blob: 4d87f3e7cccd5b190648479ac233594beba80dc4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "content/browser/ssl/ssl_manager.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_type.h"
struct ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params;
class WebContentsImpl;
namespace content {
class NavigationEntryImpl;
struct LoadCommittedDetails;
class SiteInstance;
class CONTENT_EXPORT NavigationControllerImpl
: public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(content::NavigationController) {
WebContentsImpl* web_contents,
content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
virtual ~NavigationControllerImpl();
// NavigationController implementation:
virtual content::WebContents* GetWebContents() const OVERRIDE;
virtual content::BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetBrowserContext(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Restore(
int selected_navigation,
bool from_last_session,
std::vector<content::NavigationEntry*>* entries) OVERRIDE;
virtual content::NavigationEntry* GetActiveEntry() const OVERRIDE;
virtual content::NavigationEntry* GetVisibleEntry() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetCurrentEntryIndex() const OVERRIDE;
virtual content::NavigationEntry* GetLastCommittedEntry() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetLastCommittedEntryIndex() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanViewSource() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetEntryCount() const OVERRIDE;
virtual content::NavigationEntry* GetEntryAtIndex(int index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual content::NavigationEntry* GetEntryAtOffset(int offset) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void DiscardNonCommittedEntries() OVERRIDE;
virtual content::NavigationEntry* GetPendingEntry() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetPendingEntryIndex() const OVERRIDE;
virtual content::NavigationEntry* GetTransientEntry() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void LoadURL(const GURL& url,
const content::Referrer& referrer,
content::PageTransition type,
const std::string& extra_headers) OVERRIDE;
virtual void LoadURLWithParams(const LoadURLParams& params) OVERRIDE;
virtual void LoadIfNecessary() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanGoBack() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanGoForward() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanGoToOffset(int offset) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void GoBack() OVERRIDE;
virtual void GoForward() OVERRIDE;
virtual void GoToIndex(int index) OVERRIDE;
virtual void GoToOffset(int offset) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RemoveEntryAtIndex(int index) OVERRIDE;
virtual const content::SessionStorageNamespaceMap&
GetSessionStorageNamespaceMap() const OVERRIDE;
virtual content::SessionStorageNamespace*
GetDefaultSessionStorageNamespace() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetMaxRestoredPageID(int32 max_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual int32 GetMaxRestoredPageID() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool NeedsReload() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void CancelPendingReload() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ContinuePendingReload() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsInitialNavigation() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Reload(bool check_for_repost) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ReloadIgnoringCache(bool check_for_repost) OVERRIDE;
virtual void NotifyEntryChanged(const content::NavigationEntry* entry,
int index) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CopyStateFrom(
const content::NavigationController& source) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CopyStateFromAndPrune(
content::NavigationController* source) OVERRIDE;
virtual void PruneAllButActive() OVERRIDE;
// The session storage namespace that all child RenderViews belonging to
// |instance| should use.
content::SessionStorageNamespace* GetSessionStorageNamespace(
content::SiteInstance* instance);
// Returns the index of the specified entry, or -1 if entry is not contained
// in this NavigationController.
int GetIndexOfEntry(const content::NavigationEntryImpl* entry) const;
// Return the index of the entry with the corresponding instance and page_id,
// or -1 if not found.
int GetEntryIndexWithPageID(content::SiteInstance* instance,
int32 page_id) const;
// Return the entry with the corresponding instance and page_id, or NULL if
// not found.
content::NavigationEntryImpl* GetEntryWithPageID(
content::SiteInstance* instance,
int32 page_id) const;
// Reloads the current entry using the original URL used to create it. This
// is used for cases where the user wants to refresh a page using a different
// user agent after following a redirect.
void ReloadOriginalRequestURL(bool check_for_repost);
// Transient entry -----------------------------------------------------------
// Adds an entry that is returned by GetActiveEntry(). The entry is
// transient: any navigation causes it to be removed and discarded.
// The NavigationController becomes the owner of |entry| and deletes it when
// it discards it. This is useful with interstitial page that need to be
// represented as an entry, but should go away when the user navigates away
// from them.
