blob: c1c92427abd73c7e28b0cd459e3bf52d6735c90f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// WebViewRendererState manages state data for WebView guest renderer processes.
// This class's data can be accessed via its methods from both the UI and IO
// threads, and uses locks to mediate this access. When making changes to this
// class, ensure that you avoid introducing any reentrant code in the methods,
// and that you always aquire the locks in the order |web_view_info_map_lock_|
// -> |web_view_partition_id_map_lock_| (if both are needed in one method).
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
namespace extensions {
class WebViewGuest;
class WebViewRendererState {
struct WebViewInfo {
int embedder_process_id;
int instance_id;
int rules_registry_id;
std::string partition_id;
std::string owner_host;
std::set<int> content_script_ids;
WebViewInfo(const WebViewInfo& other);
static WebViewRendererState* GetInstance();
// Looks up the information for the embedder WebView for a RenderViewHost,
// given its process and view ID. Returns true and writes the information to
// |web_view_info| if found, otherwise returns false.
bool GetInfo(int guest_process_id,
int guest_routing_id,
WebViewInfo* web_view_info) const;
// Looks up the information for the owner of a WebView guest process, given
// its process ID. Returns true and writes the info to |owner_process_id| and
// |owner_host| if found, otherwise returns false.
bool GetOwnerInfo(int guest_process_id,
int* owner_process_id,
std::string* owner_host) const;
// Looks up the partition ID for a WebView guest process, given its
// process ID. Returns true and writes the partition ID to |partition_id| if
// found, otherwise returns false.
bool GetPartitionID(int guest_process_id, std::string* partition_id) const;
// Returns true if the renderer with process ID |render_process_id| is a
// WebView guest process.
bool IsGuest(int render_process_id) const;
void AddContentScriptIDs(int embedder_process_id,
int view_instance_id,
const std::set<int>& script_ids);
void RemoveContentScriptIDs(int embedder_process_id,
int view_instance_id,
const std::set<int>& script_ids);
friend class WebViewGuest;
friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<WebViewRendererState>;
using RenderId = std::pair<int, int>;
using WebViewInfoMap = std::map<RenderId, WebViewInfo>;
struct WebViewPartitionInfo {
int web_view_count;
std::string partition_id;
WebViewPartitionInfo() {}
WebViewPartitionInfo(int count, const std::string& partition)
: web_view_count(count), partition_id(partition) {}
using WebViewPartitionIDMap = std::map<int, WebViewPartitionInfo>;
// Adds/removes a WebView guest render process to/from the set.
void AddGuest(int render_process_host_id, int routing_id,
const WebViewInfo& web_view_info);
void RemoveGuest(int render_process_host_id, int routing_id);
// Locks are used to mediate access to these maps from both the UI and IO
// threads.
WebViewInfoMap web_view_info_map_;
mutable base::Lock web_view_info_map_lock_;
WebViewPartitionIDMap web_view_partition_id_map_;
mutable base::Lock web_view_partition_id_map_lock_;
} // namespace extensions