blob: faf1dd81f2ad5ccf64b5e0cd82fb85798c8b39a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ssl/cert_verifier_browser_test.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/content/browser_context_dependency_manager.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store_consumer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h"
class ManagePasswordsUIController;
namespace password_manager {
struct PasswordForm;
} // namespace password_manager
// Checks the save password prompt for a specified WebContents and allows
// accepting saving passwords through it.
class BubbleObserver {
// The constructor doesn't start tracking |web_contents|. To check the status
// of the prompt one can even construct a temporary BubbleObserver.
explicit BubbleObserver(content::WebContents* web_contents);
BubbleObserver(const BubbleObserver&) = delete;
BubbleObserver& operator=(const BubbleObserver&) = delete;
// Checks if the save prompt is being currently available due to either manual
// fallback or successful login.
bool IsSavePromptAvailable() const;
// Checks if the update prompt is being currently available due to either
// manual fallback or successful login.
bool IsUpdatePromptAvailable() const;
// Checks if the save prompt was shown automatically.
// |web_contents| must be the custom one returned by
// PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase.
bool IsSavePromptShownAutomatically() const;
// Checks if the update prompt was shown automatically.
// |web_contents| must be the custom one returned by
// PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase.
bool IsUpdatePromptShownAutomatically() const;
// Hide the currently open prompt.
void Hide() const;
// Expecting that the prompt is available, saves the password. At the end,
// checks that the prompt is no longer available afterwards.
void AcceptSavePrompt() const;
// Expecting that the prompt is available, updates the password. At the end,
// checks that the prompt is no longer visible afterwards.
void AcceptUpdatePrompt() const;
// Returns once the account chooser pops up or it's already shown.
// |web_contents| must be the custom one returned by
// PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase.
void WaitForAccountChooser() const;
// Returns once the UI controller is in inactive state.
// |web_contents| must be the custom one returned by
// PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase.
void WaitForInactiveState() const;
// Returns once the UI controller is in the management state due to matching
// credentials autofilled.
// |web_contents| must be the custom one returned by
// PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase.
void WaitForManagementState() const;
// Returns once the save prompt pops up or it's already shown.
// |web_contents| must be the custom one returned by
// PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase.
void WaitForAutomaticSavePrompt() const;
// Returns once the update prompt pops up or it's already shown.
// |web_contents| must be the custom one returned by
// PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase.
void WaitForAutomaticUpdatePrompt() const;
// Returns true if the browser shows the fallback for saving password within
// the allotted timeout.
// |web_contents| must be the custom one returned by
// PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase.
bool WaitForFallbackForSaving(
const base::TimeDelta timeout = base::TimeDelta::Max()) const;
// Returns once the prompt for saving unsynced credentials pops up.
void WaitForSaveUnsyncedCredentialsPrompt() const;
const raw_ptr<ManagePasswordsUIController, DanglingUntriaged>
// A helper class that synchronously waits until the password store handles a
// GetLogins() request.
class PasswordStoreResultsObserver
: public password_manager::PasswordStoreConsumer {
PasswordStoreResultsObserver(const PasswordStoreResultsObserver&) = delete;
PasswordStoreResultsObserver& operator=(const PasswordStoreResultsObserver&) =
~PasswordStoreResultsObserver() override;
// Waits for OnGetPasswordStoreResults() and returns the result.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<password_manager::PasswordForm>> WaitForResults();
base::WeakPtr<PasswordStoreConsumer> GetWeakPtr();
void OnGetPasswordStoreResults(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<password_manager::PasswordForm>> results)
base::RunLoop run_loop_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<password_manager::PasswordForm>> results_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PasswordStoreResultsObserver> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
class PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase : public CertVerifierBrowserTest {
PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase(const PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase&) =
PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase& operator=(
const PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase&) = delete;
~PasswordManagerBrowserTestBase() override;
// InProcessBrowserTest:
void SetUpInProcessBrowserTestFixture() override;
void SetUp() override;
void SetUpOnMainThread() override;
void TearDownOnMainThread() override;
void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override;
// Creates a new tab with all the password manager test hooks and returns it
// in |web_contents|.
static void GetNewTab(Browser* browser, content::WebContents** web_contents);
// Make sure that the password store associated with the given browser
// processed all the previous calls, calls executed on another thread.
static void WaitForPasswordStore(Browser* browser);
// Wrapper around ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL that waits until
// DidFinishLoad() fires. Normally this function returns after
// DidStopLoading(), which caused flakiness as the PasswordsNavigationObserver
// would sometimes see the DidFinishLoad event from a previous navigation and
// return immediately.
void NavigateToFile(const std::string& path);
// Waits until the "value" attribute of the HTML element with |element_id| is
// equal to |expected_value|. If the current value is not as expected, this
// waits until the "change" event is fired for the element. This also
// guarantees that once the real value matches the expected, the JavaScript
// event loop is spun to allow all other possible events to take place.
// - the function waits only for the first "onchange" event.
// - "onchange" event is triggered by autofill. However, if user's typing is
// simulated then the event is triggered only when control looses focus.
void WaitForElementValue(const std::string& element_id,
const std::string& expected_value);
// Same as above except the element |element_id| is in iframe |iframe_id|
void WaitForElementValue(const std::string& iframe_id,
const std::string& element_id,
const std::string& expected_value);
// Same as above except the element has index |element_index| in elements() of
// the form |form_id|.
void WaitForElementValue(const std::string& form_id,
size_t element_index,
const std::string& expected_value);
// Same as above except the element is selected with |element_selector| JS
// expression.
void WaitForJsElementValue(const std::string& element_selector,
const std::string& expected_value);
// Make sure that the password store processed all the previous calls which
// are executed on another thread.
void WaitForPasswordStore();
// Checks that the current "value" attribute of the HTML element with
// |element_id| is equal to |expected_value|.
void CheckElementValue(const std::string& element_id,
const std::string& expected_value);
// Same as above except the element |element_id| is in iframe |iframe_id|
void CheckElementValue(const std::string& iframe_id,
const std::string& element_id,
const std::string& expected_value);
// Synchronoulsy adds the given host to the list of valid HSTS hosts.
void AddHSTSHost(const std::string& host);
// Checks that |password_store| stores only one credential with |username| and
// |password|.
void CheckThatCredentialsStored(const std::string& username,
const std::string& password);
// Accessors
// Return the first created tab with a custom ManagePasswordsUIController.
content::WebContents* WebContents() const;
content::RenderFrameHost* RenderFrameHost() const;
net::EmbeddedTestServer& https_test_server() { return https_test_server_; }
net::EmbeddedTestServer https_test_server_;
// A tab with some hooks injected.
content::WebContents* web_contents_;
base::CallbackListSubscription create_services_subscription_;