// Note that adding a transient entry does not change the active contents.
void AddTransientEntry(content::NavigationEntryImpl* entry);
// WebContentsImpl -----------------------------------------------------------
WebContentsImpl* web_contents() const {
return web_contents_;
// Called when a document has been loaded in a frame.
void DocumentLoadedInFrame();
// For use by WebContentsImpl ------------------------------------------------
// Handles updating the navigation state after the renderer has navigated.
// This is used by the WebContentsImpl.
// If a new entry is created, it will return true and will have filled the
// given details structure and broadcast the NOTIFY_NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED
// notification. The caller can then use the details without worrying about
// listening for the notification.
// In the case that nothing has changed, the details structure is undefined
// and it will return false.
bool RendererDidNavigate(const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params,
content::LoadCommittedDetails* details);
// Notifies us that we just became active. This is used by the WebContentsImpl
// so that we know to load URLs that were pending as "lazy" loads.
void SetActive(bool is_active);
// Returns true if the given URL would be an in-page navigation (i.e. only
// the reference fragment is different) from the "last committed entry". We do
// not compare it against the "active entry" since the active entry can be
// pending and in page navigations only happen on committed pages. If there
// is no last committed entry, then nothing will be in-page.
// Special note: if the URLs are the same, it does NOT count as an in-page
// navigation. Neither does an input URL that has no ref, even if the rest is
// the same. This may seem weird, but when we're considering whether a
// navigation happened without loading anything, the same URL would be a
// reload, while only a different ref would be in-page (pages can't clear
// refs without reload, only change to "#" which we don't count as empty).
bool IsURLInPageNavigation(const GURL& url) const;
// Sets the SessionStorageNamespace for the given |partition_id|. This is
// used during initialization of a new NavigationController to allow
// pre-population of the SessionStorageNamespace objects. Session restore,
// prerendering, and the implementaion of are the primary users
// of this API.
// Calling this function when a SessionStorageNamespace has already been
// associated with a |partition_id| will CHECK() fail.
void SetSessionStorageNamespace(
const std::string& partition_id,
content::SessionStorageNamespace* session_storage_namespace);
// Random data ---------------------------------------------------------------
SSLManager* ssl_manager() { return &ssl_manager_; }
// Maximum number of entries before we start removing entries from the front.
static void set_max_entry_count_for_testing(size_t max_entry_count) {
max_entry_count_for_testing_ = max_entry_count;
static size_t max_entry_count();
class RestoreHelper;
friend class RestoreHelper;
friend class WebContentsImpl; // For invoking OnReservedPageIDRange.
// Classifies the given renderer navigation (see the NavigationType enum).
content::NavigationType ClassifyNavigation(
const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) const;
// Causes the controller to load the specified entry. The function assumes
// ownership of the pointer since it is put in the navigation list.
// NOTE: Do not pass an entry that the controller already owns!
void LoadEntry(content::NavigationEntryImpl* entry);
// Handlers for the different types of navigation types. They will actually
// handle the navigations corresponding to the different NavClasses above.
// They will NOT broadcast the commit notification, that should be handled by
// the caller.
// RendererDidNavigateAutoSubframe is special, it may not actually change
// anything if some random subframe is loaded. It will return true if anything
// changed, or false if not.
// The functions taking |did_replace_entry| will fill into the given variable
// whether the last entry has been replaced or not.
// See LoadCommittedDetails.did_replace_entry.
void RendererDidNavigateToNewPage(
const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params, bool* did_replace_entry);
void RendererDidNavigateToExistingPage(
const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params);
void RendererDidNavigateToSamePage(
const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params);
void RendererDidNavigateInPage(
const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params, bool* did_replace_entry);
void RendererDidNavigateNewSubframe(
const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params);
bool RendererDidNavigateAutoSubframe(
const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params);
// Helper function for code shared between Reload() and ReloadIgnoringCache().
void ReloadInternal(bool check_for_repost, ReloadType reload_type);
// Actually issues the navigation held in pending_entry.
