blob: a4eb484c66a748db550f56427c9fc5ce074578c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/child_accounts/time_limits/app_activity_report_interface.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/child_accounts/time_limits/app_service_wrapper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/child_accounts/time_limits/app_types.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace enterprise_management {
class ChildStatusReportRequest;
} // namespace enterprise_management
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace ash {
namespace app_time {
class AppTimeLimitsAllowlistPolicyWrapper;
class AppTimeNotificationDelegate;
class PersistedAppInfo;
// Keeps track of app activity and time limits information.
// Stores app activity between user session. Information about uninstalled apps
// are removed from the registry after activity was uploaded to server or after
// 30 days if upload did not happen.
class AppActivityRegistry : public AppServiceWrapper::EventListener {
// Used for tests to get internal implementation details.
class TestApi {
explicit TestApi(AppActivityRegistry* registry);
const absl::optional<AppLimit>& GetAppLimit(const AppId& app_id) const;
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> GetTimeLeft(const AppId& app_id) const;
void SaveAppActivity();
AppActivityRegistry* const registry_;
// Interface for the observers interested in the changes of apps state.
class AppStateObserver : public base::CheckedObserver {
AppStateObserver() = default;
AppStateObserver(const AppStateObserver&) = delete;
AppStateObserver& operator=(const AppStateObserver&) = delete;
~AppStateObserver() override = default;
// Called when state of the app with |app_id| changed to |kLimitReached|.
// |was_active| indicates whether the app was active before reaching the
// limit.
virtual void OnAppLimitReached(const AppId& app_id,
base::TimeDelta time_limit,
bool was_active) = 0;
// Called when state of the app with |app_id| is no longer |kLimitReached|.
virtual void OnAppLimitRemoved(const AppId& app_id) = 0;
// Called when new app was installed.
virtual void OnAppInstalled(const AppId& app_id) = 0;
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
AppActivityRegistry(AppServiceWrapper* app_service_wrapper,
AppTimeNotificationDelegate* notification_delegate,
PrefService* pref_service);
AppActivityRegistry(const AppActivityRegistry&) = delete;
AppActivityRegistry& operator=(const AppActivityRegistry&) = delete;
~AppActivityRegistry() override;
// AppServiceWrapper::EventListener:
void OnAppInstalled(const AppId& app_id) override;
void OnAppUninstalled(const AppId& app_id) override;
void OnAppAvailable(const AppId& app_id) override;
void OnAppBlocked(const AppId& app_id) override;
void OnAppActive(const AppId& app_id,
aura::Window* window,
base::Time timestamp) override;
void OnAppInactive(const AppId& app_id,
aura::Window* window,
base::Time timestamp) override;
void OnAppDestroyed(const AppId& app_id,
aura::Window* window,
base::Time timestamp) override;
bool IsAppInstalled(const AppId& app_id) const;
bool IsAppAvailable(const AppId& app_id) const;
bool IsAppBlocked(const AppId& app_id) const;
bool IsAppTimeLimitReached(const AppId& app_id) const;
bool IsAppActive(const AppId& app_id) const;
bool IsAllowlistedApp(const AppId& app_id) const;
// Manages AppStateObservers.
void AddAppStateObserver(AppStateObserver* observer);
void RemoveAppStateObserver(AppStateObserver* observer);
// Called from AppTimeController to notify AppActivityRegistry about installed
// apps which AppActivityRegistry may have missed.
void SetInstalledApps(const std::vector<AppId>& installed_apps);
// Returns the total active time for the application since the last time limit
// reset.
base::TimeDelta GetActiveTime(const AppId& app_id) const;
// Web time limit is the time limit set for Chrome browser. It is shared
// between Chrome and Web apps.
const absl::optional<AppLimit>& GetWebTimeLimit() const;
AppState GetAppState(const AppId& app_id) const;
// Returns current time limit for the app identified by |app_id|.
// Will return nullopt if there is no limit set.
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> GetTimeLimit(const AppId& app_id) const;
// Reporting enablement is set if |enabled| has value.
void SetReportingEnabled(absl::optional<bool> enabled);
void GenerateHiddenApps(
enterprise_management::ChildStatusReportRequest* report);
// Populates |report| with collected app activity. Returns whether any data
// were reported.
AppActivityReportInterface::ReportParams GenerateAppActivityReport(
enterprise_management::ChildStatusReportRequest* report);
// Application activities earlier than |timestamp| have been reported. Clear
// entries earlier than |timestamp|.
void OnSuccessfullyReported(base::Time timestamp);
// Updates time limits for all installed apps.
// Apps not present in |app_limits| are treated as they do not have limit set.
// Returns true if a new app limit is observed in any of the applications.
bool UpdateAppLimits(const std::map<AppId, AppLimit>& app_limits);
// Sets time limit for app identified with |app_id|.
// Does not affect limits of any other app. Not specified |app_limit| means
// that app does not have limit set. Does not affect limits of any other app.
