blob: f029d1aaf353950d1531448a0fdf734a19f08825 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Pack all resources for an application extension for a given locale.
# Arguments:
# extension [required]
# name of the application extension.
# input_locale [required]
# name of the locale to pack.
# output_locale [required]
# name of the locale (may be different from input_locale as iOS
# and Chrome does not use the same convention for naming locales
# with country variants).
# copy_data_to_bundle [required]
# controls whether bundle_data targets are defined to copy the repacked
# data into the final bundle.
# visibility [optional]
# usual meaning.
template("_extension_repack_one_locale") {
assert(defined(invoker.extension), "Need extension for $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.input_locale), "Need input_locale for $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.output_locale), "Need output_locale for $target_name")
if (invoker.copy_data_to_bundle) {
_target_type = "repack_and_bundle"
} else {
_target_type = "repack"
target(_target_type, target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
deps = [
sources = [
"$root_gen_dir/ios/${invoker.extension}/" +
output = "$target_gen_dir/${invoker.output_locale}.lproj/locale.pak"
if (invoker.copy_data_to_bundle) {
bundle_output = "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/" +
# Pack all resources for an application extension for all locales.
# Arguments:
# extension [required]
# name of the application extension.
# input_locales [required]
# list of all locales to pack.
# output_locales [required]
# list of all locales in application bundle (may differ from input
# locales as iOS and Chrome does not use the same convention for
# naming locales with country variants).
# Must be the same length as input_locales.
# copy_data_to_bundle [optional]
# controls whether bundle_data targets are defined to copy the repacked
# data into the final bundle (defaults to true if not defined).
# visibility [optional]
# usual meaning.
template("extension_repack_all_locales") {
assert(defined(invoker.extension), "Need extension for $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.input_locales), "Need input_locales for $target_name")
"Need output_locales for $target_name")
_target_name = target_name
_copy_data_to_bundle = true
if (defined(invoker.copy_data_to_bundle)) {
_copy_data_to_bundle = invoker.copy_data_to_bundle
# TODO(614747): GN parser does not grok invoker.output_locales[foo]. Use a
# local variables to workaround this issue until the issue is fixed.
_current_locale = 0
_output_locales = invoker.output_locales
# Collect all locale targets to avoid looping twice over the locales.
_locale_targets = []
foreach(_input_locale, invoker.input_locales) {
_output_locale = _output_locales[_current_locale]
_locale_target = _target_name + "_$_input_locale"
_extension_repack_one_locale(_locale_target) {
visibility = [ ":$_target_name" ]
input_locale = _input_locale
output_locale = _output_locale
extension = invoker.extension
copy_data_to_bundle = _copy_data_to_bundle
_locale_targets += [ ":$_locale_target" ]
_current_locale = _current_locale + 1
group(_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
public_deps = _locale_targets