void NavigateToPendingEntry(ReloadType reload_type);
// Allows the derived class to issue notifications that a load has been
// committed. This will fill in the active entry to the details structure.
void NotifyNavigationEntryCommitted(content::LoadCommittedDetails* details);
// Updates the virtual URL of an entry to match a new URL, for cases where
// the real renderer URL is derived from the virtual URL, like view-source:
void UpdateVirtualURLToURL(content::NavigationEntryImpl* entry,
const GURL& new_url);
// Invoked after session/tab restore or cloning a tab. Resets the transition
// type of the entries, updates the max page id and creates the active
// contents. See RestoreFromState for a description of from_last_session.
void FinishRestore(int selected_index, bool from_last_session);
// Inserts a new entry or replaces the current entry with a new one, removing
// all entries after it. The new entry will become the active one.
void InsertOrReplaceEntry(content::NavigationEntryImpl* entry, bool replace);
// Removes the entry at |index|, as long as it is not the current entry.
void RemoveEntryAtIndexInternal(int index);
// Discards the pending and transient entries.
void DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal();
// Discards the transient entry.
void DiscardTransientEntry();
// If we have the maximum number of entries, remove the oldest one in
// preparation to add another.
void PruneOldestEntryIfFull();
// Returns true if the navigation is redirect.
bool IsRedirect(const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params);
// Returns true if the navigation is likley to be automatic rather than
// user-initiated.
bool IsLikelyAutoNavigation(base::TimeTicks now);
// Inserts up to |max_index| entries from |source| into this. This does NOT
// adjust any of the members that reference entries_
// (last_committed_entry_index_, pending_entry_index_ or
// transient_entry_index_).
void InsertEntriesFrom(const NavigationControllerImpl& source, int max_index);
// Returns the navigation index that differs from the current entry by the
// specified |offset|. The index returned is not guaranteed to be valid.
int GetIndexForOffset(int offset) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The user browser context associated with this controller.
content::BrowserContext* browser_context_;
// List of NavigationEntry for this tab
typedef std::vector<linked_ptr<content::NavigationEntryImpl> >
NavigationEntries entries_;
// An entry we haven't gotten a response for yet. This will be discarded
// when we navigate again. It's used only so we know what the currently
// displayed tab is.
// This may refer to an item in the entries_ list if the pending_entry_index_
// == -1, or it may be its own entry that should be deleted. Be careful with
// the memory management.
content::NavigationEntryImpl* pending_entry_;
// currently visible entry
int last_committed_entry_index_;
// index of pending entry if it is in entries_, or -1 if pending_entry_ is a
// new entry (created by LoadURL).
int pending_entry_index_;
// The index for the entry that is shown until a navigation occurs. This is
// used for interstitial pages. -1 if there are no such entry.
// Note that this entry really appears in the list of entries, but only
// temporarily (until the next navigation). Any index pointing to an entry
// after the transient entry will become invalid if you navigate forward.
int transient_entry_index_;
// The WebContents associated with the controller. Possibly NULL during
// setup.
WebContentsImpl* web_contents_;
// The max restored page ID in this controller, if it was restored. We must
// store this so that WebContentsImpl can tell any renderer in charge of one
// of the restored entries to update its max page ID.
int32 max_restored_page_id_;
// Manages the SSL security UI
SSLManager ssl_manager_;
// Whether we need to be reloaded when made active.
bool needs_reload_;
// The time ticks at which the last document was loaded.
base::TimeTicks last_document_loaded_;
// Used to find the appropriate SessionStorageNamespace for the storage
// partition of a NavigationEntry.
// A NavigationController may contain NavigationEntries that correspond to
// different StoragePartitions. Even though they are part of the same
// NavigationController, only entries in the same StoragePartition may
// share session storage state with one another.
content::SessionStorageNamespaceMap session_storage_namespace_map_;
// The maximum number of entries that a navigation controller can store.
static size_t max_entry_count_for_testing_;
// If a repost is pending, its type (RELOAD or RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE),
// NO_RELOAD otherwise.
ReloadType pending_reload_;