blob: 6a6478899276b18b40289d6af96a8d575f79e8bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_group_editor_bubble_view.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_color.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_dialog_delegate_view.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace views {
class Button;
class BubbleDialogDelegateView;
class ColorPickerElementView;
// Lets users pick from a list of colors displayed as circles that can be
// clicked on. Similar to radio buttons, exactly one is selected after the first
// selection is made.
class ColorPickerView : public views::View {
using ColorSelectedCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void()>;
// |colors| should contain the color values and accessible names. There should
// not be duplicate colors.
explicit ColorPickerView(const views::BubbleDialogDelegateView* bubble_view,
const TabGroupEditorBubbleView::Colors& colors,
tab_groups::TabGroupColorId initial_color_id,
ColorSelectedCallback callback);
~ColorPickerView() override;
// Returns the index of the selected element, if any.
// After the callback is called, this is guaranteed to never return nullopt.
absl::optional<int> GetSelectedElement() const;
// views::View:
views::View* GetSelectedViewForGroup(int group) override;
views::Button* GetElementAtIndexForTesting(int index);
// Handles the selection of a particular color. This is passed as a callback
// to the views representing each color.
void OnColorSelected(ColorPickerElementView* element);
// Called each time the color selection changes.
ColorSelectedCallback callback_;
std::vector<ColorPickerElementView*> elements_;