blob: f679b1f820ffb2cf74d2af07b9ced4894c42e67a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <array>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_type.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/address.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_data_model.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/birthdate.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/contact_info.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/phone_number.h"
namespace autofill {
class AutofillProfileComparator;
struct AutofillMetadata;
// A collection of FormGroups stored in a profile. AutofillProfile also
// implements the FormGroup interface so that owners of this object can request
// form information from the profile, and the profile will delegate the request
// to the requested form group type.
class AutofillProfile : public AutofillDataModel {
// `RecordType` is deprecated and `SERVER_PROFILE` essentially unused.
// TODO( Remove
enum RecordType {
// A profile stored and editable locally.
// A profile synced down from the server. These are read-only locally.
// Describes where the profile is stored and how it is synced.
enum class Source {
// Not synced at all or synced through the `AutofillProfileSyncBridge`. This
// corresponds to profiles that local to Autofill only.
kLocalOrSyncable = 0,
// Synced through the `ContactInfoSyncBridge`. This corresponds to profiles
// that are shared beyond Autofill across different services.
kAccount = 1,
kMaxValue = kAccount,
AutofillProfile(const std::string& guid,
const std::string& origin,
Source source = Source::kLocalOrSyncable);
// Server profile constructor. The type must be SERVER_PROFILE (this serves
// to differentiate this constructor). |server_id| can be empty. If empty,
// callers should invoke GenerateServerProfileIdentifier after setting data.
AutofillProfile(RecordType type, const std::string& server_id);
// For use in STL containers.
AutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile);
~AutofillProfile() override;
AutofillProfile& operator=(const AutofillProfile& profile);
// AutofillDataModel:
AutofillMetadata GetMetadata() const override;
bool SetMetadata(const AutofillMetadata& metadata) override;
// Returns whether the profile is deletable: if it is not verified and has not
// been used for longer than |kDisusedAddressDeletionTimeDelta|.
bool IsDeletable() const override;
// FormGroup:
void GetMatchingTypes(const std::u16string& text,
const std::string& app_locale,
ServerFieldTypeSet* matching_types) const override;
std::u16string GetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type) const override;
int GetRawInfoAsInt(ServerFieldType type) const override;
void SetRawInfoWithVerificationStatus(ServerFieldType type,
const std::u16string& value,
VerificationStatus status) override;
void SetRawInfoAsIntWithVerificationStatus(
ServerFieldType type,
int value,
VerificationStatus status) override;
void GetSupportedTypes(ServerFieldTypeSet* supported_types) const override;
// How this card is stored.
RecordType record_type() const { return record_type_; }
void set_record_type(RecordType type) { record_type_ = type; }
// Returns true if there are no values (field types) set.
bool IsEmpty(const std::string& app_locale) const;
// Returns true if the |type| of data in this profile is present, but invalid.
// Otherwise returns false.
bool IsPresentButInvalid(ServerFieldType type) const;
// Comparison for Sync. Returns 0 if the profile is the same as |this|,
// or < 0, or > 0 if it is different. The implied ordering can be used for
// culling duplicates. The ordering is based on collation order of the
// textual contents of the fields. Full profile comparison, comparison
// includes multi-valued fields.
// GUIDs, origins, and language codes are not compared, only the contents
// themselves.
int Compare(const AutofillProfile& profile) const;
// Same as operator==, but ignores differences in guid and cares about
// differences in usage stats.
bool EqualsForSyncPurposes(const AutofillProfile& profile) const;
// Returns true if |new_profile| and this are considered equal for updating
// purposes, meaning that if equal we do not need to update this profile to
// the |new_profile|.
bool EqualsForUpdatePurposes(const AutofillProfile& new_profile) const;
// Same as operator==, but cares about differences in usage stats.
bool EqualsIncludingUsageStatsForTesting(
const AutofillProfile& profile) const;
// Equality operators compare GUIDs, origins, language code, and the contents
// in the comparison. Usage metadata (use count, use date, modification date)
// are NOT compared.
bool operator==(const AutofillProfile& profile) const;
virtual bool operator!=(const AutofillProfile& profile) const;
// Like IsSubsetOf, but considers only the given |types|.
bool IsSubsetOfForFieldSet(const AutofillProfileComparator& comparator,
const AutofillProfile& profile,
const std::string& app_locale,
const ServerFieldTypeSet& types) const;
// Overwrites the data of |this| profile with data from the given |profile|.
