blob: 174646d788a3ede9d187462c4ad072c5be971b3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/extensions/extension_action_test_helper.h"
class Browser;
class InstalledExtensionMenuItemView;
class ExtensionsMenuView;
class ExtensionsToolbarContainer;
// An implementation of ExtensionActionTestHelper that works with the
// ExtensionsMenu.
class ExtensionsMenuTestUtil : public ExtensionActionTestHelper {
ExtensionsMenuTestUtil(Browser* browser, bool is_real_window);
ExtensionsMenuTestUtil(const ExtensionsMenuTestUtil&) = delete;
ExtensionsMenuTestUtil& operator=(const ExtensionsMenuTestUtil&) = delete;
~ExtensionsMenuTestUtil() override;
// ExtensionActionTestHelper:
int NumberOfBrowserActions() override;
int VisibleBrowserActions() override;
bool HasAction(const extensions::ExtensionId& id) override;
void InspectPopup(const extensions::ExtensionId& id) override;
bool HasIcon(const extensions::ExtensionId& id) override;
gfx::Image GetIcon(const extensions::ExtensionId& id) override;
void Press(const extensions::ExtensionId& id) override;
std::string GetTooltip(const extensions::ExtensionId& id) override;
gfx::NativeView GetPopupNativeView() override;
bool HasPopup() override;
bool HidePopup() override;
ExtensionsContainer* GetExtensionsContainer() override;
void WaitForExtensionsContainerLayout() override;
gfx::Size GetMinPopupSize() override;
gfx::Size GetMaxPopupSize() override;
gfx::Size GetToolbarActionSize() override;
gfx::Size GetMaxAvailableSizeToFitBubbleOnScreen(
const extensions::ExtensionId& id) override;
class MenuViewObserver;
class Wrapper;
// Returns the InstalledExtensionMenuItemView for the given `id` from the
// `menu_view`.
InstalledExtensionMenuItemView* GetMenuItemViewForId(
const extensions::ExtensionId& id);
// An override to allow test instances of the ExtensionsMenuView.
// This has to be defined before |menu_view_| below.
base::AutoReset<bool> scoped_allow_extensions_menu_instances_;
std::unique_ptr<Wrapper> wrapper_;
const raw_ptr<Browser, DanglingUntriaged> browser_;
raw_ptr<ExtensionsToolbarContainer, DanglingUntriaged> extensions_container_ =
// Helps make sure that |menu_view_| set to null when destroyed by the widget
// or via manual means.
std::unique_ptr<MenuViewObserver> menu_view_observer_;
// The owned version of |menu_view_|. Strongly prefer using |menu_view_|. May
// be null when ownership is conditionally transferred to the bubble.
std::unique_ptr<ExtensionsMenuView> owned_menu_view_;
// The actual pointer to an ExtensionsMenuView, non-null if alive.
ExtensionsMenuView* menu_view_ = nullptr;