstallEvent.{type}.Status"
enum="ServiceWorkerStatusCode" expires_after="2021-04-06">
The result of dispatching the install event to the worker. This histogram
includes data for ${type}.
<token key="type">
<variant name="All" summary="all install events"/>
<variant name="WithFetch"
summary="install events that made network fetches"/>
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.InstallEvent.{type}.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching an InstallEvent to a Service Worker and
receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes the time
for the waitUntil() promise to settle. This histogram includes data for
<token key="type">
<variant name="All" summary="all install events"/>
<variant name="WithFetch"
summary="install events that made network fetches"/>
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.InternalsPageAccessed"
enum="ServiceWorkerInternalsLinkQuery" expires_after="M90">
The method that the user takes to arrive at
chrome://serviceworker-internals, based on the query string. Specifically,
it logs if a user accessed it through the DevTools link in the Application
Panel, or not.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) renderer process sends an IPC message to notify that
a resource loading request needs to be fall back to network, to (b) browser
process received the IPC. Recorded when no fetch event handler provided a
response to the request.
Recorded for each navigation request (including redirects) where there is a
fetch event handler and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the
service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) renderer process sends an IPC message to notify that
a promise of respondWith() is settled, to (b) browser process received the
IPC message. Recorded when a fetch event handler handled the request and
provided a response to the request.
Recorded for each navigation request (including redirects) where there is a
fetch event handler and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the
service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) a fetch event is dispatched, to (b) respondWith() is
settled for the fetch event, or fetch event dispatch is finished without
respondWith() being called.
Recorded for each navigation request (including redirects) where there is a
fetch event handler and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the
service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) a resource loading request is routed to service
worker path, to (b) a service worker is ready to handle the request.
Recorded for each navigation request (including redirects) where there is a
fetch event handler and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the
service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) response headers from service worker are received,
to (b) reading response body is completed. Recorded when a fetch event
handler handled the request.
Recorded for each navigation request (including redirects) where there is a
fetch event handler and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the
service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) the start of a navigation request, to (b) the
request is forwarded to a service worker code path. This includes looking up
a service worker registration and throttling.
Recorded for each navigation request (including redirects) where there is a
fetch event handler and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the
service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) browser process sends an IPC message to dispatch a
fetch event, to (b) a renderer process received the IPC message and is about
to dispatch a fetch event.
Recorded for each navigation request (including redirects) where there is a
fetch event handler and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the
service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) service worker sends a mojo message to notify that a
resource loading request needs to be fall back to network, to (b) the mojo
message is received on the other side of mojo endpoint (a background thread
executing subresource loading). Recorded when no fetch event handler
provided a response to the request.
Recorded for each subresource request where there is a fetch event handler
and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) service worker sends a mojo message to notify that a
promise of respondWith() is settled, to (b) the mojo message is received on
the other side of mojo endpoint (a background thread executing subresource
loading). Recorded when a fetch event handler handled the request and
provided a response to the request.
Recorded for each subresource request where there is a fetch event handler
and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) a subresource request is routed to the URLLoader (on
a background thread) for service worker controlled loads starts handling a
subresource request, to (b) a service worker is ready to handle the request.
Recorded for each subresource request where there is a fetch event handler
and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) response headers from service worker are received,
to (b) reading response body is completed. Only recorded when a fetch event
handler handled the request.
Recorded for each subresource request where there is a fetch event handler
and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the service worker.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-31">
The time taken from (a) a fetch event is dispatched, to (b) respondWith() is
settled for the fetch event, or fetch event dispatch is finished without
respondWith() being called.
Recorded for each subresource request where there is a fetch event handler
and the fetch event was successfully dispatched to the service worker.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.LookupRegistration.MainResource.Time" units="ms"
The time taken from (a) a resource loading request is routed to service
worker path, to (b) existance of a registered service worker is looked up.
This metric only cares about looking up a registration for navigation. This
doesn't include look-ups for updating a service worker.