// Expects that the profiles have the same guid.
void OverwriteDataFrom(const AutofillProfile& profile);
// Merges the data from |this| profile and the given |profile| into |this|
// profile. Expects that |this| and |profile| have already been deemed
// mergeable by an AutofillProfileComparator.
bool MergeDataFrom(const AutofillProfile& profile,
const std::string& app_locale);
// Merges structured data from |this| profile and the given |profile| into
// |this| profile. Expected to be called if |this| profile is already
// verified. Returns true if the profile was modified.
bool MergeStructuredDataFrom(const AutofillProfile& profile,
const std::string& app_locale);
// Saves info from |profile| into |this|, provided |this| and |profile| do not
// have any direct conflicts (i.e. data is present but different). Will not
// make changes if |this| is verified and |profile| is not. Returns true if
// |this| and |profile| are similar.
bool SaveAdditionalInfo(const AutofillProfile& profile,
const std::string& app_locale);
// Creates a differentiating label for each of the |profiles|.
// Labels consist of the minimal differentiating combination of:
// 1. Full name.
// 2. Address.
// 3. E-mail.
// 4. Phone.
// 5. Company name.
static void CreateDifferentiatingLabels(
const std::vector<AutofillProfile*>& profiles,
const std::string& app_locale,
std::vector<std::u16string>* labels);
// Creates inferred labels for |profiles|, according to the rules above and
// stores them in |created_labels|. If |suggested_fields| is not NULL, the
// resulting label fields are drawn from |suggested_fields|, except excluding
// |excluded_field|. Otherwise, the label fields are drawn from a default set,
// and |excluded_field| is ignored; by convention, it should be of
// |UNKNOWN_TYPE| when |suggested_fields| is NULL. Each label includes at
// least |minimal_fields_shown| fields, if possible.
static void CreateInferredLabels(
const std::vector<AutofillProfile*>& profiles,
const std::vector<ServerFieldType>* suggested_fields,
ServerFieldType excluded_field,
size_t minimal_fields_shown,
const std::string& app_locale,
std::vector<std::u16string>* labels);
// Builds inferred label from the first |num_fields_to_include| non-empty
// fields in |label_fields|. Uses as many fields as possible if there are not
// enough non-empty fields.
std::u16string ConstructInferredLabel(const ServerFieldType* label_fields,
const size_t label_fields_size,
size_t num_fields_to_include,
const std::string& app_locale) const;
const std::string& language_code() const { return language_code_; }
void set_language_code(const std::string& language_code) {
language_code_ = language_code;
// Nonempty only when type() == SERVER_PROFILE. base::kSHA1Length bytes long.
// Not necessarily valid UTF-8.
const std::string& server_id() const { return server_id_; }
// Creates an identifier and saves it as |server_id_|. Only used for
// server credit cards. The server doesn't attach an identifier so Chrome
// creates its own. The ID is a hash of the data contained in the profile.
void GenerateServerProfileIdentifier();
// Logs the number of days since the profile was last used, records its
// use and updates |previous_use_date_| to the last value of |use_date_|.
// Also initiates the logging of the structured token verification statuses.
void RecordAndLogUse();
// Logs the verification status of non-empty structured name and address
// tokens. Should be called when a profile is used to fill a form.
void LogVerificationStatuses();
const base::Time& previous_use_date() const { return previous_use_date_; }
void set_previous_use_date(const base::Time& time) {
previous_use_date_ = time;
// Valid only when |record_type()| == |SERVER_PROFILE|.
bool has_converted() const { return has_converted_; }
void set_has_converted(bool has_converted) { has_converted_ = has_converted; }
// Calls |FinalizeAfterImport()| on all |FormGroup| members that are
// implemented using the hybrid-structure |AddressComponent|.
