blob: 04d68d11efdd3477a67fb34a3b6129560e6aafa3 [file] [log] [blame]
# These tests fail when running browser_tests --mash
# Unknown failure.
# Extensive use of ash::WindowState.
# ChromeVoxPanel directly calls into ash to set panel height.
# Login constructs ash::FocusRingController and KeyboardDrivenOobeKeyHandler,
# both of which use ash::Shell.
# Uses ash::Shell::GetRootWindowForNewWindows to choose a display for the app list.
# More generally, app list needs to move into ash.
# Accesses ash::Shelf to make assertions about the shelf view.
# AutomationManagerAura::Enable() uses ash to get active window. More generally,
# chrome a11y code directly accesses ash system UI widgets and views.
# Uses Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow to create an EventGenerator
# Direct access to ash window frames, tablet mode, overview mode, etc.
# Incorrect window bounds. Probably WindowSizerAsh problem.
# Timeout waiting for notification.
# ash::Shell access from ChromeViewsDelegate::CreateDefaultNonClientFrameView()
# e.g. from chromeos::CaptivePortalWindowProxy::Show().
# Need pixel copy support.
# RefCounted check failed: CalledOnValidSequence() from SchedulerWorkerDelegate::OnMainExit
# aura::CrashInFlightChange::ChangeFailed() when searching PDF.
# Need screenshot support.
# ChromeBrowserMainExtraPartsAsh: Check failed: views::MusClient::Exists().
# Null immersive_fullscreen_controller_.
# Flaky. SessionRestoreStatsCollector::Observe failure.
# Check failed: 0u < loading_tab_count_ (0 vs. 0)
# ash::Shell access in test for wallpaper images.
# Flaky: Check failed: external_backend->CanHandleType(file_system_url.type()).
# ash::Shell access for LogoutConfirmationController
# TODO: Very slow (>25 seconds) and occasional timeouts.
# Fails: immersive_controller->IsRevealed() returns false.
# Check failed: instance_. OzonePlatform is not initialized
# SystemLogsFetcher -> TouchLogSource -> ash::TouchHudDebug -> ash::Shell
# FirstRunController -> ash::Shell
# ash::Shell::display_manager() to update displays.
# Failures JS-side.
# IME accesses ash::Shell for root window.
# KeyboardOverlayUI uses ash::Shell.
# Kiosk mode has a variety of failures:
# termination_observer_->terminated() is false.
# Value of: login_display_host == NULL || login_display_host->GetNativeWindow()->layer()->GetTargetOpacity() == 0.0f
# Check failed: !browser_client || browser_client->IsShuttingDown() || did_respond() || ignore_all_did_respond_for_testing_do_not_use. app.window.create
# chromeos::KioskExternalUpdateNotification::CreateAndShowNotificationView() uses ash::Shell.
# Panel state lookup failures for window active, item running, etc.
# JS failure: hasAccessToCurrentWindow: FAIL (no message)
# Check failed: !window->GetRootWindow() || this->window() == window->GetRootWindow().
# Missing magnification manager and ChromeVoxPanel crashes.
# Crashes in pre-login phase, probably MagnificationManager not created.
# OutputProtection problems:
# Check failed: !is_valid. The callback passed to OutputProtection::QueryStatus() was never run.
# binder_registry.h(89) Failed to locate a binder for interface: display::mojom::OutputProtection
# ash::FocusRingController::SetVisible() from LoginDisplayHostWebUI.
# VPN item not in system tray.
# Timeout Network: Portal detection timeout: name= id=
# Crash in autofill::SaveCardBubbleViews::ShouldShowCloseButton().
# WindowSizerAsh does not compute correct show state.
# ash::Shell access in test for display configuration.
# ash::Shell access in test.
# Function under test uses ash::Shell for window list.
# Timeout.
# ash::Shell access in test for StatusAreaWidget.
# Crash. Database is locked.
# ash::Shell access in test.
# ash::Shell access in test.
# Flaky shutdown crashes in ~MusClient and AtExit
# crashes in ~WebContentsTaskProvider
# ash::Shell access in test.
# chromeos::UserAddingScreenImpl::Cancel() uses ash::Shell to enable system tray.
# Virtual keyboard not supported.
# Also fails in --mus.
# Also fails in --mus.
# - Disable tests on mash during Wallpaper re-factoring
# Sending invalid FrameSinkIds