Please refer to the suffixed histograms for each of the cases where a
registration is found, not found, and an error happens.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.MainFramePageLoad" enum="ServiceWorkerSite"
Counts main frame page loads controlled by a service worker.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.NotificationClickEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a NotificationClickEvent to a Service
Worker and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes
the time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.NotificationCloseEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a NotificationCloseEvent to a Service
Worker and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes
the time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.PageLoad" enum="ServiceWorkerSite"
<summary>Counts page loads controlled by a service worker.</summary>
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.PaymentRequestEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching an PaymentRequestEvent to a Service
Worker and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes
the time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.PeriodicBackgroundSyncEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a PeriodicSyncEvent to a Service Worker
and receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes the
time for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.PushEvent.Time" units="ms" expires_after="M87">
The time taken between dispatching a PushEvent to a Service Worker and
receiving a message that it finished handling the event. Includes the time
for the waitUntil() promise to settle.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.PushSubscriptionChangeEvent.Time" units="ms"
The time taken between dispatching a PushSubscriptionChangeEvent to a
Service Worker and receiving a message that it finished handling the event.
Includes the time for the waitUntil() promise to settle. The event is
dispatched and finishes in PushMessagingRouter::FireSubscriptionChangeEvent.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.RegisteredOriginCount" units="origins"
The number of origins that have a service worker registration. Recorded near
browser startup, when the service worker storage system is initialized.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.Runtime" units="ms" expires_after="2020-07-30">
The amount of time a service worker ran for (wall time). Starts recording
when the service worker finished starting, and stops when the service worker
finished stopping. Not recorded if DevTools was attached to the service
worker at some point while it was running.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.ScriptCachedMetadataSize" units="bytes"
The length of cached metadata of Service Worker scripts. Logged on each load
of Service Worker script only when the cached metadata is available. It
doesn't include the size of imported scripts. This histogram is only
recorded for classic workers, not module workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.ScriptCachedMetadataTotalSize" units="bytes"
The total length of cached metadata of Service Worker scripts. Logged on
each start of Service Worker only when the cached metadata is available. It
includes the main script and imported scripts. This histogram is only
recorded for classic workers, not module workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.ScriptCount" units="count"
The counts of scripts per Service Worker. Logged on each start of Service
Worker. It includes the main script and imported scripts. This histogram is
only recorded for classic workers, not module workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.ScriptSize" units="bytes"
The length of Service Worker scripts. Logged on each load of Service Worker
script. It doesn't include the size of imported scripts. This histogram is
only recorded for classic workers, not module workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.ScriptTotalSize" units="bytes"
The total length of Service Worker scripts. Logged on each start of Service
Worker. It includes the main script and imported scripts. This histogram is
only recorded for classic workers, not module workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.SendStopWorker.Status"
enum="ServiceWorkerStatusCode" expires_after="M85">
The result of trying to send the IPC message to a renderer process telling
it to stop an embedded worker. Recorded in EmbeddedWorkerInstance::Stop.
This was previously recorded for both the IPC and Mojo service worker
implementations, but as of Jan 2017, this is only recorded for the IPC
implementation. This histogram will be removed after the IPC implementation
is removed.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartForNavigationHint.Result"
enum="ServiceWorkerStartForNavigationHintResult" expires_after="2021-02-16">
The result of starting a service worker for a navigation hint.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartNewWorker.Time" units="ms"
The time taken to start a Service Worker that has not yet installed, from
process allocation to ACK of started from the renderer (which occurs after
script execution). This may include script download time. The metric is not
recorded if DevTools was ever attached to the Service Worker during startup.
See also ServiceWorker.StartWorker.Time for installed workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartTiming.BrowserThreadHopTime"
units="microseconds" expires_after="M80">
The sum of all the times spent posting tasks between the UI and IO threads
during ServiceWorker startup. Recorded on a successful startup and when
DevTools was not attached.
Note: This metric drops reports on clients with low-resolution clocks, which
means these reports will be biased against a portion of the population on
Windows. See Windows.HasHighResolutionTimeTicks for the affected sample.
Also note that this one's recorded slightly different from others as it's
recorded even if the inter-process timings were inconsistent (see
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartTiming.ClockConsistency"
enum="CrossProcessTimeDelta" expires_after="2020-07-30">
Recorded on each successful service worker startup.
