blob: 2ab396e05fce3f935a1659f435b1eabcd4529ce3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/url_formatter/url_formatter.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class GURL;
namespace lookalikes {
extern const char kHistogramName[];
using LookalikeTargetAllowlistChecker =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const GURL&)>;
// Used for UKM. There is only a single LookalikeUrlMatchType per navigation.
enum class LookalikeUrlMatchType {
kNone = 0,
kTopSite = 1,
kSiteEngagement = 2,
kEditDistance = 3,
kEditDistanceSiteEngagement = 4,
kTargetEmbedding = 5,
// Append new items to the end of the list above; do not modify or replace
// existing values. Comment out obsolete items.
kMaxValue = kTargetEmbedding,
// Used for UKM. There is only a single LookalikeUrlBlockingPageUserAction per
// navigation.
enum class LookalikeUrlBlockingPageUserAction {
kInterstitialNotShown = 0,
kClickThrough = 1,
kAcceptSuggestion = 2,
kCloseOrBack = 3,
// Append new items to the end of the list above; do not modify or replace
// existing values. Comment out obsolete items.
kMaxValue = kCloseOrBack,
// Used for metrics. Multiple events can occur per navigation.
enum class NavigationSuggestionEvent {
kNone = 0,
// Interstitial results recorded using security_interstitials::MetricsHelper
// kInfobarShown = 1,
// kLinkClicked = 2,
kMatchTopSite = 3,
kMatchSiteEngagement = 4,
kMatchEditDistance = 5,
kMatchEditDistanceSiteEngagement = 6,
kMatchTargetEmbedding = 7,
// Append new items to the end of the list above; do not modify or
// replace existing values. Comment out obsolete items.
kMaxValue = kMatchTargetEmbedding,
struct DomainInfo {
// The full ASCII hostname, used in detecting target embedding. For
// "" this will be "".
const std::string hostname;
// eTLD+1, used for skeleton and edit distance comparison. Must be ASCII.
// Empty for non-unique domains, localhost or sites whose eTLD+1 is empty.
const std::string domain_and_registry;
// eTLD+1 without the registry part, and with a trailing period. For
// "", this will be "google.". Used for edit distance
// comparisons. Empty for non-unique domains, localhost or sites whose eTLD+1
// is empty.
const std::string domain_without_registry;
// Result of IDN conversion of domain_and_registry field.
const url_formatter::IDNConversionResult idn_result;
// Skeletons of domain_and_registry field.
const url_formatter::Skeletons skeletons;
DomainInfo(const std::string& arg_hostname,
const std::string& arg_domain_and_registry,
const std::string& arg_domain_without_registry,
const url_formatter::IDNConversionResult& arg_idn_result,
const url_formatter::Skeletons& arg_skeletons);
DomainInfo(const DomainInfo& other);
// Returns a DomainInfo instance computed from |url|. Will return empty fields
// for non-unique hostnames (e.g. site.test), localhost or sites whose eTLD+1 is
// empty.
DomainInfo GetDomainInfo(const GURL& url);
// Returns true if the Levenshtein distance between |str1| and |str2| is at most
// one. This has O(max(n,m)) complexity as opposed to O(n*m) of the usual edit
// distance computation.
bool IsEditDistanceAtMostOne(const base::string16& str1,
const base::string16& str2);
// Returns true if the domain given by |domain_info| is a top domain.
bool IsTopDomain(const DomainInfo& domain_info);
// Returns eTLD+1 of |hostname|. This excludes private registries, and returns
// "" for "" ( is listed as a private
// registry). We do this to be consistent with url_formatter's top domain list
// which doesn't have a notion of private registries.
std::string GetETLDPlusOne(const std::string& hostname);
// Returns true if a lookalike interstitial should be shown.
bool ShouldBlockLookalikeUrlNavigation(LookalikeUrlMatchType match_type,
const DomainInfo& navigated_domain);
// Returns true if a domain is visually similar to the hostname of |url|. The
// matching domain can be a top domain or an engaged site. Similarity
// check is made using both visual skeleton and edit distance comparison. If
// this returns true, match details will be written into |matched_domain|.
// Pointer arguments can't be nullptr.
bool GetMatchingDomain(
const DomainInfo& navigated_domain,
const std::vector<DomainInfo>& engaged_sites,
const LookalikeTargetAllowlistChecker& in_target_allowlist,
std::string* matched_domain,
LookalikeUrlMatchType* match_type);
void RecordUMAFromMatchType(LookalikeUrlMatchType match_type);
// Checks to see if a URL is a target embedding lookalike. This function sets
// |safe_hostname| to the url of the embedded target domain.
// At the moment we consider the following cases as Target Embedding:
// example-googlé where the embedded target is We
// detect embeddings of top 500 domains and engaged domains. However, to reduce
// false positives, we do not protect domains that are shorter than 7 characters
// long (e.g.
// This function checks possible targets against |in_target_allowlist| to skip
// permitted embeddings.
bool IsTargetEmbeddingLookalike(
const std::string& hostname,
const std::vector<DomainInfo>& engaged_sites,
const LookalikeTargetAllowlistChecker& in_target_allowlist,
std::string* safe_hostname);