blob: c87c14db729b5d6f1a0300c3de4545d4eb48612f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "components/sync/model/model_error.h"
#include "components/sync/model/model_type_change_processor.h"
#include "components/sync/model/model_type_sync_bridge.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/model_type_state.pb.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace sync_pb {
class EntityMetadata;
class EntitySpecifics;
} // namespace sync_pb
namespace syncer {
class MetadataBatch;
struct EntityData;
// A basic, functional implementation of ModelTypeSyncBridge for testing
// purposes. It uses its own simple in-memory Store class.
class FakeModelTypeSyncBridge : public ModelTypeSyncBridge {
// Generate a client tag with the given key.
static std::string ClientTagFromKey(const std::string& key);
// A basic in-memory storage mechanism for data and metadata. This makes it
// easier to test more complex behaviors involving when entities are written,
// committed, etc. Having a separate class helps keep the main one cleaner.
class Store {
virtual ~Store();
void PutData(const std::string& key, const EntityData& data);
void PutMetadata(const std::string& key,
const sync_pb::EntityMetadata& metadata);
void RemoveData(const std::string& key);
void ClearAllData();
void RemoveMetadata(const std::string& key);
bool HasData(const std::string& key) const;
bool HasMetadata(const std::string& key) const;
const EntityData& GetData(const std::string& key) const;
const sync_pb::EntityMetadata& GetMetadata(const std::string& key) const;
const std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<EntityData>>& all_data() const {
return data_store_;
size_t data_count() const { return data_store_.size(); }
size_t metadata_count() const { return metadata_store_.size(); }
size_t data_change_count() const { return data_change_count_; }
size_t metadata_change_count() const { return metadata_change_count_; }
const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& model_type_state() const {
return model_type_state_;
void set_model_type_state(const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& model_type_state) {
model_type_state_ = model_type_state;
std::unique_ptr<MetadataBatch> CreateMetadataBatch() const;
void Reset();
size_t data_change_count_ = 0;
size_t metadata_change_count_ = 0;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<EntityData>> data_store_;
std::map<std::string, sync_pb::EntityMetadata> metadata_store_;
sync_pb::ModelTypeState model_type_state_;
ModelType type,
std::unique_ptr<ModelTypeChangeProcessor> change_processor);
~FakeModelTypeSyncBridge() override;
ModelType type() { return type_; }
// Local data modification. Emulates signals from the model thread.
void WriteItem(const std::string& key,
std::unique_ptr<EntityData> entity_data);
// Local data deletion.
void DeleteItem(const std::string& key);
// Deletes local data without notifying the processor (useful for modeling
// faulty bridges).
void MimicBugToLooseItemWithoutNotifyingProcessor(const std::string& key);
// ModelTypeSyncBridge implementation
std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> CreateMetadataChangeList() override;
absl::optional<ModelError> MergeSyncData(
std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> metadata_change_list,
EntityChangeList entity_data) override;
absl::optional<ModelError> ApplySyncChanges(
std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> metadata_change_list,
EntityChangeList entity_changes) override;
void GetData(StorageKeyList storage_keys, DataCallback callback) override;
void GetAllDataForDebugging(DataCallback callback) override;
std::string GetClientTag(const EntityData& entity_data) override;
std::string GetStorageKey(const EntityData& entity_data) override;
bool SupportsGetClientTag() const override;
bool SupportsGetStorageKey() const override;
ConflictResolution ResolveConflict(
const std::string& storage_key,
const EntityData& remote_data) const override;
void ApplyStopSyncChanges(
std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> delete_metadata_change_list) override;
sync_pb::EntitySpecifics TrimAllSupportedFieldsFromRemoteSpecifics(
const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& entity_specifics) const override;
// Stores a resolution for the next call to ResolveConflict. Note that if this
// is a USE_NEW resolution, the data will only exist for one resolve call.
void SetConflictResolution(ConflictResolution resolution);
// Sets an error that the next fallible call to the bridge will generate.
void ErrorOnNextCall();
// It is intentionally very difficult to copy an EntityData, as in normal code
// we never want to. However, since we store the data as an EntityData for the
// test code here, this function is needed to manually copy it.
static std::unique_ptr<EntityData> CopyEntityData(const EntityData& old_data);
// Influences the way the bridge provides client tags. If set to true, the
// bridge will compute a client tag deterministically from specifics, via
// GetClientTag(). If set to false, bridge is responsible for setting client
// tag hashes in EntityData whenever committing entities.
void SetSupportsGetClientTag(bool supports_get_client_tag);
// Checks whether |entity| has the client tag hash filled in or whether the
// bridge itself is able to provide the client tag to the processor.
bool EntityHasClientTag(const EntityData& entity);
// Influences the way the bridge produces storage key. If set to true, the
// bridge will compute a storage key deterministically from specifics, via
// GetStorageKey(). If set to false, it will return autoincrement-like storage
// keys that cannot be inferred from specifics, and exercise
// UpdateStorageKey() for remote changes to report storage keys.
void SetSupportsGetStorageKey(bool supports_get_storage_key);
// Returns the last generated autoincrement-like storage key, applicable only
// for the SetSupportsGetStorageKey(false) case (otherwise the storage key
// gets inferred deterministically from specifics).
std::string GetLastGeneratedStorageKey() const;
// Add preference values that will be ignored by bridge. Must only be called
// if the bridge's ModelType is PREFERENCES.
void AddPrefValueToIgnore(const std::string& value);
const Store& db() const { return *db_; }
Store* mutable_db() { return db_.get(); }
size_t trimmed_specifics_change_count() const {
return trimmed_specifics_change_count_;
// Contains all of the data and metadata state.
std::unique_ptr<Store> db_;
// Applies |change_list| to the metadata store.
void ApplyMetadataChangeList(std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> change_list);
// Same as GetStorageKey(), but doesn't check that SupportsGetStorageKey()
// is true.
std::string GetStorageKeyInternal(const EntityData& entity_data);
// If SupportsGetStorageKey() is true, same as GetStorageKey(). Otherwise,
// generates and returns a new unique storage key.
std::string GenerateStorageKey(const EntityData& entity_data);
const ModelType type_;
// The conflict resolution to use for calls to ResolveConflict.
ConflictResolution conflict_resolution_;
// The preference values that the bridge will ignore.
std::unordered_set<std::string> values_to_ignore_;
// Whether an error should be produced on the next bridge call.
bool error_next_ = false;
// Whether the bridge supports call to GetStorageKey. If it doesn't, bridge is
// responsible for calling UpdateStorageKey when processing new entities in
// MergeSyncData/ApplySyncChanges.
bool supports_get_storage_key_ = true;
// Whether the bridge supports call to GetClientTag. If it doesn't, bridge is
// responsible for setting client tag hashes in EntityData whenever committing
// entities.
bool supports_get_client_tag_ = true;
// Last dynamically-generated storage key, for the case where
// |supports_get_storage_key_| == false (otherwise the storage key gets
// inferred deterministically from specifics).
int last_generated_storage_key_ = 0;
mutable size_t trimmed_specifics_change_count_ = 0;
} // namespace syncer