ServiceWorker.StartTiming.* uses timing data from both the renderer process
and browser process. This histogram describes whether the clocks are known
to be accurate and consistent accross processes, and whether the actual
timing data for this worker startup was consistent, i.e., TimeTicks did not
go backwards.
If the clocks and timing were inconsistent, ServiceWorker.StartTiming.*
metrics (other than this one) are not recorded.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartTiming.Duration" units="ms"
The time taken to start a service worker that is already installed, from
start of the start sequence (finding a renderer) to ACK of started from the
renderer (which occurs after script execution). The metric is not recorded
if DevTools was ever attached to the Service Worker during startup. It does
not include time, if any, waiting for the service worker to finish stopping
before asking it to start, if that occurred.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-30">
The time taken from (a) the renderer receiving the start worker IPC message,
to (b) initial JavaScript evaluation starting on the worker thread. Recorded
when ServiceWorker.StartTiming.Duration is recorded.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartTiming.ScriptEvaluationEndToEnd" units="ms"
The time taken from (a) initial JavaScript evaluation finishing on the
worker thread, to (b) the browser receiving the worker started IPC message
(the final step of worker startup). Recorded when
ServiceWorker.StartTiming.Duration is recorded.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-30">
The time taken from (a) initial JavaScript evaluation starting on the worker
thread, to (b) initial JavaScript evaluation finishing on the worker thread.
Recorded when ServiceWorker.StartTiming.Duration is recorded.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-30">
The time taken from (a) the browser sending the start worker IPC message, to
(b) the renderer receiving the start worker IPC message. Recorded when
ServiceWorker.StartTiming.Duration is recorded.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartTiming.StartToReceivedStartWorker"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-30">
The time taken from (a) the start of service worker startup, to (b) the
renderer receiving the start worker IPC message. Recorded when
ServiceWorker.StartTiming.Duration is recorded.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartTiming.StartToScriptEvaluationEnd"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-30">
The time taken from (a) the start of service worker startup, to (b) initial
JavaScript evaluation finishing on the worker thread. Recorded when
ServiceWorker.StartTiming.Duration is recorded.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartTiming.StartToScriptEvaluationStart"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-30">
The time taken from (a) the start of service worker startup, to (b) initial
JavaScript evaluation starting on the worker thread. Recorded when
ServiceWorker.StartTiming.Duration is recorded.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartTiming.StartToSentStartWorker" units="ms"
The time taken from (a) the start of service worker startup, to (b) the
browser sending the start worker IPC message. Recorded when
ServiceWorker.StartTiming.Duration is recorded.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartWorker.AfterFailureStreak"
enum="ServiceWorkerStatusCode" expires_after="2021-01-31">
The result of trying to start a service worker after it has failed
consecutively. Recorded only for installed workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartWorker.FailureStreak" units="count"
The number of consecutive startup failures of a service worker. Recorded
each time the service worker failed (so there is double counting: failing
twice results in 1 and 2 being logged). Only for installed workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartWorker.FailureStreakEnded" units="count"
When a worker startup succeeded after failing, the number of times the
worker had consecutively failed. Recorded only for installed workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartWorker.Purpose"
enum="ServiceWorkerMetrics.EventType" expires_after="2021-01-31">
The purpose for starting up a service worker. Recorded only for installed
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartWorker.Status"
enum="ServiceWorkerStatusCode" expires_after="2021-06-06">
The result of trying to start a Service Worker that is already installed.