// Returns true if a new app limit is observed.
bool SetAppLimit(const AppId& app_id,
const absl::optional<AppLimit>& app_limit);
// Sets the app identified with |app_id| as being always available.
void SetAppAllowlisted(const AppId& app_id);
// Reset time has been reached at |timestamp|.
void OnResetTimeReached(base::Time timestamp);
// Called from WebTimeActivityProvider to update chrome app state.
void OnChromeAppActivityChanged(ChromeAppActivityState state,
base::Time timestamp);
// Allowlisted applications changed. Called by AppTimeController.
void OnTimeLimitAllowlistChanged(
const AppTimeLimitsAllowlistPolicyWrapper& wrapper);
// Saves app activity into user preference.
void SaveAppActivity();
std::vector<AppId> GetAppsWithAppRestriction(
AppRestriction restriction) const;
struct SystemNotification {
SystemNotification(absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> app_time_limit,
AppNotification app_notification);
SystemNotification(const SystemNotification&);
SystemNotification& operator=(const SystemNotification&);
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> time_limit = absl::nullopt;
AppNotification notification = AppNotification::kUnknown;
// Bundles detailed data stored for a specific app.
struct AppDetails {
explicit AppDetails(const AppActivity& activity);
AppDetails(const AppDetails&) = delete;
AppDetails& operator=(const AppDetails&) = delete;
// Resets the time limit check timer.
void ResetTimeCheck();
// Checks |limit| and |activity| to determine if the limit was reached.
bool IsLimitReached() const;
// Checks if |limit| is equal to |another_limit| with exception for the
// timestamp (that does not indicate that limit changed).
bool IsLimitEqual(const absl::optional<AppLimit>& another_limit) const;
// Contains information about current app state and logged activity.
AppActivity activity{AppState::kAvailable};
// Contains the set of active windows for the application.
std::set<aura::Window*> active_windows;
// The set of widows AppActivityRegistry has requested to be paused, but
// which have not been paused yet.
std::set<aura::Window*> paused_windows;
// Contains information about restriction set for the app.
absl::optional<AppLimit> limit;
// Timer set up for when the app time limit is expected to be reached and
// preceding notifications.
std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer> app_limit_timer;
// Boolean to specify if OnAppInstalled call has been received for this
// particular application.
bool received_app_installed_ = false;
// At the beginning of a session, we may want to send system notifications
// for applications. This may happen if there is an update in
// PerAppTimeLimits policy while the user was logged out. In these
// scenarios, we have to wait until the application is installed.
std::vector<SystemNotification> pending_notifications_;
// OnAppReinstalled is called when an application has been uninstalled and
// then installed again before being removed from app registry.
void OnAppReinstalled(const AppId& app_id);
// Removes data older than |timestamp| from the registry.
// Removes entries for uninstalled apps if there is no more relevant activity
// data left.
void CleanRegistry(base::Time timestamp);
// Adds an ap to the registry if it does not exist.
void Add(const AppId& app_id);
// Convenience methods to access state of the app identified by |app_id|.
// Should only be called if app exists in the registry.
void SetAppState(const AppId& app_id, AppState app_state);
// Notifies state observers the application identified by |app_id| has reached
// its set time limit.
void NotifyLimitReached(const AppId& app_id, bool was_active);
// Methods to set the application as active and inactive respectively.
void SetAppActive(const AppId& app_id, base::Time timestamp);
void SetAppInactive(const AppId& app_id, base::Time timestamp);
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> GetTimeLeftForApp(const AppId& app_id) const;
// Schedules a time limit check for application when it becomes active.
void ScheduleTimeLimitCheckForApp(const AppId& app_id);
// Checks the limit and shows notification if needed.
void CheckTimeLimitForApp(const AppId& app_id);
// Shows notification about time limit updates for the app if there were
// relevant changes between |old_limit| and |new_limit|. Returns true if a
// notification has been made.
bool ShowLimitUpdatedNotificationIfNeeded(
const AppId& app_id,
const absl::optional<AppLimit>& old_limit,
const absl::optional<AppLimit>& new_limit);
base::TimeDelta GetWebActiveRunningTime() const;
void WebTimeLimitReached(base::Time timestamp);
// Initializes |activity_registry_| from the stored values in user pref.
// Installed applications, their AppStates and their running active times will
// be restored.
void InitializeRegistryFromPref();
void InitializeAppActivities();
// Updates |AppActivity::active_times_| to include the current activity up to
// |timestamp| then creates the most up to date instance of PersistedAppInfo.
PersistedAppInfo GetPersistedAppInfoForApp(const AppId& app_id,
base::Time timestamp);
// Returns true if the last successfully reported time is earlier than 30 days
// from base::Time::Now();
bool ShouldCleanUpStoredPref();
// Sends system notification for the application.
void SendSystemNotificationsForApp(const AppId& app_id);
// Shows notification or queues it to be shown later.
void MaybeShowSystemNotification(const AppId& app_id,
const SystemNotification& notification);
// Called by AppActivityRegistry::SetAppLimit after the application's limit
// has been updated.
void AppLimitUpdated(const AppId& app_id);
PrefService* const pref_service_;
// Owned by AppTimeController.
AppServiceWrapper* const app_service_wrapper_;
// Notification delegate.
AppTimeNotificationDelegate* const notification_delegate_;
// Observers to be notified about app state changes.
base::ObserverList<AppStateObserver> app_state_observers_;
std::map<AppId, AppDetails> activity_registry_;
// Newly installed applications which have not yet been added to the user
// pref.
std::vector<AppId> newly_installed_apps_;
// Repeating timer to trigger saving app activity to pref service.
base::RepeatingTimer save_data_to_pref_service_;
// This records the timestamp of the latest set app limit.
base::Time latest_app_limit_update_;
// Boolean to capture if app activity data reporting is enabled.
bool activity_reporting_enabled_ = true;
} // namespace app_time
} // namespace ash