blob: 968db7da4bf4b118103b1af2f7751d9f3d3d0265 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/arc/intent_helper/font_size_util.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace arc {
double ConvertFontSizeChromeToAndroid(int default_size,
int default_fixed_size,
int minimum_size) {
// kWebKitDefaultFixedFontSize is automatically set to be 3 pixels smaller
// than kWebKitDefaultFontSize when Chrome's settings page's main font
// dropdown control is adjusted. If the user specifically sets a higher
// fixed font size we will want to take into account the adjustment.
default_fixed_size += 3;
int max_chrome_size =
std::max({default_fixed_size, default_size, minimum_size});
double android_scale = kAndroidFontScaleSmall;
if (max_chrome_size >= kChromeFontSizeVeryLarge) {
android_scale = kAndroidFontScaleHuge;
} else if (max_chrome_size >= kChromeFontSizeLarge) {
android_scale = kAndroidFontScaleLarge;
} else if (max_chrome_size >= kChromeFontSizeNormal) {
android_scale = kAndroidFontScaleNormal;
return android_scale;
} // namespace arc