// If possible, this will initiate the completion of the structure tree to
// derive all missing values either by parsing their parent node if assigned,
// or by formatting the value from their child nodes.
// Returns true if all calls yielded true.
bool FinalizeAfterImport();
// Returns true if the profile contains any structured data. This can be any
// name type but the full name, or for addresses, the street name or house
// number.
bool HasStructuredData();
// Returns a constant reference to the |name_| field.
const NameInfo& GetNameInfo() const { return name_; }
// Returns a constant reference to the |address_| field.
const Address& GetAddress() const { return address_; }
// Returns the label of the profile.
const std::string& profile_label() const { return profile_label_; }
// Sets the label of the profile.
void set_profile_label(const std::string& label) { profile_label_ = label; }
bool disallow_settings_visible_updates() const {
return disallow_settings_visible_updates_;
void set_disallow_settings_visible_updates(bool disallow) {
disallow_settings_visible_updates_ = disallow;
Source source() const { return source_; }
void set_source_for_testing(AutofillProfile::Source source) {
source_ = source;
// Checks for non-empty setting-inaccessible fields and returns all that were
// found.
ServerFieldTypeSet FindInaccessibleProfileValues() const;
// Clears all specified |fields| from the profile.
void ClearFields(const ServerFieldTypeSet& fields);
// FormGroup:
std::u16string GetInfoImpl(const AutofillType& type,
const std::string& app_locale) const override;
VerificationStatus GetVerificationStatusImpl(
const ServerFieldType type) const override;
bool SetInfoWithVerificationStatusImpl(const AutofillType& type,
const std::u16string& value,
const std::string& app_locale,
VerificationStatus status) override;
// Creates inferred labels for |profiles| at indices corresponding to
// |indices|, and stores the results to the corresponding elements of
// |labels|. These labels include enough fields to differentiate among the
// profiles, if possible; and also at least |num_fields_to_include| fields, if
// possible. The label fields are drawn from |fields|.
static void CreateInferredLabelsHelper(
const std::vector<AutofillProfile*>& profiles,
const std::list<size_t>& indices,
const std::vector<ServerFieldType>& fields,
size_t num_fields_to_include,
const std::string& app_locale,
std::vector<std::u16string>* labels);
// Utilities for listing and lookup of the data members that constitute
// user-visible profile information.
std::array<const FormGroup*, 6> FormGroups() const {
// Adjust the return type size as necessary.
return {&name_, &email_, &company_, &phone_number_, &address_, &birthdate_};
const FormGroup* FormGroupForType(const AutofillType& type) const;
FormGroup* MutableFormGroupForType(const AutofillType& type);
// Same as operator==, but ignores differences in GUID.
bool EqualsSansGuid(const AutofillProfile& profile) const;
// Personal information for this profile.
NameInfo name_;
EmailInfo email_;
CompanyInfo company_;
PhoneNumber phone_number_;
Address address_;
Birthdate birthdate_;
// The label is chosen by the user and can contain an arbitrary value.
// However, there are two labels that play a special role to indicate that an
// address is either a 'HOME' or a 'WORK' address. In this case, the value of
// the label is '$HOME$' or '$WORK$', respectively.
std::string profile_label_;
// The BCP 47 language code that can be used to format |address_| for display.
std::string language_code_;
// The state indicates if the profile qualifies to get merged with a
// profile observed in a form submission. If true, the profile can still be
// updated silently, but it should not be considered for merges that need to
// involve user interactions.
bool disallow_settings_visible_updates_{false};
// ID used for identifying this profile. Only set for SERVER_PROFILEs. This is
// a hash of the contents.
std::string server_id_;
// Penultimate time model was used, not persisted to database.
base::Time previous_use_date_;
RecordType record_type_;
// Only useful for SERVER_PROFILEs. Whether this server profile has been
// converted to a local profile.
bool has_converted_;
Source source_;
// So we can compare AutofillProfiles with EXPECT_EQ().
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AutofillProfile& profile);
} // namespace autofill