See also ServiceWorker.StartNewWorker.Status for new workers. See also
ServiceWorker.StartWorker.StatusByPurpose_* for the breakdown by event type.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartWorker.StatusByPurpose"
enum="ServiceWorkerStatusCode" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The result of trying to start a service worker for a particular event type
(see ServiceWorker.StartWorker.Status for the total). Only recorded for
installed workers. For event type:
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartWorker.Time" units="ms"
The time taken to start a Service Worker that is already installed, from
process allocation to ACK of started from the renderer (which occurs after
script execution). The metric is not recorded if DevTools was ever attached
to the Service Worker during startup. See also
ServiceWorker.StartNewWorker.Time for new workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartWorker.Timeout.StartPurpose"
enum="ServiceWorkerMetrics.EventType" expires_after="2021-01-31">
Records the start purpose for a service worker that timed out while starting
up. Recorded only for installed workers.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StartWorker.TimeoutPhase"
enum="EmbeddedWorkerStartingPhase" expires_after="2021-01-31">
The phase the EmbeddedWorker was in when ServiceWorker startup timed out.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.StopWorker.Time" units="ms"
<summary>The time taken to stop a Service Worker.</summary>
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.Storage.DeleteAndStartOverResult"
enum="ServiceWorkerDeleteAndStartOverResult" expires_after="M90">
Records result of storage recovery operations in ServiceWorkerStorage.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.Storage.PurgeResourceResult"
enum="NetErrorCodes" expires_after="2020-06-30">
Records successes and failures of purging a stale resource in
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.Storage.RetryCountForRecovery" units="retries"
The counts of retries to recover after a Storage Service crash. Logged after
a recovery, or the maximum number of retries is exceeded. See
ServiceWorkerRegistry::OnRemoteStorageDisconnected() for the maximum number
of retries.
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.WorkerForMessageFound" enum="Boolean"
True if a message from the renderer intended for a browser-side embedded
worker instance found its recipient. False if the instance did not exist
when the message was received (e.g., it was a detached worker). Recorded in
<histogram name="ServiceWorker.WorkerStopped" enum="ServiceWorkerStoppedStatus"
The mechanism by which a service worker entered running status STOPPED.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.Cache" units="ms" expires_after="M95">
The time to perform operations on the Cache object in the ServiceWorker
Cache API.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.Cache.AllWritesResponseType"
enum="FetchResponseType" expires_after="M77">
Records the response type to be added in the Cache by all operations that
write to the cache.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.Cache.Browser.Match.Initialized" units="ms"
The time to perform a 'match' operation on a given Cache when that cache is
known to be fully initialized. This includes measurements for hits, misses,
and errors.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.Cache.Browser.Match.RelatedFetchEvent"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-05-30">
The time to perform a 'match' operation on a given Cache when the operation
was initiated from a service worker currently processing a FetchEvent with a
matching request URL. This includes measurements for hits, misses, and
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.CacheStorage" units="ms"
The time to perform operations on the CacheStorage object in the
ServiceWorker Cache API.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.CreateCacheStorageResult"
enum="BooleanCreated" expires_after="M77">
Whether a new ServiceWorkerCacheStorage and its directory were successfully
created on disk.
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2020-12-31">
Whether the origin provided in the
DidGenerateCacheableMetadataInCacheStorage message is allowed for the given
renderer process. This message is sent when the renderer has generated code
cache for a script and wants to store it in cache_storage.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.ErrorStorageType"
enum="CacheStorageErrorStorageType" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Records where the generic kErrorStorage value is triggered within the
cache_storage code.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.InitBackendResult"
enum="CacheStorageErrorType" expires_after="M81">
The result of opening the backend in the ServiceWorker Cache API.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.ListOriginsIndexValidity"
enum="CacheStorageIndexResult" expires_after="2021-06-08">
The result from parsing and validating the index protobuf while calculating
the list of cache_storage origins.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.Scheduler.OperationDuration2" units="ms"
The time in ms from when an operation is started until it completes. This
histogram differs from the old OperationDuration in that it uses a different
bucket size to measure longer values.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.Scheduler.QueueDuration2" units="ms"
The time in ms from when an operation was queued until its task is posted.
This histogram differs from the old QueueDuration in that it uses a
different bucket size to measure longer values.
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.Scheduler.QueueLength" units="operations"
The number of operations in the scheduling queue just before enqueuing a new
<histogram name="ServiceWorkerCache.UsedIndexFileSize" enum="Boolean"
Whether the size was calculated using the values stored in the origin's
index file. If this is false, then the size was recalculated by loading all
of the individual cache backends.